456 research outputs found

    More Than Defense in Daily Experience of Privacy: The Functions of Privacy in Digital and Physical Environments

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    The purpose of the current study was to investigate the experience of privacy, focusing on its functional role in personal well-being. A sample (N = 180) comprised subjects between 18 and 50 years of age were asked to spontaneously provide accounts of their experiences with privacy and answer close-ended questions to acquire a description of a daily experience of privacy. The results showed the importance attributed to the function of privacy related to the \u201cdefense from social threats\u201d, and the twofold function of privacy related to an \u201cachieved state of privacy\u201d, in the terms of both \u201csystem maintenance\u201d and \u201csystem development\u201d. The results also shed light on the role of the environment in shaping one\u2019s experience of privacy. Specifically, the participants recognized more easily the function of defense from threats related to seeking privacy while interacting in digital environments, whereas they seemed to benefit from positive functions related to an achieved state of privacy in physical environments. The findings sustain the notion of privacy as a supportive condition for some psychological processes involved in the positive human functioning and confirm previous studies conducted on the role of privacy in human well-being

    Comparison of nested PCR and real time PCR of Herpesvirus infections of central nervous system in HIV patients

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    BACKGROUND: Molecular detection of herpesviruses DNA is considered as the reference standard assay for diagnosis of central nervous system infections. In this study nested PCR and real time PCR techniques for detection of Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in cerebrospinal fluid of HIV patients were compared. METHODS: Forty-six, 85 and 145 samples previously resulted positive for HSV-1, CMV and EBV by nested PCR and 150 randomly chosen negative samples among 1181 collected in the period 1996–2003 were retrospectively reassessed in duplicate by real time PCR and nested PCR. RESULTS: Samples giving positive results for CMV, HSV-1 and EBV with nested PCR were positive also with real time PCR. One of the negative samples resulted positive for HSV and one for EBV. Real time PCR showed comparable sensitivity and specificity vs nested PCR. CONCLUSION: Real time PCR proved to be a suitable method for diagnosis of herpesvirus infections in CNS, showing comparable sensitivity and being less time consuming than nested PCR

    Biochar as plant growth promoter: Better off alone or mixed with organic amendments?

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    Biochar is nowadays largely used as a soil amendment and is commercialized worldwide. However, in temperate agro-ecosystems the beneficial effect of biochar on crop productivity is limited, with several studies reporting negative crop responses. In this work, we studied the effect of 10 biochar and 9 not pyrogenic organic amendments (NPOA), using pure and in all possible combinations on lettuce growth (Lactuca sativa). Organic materials were characterized by 13C-CPMAS NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis (pH, EC, C, N, C/N and H/C ratios). Pure biochars and NPOAs have variable effects, ranging from inhibition to strong stimulation on lettuce growth. For NPOAs, major inhibitory effects were found with N poor materials characterized by high C/N and H/C ratio. Among pure biochars, instead, those having a low H/C ratio seem to be the best for promoting plant growth. When biochars and organic amendments were mixed, non-additive interactions, either synergistic or antagonistic, were prevalent. However, the mixture effect on plant growth was mainly dependent on the chemical quality of NPOAs, while biochar chemistry played a secondary role. Synergisms were prevalent when N rich and lignin poor materials were mixed with biochar. On the contrary, antagonistic interactions occurred when leaf litter or woody materials were mixed with biochar. Further research is needed to identify the mechanisms behind the observed non-additive effects and to develop biochar-organic amendment combinations that maximize plant productivity in different agricultural systems

    3,5-Diiodo-L-thyronine activates brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in hypothyroid rats

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    3,5-Diiodo-l-thyronine (T2), a thyroid hormone derivative, is capable of increasing energy expenditure, as well as preventing high fat diet-induced overweight and related metabolic dysfunction. Most studies to date on T2 have been carried out on liver and skeletal muscle. Considering the role of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in energy and metabolic homeostasis, we explored whether T2 could activate BAT thermogenesis. Using euthyroid, hypothyroid, and T2-treated hypothyroid rats (all maintained at thermoneutrality) in morphological and functional studies, we found that hypothyroidism suppresses the maximal oxidative capacity of BAT and thermogenesis, as revealed by reduced mitochondrial content and respiration, enlarged cells and lipid droplets, and increased number of unilocular cells within the tissue. In vivo administration of T2 to hypothyroid rats activated BAT thermogenesis and increased the sympathetic innervation and vascularization of tissue. Likewise, T2 increased BAT oxidative capacity in vitro when added to BAT homogenates from hypothyroid rats. In vivo administration of T2 to hypothyroid rats enhanced mitochondrial respiration. Moreover, UCP1 seems to be a molecular determinant underlying the effect of T2 on mitochondrial thermogenesis. In fact, inhibition of mitochondrial respiration by GDP and its reactivation by fatty acids were greater in mitochondria from T2-treated hypothyroid rats than untreated hypothyroid rats. In vivo administration of T2 led to an increase in PGC-1α protein levels in nuclei (transient) and mitochondria (longer lasting), suggesting a coordinate effect of T2 in these organelles that ultimately promotes net activation of mitochondrial biogenesis and BAT thermogenesis. The effect of T2 on PGC-1α is similar to that elicited by triiodothyronine. As a whole, the data reported here indicate T2 is a thyroid hormone derivative able to activate BAT thermogenesis

