84 research outputs found

    A Influência das Práticas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos no Burnout: O papel mediador do Comprometimento Organizacional

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Políticas de Desenvolvimento de Recursos HumanosAs práticas de gestão de recursos humanos têm, cada vez mais, um papel fundamental na relação dos trabalhadores para com a sua organização, podendo até mesmo influenciar a forma como estes se sentem. O crescimento de sentimentos nocivos poderá traduzir-se em estados de exaustão, levando à desconexão dos trabalhadores com os objetivos organizacionais. Neste estudo analisou-se a influência das práticas de gestão de recursos humanos sobre a síndrome de burnout tendo também sido analisada a possibilidade de mediação por parte do comprometimento organizacional. Neste sentido, foi verificada a forma como o comprometimento organizacional medeia a relação entre a perceção das práticas de gestão de recursos humanos sobre o aparecimento da síndrome de burnout. O método utilizado neste trabalho foi uma abordagem hipotético-dedutiva de natureza quantitativa, tendo como instrumento de recolha de dados um inquérito por questionário dirigido aos trabalhadores do setor público e do setor privado, onde foi obtida uma amostra de conveniência de 382 sujeitos. O inquérito por questionário mede as práticas de gestão de recursos humanos através de sete dimensões, a síndrome de burnout através de duas e o comprometimento organizacional através de três dimensões. Foi analisada a influência das variáveis sociodemográficas (Género, Chefia, Setor, Habilitações, Idade, Tempo de Trabalho e Antiguidade) no modelo proposto, revelando possíveis diferenças entre cada grupo identificado. A estimação do modelo global proposto realizou-se através de equações estruturais, constatando-se a existência de uma relação de mediação do comprometimento organizacional na relação das práticas de gestão de recursos humanos sobre a síndrome de burnout. Os resultados sugerem que as práticas de gestão de recursos humanos exercem maior influência no distanciamento dos trabalhadores. Verificou-se também que a relação das práticas sobre o burnout é maioritariamente mediada pelo comprometimento organizacional afetivo. Por fim e analisando os resultados da análise das variáveis sociodemográficas, sugere-se que os trabalhadores do setor privado se encontram mais recetivos às práticas de gestão de recursos humanos do que os trabalhadores do setor público.Human resource management practices are increasingly playing a fundamental role in the relationship between workers and their organization, and may even influence how they feel. The growth of harmful feelings may translate into states of exhaustion, leading to workers' disconnection from organizational goals. In this study, the influence of human resource management practices on the burnout syndrome was analyzed, and the possibility of mediation by organizational commitment was also analyzed. In this sense, it was verified how organizational commitment mediates the relationship between the perception of human resource management practices on the appearance of the burnout syndrome. The method used in this work was a hypothetical-deductive approach of a quantitative nature, having as a data collection instrument a questionnaire directed to workers in the public and private sectors, where a convenience sample of 382 subjects was obtained. The questionnaire survey measures human resource management practices through seven dimensions, burnout syndrome through two, and organizational commitment through three dimensions. The influence of sociodemographic variables (Gender, Managers, Sector, Qualifications, Age, Working Time and Seniority) in the proposed model was analyzed, revealing possible differences between each identified group. The estimation of the proposed global model was carried out through structural equations, verifying the existence of a mediation relationship of organizational commitment in the relationship of human resource management practices on the burnout syndrome. The results suggest that human resource management practices exert greater influence on workers' distance. It was also found that the relationship of burnout practices is mostly mediated by affective organizational commitment. Finally, analyzing the results of the analysis of sociodemographic variables, it is suggested that private sector workers are more receptive to human resource management practices than public sector workers.N/

    Macro and microscopic maturation stage key of green crab (Carcinus maenas, Linnaeus 1758): reproductive cycle and differences among estuarine systems

