157 research outputs found

    Kant y la Ilustración

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    The paper addresses Kant’s concept of Aufklärung with regard to three main points. First, the idea of sapere involved in the use of the motto sapere aude, which should not be referred to knowledge (to a technical reason), but to a concept of reason culminating in wisdom (Weisheit). Second, the notion of Selbstdenken, which can be interpreted as having an inner relationship with a communicative and intersubjective (thus not a solipsistic) reason; third, the attitude toward religious beliefs expressed by the doctrine of the postulates of practical reason, which shows a limit in Kant’s enlightenment that could be corrected through a further step of formalization.Este trabajo se propone discutir el concepto kantiano de Ilustración (Aufklärung) en un triple aspecto: 1) la noción de saber implícita en el uso del lema sapere aude, referida no al conocimiento (a una razón técnica), sino a una noción de razón que culmina en la sabiduría (Weishei

    Adrenomedullin in pancreatic carcinoma. a case-control study of 22 patients

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    Pancreatic carcinoma is a leading cause of cancer-related death. Reduction of the diagnostic delay is mandatory. Adrenomedullin (AM) is overexpressed in pancreatic cancer. A case-control study including 12 patients with pathological diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma and 10 healthy controls was conducted at our Institution. Blood samples were obtained at the time of hospitalization and post-operatively for cases. Controls’ samples were obtained from healthy volunteers. AM was measured by using enzyme immunoassay method. AM showed significant increase in pancreatic carcinoma patients vs controls (4.51 ng/ml vs 1.91 ng/ml, p value = 0.04) regardless of tumor stage, differentiation, resecability/unresecability, diabetes. A cut-off of 1.75 ng/ml reaches a sensibility of 83% and a specificity of 70% (p value = 0.0147; CL 95%; AUC 0.767). The increase of AM didn’t correlate with the increase of other common tumor markers (CA 19-9 and CEA), nor direct bilirubin. These data confirm the utility of studying the role of AM in pancreatic cancer, in order to achieve an early diagnosis in high risk populations

    Anti-HLA donor-specific antibodies in allogeneic stem cell transplantation: management and desensitization protocol

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    The role of antibodies directed against the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system has been well analyzed in rejection of solid organ transplantations [1, 2] and in transfusion medicine [3]. In the setting of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells transplantation (HSCT), only in the recent years their importance has been better defined, even though anti-HLA antibodies are frequently detectable in hematologic patients, due to sensitization from multiple transfusions, usually before the introduction of online universal leukoreduction, previous transplantations, and pregnancies in female patients

    SARS-CoV-2 multi-variant rapid detector based on graphene transistor functionalized with an engineered dimeric ACE2 receptor

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    Reliable point-of-care (POC) rapid tests are crucial to detect infection and contain the spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The emergence of several variants of concern (VOC) can reduce binding affinity to diagnostic antibodies, limiting the efficacy of the currently adopted tests, while showing unaltered or increased affinity for the host receptor, angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). We present a graphene field-effect transistor (gFET) biosensor design, which exploits the Spike-ACE2 interaction, the crucial step for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Extensive computational analyses show that a chimeric ACE2-Fragment crystallizable (ACE2-Fc) construct mimics the native receptor dimeric conformation. ACE2-Fc functionalized gFET allows in vitro detection of the trimeric Spike protein, outperforming functionalization with a diagnostic antibody or with the soluble ACE2 portion, resulting in a sensitivity of 20 pg/mL. Our miniaturized POC biosensor successfully detects B.1.610 (pre-VOC), Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Omicron (i.e., BA.1, BA.2, BA.4, BA.5, BA.2.75 and BQ.1) variants in isolated viruses and patient's clinical nasopharyngeal swabs. The biosensor reached a Limit Of Detection (LOD) of 65 cps/mL in swab specimens of Omicron BA.5. Our approach paves the way for a new and reusable class of highly sensitive, rapid and variant-robust SARS-CoV-2 detection systems

    Revisiting the obesity paradox in heart failure:Per cent body fat as predictor of biomarkers and outcome

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    Aims - Obesity defined by body mass index (BMI) is characterized by better prognosis and lower plasma N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in heart failure. We assessed whether another anthropometric measure, per cent body fat (PBF), reveals different associations with outcome and heart failure biomarkers (NT-proBNP, high-sensitivity troponin T (hs-TnT), soluble suppression of tumorigenesis-2 (sST2)). Methods - In an individual patient dataset, BMI was calculated as weight (kg)/height (m)2, and PBF through the Jackson–Pollock and Gallagher equations. Results - Out of 6468 patients (median 68 years, 78% men, 76% ischaemic heart failure, 90% reduced ejection fraction), 24% died over 2.2 years (1.5–2.9), 17% from cardiovascular death. Median PBF was 26.9% (22.4–33.0%) with the Jackson–Pollock equation, and 28.0% (23.8–33.5%) with the Gallagher equation, with an extremely strong correlation (r = 0.996, p 2, third PBF tertile), hs-TnT and sST2, but not NT-proBNP, independently predicted outcome. Conclusion - In parallel with increasing BMI or PBF there is an improvement in patient prognosis and a decrease in NT-proBNP, but not hs-TnT or sST2. hs-TnT or sST2 are stronger predictors of outcome than NT-proBNP among obese patients

    Stranieri. Itinerari di vita studentesca tra XIII e XVIII secolo.

