30 research outputs found

    Laxens nedströmsvandring mot fiskavledare till Stornorrfors fisktrappa i Umeälvens nedre del

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    Rapporten sammanfattar våra arbeten med målsättning att skapa en fungerande fiskavledning för nedströmsvandrande fisk i vid Stornorrfors kraftverkskomplex i Umeälven. Rapporten visar även på verksamheter som nyttjats vid planering och utvärdering av gjorda åtgärder. Åtgärder i fisktrappan, fiskavledare och utrustning för registrering av PIT-tags har möjliggjorts genom finansiering av Europeiska Fiskefonden, Havs- och Vattenmyndigheten, Umeå kommun, Vattenfall och SLU. Arbetena har genomförts som två pilotprojekt (3b Nedströmsvandring Stornorrfors 2009-2010 och 3b2 Nedströmsvandring Stornorrfors 2011-2013). Vilda lax- och öring bestånd i våra älvar är viktiga naturresurser för människan och ekosystemet. Vindelälvens naturliga fiskproduktion av lax- och havsöring ungar är betydande för Östersjöns laxbestånd. De senaste åren har mer än 10 000 lax årligen vandrat uppströms för lek i älven. Många föräldrafiskar (Kelt, vraklax, besa, mm) överlever leken och vill vandra tillbaka till havet. Laxens naturliga avkomma, smolten, strävar också att ta sig till födoområdena i Östersjön. I flödesreglerade vattendrag som Umeälven med sitt unika laxbestånd i biflödet Vindelälven finns problem med dödlighet då kelt och smolt på sin nedströmsvandring ska passera Stornorrfors kraftverk. I Umeälvens nedre del färdigställdes en ny fisktrappa i Norrfors 2010 som utrustats med en ”fiskavledare”. Projektets mål var att bygga och ansluta fiskavledaren till nya fisktrappan och utvärdera dess funktion/effektivitet. Det mätbara målet för den planerade anläggningen vid Stornorrfors utskovsdamm sattes till att 75 % av den utvandrande vilda smolten och minst 50 % av den övervintrande kelten skulle avledas till nya fisktrappan för vidare vandring till havet. Detta mål kunde inte uppnås. Den nya fisktrappan skulle alltså fungera som ett klassiskt "omlöp" förbi kraftverket. Vild smolt har märkts med Passiva Integrerade Transpondrar (PIT) eller aktiva Radiomärken (RT) och senare skannats vid passage i fisktrappsområdet (PIT + RT-märkt fisk) eller vid intaget till Stornorrfors kraftverk (RT-märkt fisk). SLU’s utvärdering av ledarmens funktion och fiskens vandring nedströms har visat att fiskavledarens funktion varit mycket svår att kontrollera då ledarmen inte fungerat som tänkt i den tuffa strömmiljön ovan fisktrappans område mellan 2010-2012. Avledningseffektiviteten kunde med visst förtroende endast värderas vid 2013 års försök med PIT-märkt fisk (n=1749 fiskar) som släpptes dagligen efter fångst i Vindelälven (INDEX Spöland) när flödet var < 800 m3/s i älven. Den totala avledningseffektiviteten visade sig vara 4,5 %. Begränsande för utvärderingen har varit att stora grupper smolt periodvis inte kunnat fångas och märkas på grund av höga flöden i Vindelälven. Effektiviteten i ledarmen har varierat mellan 0 och 100 % under säsongen. Väldigt få Kelt av lax kunde avledas. Höga turbinflöden tycks haft en positiv inverkan på ledarmens funktion. Smoltens passage nedströms i och genom fisktrappan verkar fungera utan större problem. Via PIT-märkt fisk och videofilmning i flera delförsök kunde vi visa på en lyckad genomfart där laxsmolten passerar fisktrappan inom några timmar till 2-3 dagar. Flödesmätning och modellering av strömningen runt fiskavledarens område mot ingången till nya fisktrappan visar att ledarmen borde ökas till ca 150 meters längd istället för dagens 110 meter. Flödesmodelleringar visar då att en större del av ytströmmen kan styras in mot fisktrappans ingång. Försöken med fångst, märkning, utsättning och återfångst har fungerat bra och PIT-märkningstekniken bedöms överlägsen andra märktekniker för detektering av fisk om detekteringsutrustning installerats. Detta kan utvecklas vidare inom ramen för indexälvsverksamheten (ICES-DCF) som nu bedrivs i Vindelälven. Sverige bör fortsätta att ta ansvar för den här typen av utveckling då det finns samordningsvinster mellan indexvattendrag, fiskavledning och utvärdering av fisktrappan för lekvandrande fisk. Lyckas man avleda den naturligt producerade avkomman av lax och öring i reglerade vattendrag med unika bestånd finns mycket att vinna för att etablera långsiktigt hållbara bestånd av vandringsfisk. Den typ av fiskavledare som nu prövats har tidigare inte prövats i Europa varför detta pilotprojekt är unikt. Arbetet som nu avslutats har varit ett samverkansprojekt mellan Europeiska Fiskerifonden, Havs- och Vattenmyndigheten, vattenkraftsägare, lokala och nationella fiskeriadministratörer samt forskare i fiskbiologi och hydraulik

