23 research outputs found

    Uma pesquisa sobre o efeito da imagem do país na experiência turística memorável no contexto de algumas variáveis demográficas

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    With the world economy developing based on experience, businesses are trying to create unique experiences to differentiate themselves. The transformation of these experiences into a memorable tourism experience (MTE) not only affects customer satisfaction, but also positively affects the country image which is the impression of consumers about the country. Therefore, this study intents to find the effect of country image on MTE and to reveal which dimensions of country image affect the MTE. Moreover, the effect of demographic factors on the perception of the country image will be investigated. The study was carried out with 707 international tourists visited Antalya, a well-known destination in Turkey, during the months of May-October in 2018. As a result of hierarchical regression analysis the effect of country image on MTE was partially supported and it was revealed that MTE had a positive effect on hedonism, novelty, local culture, and meaningfulness dimensions. Regarding the second objective, a significant difference was found between the marital status, age groups and educational status of international tourists and their country image perceptions. Due to the impact of country image on MTE, policy makers need to make continuous improvement in the context of political, technological, and environmental factors.Con la economía mundial desarrollándose basada en la experiencia, las empresas intentan crear experiencias únicas para diferenciarse. La transformación de estas experiencias en una experiencia turística memorable (MTE) no solo afecta la satisfacción del cliente, sino que también afecta positivamente la imagen país, que es la impresión de los consumidores sobre el país. Por lo tanto, este estudio intenta encontrar el efecto de la imagen del país en el MTE y revelar qué dimensiones de la imagen del país afectan el MTE. Además, se investigará el efecto de los factores demográficos en la percepción de la imagen país. El estudio se realizó con 707 turistas internacionales que visitaron Antalya, un destino muy conocido en Turquía, durante los meses de mayo-octubre de 2018. Como resultado del análisis de regresión jerárquica, se confirmó parcialmente el efecto de la imagen del país en MTE y se reveló que MTE tuvo un efecto positivo en las dimensiones de hedonismo, novedad, cultura local y significado. En cuanto al segundo objetivo, se encontró una diferencia significativa entre el estado civil, los grupos de edad y el nivel educativo de los turistas internacionales y la percepción de su imagen país. Debido al impacto de la imagen del país en MTE, los formuladores de políticas deben realizar mejoras continuas en el contexto de factores políticos, tecnológicos y ambientales.Com a economia mundial se desenvolvendo com base na experiência, as empresas estão tentando criar experiências únicas para se diferenciar. A transformação dessas experiências em uma experiência turística memorável (MTE) não afeta apenas a satisfação do cliente, mas também afeta positivamente a imagem do país que é a impressão dos consumidores sobre o país. Portanto, este estudo pretende encontrar o efeito da imagem do país no MTE e revelar quais dimensões da imagem do país afetam o MTE. Além disso, será investigado o efeito de fatores demográficos na percepção da imagem do país. O estudo foi realizado com 707 turistas internacionais que visitaram Antalya, um conhecido destino da Turquia, durante os meses de maio a outubro de 2018. Como resultado da análise de regressão hierárquica, o efeito da imagem do país no MTE foi parcialmente suportado e revelou-se que o MTE teve um efeito positivo nas dimensões hedonismo, novidade, cultura local e significado. Em relação ao segundo objetivo, foi encontrada uma diferença significativa entre o estado civil, as faixas etárias e a escolaridade dos turistas internacionais e a percepção da imagem do país. Devido ao impacto da imagem do país no MTE, os formuladores de políticas precisam fazer melhorias contínuas no contexto de fatores políticos, tecnológicos e ambientais

    A Content Analysis of Consumer Feedback on ‘Teddy Tour Berlin’ Within the Concept of Toy Tourism

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    With changing consumer trends and technological developments, the nature of tourism has evolved. Online platforms have made it easier for tourists to share their experiences and evaluations of the services they have consumed. Evaluating tourism services is often possible only after consumption, increasing consumer feedback\u27s effectiveness. This study aims to analyze the comments written by individuals on the website of Teddy Tour Berlin, an agency specializing in toy tourism. In the study, 34 comments from 2005 to February 1, 2022, interpreting the comments, have been analyzed using Maxqda qualitative data analysis software. A total of 182 codes were derived from 1016 words, and six main themes were identified, including positive reviews, materials provided, experiences, friendship, and suggestions and advice for the agency. The coding analysis indicates that nearly half of the comments (47.83%) consisted of positive opinions