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    Questo volume osserva l’università come punto di incontro tra uomini di età diverse e di origini geografiche molteplici. Ciò vale in particolare modo per l’Ateneo patavino, che deve le sue origini proprio a una migrazione di scolari. Un evento circoscritto, che tuttavia rientra nel fenomeno più ampio e diffuso della mobilità accademica che caratterizza il medioevo e la prima età moderna. Nel corso del medioevo – con un’accelerazione notevole a partire dal XII secolo – maestri e scolari furono indotti a muoversi verso i centri del sapere – monasteri, scuole, cattedrali, conventi, università – alla ricerca degli ambienti più stimolanti dal punto di vista intellettuale e delle condizioni che meglio garantissero l’apprendimento, quali ad esempio la presenza di ricche biblioteche o le lezioni dei docenti più illustri. I cosiddetti clerici vagantes costituivano un gruppo estremamente eterogeneo dal punto di vista geografico e sociale, provenendo da tutto il continente europeo. Una mobilità che ha continuato a marcare la vita accademica, in particolare di Padova, la cui comunità studentesca si è da sempre arricchita di un’ampia componente proveniente dall’esterno della città: dall’impero tedesco alla Francia, dalla Polonia alla Grecia, ma anche dall’Italia meridionale. I dati utilizzati nel volume provengono da un database che raccoglie più di 70 000 laureati a Padova, costruito per l’ottocentenario dell’Università e realizzato anche grazie al lavoro di molti studenti, che vi hanno dedicato il loro impegno e le loro energie

    NT-proBNP for Risk Prediction in Heart Failure:Identification of Optimal Cutoffs Across Body Mass Index Categories

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    OBJECTIVES The goal of this study was to assess the predictive power of N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and the decision cutoffs in heart failure (HF) across body mass index (BMI) categories. BACKGROUND  Concentrations of NT-proBNP predict outcome in HF. Although the influence of BMI to reduce levels of NT-proBNP is known, the impact of obesity on prognostic value remains uncertain. METHODS Individual data from the BIOS (Biomarkers In Heart Failure Outpatient Study) consortium were analyzed. Patients with stable HF were classified as underweight (BMI = 40 kg/m(2)) obese. The prognostic rote of NT-proBNP was tested for the endpoints of all-cause and cardiac death. RESULTS The study population included 12,763 patients (mean age 66 +/- 12 years; 25% women; mean left ventricular ejection fraction 33% 113%). Most patients were overweight (n = 5,176), followed by normal weight (n = 4,299), mildly obese (n = 2,157), moderately obese (n = 612), severely obese (n = 314), and underweight (n = 205). NT-proBNP inversely correlated with BMI (beta = -0.174 for 1 kg/m(2); P < 0.001). Adding NT-proBNP to clinical models improved risk prediction across BMI categories, with the exception of severely obese patients. The best cutoffs of NT-proBNP for 5-year all-cause death prediction were lower as BMI increased (3,785 ng/L, 2,193 ng/L, 1,554 ng/L, 1,045 ng/L, 755 ng/L, and 879 ng/L, for underweight, normal weight, overweight, and mildly, moderately, and severely obese patients, respectively) and were higher in women than in men. CONCLUSIONS NT-proBNP maintains its independent prognostic value up to 40 kg/m(2) BMI, and tower optimal risk-prediction cutoffs are observed in overweight and obese patients

    Outcomes of pregnancies after kidney transplantation: lessons learned from CKD. A comparison of transplanted, nontransplanted chronic kidney disease patients and low-risk pregnancies: a multicenter nationwide analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Kidney transplantation (KT) may restore fertility in CKD. The reasons why materno-foetal outcomes are still inferior to the overall population are only partially known. Comparison with the CKD population may offer some useful insights for management and counselling.Aim of this study was to analyse the outcomes of pregnancy after KT, compared with a large population of non-transplanted CKD patients and with low-risk control pregnancies, observed in Italy the new millennium. METHODS: We selected 121 live-born singletons after KT (Italian study group of kidney in pregnancy, national coverage about 75%), 610 live-born singletons in CKD and 1418 low-risk controls recruited in 2 large Italian Units, in the same period (2000-2014). The following outcomes were considered: maternal and foetal death; malformations; preterm delivery; small for gestational age baby (SGA); need for the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU); doubling of serum creatinine or increase in CKD stage. Data were analysed according to kidney diseases, renal function (staging according to CKD-EPI), hypertension, maternal age, partity, ethnicity. RESULTS: Materno-foetal outcomes are less favourable in CKD and KT as compared with the low-risk population. CKD stage and hypertension are important determinants of results. KT patients with e-GFR >90 have worse outcomes compared with CKD stage 1 patients; the differences level off when only CKD patients affected by glomerulonephritis or systemic diseases ('progressive CKD') are compared with KT. In the multivariate analysis, risk for preterm and early-preterm delivery was linked to CKD stage (2-5 versus 1: RR 3.42 and 3.78) and hypertension (RR 3.68 and 3.16) while no difference was associated with being a KT or a CKD patient. CONCLUSIONS: The materno-foetal outcomes in patients with kidney transplantation are comparable with those of nontransplanted CKD patients with similar levels of kidney function impairment and progressive and/or immunologic kidney diseas