3,506 research outputs found

    Movimentos sociais e redes sociais virtuais em perspectiva comparada

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    As mais recentes tecnologias de produção, transmissão e acesso a informação tornaram possível, na presença das condições adequadas, alterar a visibilidade de algumas preocupações nacionais e internacionais, bem como dos movimentos sociais que muitas ajudaram a espoletar. Países mais ou menos democráticos, mais ou menos autoritários, têm sido colocados perante uma multiplicidade de protestos que, articulados online, ultrapassam as barreiras do mundo virtual e (re)assumem presença nas ruas. Neste artigo, a partir de vários exemplos com diferentes bases de reivindicação, abordar-se-á o papel desempenhado pelas redes sociais virtuais nestas formas de participação política da sociedade civil à luz do seu contexto respectivo, ou seja, considerando igualmente o papel dos Meios Tradicionais de Comunicação e o dos fossos no acesso e utilização de meios digitais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Radio emission from satellite-Jupiter interactions (especially Ganymede)

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    Analyzing a database of 26 years of observations of Jupiter from the Nan\c{c}ay Decameter Array, we study the occurrence of Io-independent emissions as a function of the orbital phase of the other Galilean satellites and Amalthea. We identify unambiguously the emissions induced by Ganymede and characterize their intervals of occurrence in CML and Ganymede phase and longitude. We also find hints of emissions induced by Europa and, surprisingly, by Amalthea. The signature of Callisto-induced emissions is more tenuous.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, in "Planetary Radio Emissions VIII", G. Fischer, G. Mann, M. Panchenko and P. Zarka eds., Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Vienna, in press, 201

    Differences in salivary α-amylase levels among women with different taste sensitivities

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    Saliva is the main component of taste receptor cells external environment, and consequently it may have a decisive role in taste perception. Taste sensitivity varies among different individuals. Sensitivity to the compound n-6-propylthiouracil (PROP) has been considerably studied and besides the known influence of genetic background, the contribution of perireceptor environment is not completely clear yet. Salivary α-amylase (one of the main proteins of saliva) is involved in carbohydrate digestion and its enzymatic activity may change the levels of sugars present in the mouth, influencing food perception. To evaluate differences in salivary total protein content and α-amylase activity and expression among individuals with different PROP taste sensitivities. Sixty seven female women (18-30 years old) were classified in one of the three groups of taste sensitivity (non-taster, medium-taster or super-taster), according to the perceived intensity for PROP, using Labeled Magnitude Scales. Saliva was collected without stimulation. Flow rate was calculated by dividing total volume for the 5 minutes collection. Bradford method was used for total protein assessment. Dinitrosalicylic acid assay was used for measuring the starch-hydrolyzing activity of salivary α-amylase, while the expression of this enzyme was evaluated by Wester blot. 20,9% of the subjects were classified as non-taters. The three groups presented similar saliva flow rates and total protein content was not significantly different although a tendency for lower protein concentration in medium-tasters individuals was observed. Salivary α-amylase activity (U/min) was higher in supertasters (P<0,05). Salivary α-amylase activity (U/min) was higher in super-tasters (P<0,05) without any significant differences in expression. In women individual differences in saliva composition can contribute to the different taste sensitivity. One of the differences appears to be α-amylase enzymatic activity. The reason for this deserves to be elucidated, as well as the potential involvement of others salivary proteins

    The nucleus of 103P/Hartley 2, target of the EPOXI mission

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    103P/Hartley 2 was selected as the target comet for the Deep Impact extended mission, EPOXI, in October 2007. There have been no direct optical observations of the nucleus of this comet, as it has always been highly active when previously observed. We aimed to recover the comet near to aphelion, to a) confirm that it had not broken up and was in the predicted position, b) to provide astrometry and brightness information for mission planning, and c) to continue the characterisation of the nucleus. We observed the comet at heliocentric distances between 5.7 and 5.5 AU, using FORS2 at the VLT, at 4 epochs between May and July 2008. We performed VRI photometry on deep stacked images to look for activity and measure the absolute magnitude and therefore estimate the size of the nucleus. We recovered the comet near the expected position, with a magnitude of m_R = 23.74 \pm 0.06 at the first epoch. The comet had no visible coma, although comparison of the profile with a stellar one showed that there was faint activity, or possibly a contribution to the flux from the dust trail from previous activity. This activity appears to fade at further epochs, implying that this is a continuation of activity past aphelion from the previous apparition rather than an early start to activity before the next perihelion. Our data imply a nucleus radius of \le 1 km for an assumed 4% albedo; we estimate a ~6% albedo. We measure a colour of (V-R) = 0. 26 \pm 0.09.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Photometry of cometary nuclei: Rotation rates, colours and a comparison with Kuiper Belt Objects

