2,199 research outputs found

    On the Utility of the Inverse Gamma Distribution in Modeling Composite Fading Channels

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    We introduce a general approach to characterize composite fading models based on inverse gamma (IG) shadowing. We first determine to what extent the IG distribution is an adequate choice for modeling shadow fading, by means of a comprehensive test with field measurements and other distributions conventionally used for this purpose. Then, we prove that the probability density function and cumulative density function of any IG-based composite fading model are directly expressed in terms of a Laplace-domain statistic of the underlying fast fading model, and in some relevant cases, as a mixture of well-known state-of-the-art distributions. We exemplify our approach by presenting a composite IG/two-wave with diffuse power fading model, for which its statistical characterization is directly attained in a simple form.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Are Floods Becoming a More Expensive Hazard? A Damages Review of the Southeastern Spanish Coast (1996–2016).

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    Over the last few decades, an increasing economic and social flooding damages trend has been recorded worldwide. Although this situation was initially associated with climate change, recently different institutions and scientific papers have related this trend to two main reasons: (i) a human population increase and (ii) the number of assets located in floodable areas. In this regard, this paper analyses evolutions in flood damages and their causes in a Mediterranean area, the provinces of Alicante and Murcia, between 1996 and 2016. The duration of this period, from a flood risk management policy point of view, is very important because it encompasses one of the most important legislative periods at a national and European level. As a main result, this paper establishes a temporal and spatial pattern related to increases in flood damages and their main influence on coastal areas, respectively, due to certain economic, spatial and temporal factors. As a conclusion, these trends demonstrate the inefficiency of flood risk management policies, especially those connected with spatial planning.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Performance analysis of MIMO-OFDM systems using complex Gaussian quadratic forms

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    En este trabajo se proponen aportaciones originales para el análisis de prestaciones en sistemas multiantena con múltiples portadoras, mediante el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas matemáticas para el cálculo de probabilidades de error. Así, ha sido posible analizar el efecto de no idealidades (estimación de canal imperfecta, offset de continua, desbalanceo I/Q…) en las prestaciones de sistemas de comunicaciones móviles e inalámbricas

    Assessing habitat diversity and potential areas of similarity across protected areas globally

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    Biophysical characterization analyses of protected areas (PA) that provide information on their ecological values and potential areas with similar characteristics are needed to make informed PA network planning and management decisions. This study combines and further develops methodologies that use remote sensing and modelling to identify habitat functional types in PAs and map similar areas at the ecoregion level. The study also develops new terrestrial habitat diversity and irreplaceability indices at habitat and PA scale that allow the comparison and ranking of PAs in terms of biophysical gradients and singular environmental conditions. Six PAs were selected to highlight and discuss the results of the proposed methodology. Both individual and composite indices should be considered when trying to compare PAs to understand the overall complexity and ecological values of each PA. Results can inform planning and management of individual and protected area networks as well as identify new areas for conservation. The information provided by the model about similar habitats outside protected areas can also help assess their representativeness and support studies to strengthen ecological connectivity. Besides systematic comparisons, detailed assessments of protected areas can also be performed using medium and high-resolution input variables. This is especially relevant for protected areas in developing countries where undertaking fieldwork is very difficult and the budget devoted to conservation is limited.European Commission European Commission Joint Research CentreBiodi- versity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) programme, an initiative of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of StatesMarie Curie Actions CT-EX2020D381533-101Spanish Ministry of Universities and Next Generation European Union fund

    Model ensembles of ecosystem services fill global certainty and capacity gaps

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    UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) NE/W005050/1 NE/T00391X/1 ES/R009279/1 ES/T007877/1 ES/V004077/1 ES/R006865/1National Science Foundation (NSF) NSF - Office of the Director (OD) 08695Next Generation European Union fundsUKCEHSpanish Government DGE-213989

    Understanding the impact of line-of-sight in the ergodic spectral efficiency of cellular networks

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    In this paper we investigate the impact of lineof-sight (LoS) condition in the ergodic spectral efficiency of cellular networks. To achieve this goal, we have considered the kappa-mu shadowed model, which is a general model that provides an excellent fit to a wide set of propagation conditions. To overcome the mathematical complexity of the analysis, we have split the analysis between large and small-scale effects. Building on the proposed framework, we study a number of scenarios that range from heavily-fluctuating LoS to deterministic-LoS. Finally, we shed light on the interplay between fading severity and spectral efficiency by means of the amount of fading.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Lomax Distribution for Wireless Channel Modeling: Theory and Applications