    Clinical practice of analysis of anti-drug antibodies against interferon beta and natalizumab in multiple sclerosis patients in Europe:A descriptive study of test results

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    Antibodies against biopharmaceuticals (anti-drug antibodies, ADA) have been a well-integrated part of the clinical care of multiple sclerosis (MS) in several European countries. ADA data generated in Europe during the more than 10 years of ADA monitoring in MS patients treated with interferon beta (IFNβ) and natalizumab have been pooled and characterized through collaboration within a European consortium. The aim of this study was to report on the clinical practice of ADA testing in Europe, considering the number of ADA tests performed and type of ADA assays used, and to determine the frequency of ADA testing against the different drug preparations in different countries. A common database platform (tranSMART) for querying, analyzing and storing retrospective data of MS cohorts was set up to harmonize the data and compare results of ADA tests between different countries. Retrospective data from six countries (Sweden, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Germany and Denmark) on 20,695 patients and on 42,555 samples were loaded into tranSMART including data points of age, gender, treatment, samples, and ADA results. The previously observed immunogenic difference among the four IFNβ preparations was confirmed in this large dataset. Decreased usage of the more immunogenic preparations IFNβ-1a subcutaneous (s.c.) and IFNβ-1b s.c. in favor of the least immunogenic preparation IFNβ-1a intramuscular (i.m.) was observed. The median time from treatment start to first ADA test correlated with time to first positive test. Shorter times were observed for IFNβ-1b-Extavia s.c. (0.99 and 0.94 years) and natalizumab (0.25 and 0.23 years), which were introduced on the market when ADA testing was already available, as compared to IFNβ-1a i.m. (1.41 and 2.27 years), IFNβ-1b-Betaferon s.c. (2.51 and 1.96 years) and IFNβ-1a s.c. (2.11 and 2.09 years) which were available years before routine testing began. A higher rate of anti-IFNβ ADA was observed in test samples taken from older patients. Testing for ADA varies between different European countries and is highly dependent on the policy within each country. For drugs where routine monitoring of ADA is not in place, there is a risk that some patients remain on treatment for several years despite ADA positivity. For drugs where a strategy of ADA testing is introduced with the release of the drug, there is a reduced risk of having ADA positive patients and thus of less efficient treatment. This indicates that potential savings in health cost might be achieved by routine analysis of ADA

    Periprosthetic Joint Infection After Total Knee Arthroplasty With or Without Antibiotic Bone Cement.

