57 research outputs found

    An evaluation of International Reference Ionosphere electron density in the polar cap and cusp using EISCAT Svalbard radar measurements

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    Publisher's version, source: http://doi.org/10.5194/angeo-34-751-2016.Incoherent scatter radar measurements are an important source for studies of ionospheric plasma parameters. In this paper the EISCAT Svalbard radar (ESR) long-term database is used to evaluate the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. The ESR started operations in 1996, and the accumulated database up to 2012 thus covers 16 years, giving an overview of the ionosphere in the polar cap and cusp during more than one solar cycle. Data from ESR can be used to obtain information about primary plasma parameters: electron density, electron and ion temperature, and line-of-sight plasma velocity from an altitude of about 50 and up to 1600 km. Monthly averages of electron density and temperature and ion temperature and composition are also provided by the IRI model from an altitude of 50 to 2000 km. We have compared electron density data obtained from the ESR with the predicted electron density from the IRI-2016 model. Our results show that the IRI model in general fits the ESR data well around the F2 peak height. However, the model seems to underestimate the electron density at lower altitudes, particularly during winter months. During solar minimum the model is also less accurate at higher altitudes. The purpose of this study is to validate the IRI model at polar latitudes

    Agile testing practices in software quality: State of the art review

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    In this paper you can find a review of articles related to agile testing practices in software quality, looking for theoretical information and real cases applied to testing inside a modern context, comparing them with the standard procedures taking into account their advantages and relevant features. As final result, we determine that agile practices in software quality have wide acceptance and many companies have chosen their use for all their benefits and impact on development software processes in several real applications, not necessarily IT governance ones, since other kind of technical applications have shown excellent results on testing

    Long-term variations in electric conductivities measured by the EISCAT Tromsoe UHF radar

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム[OS] 宙空圏11月16日(月) 国立極地研究所 2階 大会議

    An evaluation of International Reference Ionosphere electron density in the polar cap and cusp using EISCAT Svalbard radar measurements

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    Incoherent scatter radar measurements are an important source for studies of ionospheric plasma parameters. In this paper the EISCAT Svalbard radar (ESR) long-term database is used to evaluate the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. The ESR started operations in 1996, and the accumulated database up to 2012 thus covers 16 years, giving an overview of the ionosphere in the polar cap and cusp during more than one solar cycle. Data from ESR can be used to obtain information about primary plasma parameters: electron density, electron and ion temperature, and line-of-sight plasma velocity from an altitude of about 50 and up to 1600 km. Monthly averages of electron density and temperature and ion temperature and composition are also provided by the IRI model from an altitude of 50 to 2000 km. We have compared electron density data obtained from the ESR with the predicted electron density from the IRI-2016 model. Our results show that the IRI model in general fits the ESR data well around the F2 peak height. However, the model seems to underestimate the electron density at lower altitudes, particularly during winter months. During solar minimum the model is also less accurate at higher altitudes. The purpose of this study is to validate the IRI model at polar latitudes

    Diseño de una red de computadores para la Corporación Universitaria de la Costa

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    Ingeniería ElectrónicaTo design a LAN, includes a big responsibility and a detailed study of what needs from itself, on the part of whom it realizes this task, with the end to achieve a major yield in the means of transmission and in the teams to be used for the optimization of the processes; the basic idea tends to create an information freeway, with a support the sufficiently robust thing, as to tolerate all the traffic of information and the big transference of information that appear; also to be provided with the advantage o f being able to create diverse logical connections between the teams, so although these will be connected physically, does not mean that they have to communicate, because the interactions between PC's really settles by means of logical connections. There is great the hardware that facilitate to the man the handling of the informative resource, as well as the access to this one. One of this hardware, which allows to use the resource of the information of a more efficient rapid and reliable way, is con stituted by the networks of computers, which turn out to be framed inside the vertiginous technological progress, which it has characterized to the last decades of the present century. A network is a set of computers or devices of prosecution connected bet ween themselves, of logical and physical form for the purpose of optimizing its resources and emulating the process of a system of the only calculationDiseñar una LAN, incluye una gran responsabilidad un estudio detallado de lo que se requiere, por parte de quien realiza esta tarea, con el fin lograr un mayor rendimiento en los medios de transmisión y en los equipos a utilizar para la optimización de los procesos; la idea básica tiende a crear una autopista de información, con un soporte lo suficientemente robusto, como para tolerar todo el tráfico de información y la gran transferencia de datos que se presenten; asimismo contar con la ventaja de poder crear diversas conexiones lógicas entre los equipos, pues aunque estos estarán conectados físicamente, no quiere decir que tengan que comunicarse, porque las interacciones entre PC’s realmente se establece mediante conexiones lógicas. Son muchas las herramientas que facilitan al hombre el manejo del recurso informativo, así como el acceso a éste. Una de estas herramientas, que permite utilizar el recurso de la información de manera más eficiente rápida y confiable, la constituyen las redes de computadoras, las cuales aparecen enmarcadas dentro del vertiginoso avance tecnológico, que ha caracterizado a las últimas décadas del presente siglo. Una red es un conjunto de computadoras o dispositivos de procesamiento conectadas entre sí, de forma lógica y física con la finalidad de optimizar sus recursos y emular el proceso de un sistema de cómputo únic

    Revisión bibliográfica de los planteamientos académicos para mejorar la calidad de la educación contable en Colombia

