6,876 research outputs found

    Event generator to construct cross sections for the multiphonon excitation of a set of collective vibrational modes

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    The construction of differential cross sections as a function of excitation energy for systems with a collection of low- and high-lying intrinsic vibrational modes has been attempted in the past. A prescription is proposed that simplifies the implementation of such calculation schemes with a remarkable reduction in computational time.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Microscopic description of Coulomb and nuclear excitation of multiphonon states in 40^{40}Ca + 40^{40}Ca collisions

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    We calculate the inelastic scattering cross sections to populate one- and two-phonon states in heavy ion collisions with both Coulomb and nuclear excitations. Starting from a microscopic approach based on RPA, we go beyond it in order to treat anharmonicities and non-linear terms in the exciting field. These anharmonicities and non-linearities are shown to have important effects on the cross sections both in the low energy part of the spectrum and in the energy region of the Double Giant Quadrupole Resonance. By properly introducing an optical potential the inelastic cross section is calculated semiclassically by integrating the excitation probability over all impact parameters. A satisfactory agreement with the experimental results is obtained.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, revtex, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Excitation of Pygmy Dipole Resonance in neutron-rich nuclei via Coulomb and nuclear fields

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    We study the nature of the low-lying dipole strength in neutron-rich nuclei, often associated to the Pygmy Dipole Resonance. The states are described within the Hartree-Fock plus RPA formalism, using different parametrizations of the Skyrme interaction. We show how the information from combined reactions processes involving the Coulomb and different mixtures of isoscalar and isovector nuclear interactions can provide a clue to reveal the characteristic features of these states.Comment: 9 Pages, 8 figures, contribution to International Symposium On Nuclear Physics, December 8-12, 2009,Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Indi

    Excitation of the GDR and the Compressional Isoscalar Dipole State by alpha scattering

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    The excitation of the isovector giant dipole resonance (GDR) by alpha scattering is investigated as a method of probing the neutron excess in exotic nuclei. DWBA calculations are presented for 28O and 70Ca and the interplay of Coulomb and nuclear excitation is discussed. Since the magnitude of the Coulomb excitation amplitude is strongly influenced by the Q-value, the neutron excess plays an important role, as it tends to lower the energy of the GDR. The excitation of the compressional isoscalar dipole state in 70Ca by alpha scattering is also investigated. It is shown that the population of this latter state may be an even more sensitive probe of the neutron skin than the isovector GDR.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Latex2

    Isoscalar and isovector dipole excitations: Nuclear properties from low-lying states and from the isovector giant dipole resonance

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    Abstract This review paper concerns the research devoted to the study of the properties of dipole excitations in nuclei. The main focus is on questions related to isospin effects in these types of excitations. Particular attention is given to the experimental and theoretical efforts made to understand the nature and the specific structure of the low-lying dipole states known as the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR). The main experimental methods employed in the study of the PDR are reviewed as well as the most interesting theoretical aspects. The main features of the experiments and of theoretical models are reported with special emphasis on the reaction cross sections populating the dipole states. Results are organized for nuclei according to different mass regions. The knowledge of the isovector dipole response as well as its low energy part is important in order to deduce the nuclear polarizability as accurate as possible. This issue is discussed in this paper together with the connection with the neutron skin and the nuclear equation of state. The important role played by the dipole response to deduce other physical quantities of general interest is discussed in the last two chapters. One concerns the level density and the other the isospin mixing in nuclei at finite temperature and its relation with beta decay

    Excitations of pygmy dipole resonances in exotic and stable nuclei via Coulomb and nuclear fields

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    We study heavy-ion inelastic scattering processes in neutron-rich nuclei including the full response to the different multipolarities. Among these we focus in particular on the excitation of low-lying dipole states commonly associated to the pygmy dipole resonance. The multipole response is described within the Hartree-Fock plus RPA formalism with Skyrme interaction. We show how the combined information from reactions processes involving the Coulomb and different mixtures of isoscalar and isovector nuclear interactions can provide a clue to reveal the characteristic features of these states. We have performed calculation for the excitation of 132Sn generated in the reactions with 4He, 40Ca, and 48Ca at several incident energies, as well as for the system 17O +208Pb. Our results suggest that the investigation of the PDR states can be better carried out at low incident energies (below 50 MeV/nucleon). In fact, at these energies the PDR peak is relatively stronger than the giant dipole resonance (GDR) one and the narrow width of the low-lying quadrupole and octupole states should not blur its presence.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España) y FEDER FPA2009-07653 FIS2008-04189Programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010 (España) CSD2007-00042Junta de Andalucía P07-FQM-02894 FQM16

    Efectos de la maduración y el procesamiento sobre la calidad nutricional y sensorial de las aceitunas de mesa Itrana

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    In the present study, we evaluated the nutritional and sensory characteristics of table olives of the Italian doubleaptitude olive cultivar (Olea europaea L. cv. Itrana) processed as green (Oliva bianca di Itri) and black (Oliva di Gaeta) table olives with modified Greek methods of preparation. One method provides an initial step of immersion in water to stimulate the growth of specific microflora which contributes to the debittering of the fruits. After 15-45 days, salt is added to the liquid in quantities not exceeding 8 kg per 100 kg of fresh olives. Another method entails the immersion of fruits directly in brine utilizing double-salting (half the amount of NaCl was added immediately and the remaining part after 15 days). All the information derived from chemico-physical, nutritional and sensory data have separated the samples into four groups according to techno-processings, ripening stage and storage. Double-salting is the method which assures the best results.En el presente estudio se evalúan las características nutricionales y sensoriales de la variedad Itrana de aceituna (Olea europaea L.) de doble uso, elaborada en verde (Oliva Bianca di Itri) y en negro (Oliva di Gaeta), utilizando métodos griegos modificados al efecto. Un método consiste en una etapa inicial de inmersión en agua para favorecer el crecimiento de una flora específica que contribuye al endulzado de los frutos. Después de 15-45 días se añade sal a la solución en una cantidad que no exceda 8 kg por 100 g de fruto fresco. Otro procedimiento consiste en colocar directamente las aceitunas en salmuera utilizando un sistema de adición de la sal en dos etapas (la mitad de la sal se añade inmediatamente y el resto a los 15 días). Toda la información derivada de los análisis fisico-químicos, nutricionales y sensoriales ha permitido la separación de las muestras en cuatro grupos según la tecnología de elaboración, el estado de madurez y el almacenamiento. El proceso de adición de sal en dos etapas (“double salting”) fue el procedimiento que dio mejores resultados

    Microscopic calculations of double and triple Giant Resonance excitation in heavy ion collisions

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    We perform microscopic calculations of the inelastic cross sections for the double and triple excitation of giant resonances induced by heavy ion probes within a semicalssical coupled channels formalism. The channels are defined as eigenstates of a bosonic quartic Hamiltonian constructed in terms of collective RPA phonons. Therefore, they are superpositions of several multiphonon states, also with different numbers of phonons and the spectrum is anharmonic. The inclusion of (n+1) phonon configurations affects the states whose main component is a n-phonon one and leads to an appreacible lowering of their energies. We check the effects of such further anharmonicities on the previous published results for the cross section for the double excitation of Giant Resonances. We find that the only effect is a shift of the peaks towards lower energies, the double GR cross section being not modified by the explicity inclusion of the three-phonon channels in the dynamical calculations. The latters give an important contribution to the cross section in the triple GR energy region which however is still smaller than the experimental available data. The inclusion of four phonon configurations in the structure calculations does not modify the results.Comment: Revtex4, to be published in PR