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    IMPORTANCE Despite increased use of antibiotic-loaded bone cement (ALBC) in joint arthroplasty over recent decades, current evidence for prophylactic use of ALBC to reduce risk of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is insufficient. OBJECTIVE To compare the rate of revision attributed to PJI following primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) using ALBC vs plain bone cement. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This international cohort study used data from 14 national or regional joint arthroplasty registries in Australia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the UK, and the US. The study included primary TKAs for osteoarthritis registered from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2020, and followed-up until December 31, 2021. Data analysis was performed from April to September 2023. EXPOSURE Primary TKA with ALBC vs plain bone cement. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was risk of 1-year revision for PJI. Using a distributed data network analysis method, data were harmonized, and a cumulative revision rate was calculated (1 - Kaplan-Meier), and Cox regression analyses were performed within the 10 registries using both cement types. A meta-analysis was then performed to combine all aggregated data and evaluate the risk of 1-year revision for PJI and all causes. RESULTS Among 2 168 924 TKAs included, 93% were performed with ALBC. Most TKAs were performed in female patients (59.5%) and patients aged 65 to 74 years (39.9%), fully cemented (92.2%), and in the 2015 to 2020 period (62.5%). All participating registries reported a cumulative 1-year revision rate for PJI of less than 1% following primary TKA with ALBC (range, 0.21%-0.80%) and with plain bone cement (range, 0.23%-0.70%). The meta-analyses based on adjusted Cox regression for 1 917 190 TKAs showed no statistically significant difference at 1 year in risk of revision for PJI (hazard rate ratio, 1.16; 95% CI, 0.89-1.52) or for all causes (hazard rate ratio, 1.12; 95% CI, 0.89-1.40) among TKAs performed with ALBC vs plain bone cement. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this study, the risk of revision for PJI was similar between ALBC and plain bone cement following primary TKA. Any additional costs of ALBC and its relative value in reducing revision risk should be considered in the context of the overall health care delivery system

    The use of antibiotic-loaded bone cement and systemic antibiotic prophylactic use in 2,971,357 primary total knee arthroplasties from 2010 to 2020: an international register-based observational study among countries in Africa, Europe, North America, and Oceania.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Antibiotic-loaded bone cement (ALBC) and systemic antibiotic prophylaxis (SAP) have been used to reduce periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) rates. We investigated the use of ALBC and SAP in primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA). PATIENTS AND METHODS This observational study is based on 2,971,357 primary TKAs reported in 2010-2020 to national/regional joint arthroplasty registries in Australia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Romania, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, and the USA. Aggregate-level data on trends and types of bone cement, antibiotic agents, and doses and duration of SAP used was extracted from participating registries. RESULTS ALBC was used in 77% of the TKAs with variation ranging from 100% in Norway to 31% in the USA. Palacos R+G was the most common (62%) ALBC type used. The primary antibiotic used in ALBC was gentamicin (94%). Use of ALBC in combination with SAP was common practice (77%). Cefazolin was the most common (32%) SAP agent. The doses and duration of SAP used varied from one single preoperative dosage as standard practice in Bolzano, Italy (98%) to 1-day 4 doses in Norway (83% of the 40,709 TKAs reported to the Norwegian arthroplasty register). CONCLUSION The proportion of ALBC usage in primary TKA varies internationally, with gentamicin being the most common antibiotic. ALBC in combination with SAP was common practice, with cefazolin the most common SAP agent. The type of ALBC and type, dose, and duration of SAP varied among participating countries

    Analysis of the genetic phylogeny of multifocal prostate cancer identifies multiple independent clonal expansions in neoplastic and morphologically normal prostate tissue.

