63 research outputs found

    Ventromedial medulla inhibitory neuron inactivation induces REM sleep without atonia and REM sleep behavior disorder

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    Despite decades of research, there is a persistent debate regarding the localization of GABA/glycine neurons responsible for hyperpolarizing somatic motoneurons during paradoxical (or REM) sleep (PS), resulting in the loss of muscle tone during this sleep state. Combining complementary neuroanatomical approaches in rats, we first show that these inhibitory neurons are localized within the ventromedial medulla (vmM) rather than within the spinal cord. We then demonstrate their functional role in PS expression through local injections of adeno-associated virus carrying specific short-hairpin RNA in order to chronically impair inhibitory neurotransmission from vmM. After such selective genetic inactivation, rats display PS without atonia associated with abnormal and violent motor activity, concomitant with a small reduction of daily PS quantity. These symptoms closely mimic human REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), a prodromal parasomnia of synucleinopathies. Our findings demonstrate the crucial role of GABA/glycine inhibitory vmM neurons in muscle atonia during PS and highlight a candidate brain region that can be susceptible to α-synuclein-dependent degeneration in RBD patients

    Phylogeny of sleep in tetrapods : analysis of evolutionary patterns, electrophysiological and behavioral studies in two squamates species and new methodological perspectives

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    Le sommeil constitue un comportement vital complexe, identifiĂ© chez la quasi-totalitĂ© des animaux Ă©tudiĂ©s. Sur la base d’études princeps dans les annĂ©es 50 chez le chat et l’homme, le sommeil a pu ĂȘtre sĂ©parĂ© clairement en deux Ă©tats distincts : le sommeil lent et le sommeil paradoxal. Ces deux Ă©tats ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©s sur la base de critĂšres Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographiques, physiologiques et comportementaux. BasĂ© sur une dĂ©finition mammalienne, il a ainsi Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© que les mammifĂšres terrestres et les oiseaux, tous deux homĂ©othermes, possĂ©daient ces deux Ă©tats de sommeil. Cependant, l'origine Ă©volutive de ces deux Ă©tats reste inconnue et nous ne savons toujours pas s’ils ont Ă©voluĂ© de façon indĂ©pendante ou s’ils ont Ă©tĂ© hĂ©ritĂ©s d'un ancĂȘtre commun. Les amphibiens et les reptiles, positionnĂ©s Ă  la base des tĂ©trapodes et des amniotes constituent par consĂ©quent, des taxons clĂ©s dans la comprĂ©hension de l'Ă©volution de ces deux Ă©tats de sommeil. Afin de mieux comprendre la phylogĂ©nie de ces deux Ă©tats, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© dans un premier temps une revue et mĂ©ta-analyse de la littĂ©rature du sommeil chez ces espĂšces. Dans un second temps, et dans le but de pouvoir conduire des approches comparatives et ainsi mieux dĂ©crire la plasticitĂ© du sommeil, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un dispositif miniature sans fil permettant d’enregistrer simultanĂ©ment l’électrophysiologie, la physiologie, la tempĂ©rature et le comportement en laboratoire et en milieu naturel. Enfin, nous avons conduit une Ă©tude Ă©lectrophysiologique, physiologique, pharmacologique et comportementale chez deux espĂšces de squamates (Salvator merianae et Pogona vitticeps). Cette Ă©tude nous a permis de montrer que deux Ă©tats Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographiques de sommeil existaient chez ces espĂšces. Cependant, elles ont aussi rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des divergences phĂ©notypiques importantes au sein mĂȘme des lĂ©zards, ainsi qu’avec le sommeil des mammifĂšres et des oiseaux, dĂ©montrant ainsi une origine commune mais complexe des deux Ă©tats de sommeilSleep is a vital and complex behavior, identified in nearly all animals. Based on studies on cats and humans conducted in the 50’s, sleep was separated into two distinct sleep states: slow wave sleep and paradoxical sleep (or REM sleep). Those two states were identified based on electroencephalographic, physiological and behavioral parameters. Based on this mammalian definition, it has been demonstrated that those two states exist in terrestrial mammals and birds, both homeotherms. However, the evolutive origin of these sleeps states remains unknown and we do not know whether they evolved independently or if they were inherited from a common ancestor. Amphibians and reptiles are respectively positioned at the base of the tetrapod and the amniote tree. Therefore, they constitute key taxa in the understanding of the origin of these states. In order to understand the phylogeny of these states, we first performed an exhaustive review and meta-analysis of the sleep literature in these groups. Next, in order to be able to conduct comparative approaches and better understand the sleep plasticity, we developed a standalone miniature device to record electrophysiology, physiology, temperature, and behavior simultaneously and this under both lab and field conditions. Finally, we conducted an electrophysiological, physiological, pharmacological and behavioral study of two squamates species (Salvator merianae and Pogona vitticeps). This study revealed that two electro-encephalographical sleep states exist in these species. However, they also showed that the phenotype of these states diverged between the two lizards and between the lizards on the one hand and mammals and birds on the other hand. This would suggest a common, but complex, origin of these two sleep state

