43 research outputs found

    Evidence for enhanced convection of North Pacific Intermediate Water to the low-latitude Pacific under glacial conditions

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    We provide high-resolution foraminiferal stable carbon isotope (δ13C) records from the subarctic Pacific and Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) to investigate circulation dynamics between the extra-tropical and tropical North Pacific during the past 60 kyr. We measured the δ13C composition of the epibenthic foraminiferal species Cibicides lobatulus from a shallow sediment core recovered from the western Bering Sea (SO201-2-101KL; 58°52.52’N, 170°41.45’E; 630 m water depth) to reconstruct past ventilation changes close to the source region of Glacial North Pacific Intermediate Water (GNPIW). Information regarding glacial changes in the δ13C of sub-thermocline water masses in the EEP is derived from the deep-dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globorotaloides hexagonus at ODP Site 1240 (00°01.31’N, 82°27.76’W; 2921 m water depth). Apparent similarities in the long-term evolution of δ13C between GNPIW, intermediate waters in the eastern tropical North Pacific and sub-thermocline water masses in the EEP suggest the expansion of relatively 13C-depleted, nutrient-enriched, and northern-sourced intermediate waters to the equatorial Pacific under glacial conditions. Further, it appears that additional influence of GNPIW to the tropical Pacific is consistent with changes in nutrient distribution and biological productivity in surface-waters of the glacial EEP. Our findings highlight potential links between North Pacific mid-depth circulation changes, nutrient cycling, and biological productivity in the equatorial Pacific under glacial boundary conditions

    Pulses of enhanced North Pacific Intermediate Water ventilation from the Okhotsk Sea and Bering Sea during the last deglaciation

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    Under modern conditions only North Pacific Intermediate Water is formed in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. This situation might have changed in the past. Recent studies with General Circulation Models indicate a switch to deep-water formation in the Northwest Pacific during Heinrich Stadial 1 (17.5–15.0 kyr) of the last glacial termination. Reconstructions of past ventilation changes based on paleoceanographic proxy records are still insufficient to test whether a deglacial mode of deep-water formation in the North Pacific Ocean existed. Here we present deglacial ventilation records based on radiocarbon-derived ventilation ages in combination with epibenthic stable carbon isotopes from the Northwest Pacific including the Okhotsk Sea and Bering Sea, the two potential source regions for past North Pacific ventilation changes. Evidence for most rigorous ventilation of the mid-depth North Pacific occurred during Heinrich Stadial 1 and the Younger Dryas, simultaneous to significant reductions in Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Concurrent changes in δ13C and ventilation ages point to the Okhotsk Sea as driver of millennial-scale changes in North Pacific Intermediate Water ventilation during the last deglaciation. Our records additionally indicate that changes in the δ13C intermediate water (700–1750 m water depth) signature and radiocarbon-derived ventilation ages are in antiphase to those of the deep North Pacific Ocean (>2100 m water depth) during the last glacial termination. Thus, intermediate and deep-water masses of the Northwest Pacific have a differing ventilation history during the last deglaciation

    Deglacial Variability in Okhotsk Sea Intermediate Water Ventilation and Biogeochemistry: Implications for North Pacific Nutrient Supply and Productivity