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    Genome-wide DNA sequencing was used to decrypt the phylogeny of multiple samples from distinct areas of cancer and morphologically normal tissue taken from the prostates of three men. Mutations were present at high levels in morphologically normal tissue distant from the cancer, reflecting clonal expansions, and the underlying mutational processes at work in morphologically normal tissue were also at work in cancer. Our observations demonstrate the existence of ongoing abnormal mutational processes, consistent with field effects, underlying carcinogenesis. This mechanism gives rise to extensive branching evolution and cancer clone mixing, as exemplified by the coexistence of multiple cancer lineages harboring distinct ERG fusions within a single cancer nodule. Subsets of mutations were shared either by morphologically normal and malignant tissues or between different ERG lineages, indicating earlier or separate clonal cell expansions. Our observations inform on the origin of multifocal disease and have implications for prostate cancer therapy in individual cases

    Attityder mot björn i Sverige

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    The Swedish brown bear population has grown from very few animals to at least 2500 individuals in about 80 years time, with a rather constant growth of 1.5 % per year. I wanted to see what the attitudes towards bears are like in Sweden now when the bears expand their habitats closer to urban areas and it is getting more common to encounter bears or tracks from bears in nature. A national mail survey was made in 2004, when no human deaths related to bears had occurred for 102 years, and data was analysed from that survey. I show that most Swedes hold positive attitudes toward bears, despite almost half of the respondents being afraid of encounters with bears. Urbanites are the ones with the most positive attitudes, but also the ones who fear bears the most. When compared to studies from other European countries Swedes are less positive towards bears than people from southern Europe. A large portion of the variation in why people hold their attitudes toward bears remains unexplained, which is most likely due to this survey being designed with previous experiences from wolves in mind and attitudes toward bears are not formed on the same grounds. My conclusion was that future surveys need to focus on examining other aspects to how attitudes toward bears are formed in order to gain a full understanding of this.Den svenska björnpopulationen har vuxit från några få djur till minst 2500 individer under de senaste 80 åren, med en ganska konstant tillväxt kring 1.5 % per år. Jag ville se vilka attityder som formats kring björnar i Sverige nu när björnarnas habitat närmar sig stadsregionerna och det blir vanligare att hitta spår av björn i naturen. En enkät skickades ut över hela landet 2004, vid den tidpunkten hade inga människor dödats av björn på 102 år, och datat analyserades av mig hösten 2007. Jag visar att de flesta svenskar har positiva attityder till björnar, trots att nästan hälften av respondenterna är rädda för att möta en björn. Stadsboende människor har mest positiva attityder, men är också de som hyser störst rädsla för björnarna. När jag jämförde med studier från andra europeiska länder visade sig svenskarna ha mindre positiva attityder än människor bosatta i södra Europa. En stor andel av variationen bland attityder mot björn är fortfarande inte klarlagd, vilket förmodligen beror på att den undersökning jag arbetade med blivit utarbetad utifrån erfarenheter med attityder till varg, och attityder till björn bildas på andra grunder. Min slutsats är att framtida undersökningar bör fokusera på att undersöka andra aspekter kring hur attityder till björn formas för att man skall kunna få en fullständig förståelse för detta

    Flow preferences of upstream migrating Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    On their way from the sea to their spawning grounds in rivers, Atlantic salmon are often delayed or hindered by dams or other obstructions. Building a fishway can save a population that would otherwise go extinct. But even when there is a fishway present, sometimes the fish will have difficulties finding the entrance or navigating through the fishway. Understanding fish preferences during their upstream migration can help us improve fishway design so we can help the fish move upstream. The main goal of my studies was to find hydrodynamic preferences of salmon. We were able to show a preference for high turbulence intensity (I ~ 0.7). We also found a preference for lower water velocity. In my last study, I found most salmon near the highest available water velocity, which in light of previous results was interpreted as the salmon seeking out the turbulent areas in the boundary layer of the high velocity jet in the center of the river. There were several indications that Atlantic salmon prefer to save energy, and that they are able to utilize turbulent structures to save energy during their active migration. However, much of the proof was circumstantial and requires further investigation. As a main source of error, the instruments used to measure hydrodynamics were not precise enough. More focus should be put on developing better instruments, for example the newly invented artificial lateral lines