    Phylogénie du sommeil chez les tétrapodes : analyse de patterns évolutifs, études électrophysiologiques et comportementales chez deux espÚces de squamates et nouvelles perspectives méthodologiques

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    Sleep is a vital and complex behavior, identified in nearly all animals. Based on studies on cats and humans conducted in the 50’s, sleep was separated into two distinct sleep states: slow wave sleep and paradoxical sleep (or REM sleep). Those two states were identified based on electroencephalographic, physiological and behavioral parameters. Based on this mammalian definition, it has been demonstrated that those two states exist in terrestrial mammals and birds, both homeotherms. However, the evolutive origin of these sleeps states remains unknown and we do not know whether they evolved independently or if they were inherited from a common ancestor. Amphibians and reptiles are respectively positioned at the base of the tetrapod and the amniote tree. Therefore, they constitute key taxa in the understanding of the origin of these states. In order to understand the phylogeny of these states, we first performed an exhaustive review and meta-analysis of the sleep literature in these groups. Next, in order to be able to conduct comparative approaches and better understand the sleep plasticity, we developed a standalone miniature device to record electrophysiology, physiology, temperature, and behavior simultaneously and this under both lab and field conditions. Finally, we conducted an electrophysiological, physiological, pharmacological and behavioral study of two squamates species (Salvator merianae and Pogona vitticeps). This study revealed that two electro-encephalographical sleep states exist in these species. However, they also showed that the phenotype of these states diverged between the two lizards and between the lizards on the one hand and mammals and birds on the other hand. This would suggest a common, but complex, origin of these two sleep statesLe sommeil constitue un comportement vital complexe, identifiĂ© chez la quasi-totalitĂ© des animaux Ă©tudiĂ©s. Sur la base d’études princeps dans les annĂ©es 50 chez le chat et l’homme, le sommeil a pu ĂȘtre sĂ©parĂ© clairement en deux Ă©tats distincts : le sommeil lent et le sommeil paradoxal. Ces deux Ă©tats ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©s sur la base de critĂšres Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographiques, physiologiques et comportementaux. BasĂ© sur une dĂ©finition mammalienne, il a ainsi Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© que les mammifĂšres terrestres et les oiseaux, tous deux homĂ©othermes, possĂ©daient ces deux Ă©tats de sommeil. Cependant, l'origine Ă©volutive de ces deux Ă©tats reste inconnue et nous ne savons toujours pas s’ils ont Ă©voluĂ© de façon indĂ©pendante ou s’ils ont Ă©tĂ© hĂ©ritĂ©s d'un ancĂȘtre commun. Les amphibiens et les reptiles, positionnĂ©s Ă  la base des tĂ©trapodes et des amniotes constituent par consĂ©quent, des taxons clĂ©s dans la comprĂ©hension de l'Ă©volution de ces deux Ă©tats de sommeil. Afin de mieux comprendre la phylogĂ©nie de ces deux Ă©tats, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© dans un premier temps une revue et mĂ©ta-analyse de la littĂ©rature du sommeil chez ces espĂšces. Dans un second temps, et dans le but de pouvoir conduire des approches comparatives et ainsi mieux dĂ©crire la plasticitĂ© du sommeil, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© un dispositif miniature sans fil permettant d’enregistrer simultanĂ©ment l’électrophysiologie, la physiologie, la tempĂ©rature et le comportement en laboratoire et en milieu naturel. Enfin, nous avons conduit une Ă©tude Ă©lectrophysiologique, physiologique, pharmacologique et comportementale chez deux espĂšces de squamates (Salvator merianae et Pogona vitticeps). Cette Ă©tude nous a permis de montrer que deux Ă©tats Ă©lectroencĂ©phalographiques de sommeil existaient chez ces espĂšces. Cependant, elles ont aussi rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des divergences phĂ©notypiques importantes au sein mĂȘme des lĂ©zards, ainsi qu’avec le sommeil des mammifĂšres et des oiseaux, dĂ©montrant ainsi une origine commune mais complexe des deux Ă©tats de sommei

    Nesting chinstrap penguins accrue large quantities of sleep through seconds-long microsleeps

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    <p>Microsleeps, the seconds-long interruptions of wakefulness by eye closure and sleep-related brain activity, are dangerous when driving and might be too short to provide the restorative functions of sleep. If microsleeps fulfill sleep functions, then animals faced with a continuous need for vigilance might resort to this sleep strategy. We investigated electroencephalographically-defined sleep in wild chinstrap penguins at sea and while nesting in Antarctica constantly exposed to an egg predator and aggression from other penguins. The penguins nodded off >10,000 times per day, engaging in bouts of bihemispheric and unihemispheric slow-wave sleep lasting on average only 4 s, but resulting in the accumulation of over 11 h of sleep for each hemisphere. The investment in microsleeps by successfully breeding penguins suggests that the benefits of sleep can accrue incrementally. This repository contains raw electrophysiological data (Electroencephalography and electromygraphy) with identified accelerometry, ambiant temperature and depth. We also add the different ethograms and Slow waves sleep episod detected for each cerebral hemisphere.</p><p>The electrophysiology data could be opened on any scientific software that could opened interlaced 16bits binary data.</p> <p>The video could be run with any videoplayer.</p> <p>the CSV and xls file could be opened with adapted software</p> <p>our .exp file could be opened with a text editor like notepad++</p> <p>The sleep event are provided in a mat file which could be opened in matlab (Mathworks) </p> <p>The analysis pipeline was writen in matlab R2020 (associated with signal processing and image processing toolbox and chronux, <a href="http://chronux.org/)">http://chronux.org/)</a>. Our scripts are provided with our exptoolbox build to read and process easily our data.</p><p>See the associated code repository and manuscript for additional information on the methods for data collection and processing.</p&gt

