3,052 research outputs found

    Evaluation of ignition mechanisms in selected nonmetallic materials

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    Test program evaluates thermal and electric ignition mechanisms in selected nonmetallic materials found in spacecraft with concentrated oxygen atmospheres. The phenomena evaluated were spontaneous ignition, ignition of flammable vapor by a spark, and ignition by an arc where the arc produces the combustible vapor and the ignition source


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    Kegiatan Penambangan Emas Tanpa Ijin (PETI) Desa Kayeli dilakukan dengan metode amalgamasi. Amalgamasi merupakan proses pengikatan logam emas dari bijih emas dengan menggunakan merkuri yang bersifat toksik dalam tabung yang disebut tromol (amalgamator). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperkirakan risiko kesehatan akibat pajanan merkuri. Pengukuran konsentrasi merkuri pada sumur gali 3 titik sampel dan kerang Polymesoda erosa sebanyak 9 titik sampel, pengukuran antropometri terhadap 67 pekerja, yang meliputi berat badan, lama pajanan, frekuensi pajanan dan durasi pajanan. Risiko kesehatan non karsinogenik dinyatakan dengan Risk Quotients (RQ) yang didapatkan dengan membagi rata-rata asupan harian non kanker sepanjang hayat dengan konsentrasi referen (RfD) .Didapatkan bahwa konsentrasi rata-rata merkuri pada sumur gali adalah ≤ 0,0005 mg/l dan konsentrasi rata-rata kerang Polymesoda erosa sebesar 0.756433 mg/kg. Dengan konsentrasi merkuri demikian dan karakteristik antropometri serta laju asupan sepanjang hayat bagi masyarakat di area Penambangan Emas Tanpa Ijin didapatkan bahwa konsentrasi merkuri pada sumur gali tidak terindikasi adanya resiko kesehatan non karsinogenik terhadap para responden (RQ≤1), jika perhitungan pajanan dilakukan hingga 15 tahun, diestimasikan bahwa pajanan merkuri untuk masyarakatakan berisiko (RQ>1) yaitu 1,173. Sedangkan pada kerang Polymesoda erosa risiko kesehatan non karsinogenik telah terindikasi (RQ>1) yaitu 14,404. Disimpulkan bahwa risiko kesehatan non karsinogenik pada konsentrasi sumur gali akan beresiko jika pajanan hingga 30 tahun, sementara pada kerang Polymesoda erosa risiko kesehatan non karsinogenik sudah melebihi batas yang di bolehkan. Kata Kunci: Merkuri, Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan, PET

    A Bioarchaeological Comparison of Oral Health at Three Postbellum African American Cemeteries in Coastal and Central Georgia

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    This research is a comparative analysis of oral health from three historic African-American cemeteries in Georgia. The Area 1 (9CH1168), Area 2 (9CH875) and the Avondale (9BI164) cemeteries were excavated and relocated from 2008-2010. The aggregate population consists of 486 individuals, spanning pre-and-post-Reconstruction eras. Statistical and bioarchaeological techniques are used to address the hypothesis that differential nutrition and subsequent health outcomes significantly vary (as estimated from dental analyses), based on the cemetery’s composition, location, and individuals social status. Oral pathological conditions were characterized in an effort to identify variation between populations, while moving beyond a monolithic narrative of the African-American experience in the post-Bellum South. A statistical range of variation within and between the cemeteries was observed, revealing differences in the frequency of pathologies between cemeteries based on age and sex. Maladies most greatly afflicted Avondale’s population, Area 1 experienced the least and Area 2’s females had the most oral pathologies

    Authentic recreation: living history and leisure

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    This essay considers a postmodern interpretation of the concept of authenticity and a criticism of that interpretation advanced from an ethnographic perspective. The author shows how these theoretical issues arise at American Civil War re-enactments by describing the ways by which the re-enactment community establishes authentic appearances at Civil War performances. The essay then considers the commercial activity conducted at Civil War events, and concludes by speaking to the question, posed by the postmodernists, as to whether it is possible to represent the past authentically


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    The aim of this article is to contend that Karl Polanyi’s work bears significant coincidences with the republican tradition of thought. The first of them is one of a methodological or epistemological kind, and it consists of the use of a very similar “social ontology”. The second one is of a substantive sort, and it is related to the “material conditions for freedom” which derive from a very similar conception of freedom and property. In the third section, we propose a republican reading of Polanyi’s work based on three of the author’s primary notions, those of “economic embeddedness”, “double movement”, and “political economy”. The article concludes by arguing that such concepts may prove useful both for understanding the democratic-republican program and for underlining its present validity in contemporary market societies.O objetivo deste artigo é defender que a obra de Karl Polanyi guarda importantes coincidências com o pensamento republicano. A primeira, de tipo metodológico ou epistemológico, é o uso de uma “ontologia social” muito similar. A segunda, de tipo substantivo, gira em torno da ideia das “condições materiais da liberdade” baseada numa concepção muito parecida da liberdade e da propriedade. A terceira seção sugere a leitura republicana da obra de Polanyi baseada em três de suas ideias fundamentais: a “incrustação económica”, o “duplo movimento” e a “economia política”. O artigo conclui defendendo que tais conceitos podem ser úteis tanto para compreender o programa republicano-democrático como para sublinhar sua vigência nas sociedades de mercado contemporâneas

    The Highs and Lows of Michael Meltsner: A Tribute

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    In this short essay, I share the professional highs and lows of famed civil rights lawyer Michael Meltsner, and then pause briefly to reflect on what Michael’s top three in both categories say about him. One would have thought that Furman v. Georgia, the 1972 decision that invalidated the death penalty as it was then administered, would make the list of Michael’s greatest accomplishments, and that Gregg v. Georgia, the 1976 decision that brought the death penalty back, would be among his greatest disappointments. But neither made the list. Ironically, the case for which Michael Meltsner is most famous wasn’t one of his greats at all. That is not to say that these cases didn’t matter. They did. But what Michael Meltsner’s highs and lows reveal are a larger set of core values. An unwavering commitment to justice and equality. A rejection of legal constructs that allow the law to dodge those moral imperatives. A determination to make a difference. A desire to use power for good. And an abiding faith that good can triumph even when the odds are enormously stacked against you. The highs and lows of Michael Meltsner are worthy of remembrance in their own right, but also worthy of note for giving depth and detail to the character of a man we already knew had it in spades

    Shed Skin

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