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    Highlights • Multi-proxy, multi-site reconstruction of Okhotsk Sea palaeo-productivity and mid-depth ventilation changes from 8 to 18 ka. • Link between hinterland river discharge and downstream Okhotsk Sea Intermediate Water (OSIW) ventilation/nutrient signatures. • Surplus Fe, Si(OH)4 export in OSIW during Bølling-Allerød to pelagic Pacific supported transient nutrient-replete conditions. • Subarctic and subtropical Pacific gyres disconnected during Bølling-Allerød, with restricted OSIW flow to lower latitudes. • Deglacial OSIW export and mid-depth Pacific biogeochemistry modulate millennial-scale regional CO2 source/sink conditions. The modern North Pacific plays a critical role in marine biogeochemical cycles, as an oceanic sink of CO2 and by bearing some of the most productive and least oxygenated waters of the World Ocean. The capacity to sequester CO2 is limited by efficient nutrient supply to the mixed layer, particularly from deeper water masses in the Pacific's subarctic and marginal seas. The region is in addition only weakly ventilated by North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW), which receives its characteristics from Okhotsk Sea Intermediate Water (OSIW). Here, we present reconstructions of intermediate water ventilation and productivity variations in the Okhotsk Sea that cover the last glacial termination between eight and 18 ka, based on a set of high-resolution sediment cores from sites directly downstream of OSIW formation. In a multi-proxy approach, we use total organic carbon (TOC), chlorin, biogenic opal, and CaCO3 concentrations as indicators for biological productivity. C/N ratios and XRF scanning-derived elemental ratios (Si/K and Fe/K), as well as chlorophycean algae counts document changes in Amur freshwater and sediment discharge that condition the OSIW. Stable carbon isotopes of epi- and shallow endobenthic foraminifera, in combination with 14C analyses of benthic and planktic foraminifera imply decreases in OSIW oxygenation during deglacial warm phases from c. 14.7 to 13 ka (Bølling-Allerød) and c. 11.4 to 9 ka (Preboreal). No concomitant decreases in Okhotsk Sea benthic-planktic ventilation ages are observed, in contrast to nearby, but southerly locations on the Japan continental margin. We attribute Okhotsk Sea mid-depth oxygenation decreases in times of enhanced organic matter supply to maxima in remineralization within OSIW, in line with multi-proxy evidence for maxima in primary productivity and supply of organic matter. Sedimentary C/N and Fe/K ratios indicate more effective entrainment of nutrients into OSIW and thus an increased nutrient load of OSIW during deglacial warm periods. Correlation of palynological and sedimentological evidence from our sites with hinterland reference records suggests that millennial-scale changes in OSIW oxygen and nutrient concentrations were largely influenced by fluvial freshwater runoff maxima from the Amur, caused by a deglacial northeastward propagation of the East Asian Summer Monsoon that increased precipitation and temperatures, in conjunction with melting of permafrost in the Amur catchment area. We suggest that OSIW ventilation minima and the high lateral supply of nutrients and organic matter during the Allerød and Preboreal are mechanistically linked to concurrent maxima in nutrient utilization and biological productivity in the subpolar Northwest Pacific. In this scenario, increased export of nutrients from the Okhotsk Sea during deglacial warm phases supported subarctic Pacific shifts from generally Fe-limiting conditions to transient nutrient-replete regimes through enhanced advection of mid-depth nutrient- and Fe-rich OSIW into the upper ocean. This mechanism may have moderated the role of the subarctic Pacific in the deglacial CO2 rise on millennial timescales by combining the upwelling of old carbon-rich waters with a transient delivery of mid-depth-derived bio-available Fe and silicate

    Санитарно-эпидемиологическая экспертиза импортной пищевой продукции и продовольственного сырья как составляющая профилактического направления транспортной медицины

