604 research outputs found

    Be vicarious: the challenge for project management in the service economy

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    Purpose. The paper aims to answer to the following questions: which are the critical dynamic capabilities to survive in the rubber landscape of service economy? Does it exist in service economy a dynamic capabilities provider? Methodology. The paper combines the literature review on dynamic capability perspective and that on vicariance to the Project Management professional services. Findings. Firstly, the paper identifies vicariance as an intriguing dynamic capability, crucial to survive in the rubber landscape of service economy. Secondly, the paper sheds light on Project Management (PM) as a vicarious that provides vicariance. Practical implications. For each critical organizational dimension, the paper identifies the links among the service economy challenges and the vicariance typology required to the project manager to face those challenge. Originality/value.The approach to conceive the PM as a vicarious that provides vicariance is original and leads to new insights on the professional services management. In fact, on one hand, dynamic capabilities cannot easily be bought through a market transaction; on the other hand, they must be built. This building can be achieved internally, by the organization itself (i.e. hierarchy), or through a partnership (i.e. hybrid form among hierarchy and market). PM professional services enrich organizations with additional information variety according to a hybrid (i.e. non- market) coordination model

    The PMBOK standard evolution: leading the rising complexity

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    The aim of this work is to enlighten how the Standard for Project Management (part II of PMBOK® Guide) has evolved over the last 30 years as it has introjected the perspective of complexity. The several contexts (private firms, public institutions etc.) in which Project Management is applied become more and more complex (i.e. uncertain and characterized by unpredictable feedbacks among their own variables and their environments). This needs an enrichment (and perhaps a new conceptualization) of the endowment of information variety provided by the Standard for Project Management with respect to the specific requisite variety asked at a local level (i.e. the specific organizational contexts), to lead a project with efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. The traditional Standard for Project Management can no longer be considered as a “comfort zone” (i.e. a set of established and “familiar” frameworks, rules and tools aiming to ensure certain and predictable results). On the contrary, the Standard for Project Management should shift towards an open standard, that is able to consistently co-evolve with the increasingly complex contexts that even more ask for new tools, creative solutions and original combinations between exploitative and explorative knowledge

    Firm, territory and local community: lessons learned from the Olivetti’s model

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    The paper discusses the relevance of the Olivetti model and the validity of that entrepreneurial experience based on values such as the concrete community, the territory and urban planning, and a source of virtuous learning to face the tensions of the current socio-economic systems. Through the methodology of the case study, the one developed by Adriano Olivetti is qualified as an arbor vitae business model: a model based on ethics and community, a culture of innovation and aesthetics in design. Thus, the Olivettian model of the arbor vitae is assumed as an ideal-typical model. It can assess the virtuosity or otherwise the possible corporate behavior in the current socio-economic contexts. The article ends by emphasizing the vast cultural heritage left by Olivetti to the city of Ivrea, the company’s headquarters. The Ivrea Olivetti factory became a virtuous model of work organization. It has made Ivrea as a smart land ante litteram conceived for man and not exclusively for the often dehumanizing efficiency of the assembly line. Olivetti factory in Ivrea became a model of a work organisation while the Ivrea community a smart land designed on the person and not on the dehumanized work of the assembly line: all these reasons have led Ivrea – the Industrial City of the 20th Century – to be recognized as the 54th Italian UNESCO Heritage. Il lavoro discute l’attualità del modello olivettiano e la validità di quell’esperienza imprenditoriale basata su valori quali la comunità concreta, il territorio e la pianificazione urbana e fonte di apprendimento virtuoso per affrontare le tensioni degli attuali sistemi socio-economici. Adottando la metodologia del caso di studio, quello sviluppato da Adriano Olivetti viene qualificato come modello di impresa arbor vitae: un modello fondato su etica e comunità, cultura dell’innovazione e dell’estetica nel design. Il modello olivettiano dell’arbor vitae viene così assunto a modello idealtipico sulla cui base valutare la virtuosità o meno dei possibili comportamenti d’impresa negli attuali contesti socio-economici. Il saggio si chiude sottolineando l’ingente eredità culturale lasciata da Olivetti alla città di Ivrea, sede dell’azienda. La fabbrica olivettiana di Ivrea divenne un modello virtuoso di organizzazione del lavoro e fece di Ivrea una smart land ante litteram concepita per l’uomo e non esclusivamente per l’efficienza, spesso disumanizzante, della linea di assemblaggio: proprio questa profondamente umana quanto illuminata concezione dello spazio lavorativo quale spazio innanzitutto di rapporto interumano è valsa ad Ivrea – Industrial City of the 20th Century – il prestigioso riconoscimento di 54° sito UNESCO italiano

    Surfing the complex interaction between new technology and norms: A resistance or resilience issue? Insights by the Viable System Approach (VSA)

