218 research outputs found


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    Indonesia is a country that majority Moeslem. About product consumption, Indonesian use halal concept. Mazaya is a halal cosmetic that made from safe fabrics. To persuade their audience, Mazaya campaign it product through television advertisement. As halal cosmetic ad, Mazaya shows unique beauty concept that differ from another cosmetic ad. Mazaya appearing three of brand ambassador that using veil. The purpose of this research is to identify beauty meaning in Mazaya ad. According to the explanation before, this research focuses on beauty aspect. This research use qualitative approach to identify semiotic structure Mazaya ad. Analysis technique in this research used Roland Barthes semiotic analysis to analyze elements of semiotic included signifier & signified, denotation & connotation and myth & ideology.Keyword: beauty, meaning, advertisement, halal cosmeti

    Analisis Pengaruh Kepuasan Konsumen terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan dengan Kualitas Produk sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the significance of the effect of customer satisfaction with the quality of products to customers Oryza Florist Surakarta. Analyze the significance of the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in customers Oryza Florist Surakarta. Analyze the significance of the effect of product quality on customer loyalty in customers Oryza Florist Surakarta. Analyze the significance of the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty mediated by the quality of products to customers Oryza Florist Surakarta. In conclusion: Customer satisfaction is a significant effect on the quality of the product on a series of services in Oryza Florist flower bouquet Surakarta. Significant effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in services bouquet flower arrangement in Oryza Florist Surakarta. Quality products have a significant effect on customer loyalty in services bouquet flower arrangement in Oryza Florist Surakarta. Quality products mediate the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in services bouquet flower arrangement in Oryza Florist Surakarta

    Impact of Global Index, Gold Price and Macro Economic Variable for Indonesia Composite Index

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    The purpose of this research to analyze the influence of DIJA Index, FTSE100 Index, NIKKEI225 Index, KOSPI Index, Hang Sheng Index, Gold Price, Money Supply and net export to Indonesia Composite Index. Data for this research have been taken from Indonesian statistic center for macroeconomic variables, yahoo finance for index, and London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) for gold price. The methods of data analysis were multiple linear regresion models. The result of this study shows that DJIA, FTSE100, Hang Seng, money Supply and net export have not influence to Indonesia Composite Index. Meanwhile NIKKEI 225, KOSPI and gold price have positive relation with Indonesia Composite Index. The suggestion can be given to investors and listed companies is to respond the information regarding the Nikkei 225 index, Kospi, and the world gold price to predict Indonesia Composite Index investment decision on the right stock and when it will make the policy valuation company stock.For further research is recommended to increase the number of others who influence the stock price index is not included in this study are economic factors or external factors such as other indexes that exist in the world, the variable inflation, exchange rates, GDP, oil price and others. Subsequent research has also suggested using another index, for example a Kompas 100, LQ-45, and other indices Keywords: Global Index, Gold Price, Indonesia Composite Index, Macro Economic Variable. JEL classification: G14;G15;E51;E6


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    The role of readers in responding to literary works is very important in determining the quality of literary works in the digital world, such as literary works written in the Wattpad application. Based on this, the researcher conducted research on reader reception of Min 'Ālam Ākhar's novel which was uploaded to the Wattpad application by the username Manjiro57 using Stuart Hall's theory which groups receptions into three categories, namely dominant-hegemonic position, negotiated position and oppositional position. The data in this study were obtained from the comments column on Min 'Ālam Ākhar's novel in the Wattpad application which were collected using the note-taking technique based on a purposive sampling technique. The data found were analyzed using descriptive-analytical methods. This research shows that the dominant-hegemonic position is found more often than the negotiated position or oppositional position. The existence of the dominant-hegemonic position means that this novel is enough to attract the attention of readers. The negotiated position can be a suggestion for novel writers to find out how the storyline that the reader wants. In the oppositional position, the readers provided comments related to several storylines which they think did not make sense


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    Disclosure of fraud (whistleblowing) is the disclosure of violations that can harm the organization by employees or leaders of the organization to third parties who can take action on these violations. This study aims to determine the effect of organizational commitment, personal costs and the level of serious violations on the tendency to take whistleblowing actions at the Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) in Mengwi sub-district. The population in this study were all employees of the LPD in the Mengwi sub-district, the respondents used were 172 people. The method of determining the sample using the Slovin technique. From the results of this study, organizational commitment, personal cost and the level of seriousness of violations have a positive effect on the tendency to take whistleblowing actions at the Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) in Mengwi sub-district