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    Санітарно епідеміологічна експертиза імпортної харчової продукції й продовольчої сировини (далі експертиза) є одним з пріоритетних напрямів діяльності транспортних підрозділів санепідслужби. Здійснюючи функцію по контролю, виявленню та попередженню впливу небезпечних факторів, пов’язаних з перевезенням вантажів, вона є однією зі складових частин профілактичного напряму транспортної медицини. Експертиза імпортованої продукції харчового призначення нерозривно пов’язана та базується на загальних принципах всієї державної політики у сфері безпеки харчової продукції та продовольчої сировини. Основою для проведення усього комплексу робіт санітарно епідеміологічного направлення є нормативна база, яка була сформована в нашій країні кілька десятиліть назад. Механізм визначення безпеки продукції та ті критерії оцінки, які були закладені в її основі, вимагають перегляду у відповідності з вимогами сьогодення та враховуючи розвиток міжнародних відносин. Зроблені деякі кроки у цьому напрямку. Наприклад, визначення експертизи у законі «Про внесення змін до закону України «Про якість та безпеку харчових продуктів та продовольчої сировини» поряд зі встановленням відповідності продукції нормативним вимогам передбачає оцінку ризику дії шкідливих факторів у процесі обігу харчових продуктів, що відповідає сучас ним вимогам до вирішення задач профілактичного напрямку, запобігання шкідливого впливу факторів, керування санітарно-епідеміологічною ситуацією взагалі та на етапі транспортування харчових грузів зокрема. Такий підхід потрібно враховувати при подальшому необхідному перегляді та формуванні нової нормативної бази.Sanіtarу epidemiological examination of imported foodstuffs and edible raw materials (then «examination») is one of the priority directions of transport sanіtarу epidemiological servise. Examination controls, discovers and prevents an influence of dangerous factors while in transportation of loads. So it’s one of the component of the transport medicine preventive activity. Examination of import foodstuffs and edible raw materials inseparably linked with and based on general principles of the food safety state policy. The foundation of the sanitary service work is the normative base, that was formed in our country about twenty years ago. It is necessary to review the mechanism of the food safety determination and its criteria in accordance with requirements of present day time and with account of the development of the international relations. One of taken steps in this direction is a characteristic of examination in law «About contributing the modification to law of the Ukraine «About quality and safety of foodstuffs and foodraw materials» where along with determination of the products correspondence to the normative requirements is provided forrisk assessment of the harmful factors in process of the turn of the food stuffs. Such approach corresponds with modern requests to decision of the prophylactic problems, prevention bad influence dangerous factors, management sanіtarу epidemiological situation in general and in step of transportation food cargo in particular. And it should be taken into account during the further necessary process of revision and forming the new normative base

    Deglacial records of terrigenous organic matter accumulation off the Yukon and Amur rivers based on lignin phenols and long-chain <i>n</i>-alkanes

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    Arctic warming and sea level change will lead to widespread permafrost thaw and subsequent mobilization. Sedimentary records of past warming events during the Last Glacial–interglacial transition can be used to study the conditions under which permafrost mobilization occurs and which changes in vegetation on land are associated with such warming. The Amur and Yukon rivers discharging into the Okhotsk and Bering seas, respectively, drain catchments that have been, or remain until today, covered by permafrost. Here we study two marine sediment cores recovered off the mouths of these rivers. We use lignin phenols as biomarkers, which are excellently suited for the reconstruction of terrestrial higher plant vegetation, and compare them with previously published lipid biomarker data. We find that in the Yukon basin, vegetation change and wetland expansion began already in the early deglaciation (ED; 14.6–19 ka). This timing is different from observed changes in the Okhotsk Sea reflecting input from the Amur basin, where wetland expansion and vegetation change occurred later in the Pre-Boreal (PB). In the two basins, angiosperm contribution and wetland extent all reached maxima during the PB, both decreasing and stabilizing after the PB. The permafrost of the Amur basin began to become remobilized in the PB. Retreat of sea ice coupled with increased sea surface temperatures in the Bering Sea during the ED might have promoted early permafrost mobilization. In modern Arctic river systems, lignin and n-alkanes are transported from land to the ocean via different pathways, i.e., surface runoff vs. erosion of deeper deposits, respectively. However, accumulation rates of lignin phenols and lipids are similar in our records, suggesting that under conditions of rapid sea level rise and shelf flooding, both types of terrestrial biomarkers are delivered by the same transport pathway. This finding suggests that the fate of terrigenous organic matter in the Arctic differs on both temporal and spatial scales.</p

    Upper-ocean temperature characteristics in the subantarctic southeastern Pacific based on biomarker reconstructions