    The Effect of Nomophobia on Cyberloafing Among Employees in Tourism Enterprises

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    Due to the dynamic nature of tourism, it is essential to follow and adopt the developing technology both to meet the changing demand structure and to facilitate the internal operation of the business. However, while technology has a positive effect on organizations in terms of travel, tourist flow and management, the employees’ internet access for non-work purposes during work time causes the development of cyberloafing and nomophobia behavior. Since information and communication technologies are used in every field of the tourism sector, it is thought that it will be important to examine the relationship between cyberloafing and nomophobia, specifically on the employees in the tourism sector. The main aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between nomophobia and cyberloafing among hotel employees. The research was conducted with a total of 300 employees in accommodation sector in Antalya, Turkey. According to the results of the study, it can be said that the nomophobic and cyberloafing levels of the hotel employees are moderate. The results revealed that nomophobia explained 34.2% of the variance in cyberloafing. The managerial implications are discussed based on the study results, and directions for future research are provided

    Thinking in the Context of Urban Women's Rights: A Review into the European Union and Turkey

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    Literatürde kentsel direnç ya da kentsel dayanıklılık olarak yer alan kavram; genellikle iklim değişikliği ya da doğal afetler alanında düşünülse de aslında ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel boyutları da vardır. Bu nedenle kenti bütün olarak düşünmek ve kentin içinde yaşayan insanların sosyal ve ekonomik durumlarını, hayat kalitelerini, mekânsal alanlarını kentsel direnç bağlamında da ele almak gerekmektedir. Kentsel direncin sosyal risklerden ayrı tutulamayacağı göz önünde bulundurularak kentlerde yaşayan dezavantajlı grupların kentin yaşadığı şoklardan daha fazla etkilendiği vurgulanmaktadır. Toplumun yarısını oluşturan kadınların ise kentsel şokları ve kentsel yoksulluğu daha fazla hissettikleri düşünülmektedir. Bu nedenle araştırmanın sorusu kadınların ekonomik hayata katılımlarının artması kentsel dirençliliklerini arttırır mı? olarak belirlenmiştir. Kentsel risklerden en az hasarla kurtulabilmek için kadınların eğitim düzeylerinin yükselmesi, istihdamlarının arttırılması gerekmektedir. Bu kapsamda EUROSTAT verileri ile AB’de; TÜİK verileri ile Türkiye’de kadının konumu ve kentsel direnç oluşturabilme imkânı değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirme yapılırken ekonomik, eğitim ve güvenlik temaları seçilmiş ve bu temalardaki veriler incelenmiştir. Verilerden elde edilen bulgularla kadınların kentsel şoklardan daha az etkilenmeleri için konumlarının güçlendirilmesi gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.The concept of urban resilience or urban resilience in literature; although it is often considered in the area of climate change or natural disasters, it also has economic, social and cultural dimensions. It is therefore necessary to consider the city as a whole and also consider the social and economic situations, quality of life and spatial areas of the people living in the city in the context of urban resilience. It is highlighted that disadvantaged groups living in cities are more affected by shocks experienced by the city, taking into account that urban resilience cannot be kept separate from social risks. Women, who make up half of society, are thought to feel urban shocks and urban poverty more. So the question of the research is does increasing women’s participation in economic life increase their urban resilience? To survive these risks with minimal damage, women's education levels need to be improved, their employment increased. in the EU with EUROSTAT data; the TUIK data assessed the position of women in Turkey and the possibility of building urban resistance. Economic, education and security themes were selected and data on these themes were examined when this assessment was carried out. Findings from the data concluded that for women to be less affected by urban shocks, their position should be strengthened

    Klopidogrel’in membran bütünlüğüne olan etkisinin aml12 hepatosit hücre soyunda araştırılması