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    Gonadal histology is a helpful tool to validate species' macroscopic maturity stages in fisheries biology. Regardless of the many studies on Carcinus maenas, there are still few concerning gonads tissue histology and description of maturity stages. In Portugal, information regarding this species' biology to help support the regulation of crab fisheries, including the minimum landing size, has not yet been defined. In this work, the macro and microscopic characteristics of the reproductive cycle of C. maenas, oogenesis, and spermatogenesis development stages along the Portuguese coast are described, and a new macroscopic scale based on the histological analyses is suggested. During 2019 and 2020, adult C. maenas (both males and females) were collected from the Ria de Aveiro estuary, Rio Sado estuary, and Ria Formosa lagoon, respectively, North, Center, and South Portugal. No-significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed in carapace width and individual weight between all systems. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed in gonad weight, gonadosomatic index, and Fulton's condition index between the Rio Sado estuary and Ria Formosa lagoon. Furthermore, significant differences (P < 0.05) in the oocyte diameter between the northern and southernmost locations suggest a geographic variation related to the local environmental conditions of each system. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed maturity stage and carapace width an association, and a similar morphometry between Ria de Aveiro and Ria Formosa. Temperature was correlated to both maturity stage and carapace width in Ria de Aveiro and Ria Formosa. From the histological analysis and based on microscopic criteria, it was observed that females previously classified within the late macroscopic development stage 2 should be considered mature, so a classification change in the current ovary's developmental stage is proposed. These findings can allow fisheries researchers to reclassify the estimations of maturity ogives and help support the regulation of this species' fishery. The proposed macroscopic scale was validated by histological analyses and can be used elsewhere.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ecological sensitivity and vulnerability of fishing fleet landings to climate change across regions

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    The degree of exposure of fishing communities to environmental changes can be partially determined by the vulnerability of the target species and the landings composition. Hence, identifying the species that ecologically most contribute to the vulnerability of the landings are key steps to evaluate the risk posed by climate change. We analyse the temporal variability in intrinsic sensitivity and the ecological vulnerability of the Portuguese fisheries landings, considering the species proportions derived both from the weights and revenues. To account for the diversification of species of each fleet, we explored the species dependence of the fishery in combination with the vulnerability of them. The analyses were carried out separately for three fleet typologies and three regions. Opposite to what has been observed at a global scale, the ecological sensitivity of the fisheries landings between 1989 and 2015 did not display a decline across areas or fishing fleets. Considering each fleet independently, for trawling, where average vulnerability was lower than in the other fleets, the sensitivity of the landings increased since the 2000s. On the other hand, the high vulnerability found in multi-gear fleets was compensated by diversification of the species caught, while purse-seine fleets targeted low vulnerability species but presented a high fishery dependence on few species. The results highlight the importance of combining information on ecological vulnerability and diversification of fishing resources at a regional scale while providing a measure of the ecological exposure to climate change.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ecological sensitivity and vulnerability of fishing fleet landings to climate change across regions

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    The degree of exposure of fishing communities to environmental changes can be partially determined by the vulnerability of the target species and the landings composition. Hence, identifying the species that ecologically most contribute to the vulnerability of the landings are key steps to evaluate the risk posed by climate change. We analyse the temporal variability in intrinsic sensitivity and the ecological vulnerability of the Portuguese fisheries landings, considering the species proportions derived both from the weights and revenues. To account for the diversification of species of each fleet, we explored the species dependence of the fishery in combination with the vulnerability of them. The analyses were carried out separately for three fleet typologies and three regions. Opposite to what has been observed at a global scale, the ecological sensitivity of the fisheries landings between 1989 and 2015 did not display a decline across areas or fishing fleets. Considering each fleet independently, for trawling, where average vulnerability was lower than in the other fleets, the sensitivity of the landings increased since the 2000s. On the other hand, the high vulnerability found in multi-gear fleets was compensated by diversification of the species caught, while purse-seine fleets targeted low vulnerability species but presented a high fishery dependence on few species. The results highlight the importance of combining information on ecological vulnerability and diversification of fishing resources at a regional scale while providing a measure of the ecological exposure to climate change.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/04326/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. SAICT-45-2017-02Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. ALG-01- 0145-FEDER-028518Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. PTDC/ASP-PES/28518/2017Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. MAR-01.03.02-FEAMP-0052Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. FCT DL57/2016/CP1361/CT000

    Intrapartum care policies in high-income countries with a universal health system: A scoping review