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    We investigate the application of the Lomax distribution for wireless fading modeling purposes. By a proper redefinition of its scale parameter, we present closed-form expressions for its main statistics: probability density function, cumulative distribution function, raw moments and Laplace-domain statistics. Then, relevant performance indicators are derived, including the amount of fading, channel capacity, outage probability and error rate. Other applications include diversity reception using selection combining, as well as composite fading modeling. The Lomax distribution is compared to the relevant case of Rayleigh fading, and to other benchmark distributions of similar complexity used in the literature.Junta de Andalucía under Grant EMERGIA20-00297European Social and Regional Funds and Junta de Andalucía under Grant UMA20-FEDERJA-002MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 under Grant PID2020-118139RB-I00Universidad de Málaga and TELMA Research Institut

    A Formulation of the Log-Logistic Distribution for Fading Channel Modeling

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    In some scenarios, the log-logistic (LL) distribution is shown to provide the best fit to field measurements in the context of wireless channel modeling. However, a fading channel model based on the LL distribution has not been formulated yet. In this work, we introduce the L-distribution as a reformulation of the LL distribution for channel modeling purposes. We provide closed-form expressions for its PDF, CDF, and moments. Performance analysis of wireless communication systems operating under L-fading channels is exemplified, providing exact and asymptotic expressions for relevant metrics such as the outage probability and the average capacity. Finally, important practical aspects related to the use of the L-distribution for channel fitting purposes are discussed in two contexts: (i) millimeter-wave links with misaligned gain, and (ii) air–ground channels in unmanned aerial vehicle communications.European Social and Regional FundsJunta de Andalucia P18-RT-3175 UMA20-FEDERJA-002Universidad de MalagaUniversidad de Granad

    Characterization of TrxC, an Atypical Thioredoxin Exclusively Present in Cyanobacteria

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    Cyanobacteria form a diverse group of oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryotes considered to be the antecessor of plant chloroplast. They contain four different thioredoxins isoforms, three of them corresponding to m, x and y type present in plant chloroplast, while the fourth one (named TrxC) is exclusively found in cyanobacteria. TrxC has a modified active site (WCGLC) instead of the canonical (WCGPC) present in most thioredoxins. We have purified it and assayed its activity but surprisingly TrxC lacked all the classical activities, such as insulin precipitation or activation of the fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. Mutants lacking trxC or over-expressing it were generated in the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and their phenotypes have been analyzed. The ΔtrxC mutant grew at similar rates to WT in all conditions tested although it showed an increased carotenoid content especially under low carbon conditions. Overexpression strains showed reduced growth under the same conditions and accumulated lower amounts of carotenoids. They also showed lower oxygen evolution rates at high light but higher Fv’/Fm’ and Non-photochemical-quenching (NPQ) in dark adapted cells, suggesting a more oxidized plastoquinone pool. All these data suggest that TrxC might have a role in regulating photosynthetic adaptation to low carbon and/or high light conditions.España, MINECO BIO2016-75634-PJunta de Andalucía P12-BIO-1119 , BIO-28

    La Expulsión de los jesuitas de Catalunya

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    L'expulsió dels jesuïtes dels dominis de Carles III a la primavera de 1767 va tenir a Catalunya certes particularitats: retards en l'aplicació del decret a Barcelona, Cervera i Manresa; dificultats en el trasllat dels jesuïtes catalans fins al noviciat deTarragona; pressions als novicis per a forçar l'abandonament de l'ordre, i el destacat paper de l'intendent Juan Felipe Castaños en la preparació de l'embarcament a Salou. Es detalla amb precisió el nombre de jesuïtes catalans enviats a l'exili i es descriu la peripècia del seu viatge, ja que l'arribada a Ferrara, destinació definitiva a Itàlia, només va esdevenir-se al setembre de 1768,després d'un traumàtic pas per l'illa deCòrsega.Entre els exiliats catalans es trobaven destacats erudits, comNuix i Perpinyà, Llampillas,Gallisà, Pla, Gustà i Joan Francesc Masdeu, entre d'altres. El retorn dels exiliats catalans supervivents solament va ser possible l'any 1815, després que PiusVII restaurés la Companyia.The expulsion and exile of the jesuits in Catalonia. The expulsion of the Jesuits in the dominions of Charles III in the spring of 1767, had some peculiarities in Catalonia: delays in the application of the decree in cities like Barcelona, Cervera and Manresa, difficulties in the transfer of the Catalan Jesuits to the novitiate of Tarragona, pressures to force the abandonment of the order to these youngmen, and the prominent role of Juan Felipe Castaños, the local governor, in the preparations for the embarking in Salou. It specifies the number of Catalans Jesuits exiled and it describes the difficulties of their journey, since their arrival in Ferrara, the city of their final destination in Italy, takes place in September 1768, after spending a hard time in the island of Corsica. Among the Catalans exiled were great scholars, like Nuix i Perpinyà, Llampillas, Gallisá, Pla, Gustá or Joan Francesc Masdeu. The return of the Catalan exiled who survived was only possible in 1815, upon the restoration of the Society of Jesus by Pio VII