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    ÖZET Türkiye‘de bulaşıcı olmayan hastalıkların yol açtığı ölümlerin %37‘si kardiyovasküler hastalıklar sebebi ile gerçekleşmiştir. Adenozin difosfat reseptör antagonisti olan Klopidogrel, felç, damar tıkanıklığı, inme, kalp krizi gibi kardiyovasküler hastalıkların önlenmesi ve tedavi edilmesinde görev alan önemli bir antiplatelet ajandır ve kardiyovasküler olay riskini %30-40 oranında azaltmaktadır. İlacın aktif metabolitleri adenozin difosfatın P2Y12 reseptörüne bağlanmasını engelleyerek platelet oluşumunu geri dönüşümsüz olarak engellemektedir. Çalışmamızda antiplatelet tedavide kullanılan Klopidogrel‘in AML12 hepatositlerinin plazma membranında oluşturduğu etkileri araştırılmıştır. Klopidogrel‘in aktif metabolitlerinin oluşabilmesi için karaciğer hücrelerinde metabolize edilmesi gerektiğinden, çalışmamızda AML12 hepatositleri kullanılmıştır. Kültürü yapılan ve olgunluğa erişen hücreler 100, 300, 400 ve 500 µM Klopidogrel ile muamele edilmiş ve hücrelere LDH testiuygulanarak plazma membranı hasarı araştırılmıştır. Laktat dehidrogenaz enzimi, plazma membranında hasar olması durumunda ekstraselüler boşluğa salınarak kültür ortamındaki varlığı ile sitotoksisite tayinindekullanılır. Çalışmamızda, 100, 300, 400 ve 500 µM Klopidogrel ile muamele edilen hücrelere LDH testi uygulanarak, test bileşenleriyle hücrelerin oluşturduğu OD340 dalga boyundaki absorbansları spektrofotometrik olarak ölçülmüştür. Sonuçlar değerlendirilerek, IC50 dozları 100 ve 300 µM Klopidogrel dozu olarak tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmamızda AML12 hepatositlerine 100, 300, 400 ve 500 µM olmak üzere uygulanan tüm Klopidogrel dozlarının plazma membranında hasar oluşturarak sitotoksik olduğu belirlenmiştir. Literatür taramalarımızda, Klopidogrel‘in AML12 hepatositlerinde plazma membran bütünlüğüne olan etkisini araştıran bir çalışmaya rastlanmadığından çalışmamız özgün nitelik taşımaktadır.--------------------INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF CLOPIDOGREL IN AML12 HEPATOCYTE CELL LINE OVER MEMBRANE INTEGRITY 37% of deaths caused by non-communicable diseases in Turkey is realized with the causes of cardiovascular diseases. Clopidogrel, an ADP receptor antagonist, is an important antiplatelet agent used in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, vascular occlusion, heart attack and known as having the capability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events by 30-40%. The active metabolites of the drug prevent the binding of ADP to P2Y12 receptor and prevent formation of platelets irreversibly. In our study, we investigated the effects of Clopidogrel over the plasma membrane of AML12 hepatocytes. Clopidogrel needs to be metabolized in order to form the active metabolites in liver cells. Cells that were cultured and reached maturity were treated with 100, 300, 400 and 500 µM Clopidogrel and LDH test was applied in order to assess the plasma membrane damage that drug has caused. The lactate dehydrogenase enzyme in cells are released into the extracellular space in case of damage to the plasma membrane and the presence of the enzyme in the culture medium is determined as a cytotoxicity marker. LDH test was performed on the cells treated with 100, 300, 400 and 500 µM Clopidogrel. The results were evaluated and LDH activity graph was plot to determine IC50 doses. As a result of the calculations, IC50 value was determined to be 100 and 300 µM. In our study, all clopidogrel doses which are 100, 300, 400 and 500 µM administered to AML12 hepatocytes were determined to be cytotoxic by causing damage on the plasma membrane. Any research is not found in the literature investigating the effects of Clopidogrel in AML12 hepatocytes over plasma membrane integrity. Our study has characteristics of being an original work

    Klopidogrel’in membran bütünlüğüne olan etkisinin aml12 hepatosit hücre soyunda araştırılması