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    As remnants of living organisms, alkenones and isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids (isoGDGTs) are widely used biomarkers for determining ocean water temperatures from the past. The organisms that these proxy carriers stem from are influenced by a number of environmental parameters, such as water depth, nutrient availability, light conditions, or seasonality, which all may significantly bias the calibration to ambient water temperatures. Reliable temperature determinations thus remain challenging, especially in higher latitudes and for undersampled regions. We analyzed 33 sediment surface samples from the southern Chilean continental margin and the Drake Passage for alkenones and isoGDGTs and compared the results with gridded instrumental reference data from the World Ocean Atlas 2005 (WOA05) and previously published data from an extended study area covering the central and western South Pacific towards the Aotearoa / New Zealand continental margin. We show that for alkenone-derived sea surface temperatures (SSTs), the widely used global core-top calibration of Müller et al. (1998) yields the smallest deviation of the WOA05-based SSTs. On the contrary, the calibration of Sikes et al. (1997), determined for higher latitudes and summer SSTs, overestimates modern WOA05-based SSTs in both the annual mean and summer. Our alkenone SSTs show a slight seasonal shift of ∼ 1 ∘C at the southern Chilean margin and up to ∼ 2 ∘C in the Drake Passage towards austral summer SSTs. Samples in the central South Pacific, on the other hand, reflect an annual mean signal. We show that for isoGDGT-based temperatures, the subsurface calibration of Kim et al. (2012a) best reflects temperatures from the WOA05 in areas north of the Subantarctic Front (SAF). Temperatures south of the SAF are, in contrast, significantly overestimated by up to 14 ∘C, irrespective of the applied calibration. In addition, we used the GDGT [2]/[3] ratios, which give an indication of the production depth of the isoGDGTs and/or potential influences from land. Our samples reflect a subsurface (0–200 m water depth) rather than a surface (0–50 m water depth) signal in the entire study area and show a correlation with the monthly dust distribution in the South Pacific, indicating terrigenous influences. The overestimation of isoGDGT surface and subsurface temperatures south of the SAF highlights the need for a reassessment of existing calibrations in the polar Southern Ocean. Therefore, we suggest a modified Southern Ocean tetraether index (TEX86)-based calibration for surface and subsurface temperatures, which shows a lower temperature sensitivity and yields principally lower absolute temperatures, which align more closely with WOA05-derived values and also OH–isoGDGT-derived temperatures.</p

    Deglacial and Holocene sea-ice and climate dynamics in the Bransfield Strait, northern Antarctic Peninsula

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    The reconstruction of past sea-ice distribution in the Southern Ocean is crucial for an improved understanding of ice–ocean–atmosphere feedbacks and the evaluation of Earth system and Antarctic ice sheet models. The Antarctic Peninsula (AP) has been experiencing a warming since the start of regular monitoring of the atmospheric temperature in the 1950s. The associated decrease in sea-ice cover contrasts the trend of growing sea-ice extent in East Antarctica. To reveal the long-term sea-ice history at the northern Antarctic Peninsula (NAP) under changing climate conditions, we examined a marine sediment core from the eastern basin of the Bransfield Strait covering the last Deglacial and the Holocene. For sea-ice reconstructions, we focused on the specific sea-ice biomarker lipid IPSO25, a highly branched isoprenoid (HBI), and sea-ice diatoms, whereas a phytoplankton-derived HBI triene (C25:3) and warmer open-ocean diatom assemblages reflect predominantly ice-free conditions. We further reconstruct ocean temperatures using glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) and diatom assemblages and compare our sea-ice and temperature records with published marine sediment and ice core data. A maximum ice cover is observed during the Antarctic Cold Reversal 13 800–13 000 years before present (13.8–13 ka), while seasonally ice-free conditions permitting (summer) phytoplankton productivity are reconstructed for the late Deglacial and the Early Holocene from 13 to 8.3 ka. An overall decreasing sea-ice trend throughout the Middle Holocene coincides with summer ocean warming and increasing phytoplankton productivity. The Late Holocene is characterized by highly variable winter sea-ice concentrations and a sustained decline in the duration and/or concentration of spring sea ice. Overall diverging trends in GDGT-based TEX86L and RI-OH' subsurface ocean temperatures (SOTs) are found to be linked to opposing spring and summer insolation trends, respectively.</p