2,757 research outputs found

    On the manipulability of dual cooperative robots

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    The definition of manipulability ellipsoids for dual robot systems is given. A suitable kineto-static formulation for dual cooperative robots is adopted which allows for a global task space description of external and internal forces, and relative velocities. The well known concepts of force and velocity manipulability ellipsoids for a single robot are formally extended and the contributions of the two single robots to the cooperative system ellipsoids are illustrated. Duality properties are discussed. A practical case study is developed

    A group theoretic proof of a compactness lemma and existence of nonradial solutions for semilinear elliptic equations

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    Symmetry plays a basic role in variational problems (settled, e.g., in Rn or in a more general manifold), for example, to deal with the lack of compactness which naturally appears when the problem is invariant under the action of a noncompact group. In Rn, a compactness result for invariant functions with respect to a subgroup G of O (n) has been proved under the condition that the G action on Rn is compatible, see Willem (Minimax theorem. Progress in nonlinear differential equations and their applications, vol 24, Birkhäuser Boston Inc., Boston, 1996). As a first result, we generalize this and show here that the compactness is recovered for particular subgroups of the isometry group of a Riemannian manifold. We investigate also isometric action on Hadamard manifold (M, g) proving that a large class of subgroups of Iso (M, g) is compatible. As an application, we get a compactness result for “invariant” functions which allows us to prove the existence of nonradial solutions for a classical scalar equation and for a nonlocal fractional equation on Rn for n= 3 and n= 5 , improving some results known in the literature. Finally, we prove the existence of nonradial invariant functions such that a compactness result holds for some symmetric spaces of noncompact type

    Getting to know you: Identification of pygmy killer whales (Feresa attenuata) and melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra) under challenging conditions

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    Melon-headed whale (Peponocephala electra) and Pygmy killer whale (Feresa attenuata) are very poorly known species and are often confused with each other. We examined in detail Figure 3 in MARIGO and GIFFONI (2010) who reported that two melon-headed whales were taken in a surface driftnet about 90 nm off Santos, Brazil. We concluded they were in fact pygmy killer whales and explain our reasoning. To aid in future identifications, we illustrate and describe some of the main differences between these two species of small cetaceans. The incident reported by MARIGO and GIFFONI (2010) might represent the 'tip of the iceberg' regarding the incidental catches of cetaceans by pelagic drift nets off Brazil. Offshore driftnetting operating along the south-southeastern coast of Brazil may threaten pygmy killer whales.A orca-pigmeia (Feresa attenuata) era conhecida por poucos registros há não mais que 60 anos atrás, mas, apesar do número de registros ter crescido recentemente em todos os oceanos tropicais, F. attenuata é ainda considerada uma espécie pouco estudada. No Brasil, mesmo em base a um pequeno número de registros, presume-se sua distribuição como pelágica. Neste trabalho discutimos o registro de captura acidental de duas 'blackfish' (F. attenuata e Peponocephala electra) na costa norte de São Paulo, publicado na Figura 3 em MARIGO and GIFFONI (2010) e propomos a correção da identificação desses espécimes. A correta identificação dos três exemplares como orca-pigmeia coloca uma intrigante questão sobre a conservação dessa espécie no Atlântico Sul tropical. As operações de pesca com redes de deriva ao longo da costa sul-sudeste do Brasil podem ameaçar F. attenuata, espécie naturalmente rara. É recomendado o efetivo monitoramento da frota pesqueira, tendo em vista a necessidade de se avaliar a magnitude dessas capturas

    Eradication of Candida albicans persister cell biofilm by the membranotropic peptide gH625

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    Biofilm formation poses an important clinical trouble due to resistance to antimicrobial agents; therefore, there is an urgent demand for new antibiofilm strategies that focus on the use of alternative compounds also in combination with conventional drugs. Drug-tolerant persisters are present in Candida albicans biofilms and are detected following treatment with high doses of amphotericin B. In this study, persisters were found in biofilms treated with amphotericin B of two clinical isolate strains, and were capable to form a new biofilm in situ. We investigated the possibility of eradicating persister-derived biofilms from these two Candida albicans strains, using the peptide gH625 analogue (gH625-M). Confocal microscopy studies allowed us to characterize the persister-derived biofilm and understand the mechanism of interaction of gH625-M with the biofilm. These findings confirm that persisters may be responsible for Candida biofilm survival, and prove that gH625-M was very effective in eradicating persister-derived biofilms both alone and in combination with conventional antifungals, mainly strengthening the antibiofilm activity of fluconazole and 5-flucytosine. Our strategy advances our insights into the development of effective antibiofilm therapeutic approaches

    Immunolocalization of estrogen receptor beta in the epididymis of mature and immature pigs.