    Qualidade de vida e sobrecarga dos cuidadores de portadores de Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica em oxigenoterapia

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    OBJECTIVE: to assess the quality of life and burden of caregivers to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients on Long-Term Oxygen Therapy and to investigate the factors influencing this burden. METHOD: this is an analytical, cross-sectional study of 80 persons with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease on Long-Term Oxygen Therapy who used the specialized outpatient center of the Federal University of São Paulo, and their carers. The following instruments were used: Medical Outcomes Studies 36 (SF-36), Caregiver Burden Scale (CBS) and the Katz Index, along with socio-demographic and clinical variables. RESULTS: the most compromised scores on the carers' quality of life questionnaire were for Vitality and Mental Health. On the Caregiver Burden Scale, the domain which created the greatest burden for carers was the Environment. With the exception of Emotional Involvement, all the domains of quality of life were affected negatively by the domains of caregiver burden. CONCLUSION: it was shown that carers' quality of life was compromised and that they were overburdened with care tasks, confirming that assisting persons with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is an important element in carers' quality of life.OBJETIVO: evaluar la calidad de vida y la sobrecarga de cuidados experimentada por cuidadores de portadores de la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica en uso de Oxigenoterapia Domiciliar Prolongada e investigar los factores que influencian esa sobrecarga. MÉTODO: se trata de estudio transversal analítico, con 80 portadores de la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica en uso de Oxigenoterapia Domiciliar en el ambulatorio especializado de la Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo y de sus respectivos cuidadores, aplicando los instrumentos: Medical Outcomes Studies 36 (SF-36), Caregiver Burden Scale (CBS), índice de Katz y variables sociodemográficas y clínicas. RESULTADOS: los puntajes del cuestionario de calidad de vida de los cuidadores más comprometidos fueron la Vitalidad y la Salud Mental. El Ambiente fue el dominio del Caregiver Burden Scale que generó mayor sobrecarga de cuidados. Con excepción del Envolvimiento Emocional, todos los dominios de calidad de vida fueron influenciados de forma negativa por los dominios de sobrecarga de cuidados. CONCLUSIÓN: se demostró que la calidad de vida y la sobrecarga de cuidados, de los cuidadores, estaban comprometidos, confirmando que cuidar a los portadores de Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica, es un importante interviniente en la calidad de vida del cuidador.OBJETIVO: avaliar a qualidade de vida e a sobrecarga de cuidados, vivenciada por cuidadores de portadores de Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica, em uso de Oxigenoterapia Domiciliar Prolongada, e investigar os fatores que influenciam essa sobrecarga. MÉTODO: trata-se de estudo transversal analítico, com 80 portadores de Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica em uso de Oxigenoterapia Domiciliar do ambulatório especializado da Universidade Federal de São Paulo e seus respectivos cuidadores, aplicando-se os instrumentos: Medical Outcomes Studies 36, Caregiver Burden Scale, índice de Katz e variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas. RESULTADOS: os escores do questionário de qualidade de vida dos cuidadores mais comprometidos foram vitalidade e saúde mental. O ambiente foi o domínio do Caregiver Burden Scale que gerou maior sobrecarga de cuidados. Com exceção do envolvimento emocional, todos os domínios de qualidade de vida foram influenciados de forma negativa pelos domínios de sobrecarga de cuidados. CONCLUSÃO: demonstrou-se comprometimento da qualidade de vida e sobrecarga de cuidados dos cuidadores, confirmando que assistir portadores de Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica é um importante interveniente na qualidade de vida do cuidador

    1,3-Butanediol Administration Increases β-Hydroxybutyrate Plasma Levels and Affects Redox Homeostasis, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, and Adipokine Production in Rat Gonadal Adipose Tissue

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    Ketone bodies (KBs) are an alternative energy source under starvation and play multiple roles as signaling molecules regulating energy and metabolic homeostasis. The mechanism by which KBs influence visceral white adipose tissue physiology is only partially known, and our study aimed to shed light on the effects they exert on such tissue. To this aim, we administered 1,3-butanediol (BD) to rats since it rapidly enhances β-hydroxybutyrate serum levels, and we evaluated the effect it induces within 3 h or after 14 days of treatment. After 14 days of treatment, rats showed a decrease in body weight gain, energy intake, gonadal-WAT (gWAT) weight, and adipocyte size compared to the control. BD exerted a pronounced antioxidant effect and directed redox homeostasis toward reductive stress, already evident within 3 h after its administration. BD lowered tissue ROS levels and oxidative damage to lipids and proteins and enhanced tissue soluble and enzymatic antioxidant capacity as well as nuclear erythroid factor-2 protein levels. BD also reduced specific mitochondrial maximal oxidative capacity and induced endoplasmic reticulum stress as well as interrelated processes, leading to changes in the level of adipokines/cytokines involved in inflammation, macrophage infiltration into gWAT, adipocyte differentiation, and lipolysis

