3 research outputs found

    The human secretome

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    The proteins secreted by human cells (collectively referred to as the secretome) are important not only for the basic understanding of human biology but also for the identification of potential targets for future diagnostics and therapies. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of proteins predicted to be secreted in human cells, which provides information about their final localization in the human body, including the proteins actively secreted to peripheral blood. The analysis suggests that a large number of the proteins of the secretome are not secreted out of the cell, but instead are retained intracellularly, whereas another large group of proteins were identified that are predicted to be retained locally at the tissue of expression and not secreted into the blood. Proteins detected in the human blood by mass spectrometry-based proteomics and antibody-based immuno-assays are also presented with estimates of their concentrations in the blood. The results are presented in an updated version 19 of the Human Protein Atlas in which each gene encoding a secretome protein is annotated to provide an open-access knowledge resource of the human secretome, including body-wide expression data, spatial localization data down to the single-cell and subcellular levels, and data about the presence of proteins that are detectable in the blood

    Identification of Genomic Regions Associated with Phenotypic Variation between Dog Breeds using Selection Mapping

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    Supporting Frequency Stability With Batteries in Low Inertia Power Systems

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    As the share of power electronics-based renewableenergy sources increases in power systems, the system inertiaprovided by conventional generation is reduced. Inertia is animportant factor in the grid’s frequency stability, and with its reductioncomes challenges to ensure the reliability of the grid. Thefrequency stabilising service of frequency containment reserveswill need to work in conjunction with the faster, stabilising serviceof fast frequency reserves to avoid power failures in case ofsudden disturbances. This project aims to examine the impact ofinertia and methods of improving frequency stability in a futurelow inertia power system. The frequency behaviour is studiedusing a simplified and linearised model of the Nordic powersystem implemented in Matlab/Simulink. The model is extendedby implementing supplementary battery control to support thefrequency response. The simulation results show that there isan evident correlation between the reduction of system inertiaand frequency instability. Moreover, it is concluded that theimplemented battery support is successful in stabilising frequencyfollowing a disturbance.DĂ„ andelen kraftelektronikbaserade‌‌‌ förnybara energikĂ€llor ökar i kraftsystem sĂ„ kommer systemets tröghet, tillfört av konventionell generering av elektricitet, att minska. Trögheten Ă€r en viktig faktor för elnĂ€tets frekvensstabilitet. DĂ„ trögheten minskar utmanas tillförlitligheten av elnĂ€tet. Frekvensstabiliserande frekvenshĂ„llningsreserver behöver fungera i samspel med de snabbare och stabiliserade frekvensreserverna för att undvika strömavbrott vid plötsliga störningar. Projektet Ă€mnar undersöka trögheten och metoder som anvĂ€nds vid förbĂ€ttring av frekvensstabilitet i framtida kraftsystem med lĂ„g tröghet. Beteendet hos frekvenser studeras med en förenklad och linjĂ€riserad modell av det nordiska kraftsystemet implementerat i Matlab/Simulink. Modellen utökas genom att inkludera en batterikontrollmetod för att tillförse ett snabbt frekvenssvar. Resultatet av simuleringarna visar att det finns en korrelation mellan minskning av systemets tröghet och frekvensinstabilitet. Vidare visas det att implementationen av batteristöd lyckas förbĂ€ttra frekvensen i fallet av en störning.Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockhol