441 research outputs found

    A compact ultranarrow high-power laser system for experiments with 578nm Ytterbium clock transition

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    In this paper we present the realization of a compact, high-power laser system able to excite the Ytterbium clock transition at 578 nm. Starting from an external-cavity laser based on a quantum dot chip at 1156 nm with an intra-cavity electro-optic modulator, we were able to obtain up to 60 mW of visible light at 578 nm via frequency doubling. The laser is locked with a 500 kHz bandwidth to a ultra-low-expansion glass cavity stabilized at its zero coefficient of thermal expansion temperature through an original thermal insulation and correction system. This laser allowed the observation of the clock transition in fermionic 173^{173}Yb with a < 50 Hz linewidth over 5 minutes, limited only by a residual frequency drift of some 0.1 Hz/s


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    Forma e trasfigurazione in "Una giornata qualunque del danzatore Gregorio Samsa", di Barba, Varley e Gleijeses

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    Il saggio è dedicato allo spettacolo Una giornata qualunque del danzatore Gregorio Samsa di Eugenio Barba, di Julia Varley e di Lorenzo Gleijeses, interpretato da Gleijeses sin dal 2016. Dopo un processo di creazione durato oltre cinque anni, attraverso numerosi processi di riscrittura, lo spettacolo, parzialmente ispirato dalle Metamorfosi di Kafka, affronta il difficile rapporto tra un giovane artista e le sue principali figure di riferimento (un padre esigente, un regista teatrale autoritario, una fidanzata preoccupata, una psicologa eccessivamente schematica). In scena, la partitura dell’attore si sviluppa intorno a una ripetizione ossessiva di movimenti e di azioni, eseguita con modulazione di intensità e di ritmo. A partire dalla circolarità delle ripetizioni teatrali, il lavoro dell’attore crea un percorso più lineare, forse verticale, che mira alla purificazione di sé attraverso lo sforzo estenuante, la precisione dell’artigianato e che, nel finale, si interroga sulla possibilità della trascendenza nell’incompiutezza della creazione artistica. L’inesauribile ed essenziale ricerca di un’opera performativa basata sull’organicità dell’attore-danzatore è quindi al tempo stesso una “condanna” e una possibilità di elevazione. Circondato da un sofisticato apparato di luci e di suoni, l’attore-danzatore agisce in un contesto multisensoriale all’interno del quale si modula una poetica dello spazio incentrata sulla presenza dell’essere umano. Riflettendo su questi elementi, l’articolo intende offrire una ricostruzione della genesi e del processo creativo dello spettacolo, anche in confronto con alcuni lavori precedenti di Barba e con alcune recenti tappe della sua carriera teatrale


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    Data journalism: Concept and categories

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    Neste artigo, discutimos possibilidades de classificação do Jornalismo de Dados praticado no Brasil. Após observar como os dados quantificáveis estão presentes em narrativas jornalísticas em sites de notícias de todo o país, este artigo propõe uma classificação que inclui o que seria o Jornalismo de Dados, isto é, reportagens em que os dados guiam a construção da narrativa e que podem ser encontradas em veículos como Folha de São Paulo, O Globo e Estado de S. Paulo, e aquela que chamamos de Jornalismo Com Dados, ou seja, publicações que utilizam dados sem que esses sejam o foco da narrativa. Metodologicamente, este estudo monitorou a versão online de 48 veículos jornalísticos durante cinco meses e analisou 2.296 reportagens, com o intuito de identificar competências envolvidas nas reportagens com dados que consideramos fundamentais, entre elas, a competência investigativa (busca e tratamento próprio dos dados), a interpretativa (habilidade para contar a história e as relações entre os dados) e a competência comunicativa (a visualização dos dados como forma de ampliar a compreensão da própria história).Palavras-chave: Jornalismo de Dados, RAC, visualização de informação.In this article, the authors propose new ways to classify how Data Journalism is being used in Brazilian newspapers. After having observed how data is presented on news pieces in online newspapers from all of the country, this study shows there are many different approaches, ranging from what is considered the typical data journalism pieces, which can be found on Folha de São Paulo, O Globo and Estado de S. Paulo, to what is considered here as “journalism with data”, were the data is not on the center of the story. Methodologically, the research monitored 48 online newspapers during 5 months and analyzed 2.296 news pieces, in which we were able to observe the main skills needed to produce data journalism: investigative competences (data search and treatment), interpretative competences (how to tell the story and show the relations between the data) and communicative competences (data visualizations as a way to facilitate the understanding of the story).Keywords: Data Journalism, CAR, Data Visualization

    A commercial macroalgae extract in a plant-protein rich diet diminished saturated fatty acids of Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum fillets

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    Seaweeds are considered novel feed ingredients, nutraceutical compounds and source of pigments and proteins. They appear to possess bioactive properties, such as hypolipidemic, antioxidant and immune-stimulative actions; furthermore, their proteins are considered just as nutritious as terrestrial vegetables. In the present work, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) was fed for 95 days with three diets: a fishmeal-based positive control diet (C+), a vegetable protein-based negative control diet (C−) and a diet similar to C − where 5% of soybean concentrate was replaced by a commercial blend of seaweeds (T). The monitored parameters were fish performance, physical and marketable characteristics, fillet oxidative status and fatty acid content. The estimated indices of enzyme activities involved in lipid metabolism were calculated. Fish performances were reduced in C − and T fish; C − and T fillet fatty acid (FA) profiles globally showed the same pattern and were distinct from C+, i.e. with a lower content of polyunsaturated FAs and a higher content of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated n6 FAs; contrarywise, saturated FAs were significantly lower in T group in comparison to the other two groups (p &lt;.01). The estimated indices of enzyme activity highlighted differences between dietary groups; desaturase activities of C18 and n3 FAs were higher in T in comparison to C− (p &lt;.001). A slight impoverishment of antioxidant activity was found in T compared to C + group. Dietary seaweeds seemed to be capable of influencing fillet FA composition as well as the activity of enzymes related to lipid metabolism. Further studies in this regard are encouraged.Highlights Seaweeds are novel feed ingredients with nutraceutical properties Saturated fatty acids of rainbow trout fillets were lowered by seaweed inclusion in the diet Estimated desaturase activities of C18 and n3 fatty acids were higher in seaweed-fed trout