    Immagini di società civile. Una ricerca empirica nella cultura del ceto politico in Italia

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    La ricerca sociologica presentata in questo volume si propone di verificare, tramite un’ampia serie di interviste a parlamentari, politici del livello locale e dirigenti della burocrazia ministeriale e regionale, la rappresentazione e le aspettative del ceto politico e amministrativo riguardo alla società civile nel nostro Paese all’inizio del XXI secolo.- Indice #4- Introduzione Élites politiche e società civile tra opposizione e identità, Vincenzo Cesareo #- Parte prima Uno schema teorico #16- Cap.I Lo spazio della società civile, Mauro Magatti #18- Parte seconda L’indagine empirica #64- Cap.II Note sul metodo: il percorso di ricerca e gli strumenti di lettura, Rita Bichi #66- Cap.III Definizioni, soggetti e valori della società civile, Mauro Magatti e Rita Bichi #82- Cap.IV Intorno alla società civile italiana, Marco Lombardi #130- Conclusioni, Mauro Magatti #166- Appendice #190- Il termine “società civile” nel linguaggio della politica: un esempio, Alberto Bourlot #192- Allegati #218- Bibliografia #23

    Burkitt's lymphoma mimicking EBV disease as first sign of vertical HIV infection in an adolescent

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    Burkitt's Lymphoma (BL) rarely represents the first clinical manifestation of vertical HIV infection in adolescent in Western Europe. We report the case of a 17 year-old boy with two week history of fever and enlarged cervical lymph nodes firstly misdiagnosed as EBV infection, subsequently diagnosed as Burkitt's Lymphoma and vertical HIV infection

    Influence that sociodemographic variables, clinical characteristics, and level of dependence have on quality of life in COPD patients on long-term home oxygen therapy

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and correlate the quality of life (QoL) of COPD patients on long-term home oxygen therapy (LTOT) with their sociodemographic/clinical characteristics and level of dependence. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional analytical study involving COPD patients on LTOT followed at the Oxygen Therapy Outpatient Clinic of the Federal University of São Paulo Hospital São Paulo, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Sociodemographic, clinical, and biochemical data were collected. We assessed QoL and level of dependence using the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Katz index, respectively. Multiple linear regression models were constructed in order to determine the influence of these variables on QoL. RESULTS: We included 80 patients in the study. The mean age was 69.6 ± 9.1 years, and 51.3% were female. The lowest SF-36 scores were for the physical functioning and role-physical domains. All sociodemographic characteristics (except gender) were found to correlate significantly with the SF-36 domains mental health, vitality, role-physical, and social functioning. We also found that body mass index, PaO2, post-bronchodilator FEV1, hemoglobin, and Katz index correlated significantly with the physical functioning, mental health, role-physical, and bodily pain domains. In addition, oxygen flows were found to correlate negatively with the physical functioning, mental health, vitality, and role-emotional domains. CONCLUSIONS: Low scores for SF-36 domains, as well as the variables that negatively influence them, should be considered and analyzed during the development and implementation of strategies for improving the QoL of COPD patients on LTOT.OBJETIVO: Avaliar e correlacionar a qualidade de vida (QV) de pacientes com DPOC em uso de oxigenoterapia domiciliar prolongada (ODP) com suas características sociodemográficas/clínicas e o nível de dependência. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal analítico com portadores de DPOC em ODP acompanhados no Ambulatório de Oxigenoterapia do Hospital São Paulo, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), em São Paulo (SP). Os pacientes foram avaliados quanto aos dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e laboratoriais. A qualidade de vida e o nível de dependência foram avaliados pelo Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) e índice de Katz, respectivamente. Modelos de regressão linear múltipla foram construídos para verificar a influência dessas variáveis na QV. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos 80 pacientes incluídos foi 69,6 ± 9,1 anos, e 51,3% eram do sexo feminino. Os escores dos domínios do SF-36 mais baixos foram capacidade funcional e função física. Correlações significantes foram encontradas entre características sociodemográficas (exceto gênero) e os domínios saúde mental, vitalidade, função física e aspectos sociais, assim como entre várias características clínicas/laboratoriais (índice de massa corpórea, PaO2, VEF1 pós-broncodilatador, hemoglobina e índice de Katz) e os domínios capacidade funcional, saúde mental, função física e dor corporal. Houve correlações negativas entre os fluxos de oxigênio e os domínios capacidade funcional, saúde mental, vitalidade e função emocional. CONCLUSÕES: Os baixos escores nos domínios do SF-36 e as variáveis que os influenciam negativamente devem ser considerados e analisados na elaboração e implementação de estratégias para a melhoria da QV de portadores de DPOC em ODP.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de EnfermagemUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Hospital São PauloUNIFESP, Escola Paulista de Enfermagem (EPE)UNIFESP, EPM, Hospital São PauloSciEL