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    The paper investigates the complex interaction between technological innovation and norms: a crucial dynamic to facing the severe challenges of the Anthropocene.On the one hand, the sedimentation of norms acts as the genetic memory of a society. Allowing a reduction in the uncertainty of human condition and ensuring greater predictability of human interaction, the set of norms tend to activate a system of constraints that normalize and legitimate technological innovations.On the other hand, technological innovation is one of the most unpredictable and non-linear sources of change. It demands legitimization for what in the past were excluded or prohibited a priori (e.g. behaviors, ethics): this may trigger a “decoupling” process from the extant set of norms. Nevertheless, what decoupling should be legitimized? A wicked problem arises, and forking paths emerge in the socio-economic landscape.Leading the tension between new technology (source of unpredictability) and the taken-for-granted norms (source of predictability) is crucial if the aim is to linking effectiveness and efficiency to viable sustainability. While the (still dominant) cartesian approach considers norms and new technology as separate elements of the social system, system thinking enlightens the interaction between them. This helps to unveil hidden options/feedbacks in the decoupling-recoupling process between technological innovation and the evolution of norms enriching the information variety of the decision-makers (policy makers, citizens, urban planners, etc.).The dynamics that govern this dyad, however, are not linear: norms, in fact, do not have the same reactivity to absorb (recouple) the change triggered by new technologies (decoupling from the extant set of norms).Although the relevance of the issue, it has been often neglected, or at least not taken in the right consideration. Therefore, aiming to investigate this dyadic relationship, the paper focuses on the ambiguous role technology plays in enabling resilience: sometimes it acts as a resilience amplifier; sometimes it is a resilience inhibitor (and even a steel cage); sometimes it provokes an undesirable deviation from the taken-for-granted codified rules.In particular, aiming to contribute in filling this gap, and rooting in the Viable System Approach (VSA), the paper investigates why and how in some cases the interaction between technological innovation and norms leads to resistance towards change or acts as a resilience amplifier in other cases.The paper is structured as follows: after an Introduction underlying the need to understanding the increasing tension between new technology and norms, Section 2 deals with the contribution of the VSA in understanding the social systems; then, rooting in the VSA and moving from the concept of information variety, Section 3 frames the complex interplay between new technology and taken-for-granted norms as one of the most dramatic “resistance-resilience” issue of the Anthropocene era; Section 4 proposes a more comprehensive framework discussing the range “resilience-resistance-vulnerability” and presents final reflections

    Schur Lemma and Uniform Convergence of Series through Convergence Methods

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    In this note, we prove a Schur-type lemma for bounded multiplier series. This result allows us to obtain a unified vision of several previous results, focusing on the underlying structure and the properties that a summability method must satisfy in order to establish a result of Schur's lemma type

    Orlicz–Pettis Theorem through Summability Methods

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    This paper unifies several versions of the Orlicz–Pettis theorem that incorporate summability methods. We show that a series is unconditionally convergent if and only if the series is weakly subseries convergent with respect to a regular linear summability method. This includes results using matrix summability, statistical convergence with respect to an ideal, and other variations of summability methods

    La bioregione. Un nuovo modello di resilienza urbana

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    Obiettivi. Il lavoro si concentra sull’analisi del fenomeno bioregionale come volano di sviluppo territoriale e amplificatore di resilienza urbana. Metodologia. Articolo concettuale: stato dell’arte e analisi bibliografica. Risultati. Il rapporto città-territorio è una realtà complessa, che riflette le molteplici dinamiche dell'economia, della società e dell'ambiente. Ogni contaminazione socioculturale contribuisce a stratificare e mutare l'identità bioregionale, rendendola di volta in volta più ricca nel tempo e maggiormente in grado di leggere l’incertezza del contesto in cui opera. Limiti della ricerca. Il principale limite della presente ricerca attiene all’assenza di un’analisi on field che rintracci nella pratica quanto inquadrato dal punto di vista teorico. Prossimi studi, perciò, saranno rivolti in questa direzione. Implicazioni pratiche. Il modello bioregionale reinterpreta le relazioni tra comunità e territorio come intelligenti e inclusive, fornendo una nuova cornice al fenomeno urbano. Originalità. Negli ultimi decenni, le città contemporanee sono state caratterizzate da cambiamenti di vasta portata che hanno comportato profondi mutamenti nella relazione tra insediamento umano e ambiente, fra geografie funzionali e luoghi. Il ritorno alla città non può essere, dunque, né un ritorno alla città storica, né al borgo rurale: va inteso, invece, come una riprogettazione dell’urbanità che tenga conto della diversa dimensione dell'abitare, della relazione tra spazio fisico e spazio delle reti

    The protective effect of the Mediterranean diet on endothelial resistance to GLP-1 in type 2 diabetes: a preliminary report

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    In type 2 diabetes, acute hyperglycemia worsens endothelial function and inflammation,while resistance to GLP-1 action occurs. All these phenomena seem to be related to the generation of oxidative stress. A Mediterranean diet, supplemented with olive oil, increases plasma antioxidant capacity, suggesting that its implementation can have a favorable effect on the aforementioned phenomena. In the present study, we test the hypothesis that a Mediterranean diet using olive oil can counteract the effects of acute hyperglycemia and can improve the resistance of the endothelium to GLP-1 action

    “Inflammaging” as a Druggable Target: A Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype—Centered View of Type 2 Diabetes

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    Aging is a complex phenomenon driven by a variety of molecular alterations. A relevant feature of aging is chronic low-grade inflammation, termed “inflammaging.” In type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), many elements of aging appear earlier or are overrepresented, including consistent inflammaging. T2DM patients have an increased death rate, associated with an incremented inflammatory score. The source of this inflammation is debated. Recently, the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) has been proposed as the main origin of inflammaging in both aging and T2DM. Different pathogenic mechanisms linked to T2DM progression and complications development have been linked to senescence and SASP, that is, oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Here we review the latest data connecting oxidative and ER stress with the SASP in the context of aging and T2DM, with emphasis on endothelial cells (ECs) and endothelial dysfunction. Moreover, since current medical practice is insufficient to completely suppress the increased death rate of diabetic patients, we propose a SASP-centered view of T2DM as a futuristic therapeutic option, possibly opening new prospects by moving the attention from one-organ studies of diabetes complications to a wider targeting of the aging process