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    Evidence-based and sustainable intrapartum care policies are essential for safer, effective, and positive birth experiences. This scoping review aimed to map intrapartum care policies for pregnant women at low-risk of complications, in high-income countries with a universal health system. The study followed Joanna Briggs Institute methodology for scoping reviews and PRISMA-ScR. Search was conducted on CINAHL-EBSCO, Scopus, MEDLINE-Pubmed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials-EBSCO, and, Academic Search CompleteEBSCO. Grey literature was searched, references screened and experts contacted for additional studies/policies. Data were extracted/analysed by two independent reviewers and results were presented in tabular and narrative format. The concept was governmental intrapartum care policies, the context were OECD high-income countries with a health-financing system founded on the Beveridge Model and the participants were low-risk pregnant women From the 561 records screened, 22 were selected, concerning intrapartum care policies from Australia, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Portugal, and the United Kingdom. All the included records were retrieved in the grey literature. No intrapartum care governmental policies were found for Greece, Iceland, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, and Sweden. Some countries do not refer to all the analysed care aspects and there are differences in detail, depth, range, and scientific. The policies show general similarities but differ in the timing and the content of the recommended intrapartum care. Not all of the analysed countries have intrapartum care policies and those who have shown differences between recommendations. These results can be used to create/ revise intrapartum care policies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reabilitar quem cuida: Um projeto de ginástica laboral para profissionais de saúde

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    Introduction: Musculoskeletal Injuries are often related to the exercise of the profession in the health field. Labor Gymnastics is considered as a method capable of preventing these injuries and promoting the general well-being of workers.Objective: Analyze the results of Labor Gymnastics on health professionals from a service in a hospital center in northern Portugal in preventing labor-related musculoskeletal injuries.Methodology: It was used a observational cohort study, by means of self-completed questionnaires, with subsequent analysis and verification of frequencies and calculation of central tendency and dispersion measures.Results: Increased willingness and motivation to work, promoting well-being at work, fostering team spirit and concern with adopting correct postures are the benefits most mentioned by professionals. Most workers believe that Labor Gymnastics has played an important role in pain relief.Conclusion: The implementation of the regular practice of Labor Gymnastics in hospital services lead to health gains for workers in many ways.Introducción: Las Lesiones Musculoesqueléticas  suelen estar relacionadas con el ejercicio de la profesión en el campo de la salud. La Gimnasia Laboral  se considera un método capaz de prevenir estas lesiones y promover el bienestar general de los trabajadores. Objetivo: Analizar los resultados de la Gimnasia Laboral en los profesionales sanitarios de una unidad de un hospital del norte de Portugal en la prevención de lesiones musculoesqueléticas relacionadas con el trabajo. Metodología: Se ha desarrollado un estudio de cohorte observacional, mediante cuestionarios autoadministrados, con posterior análisis y verificación de frecuencias y cálculo de medidas de tendencia central y medidas de dispersión. Resultados: Mayor disposición y motivación para trabajar, promover el bienestar en el trabajo, fomentar el espíritu de equipo y la preocupación por adoptar posturas correctas son los beneficios más mencionados por los profesionales. La mayoría de los trabajadores creen que Gimnasia Laboral ha jugado un papel importante en el alivio del dolor. Conclusión: La implementación de la práctica regular de Gimnasia Laboral en las unidades hospitalarias traduce en beneficios de salud para los trabajadores de muchas maneras.Introdução: As Lesões Musculosqueléticas estão frequentemente relacionadas com o exercício da profissão na área da saúde. A Ginástica Laboral é considerada como um método capaz de prevenir estas lesões e promover o bem-estar geral dos trabalhadores. Objetivo: Analisar os resultados da Ginástica Laboral nos profissionais da área da saúde de um serviço de um centro hospitalar do norte de Portugal na prevenção lesões musculosqueléticas relacionadas com o trabalho. Metodologia: Estudo observacional de coorte, com a utilização de questionários de auto-preenchimento, com posterior análise e verificação de frequências e cálculo de medidas de tendência central e de medidas de dispersão. Resultados: O aumento da disposição e motivação para o trabalho, promoção de bem-estar no trabalho, fomentação do espirito de equipa e preocupação com adoção de posturas corretas são os benefícios mais referidos pelos profissionais. A maioria dos trabalhadores considera que a Ginástica Laboral teve um papel importante no alívio da dor. Conclusão: A implementação da prática regular de Ginástica Laboral nos serviços hospitalares traduz ganhos em saúde para os trabalhadores em inúmeras vertentes