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    We present time-series data on Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs) 17P/Holmes, 47P/Ashbrook-Jackson and 137P/Shoemaker-Levy 2. In addition we also present results from `snap-shot' observations of comets 43P/Wolf-Harrington, 44P/Reinmuth 2, 103P/Hartley 2 and 104P/Kowal 2 taken during the same run. The comets were at heliocentric distances of between 3 and 7 AU at this time. We present measurements of size and activity levels for the snap-shot targets. The time-series data allow us to constrain rotation periods and shapes, and thus bulk densities. We also measure colour indices (V-R) and (R-I) and reliable radii for these comets. We compare all of our findings to date with similar results for other comets and Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs). We find that the rotational properties of nuclei and KBOs are very similar, that there is evidence for a cut-off in bulk densities at ~ 0.6 g cm^{-3} in both populations, and the colours of the two populations show similar correlations. For JFCs there is no observational evidence for the optical colours being dependant on either position in the orbit or on orbital parameters.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Os media e o poder económico: uma difícil relação

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    A uma elevada e exigente teia legal e fiscalizadora, teremos que aliar as exigências de um público informado e crítico e a consciencialização do jornalista quanto às suas reais funções numa Democracia participativa

    Ensemble Properties of Comets in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We present the ensemble properties of 31 comets (27 resolved and 4 unresolved) observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). This sample of comets represents about 1 comet per 10 million SDSS photometric objects. Five-band (u,g,r,i,z) photometry is used to determine the comets' colors, sizes, surface brightness profiles, and rates of dust production in terms of the Af{\rho} formalism. We find that the cumulative luminosity function for the Jupiter Family Comets in our sample is well fit by a power law of the form N(< H) \propto 10(0.49\pm0.05)H for H < 18, with evidence of a much shallower fit N(< H) \propto 10(0.19\pm0.03)H for the faint (14.5 < H < 18) comets. The resolved comets show an extremely narrow distribution of colors (0.57 \pm 0.05 in g - r for example), which are statistically indistinguishable from that of the Jupiter Trojans. Further, there is no evidence of correlation between color and physical, dynamical, or observational parameters for the observed comets.Comment: 19 pages, 8 tables, 11 figures, to appear in Icaru

    Influence of taste sensitivity in diet choices and obesity among children.

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    Introduction: The prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity in Portugal is about 35% (Rito et al., 2012). Lifestyle and dietary habits are important risk factors for weight gain. Food choice and acceptance greatly relies on food perception. The evaluation of taste sensitivity in children and its relation to dietary choices and Body Mass Index (BMI) will be important in a context of obesity prevention. Nonetheless, methodologies for accessing taste sensitivity in children needs to be optimized and adjusted and in Portugal there is not an established protocol. Objectives: To test and optimize a protocol for sweet and bitter taste sensitivity, in Portuguese children, adapted from a protocol already used in German children (Knof et al., 2011). Methods: 20 children, 12 boys and 8 girls, with ages between 8 and 10 years old, were presented with 5 concentrations of sweet (3 – 16 g/L sucrose) and 5 concentrations of bitter taste solutions (0,05 – 0,25 g/L caffeine) and asked for selected the ones perceived as different from water. Results: Test conditions, both the type of presentation and time of tests, resulted for children with the ages tested. For sweet taste, the number and range of concentrations from test solutions appeared to be adequate in the age group between 8 and 10 years. For bitter taste in 80% of children the answers were not consensual with the range of concentrations. Conclusions: The results from the present work suggest that the concentrations used for access bitter taste sensitivity in children from other countries are not sensed by Portuguese children, showing the importance of adjusting adequate concentrations according to sociocultural habits. This may be possible being due to the complex pathway for bitter taste transduction