    Locomotor-feeding coupling during prey capture in a lizard (Gerrhosaurus major): effects of prehension mode

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    International audienceIn tetrapods, feeding behaviour in general, and prey capture in particular, involves two anatomical systems: the feeding system and the locomotor system. Although the kinematics associated with the movements of each system have been investigated in detail independently, the actual integration between the two systems has received less attention. Recently, the independence of the movements of the jaw and locomotor systems was reported during tongue-based prey capture in an iguanian lizard (Anolis carolinensis), suggesting a decoupling between the two systems. Jaw prehension, on the other hand, can be expected to be dependent on the movements of the locomotor system to a greater degree. To test for the presence of functional coupling and integration between the jaw and locomotor systems, we used the cordyliform lizard Gerrhosaurus major as a model species because it uses both tongue and jaw prehension. Based on a 3-D kinematic analysis of the movements of the jaws, the head, the neck and the forelimbs during the approach and capture of prey, we demonstrate significant correlations between the movements of the trophic and the locomotor systems. However, this integration differs between prehension modes in the degree and the nature of the coupling. In contrast to our expectations and previous data for A. carolinensis, our data indicate a coupling between feeding and locomotor systems during tongue prehension. We suggest that the functional integration between the two systems while using the tongue may be a consequence of the relatively slow nature of tongue prehension in this species

    Separating the effects of prey size and speed on the kinematics of prey capture in the omnivorous lizard Gerrhosaurus major

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    International audienceFeeding behavior is known to be modulated as prey properties change. During prey capture, external prey properties, including size and mobility, are likely some of the most important components in predator–prey interactions. Whereas prey size has been demonstrated to elicit modulation of jaw movements during capture, how prey speed affects the approach and capture of prey remains unknown. We quantified the kinematics associated with movements of both the feeding and locomotor systems during prey capture in a lizard, Gerrhosaurus major, while facing prey differing in size and mobility (newborn mice, grasshoppers, and mealworms). Our data show that the feeding and locomotor systems were recruited differently in response to changes in the size or speed of the prey. The timing of jaw movements and of the positioning of the head are affected by changes in prey size—and speed, to a lesser extent. Changes in prey speed resulted in concomitant changes in the speed of strike and an early and greater elevation of the neck. External prey properties, and prey mobility in particular, are relevant in predator–prey interactions and elicit specific responses in different functional systems

    Slow waves promote sleep-dependent plasticity and functional recovery after stroke.

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    Functional recovery after stroke is associated with a remapping of neural circuits. This reorganization is often associated with low frequency high amplitude oscillations in the peri-infarct zone in both rodents and humans. These oscillations are reminiscent of sleep slow waves (SW) and suggestive of a role for sleep in brain plasticity that occur during stroke recovery, however, direct evidence is missing. Using a stroke model in male mice, we showed that stroke was followed by a transient increase in NREM sleep accompanied by reduced amplitude and slope of ipsilateral NREM sleep SW. We next used 5 ms optical activation of Channelrhodopsin 2-expressing pyramidal neurons, or 200 ms silencing of Archeorhodopsin T-expressing pyramidal neurons, to generate local cortical UP, or DOWN, states, respectively, both sharing similarities with spontaneous NREM SW in freely-moving mice. Importantly, we found that single optogenetically-evoked SW (SWopto) in the peri-infarct zone, randomly distributed during sleep, significantly improved fine motor movements of the limb corresponding to the sensorimotor stroke lesion site, as compared to spontaneous recovery and control conditions, while motor strength remained unchanged. In contrast, SWopto during wakefulness had no effect. Furthermore, chronic SWopto during sleep were associated with local axonal sprouting as revealed by the increase of anatomical pre- and post-synaptic markers in the peri-infarct zone and corresponding contra-lesional areas to cortical circuit reorganization during stroke recovery. These results support a role for sleep SW in cortical circuit plasticity and sensorimotor recovery after stroke and provide a clinically-relevant framework for rehabilitation strategies using neuromodulation during sleep.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTBrain stroke is one of the leading causes of death and major disabilities in elderly worldwide. A better understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying spontaneous brain plasticity after stroke, together with an optimization of rehabilitative strategies, are essential to improve stroke treatments. Here, we investigate the role of optogenetically-induced sleep slow waves in an animal model of ischemic stroke and identify sleep as a window for post-stroke intervention that promotes neuroplasticity and facilitates sensorimotor recovery