    Procriação Medicamente Assistida em Ciclo Natural: Avaliação dos Resultados de um Departamento de Medicina da Reprodução

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    Introdução: As técnicas de procriação medicamente assistida em ciclo natural têm sido investigadas, sobretudo em mulheres com má resposta à estimulação ovárica convencional, observando-se melhor recetividade endometrial, custo inferior e possibilidade de realização de ciclos sucessivos. Como desvantagens salientam-se: menor eficácia por ciclo de tratamento e maior taxa de cancelamento. O objetivo definido para este trabalho foi determinar a taxa de gravidez evolutiva em mulheres inférteis, submetidas a procriação medicamente assistida em ciclo natural. Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo de 149 ciclos de procriação medicamente assistida sem estimulação ovárica de 50 mulheres inférteis, entre janeiro de 2011 e outubro de 2014. Resultados: As mulheres submetidas a procriação medicamente assistida em ciclo natural tinham, em média, 36,1 anos. Aproximadamente metade (46,0%) dos ciclos realizaram-se em más respondedoras. No dia do desencadeamento da ovulação o diâmetro médio do folículo foi 17,5 mm. Cancelaram-se 23 ciclos (15,4%) previamente ao desencadeamento. Em 8 ciclos (5,3%) ocorreu ovulação entre o desencadeamento e a punção folicular. Na maioria dos ciclos (n = 118; 79,2%) efetuou-se punção folicular, realizando-se técnica de procriação medicamente assistida em 71 (47,6%), maioritariamente injeção intracitoplasmática. A taxa de fecundação global foi 63,8%. Em 40 ciclos (26,8%) houve transferência embrionária. A taxa de implantação e de gravidez evolutiva por transferência embrionária foram de 35,0% e 25,0%, respetivamente. A maioria das gestações ocorreu em más respondedoras, conforme critérios de Bolonha. Discussão: Apesar de a taxa de gravidez por ciclo iniciado ser de 6,7%, a taxa de gravidez evolutiva por transferência embrionária é bastante satisfatória, sendo mulheres com respostas desfavoráveis em tratamentos prévios. As taxas relativamente elevadas de cancelamento do ciclo são atenuadas pela simplicidade e menor custo destes ciclos. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho demonstram que as técnicas de procriação medicamente assistida em ciclo natural podem ser uma alternativa de tratamento à estimulação ovárica em doentes com mau prognóstico, cuja alternativa seria o recurso à doação de ovócitos

    Climate change vulnerability assessment of the main marine commercial fish and invertebrates of Portugal

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    This is the first attempt to apply an expert-based ecological vulnerability assessment of the effects of climate change on the main marine resources of Portugal. The vulnerability, exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and expected directional effects of 74 species of fish and invertebrates of commercial interest is estimated based on criteria related to their life-history and level of conservation or exploitation. This analysis is performed separately for three regions of Portugal and two scenarios of climate change (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5). To do that, the fourth assessment report IPCC framework for vulnerability assessments was coupled to the outputs of a physical-biogeochemical model allowing to weight the exposure of the species by the expected variability of the environmental variables in the future. The highest vulnerabilities were found for some migratory and elasmobranch species, although overall vulnerability scores were low probably due to the high adaptive capacity of species from temperate ecosystems. Among regions, the highest average vulnerability was estimated for the species in the Central region while higher vulnerabilities were identified under climate change scenario RCP 8.5 in the three regions, due to higher expected climatic variability. This work establishes the basis for the assessment of the vulnerability of the human activities relying on marine resources in the context of climate change.FCT: UIDB/04326/2020/ UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020; MAR2020-FEAMP through project CLIMA-PESCA: MAR-01.03.02-FEAMP-0052/ n2/SAICT/2017-SAICT/ SAICT-45-2017-02/ ALG-01-0145-FEDER-028518/ PTDC/ASP-PES/28518/2017info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio