10 research outputs found

    Book review- Nation on Board: Becoming Nigerian at Sea by Lynn Schler

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    Jochen Lingelbach recommends this book as an accessible labour history and a convincing bottom-up perspective on decolonisation

    Refugee Camps as Forgotten Portals of Globalization:: Polish World War II Refugees in British Colonial East Africa

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    Von 942–950 lebten knapp 20.000 polnische Flüchtlinge in über zwanzig Lagern in fünf britischen Kolonien. Dieser Aufsatz nutzt das Konzept der „Portale der Globalisierung”, um diese Lager in einem Rahmen zu betrachten, der über nationale Geschichtsschreibung hinaus geht. Die Interaktionen, die zwischen den polnischen Flüchtlingen und Akteuren der gastgebenden kolonialen Gesellschaften stattfanden, werden dabei als low betrachtet, den die lokalen Autoritäten zu regulieren versuchten. Kolonialbeamte sahen die armen weißen Flüchtlinge als eine potentielle Gefahr für die Stabilität der rassisch deinierten kolonialen Hierarchie. Das Konzept der „Portale der Globalisierung“ verbindet diese lokale Geschichte mit historischen Entwicklungen von globaler Reichweite, die sich in den Flüchtlingslagern manifestierten. Diese Episode wurde jedoch vergessen – d. h. kein Teil des kollektiven Gedächtnisses –, da sie in kein nationales Narrativ passte.From 942–950, nearly 20,000 Polish refugees lived in over 20 camps in ive British colonial territories. This article uses the concept of portals of globalization to analyze these camps in a frame that goes beyond national historiography. The interaction that took place between the Polish refugees and actors of the hosting colonial societies is regarded as a low that local authorities tried to regulate. Colonial oicials understood the poor, white refugees as a potential threat to the stability of the racially deined colonial hierarchy. The portals of globalization concept connects this local history with historical developments of global reach, which manifested in the refugee camps. This episode was, however, forgotten – i.e. did not become part of a collective memory – as it did not it into any national narrative

    Before 1951, Outside Europe

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    Oyster Bay: eine koloniale Heterotopie in Ostafrika und ihre postkoloniale Bedeutung

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    The city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania is still influenced by its colonial structure. This is particularly apparent in the former 'European quarter' Oyster Bay and its perception by the inhabitants of other parts of the city. On the basis of aerial photographs and interviews with people who lived in the city under British colonial rule as well as younger inhabitants this study analyses the extent to which Oyster Bay can be seen as 'heterotopia' in Foucault's sense. The focus is upon the social function of Oyster Bay as an 'other place' for the rest of the city

    Oyster Bay: eine koloniale Heterotopie in Ostafrika und ihre postkoloniale Bedeutung

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    The city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania is still influenced by its colonial structure. This is particularly apparent in the former 'European quarter' Oyster Bay and its perception by the inhabitants of other parts of the city. On the basis of aerial photographs and interviews with people who lived in the city under British colonial rule as well as younger inhabitants this study analyses the extent to which Oyster Bay can be seen as 'heterotopia' in Foucault's sense. The focus is upon the social function of Oyster Bay as an 'other place' for the rest of the city

    Oyster Bay: eine koloniale Heterotopie in Ostafrika und ihre postkoloniale Bedeutung

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    The city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania is still influenced by its colonial structure. This is particularly apparent in the former 'European quarter' Oyster Bay and its perception by the inhabitants of other parts of the city. On the basis of aerial photographs and interviews with people who lived in the city under British colonial rule as well as younger inhabitants this study analyses the extent to which Oyster Bay can be seen as 'heterotopia' in Foucault's sense. The focus is upon the social function of Oyster Bay as an 'other place' for the rest of the city