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    A growing body of evidence suggests a role of estrogens in the male reproduction via their specific estrogen receptors (ERalpha/ERbeta). Estrogen receptor distribution along the genital tract tissues has been described in different species, but it is unknown in the pig. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to localize ERbeta in the epididymis of mature and immature pigs (aged 2 and 18 months, respectively). Immunohistochemistry was carried out on paraffin-embedded tissues using a mouse anti-human monoclonal IgG against ERbeta as the primary antibody, and a goat anti-mouse biotinylated IgG as the secondary antibody. Avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex was then applied followed by diaminobenzidine. In immature pigs, the epithelial cells from the caput, corpus and cauda epididymis showed no or very weak immunoreactivity for ERbeta, whereas they were all strongly immmunoreactive in mature pigs. A various intensity of immunostaining from weak to strong in the smooth muscle cells as well as in the connective tissue cells were detected in the epididymis of both, young and adult pigs. This is the first report on the cellular localization of ERbeta protein in porcine epidydimis. The present study demonstrated that (1) irrespectively of the epididymal region, the epithelial cells of caput, corpus and cauda epididymis of mature pigs revealed a strong immunoreactivity for ERbeta, and (2) ERbeta expression in the epididymal epithelium is regulated by puberty. Finally, although the biological activity of ERbeta has not yet been established, the results of the present study suggest its involvement in estrogen modulation of pig epididymal function

    Evaluation of drinking patterns and their impact on alcohol-related aggression: a national survey of adolescent behaviours

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    BACKGROUND: Although there have been a wide range of epidemiological studies examining the impact of patterns of alcohol consumption among adolescents, there remains considerable variability in both defining these patterns and the ability to comprehensively evaluate their relationship to behavioural patterns. This study explores a new procedure for defining and evaluating drinking patterns and integrating well-established indicators. The composite measure is then used to estimate the impact of these patterns on alcohol-related aggressive behaviour among Italian adolescents. METHODS: Data were collected as part of the 2011 European School Survey Project on Alcohol and other Drugs (ESPAD). A national sample of 14,199 students aged 15–19 years was collected using an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire completed in a classroom setting. Drinking patterns were established using principal component analysis. Alcohol-related aggression was analysed as to its relationship to patterns of drinking, behaviour of friends towards alcohol use, substance use/abuse, school performance, family relationships and leisure activities. RESULTS: Several specific drinking patterns were identified: “Drinking to Excess” (DE), “Drinking with Intoxication” (DI) and “Drinking but Not to Excess” (DNE). A higher percentage of males were involved in alcohol-related aggression compared with females. In males, the DE and DI patterns significantly increased the likelihood of alcohol-related aggression, whereas the DNE pattern was negatively associated. Similar results were found in females, although the DI pattern was not significantly associated with alcohol-related aggression. Overall, cigarette smoking, illegal drug use, truancy, limited parental monitoring, frequent evenings spent outside of the home and peer influence associated strongly with alcohol-related aggression. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that drinking patterns, as uniquely monitored with an integrated metric, can: 1) explain drinking habits better than commonly used indicators of alcohol use and 2) provide a better understanding of behavioural risks such as alcohol-related aggression. Environmental background also appears to strongly associate with this type of aggressive behaviour

    Short Soft X-Ray Sources

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    EnWe report on the characterization of pulsed soft X-rays emitted from laser-produced plasma. The plasma was generated by 40, 80 and 120 mJ laser energies provided by a pulsed KrF excimer laser focused on pure Si, Cu and Ta targets. The utilized detector was a very sensitive Faraday cup which opportunely biased was able to record time resolved signals of X-rays and to estimate their energy. The found X-rays energy values were compared with the ion temperature of the plasma obtained by fitting the time resolved ion current signals with a shifted Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution. The results showed that the laser produced Ta plasma induced bunch of X-rays having in average the highest energy values and it was also characterized by ion temperature higher than the ones of the laser produced Si and Cu plasmas

    Comparison of alternate and original forms of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA): an Italian normative study

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    Objective: The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a screening test widely used in clinical practice and suited for detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment. Alternate forms of the MoCA were developed to avoid \u201clearning effect\u201d in serial assessments, and the present study aimed at investigating inter-form parallelism and at providing normative values for the Italian versions of MoCAs 2 and 3. Method: Three separate convenience samples were recruited: the first (n = 78) completed three alternate MoCA versions for ascertaining inter-form parallelism; the second (n = 302) and the third (n = 413) samples were administered MoCA 2 or 3 to compute normative data. Results: A three-step procedure complemented by confirmatory factor analysis and a mixed factorial ANOVA suggested that the three MoCA versions are not strictly parallel. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that age and education significantly influenced MoCA 2 and 3 total scores. No significant effect of sex was found. From the derived linear equation, correction grids for MoCA 2 and 3 raw scores were built and equivalent scores computed. Inferential cutoff for adjusted scores, estimated using a non-parametric technique, were 17.49 for MoCA 2 and 18.34 for MoCA 3. Correlation analysis showed strong correlations of MoCA 2 (r = 0.69, p <.001) and MoCA 3 (r = 0.61, p <.001) adjusted total scores with MMSE adjusted scores. Conclusion: The three MoCA forms are not strictly parallel. Specifically developed normative data must be adopted for using MoCA in serial cognitive assessments for clinical and research studies