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    ÖZET Türkiye‘de bulaşıcı olmayan hastalıkların yol açtığı ölümlerin %37‘si kardiyovasküler hastalıklar sebebi ile gerçekleşmiştir. Adenozin difosfat reseptör antagonisti olan Klopidogrel, felç, damar tıkanıklığı, inme, kalp krizi gibi kardiyovasküler hastalıkların önlenmesi ve tedavi edilmesinde görev alan önemli bir antiplatelet ajandır ve kardiyovasküler olay riskini %30-40 oranında azaltmaktadır. İlacın aktif metabolitleri adenozin difosfatın P2Y12 reseptörüne bağlanmasını engelleyerek platelet oluşumunu geri dönüşümsüz olarak engellemektedir. Çalışmamızda antiplatelet tedavide kullanılan Klopidogrel‘in AML12 hepatositlerinin plazma membranında oluşturduğu etkileri araştırılmıştır. Klopidogrel‘in aktif metabolitlerinin oluşabilmesi için karaciğer hücrelerinde metabolize edilmesi gerektiğinden, çalışmamızda AML12 hepatositleri kullanılmıştır. Kültürü yapılan ve olgunluğa erişen hücreler 100, 300, 400 ve 500 µM Klopidogrel ile muamele edilmiş ve hücrelere LDH testiuygulanarak plazma membranı hasarı araştırılmıştır. Laktat dehidrogenaz enzimi, plazma membranında hasar olması durumunda ekstraselüler boşluğa salınarak kültür ortamındaki varlığı ile sitotoksisite tayinindekullanılır. Çalışmamızda, 100, 300, 400 ve 500 µM Klopidogrel ile muamele edilen hücrelere LDH testi uygulanarak, test bileşenleriyle hücrelerin oluşturduğu OD340 dalga boyundaki absorbansları spektrofotometrik olarak ölçülmüştür. Sonuçlar değerlendirilerek, IC50 dozları 100 ve 300 µM Klopidogrel dozu olarak tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmamızda AML12 hepatositlerine 100, 300, 400 ve 500 µM olmak üzere uygulanan tüm Klopidogrel dozlarının plazma membranında hasar oluşturarak sitotoksik olduğu belirlenmiştir. Literatür taramalarımızda, Klopidogrel‘in AML12 hepatositlerinde plazma membran bütünlüğüne olan etkisini araştıran bir çalışmaya rastlanmadığından çalışmamız özgün nitelik taşımaktadır. -------------------- INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECTS OF CLOPIDOGREL IN AML12 HEPATOCYTE CELL LINE OVER MEMBRANE INTEGRITY 37% of deaths caused by non-communicable diseases in Turkey is realized with the causes of cardiovascular diseases. Clopidogrel, an ADP receptor antagonist, is an important antiplatelet agent used in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, vascular occlusion, heart attack and known as having the capability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events by 30-40%. The active metabolites of the drug prevent the binding of ADP to P2Y12 receptor and prevent formation of platelets irreversibly. In our study, we investigated the effects of Clopidogrel over the plasma membrane of AML12 hepatocytes. Clopidogrel needs to be metabolized in order to form the active metabolites in liver cells. Cells that were cultured and reached maturity were treated with 100, 300, 400 and 500 µM Clopidogrel and LDH test was applied in order to assess the plasma membrane damage that drug has caused. The lactate dehydrogenase enzyme in cells are released into the extracellular space in case of damage to the plasma membrane and the presence of the enzyme in the culture medium is determined as a cytotoxicity marker. LDH test was performed on the cells treated with 100, 300, 400 and 500 µM Clopidogrel. The results were evaluated and LDH activity graph was plot to determine IC50 doses. As a result of the calculations, IC50 value was determined to be 100 and 300 µM. In our study, all clopidogrel doses which are 100, 300, 400 and 500 µM administered to AML12 hepatocytes were determined to be cytotoxic by causing damage on the plasma membrane. Any research is not found in the literature investigating the effects of Clopidogrel in AML12 hepatocytes over plasma membrane integrity. Our study has characteristics of being an original work

    The relationship betweenlymphedema, posture, respiratory functions, exercise capacity, and the quality of life after breast cancer treatment

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    Introduction. To evaluate the relationship between lymphedema, posture, respiratory functions, exercise capacity, and the qualityof life after breast cancer treatment.Methods. This cross-sectional study consisted of 38 women who had unilateral breast cancer treatment. Pulmonary functionwith a spirometer, functional exercise capacity via a six-minute walk test, postural alignment changes, and quality of life wereevaluated. Circumferential measurements were used to determine the severity of lymphedema.Results. The median age of the female participants was 53 years (range 40–64). The mean body mass index was 26.66 ± 2.96 kg/m2,of which 76% had lymphedema. The expected changes in posture were moderate. The mean of the 6-minute walking distancedecreased, corresponding to 58.55% of normative values. MIP and MEP values were significantly lower than the expected values.An intermediate negative correlation was observed between postural changes and body mass index (r = –0.348; p = 0.05). Moreover, there was a positive correlation between forced expiration volume and forced vital capacity values, and walking distance(p &lt; 0.05).Conclusions. After breast cancer treatment, 76% of the female patients had lymphedema; the functional exercise capacity, MIPand MEP, were below the expected values. As functional capacity decreased, respiratory parameters were affected negatively.Key words: breast cancer, spirometric tests, posture, exercise capacity</p

    An easy method for diagnosing macro-aspartate aminotransferase: A case series

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    Macro-aspartate transaminase (macro-AST) must be considered when the aspartate transaminase (AST) level is chronically high without any liver, cardiac, or muscle disease. Many specialized laboratory techniques have been recommended for diagnosing macro-AST, including the polyethylene glycol immune precipitate technique, which is simple. This study presents a considerably easier method based on the studies of Davidson and Watson and Castiella et al. Our method is based on the decrease in the plasma AST level after storage of the macroenzyme at 2-8 degrees C for 5 days, and has the advantages of low cost, reliability, and practicality at any health center. In our eight cases of macro-AST, the AST activity at day 6 had decreased by more than 50% from day 1. This method is practical for primary healthcare facilities because of its easy application and accurate results, and obviated the need for unnecessary tests after diagnosis