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    The objective of this letter is to present the approaches at the academic level in terms of accounting education in Colombia in the period 2007 to 2020, for this purpose publications made in twelve of the journals of dissemination in the accounting area of the country were analyzed. The analysis considered four thematic areas called Teaching, Didactics, Technological Mediation and Evaluation. The body of literature shows a growing interest in the development and analysis of accounting education, a marked mastery of the economic perspective and from strategies are proposed a set of reforms necessary to strengthen the formation of Public Accountants in Colombia. However, there is a need to strengthen cognitive skills to improve students' ability to analyze, criticize and synthesis, apply skills-consistent teaching strategies, create virtual learning environments as a support tool, and use Evaluation as a diagnostic tool and continuous learning improvementEl objetivo del presente escrito es presentar los planteamientos a nivel académico en términos de la educación contable en Colombia en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2007 y 2020, para ello se analizaron publicaciones realizadas en doce de las revistas de divulgación en el área contable del país. En el análisis se tuvo en cuenta cuatro áreas temáticas denominadas Enseñanza, Didáctica, Mediación tecnológica y Evaluación. El cuerpo de la literatura muestra un creciente interés en el desarrollo y análisis de la educación contable, un marcado dominio de la perspectiva económica y a partir de estrategias se plantean un conjunto de reformas necesarias para fortalecer la formación de los Contadores Públicos en Colombia. Sin embargo, se plantea la necesidad de fortalecer habilidades cognitivas que permitan mejorar la capacidad de análisis, critica y síntesis de los estudiantes, la aplicación de estrategias didácticas coherentes con el desarrollo de habilidades, la creación de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje como herramienta de apoyo y la utilización de la Evaluación como herramienta de diagnóstico y de mejoramiento continuo del aprendizaj

    Revisión bibliográfica de los planteamientos académicos para mejorar la calidad de la educación contable en Colombia

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    The objective of this letter is to present the approaches at the academic level in terms of accounting education in Colombia in the period 2007 to 2020, for this purpose publications made in twelve of the journals of dissemination in the accounting area of the country were analyzed. The analysis considered four thematic areas called Teaching, Didactics, Technological Mediation and Evaluation. The body of literature shows a growing interest in the development and analysis of accounting education, a marked mastery of the economic perspective and from strategies are proposed a set of reforms necessary to strengthen the formation of Public Accountants in Colombia. However, there is a need to strengthen cognitive skills to improve students' ability to analyze, criticize and synthesis, apply skills-consistent teaching strategies, create virtual learning environments as a support tool, and use Evaluation as a diagnostic tool and continuous learning improvementEl objetivo del presente escrito es presentar los planteamientos a nivel académico en términos de la educación contable en Colombia en el periodo comprendido entre los años 2007 y 2020, para ello se analizaron publicaciones realizadas en doce de las revistas de divulgación en el área contable del país. En el análisis se tuvo en cuenta cuatro áreas temáticas denominadas Enseñanza, Didáctica, Mediación tecnológica y Evaluación. El cuerpo de la literatura muestra un creciente interés en el desarrollo y análisis de la educación contable, un marcado dominio de la perspectiva económica y a partir de estrategias se plantean un conjunto de reformas necesarias para fortalecer la formación de los Contadores Públicos en Colombia. Sin embargo, se plantea la necesidad de fortalecer habilidades cognitivas que permitan mejorar la capacidad de análisis, critica y síntesis de los estudiantes, la aplicación de estrategias didácticas coherentes con el desarrollo de habilidades, la creación de ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje como herramienta de apoyo y la utilización de la Evaluación como herramienta de diagnóstico y de mejoramiento continuo del aprendizaj

    Semilleros de construcción de paz, educación y solidaridad

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    No AplicaEl proyecto semilleros construcción de paz, educación y solidaridad refiere a la implementación de estrategias asociadas al mejoramiento en la calidad de la educación y la protección del territorio, los estudiantes beneficiados de este proyecto pertenecen a los grados 10° y 11° de la Institución Educativa Edmundo Velásquez del corregimiento de Otaré. Semilleros construcción de paz, educación y solidaridad cuenta con un tiempo estimado de desarrollo institucional de 3 meses y medio en el cual se tratan 2 talleres cada mes los cuales cuentan con distintas herramientas y estrategias psicosociales para alcanzar los objetivos del proyecto. La financiación de nuestro proyecto será respaldada por terceros quienes harán parte de accionar del mismo. Es preciso resaltar que en el estudio financiero del mismo se evidencias ingresos y aportes para el beneficio no solo de los estudiantes sino de cada trabajador y profesional que forme parte de este proceso educativo. Se pretende fortalecer procesos institucionales e interinstitucionales para garantizar la protección de los estudiantes y la comunidad en general, construyendo mas escenarios de paz y convivencia en donde los estudiantes se sientan en un entorno protegido y se les garantice el alcance de la calidad de vida y el aprecio por la formación académica e institucional.The project "Semilleros construcción de paz, educación y solidaridad" refers to the implementation of strategies associated with the improvement of the quality of education and the protection of the territory. The students benefiting from this project belong to the 10th and 11th grades of the Edmundo Velásquez Educational Institution of the village of Otaré. Semilleros construcción de paz, educación y solidaridad has an estimated time of institutional development of 3 months and a half in which 2 workshops are treated each month which have different tools and psychosocial strategies to achieve the objectives of the project. The financing of our project will be supported by third parties who will be part of its actions. It should be noted that in the financial study of the project there is evidence of income and contributions for the benefit not only of the students but also of each worker and professional who is part of this educational process. It is intended to strengthen institutional and inter-institutional processes to ensure the protection of students and the community in general, building more scenarios of peace and coexistence where students feel in a protected environment and are guaranteed to reach the quality of life and appreciation for academic and institutional training