    Digital Transformation : Peran Digital Skill Dan E-Readiness Pada UMKM

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    Perkembangan ra digital di Indonesia menuntut berbagai sektor untuk menerapkan digitalisasi dalam setiap aktivitasnya. Tidak terkecuali dengan Usaha Kecil, Mikro dan Menengah (UMKM). Penerapan digitalisasi pada UMKM memiliki peran penting bagi keberlangsungan UMKM tersebut. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan faktor pendukung agar UMKM mampu menjaga keberlanjutannya, antara lain dengan bertransformasi digital, kemampuan digital, dan e-readiness. Perubahan digital ini sangat dibutuhkan UMKM dalam meningkatkan kesiapan menghadapi era digital saat ini akibat persaingan yang semakin ketat. Peningkatan transformasi digital pada UMKM perlu didukung oleh digital skill dan e-readiness dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi digital melalui internet. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada UMKM bidang makanan minuman dan mendapatkan 108 responden untuk diuji. Analisis dan pengolahan data penelitian didukung oleh software SPSS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan digital dan e-readiness berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap transformasi digital. Selanjutnya, keterampilan digital memiliki dampak positif dan signifikan terhadap transformasi digital melalui e-readiness. Penerapan digital skill dan e-readiness pada UMKM mampu menjadikan UMKM bertransformasi ke digitalisasi, sehingga kedepannya UMKM dapat mencapai keunggulan kompetitif dan menjaga keberlangsungannya


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia materi Pantun sebelum menggunakan metode Speed Reading (2) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan metode Speed Reading pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indoensia materi Pantun (3) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil belajar siswa setelah menerapkan metode Speed Reading pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia materi Pantun. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas IV SDN 064969 Sidorejo Hilir, Kecamatan Medan Tembung sebanyak 21 siswa. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman siswa sebelum menggunakan metode Speed Reading dengan persentase 40%, kemudian setelah menggunakan metode Speed Reading yaitu pada siklus I siswa yang tuntas berjumlah 14 orang atau dengan persentase 63,85%. Selanjutnya pada siklus II siswa yang tuntas berjumlah 18 orang atau dengan persentase 71,19%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam memahami materi Pantun pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia telah mencapai tingkat ketuntasan belajar klasikal


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    This study aimes to analyze the influence of islamic leadership style, Islamic work ethic and islamic organizations culture to conduct Islamic work behavior in Sultan Agung Islamic University of Semarang. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of organizational culture islamic to moderate the relationship between leadership style islamic and islamic work ethic in Islamic work behavior of the lecturer and staff at the Sultan Agung Islamic Univercity of Semarang. Data were obtained from 1 60 respondents to the questionnaire. Data analysis using SPSS 16 shows that the Islamic leadership style has a significant and positive influence on the islamic work behavior, the islamic work ethic have a significant and positive effect of the reactor islamic work behavior, islamic leadership style has a positive and significant impact on the islamic work ethic, and islamic organizational culture may moderate the relationship between islamic leadership style and islamic work ethic against the islamic work behavi or of the lecturer and staff at the Sultan Agung Islamic University of Semarang.  Keywords: islamic leadership style, islamic work ethic, islamic organizational culture, islamic work behavio

    Pemodelan Beban Sistem Listrik di Wilayah Jawa-Bali dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Flexible Seasonality Forecasting

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    Persentase penggunaan energi listrik di Indonesia mencapai 55% dari total kebutuhan energi final disusul oleh gas bumi, BBM, dan batubara, dengan kapasitas total pembangkit nasional tahun 2011 di Indonesia adalah sebesar 38,9GW, dimana sekitar 76% diantaranya berada di wilayah Jawa-Bali. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pembangkit listrik regional Jawa-Bali memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam perencanaan kebutuhan tenaga listrik untuk menghindari krisis listrik di Jawa-Bali di masa mendatang. Pola musiman yang terdapat pada beban konsumsi listrik di Indonesia sangat kompleks karena dipengaruhi beberapa faktor seperti perbedaan kebutuhan listrik pada jam-jam tertentu setiap harinya, perbedaan pada akhir pekan setiap minggunya serta perbedaan karena adanya efek hari raya idul fitri yang dirayakan sebagian besar penduduk di Jawa-Bali. Sehingga dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode flexible seasonality forecasting yaitu Trigonometric, Box-Cox transform, ARMA errors, Trend, and Seasonal components (TBATS) yang merupakan pengembangan dari model exponential smoothing. Model ini dapat mengakomodasi terjadinya pola musiman yang lebih kompleks dan non-integer, terjadinya trend, kasus-kasus non-linearitas, serta pemodelan error ARMA. Selanjutnya dalam proses penelitian, dilakukan pemodelan TBATS beban sistem listrik dengan memasukkan pola musiman tahunan hijriah yang hasilnya lebih dapat menangkap pola fluktuatif tahunan pada data, namun menghasilkan residual yang lebih besar jika dibandingkan pemodelan TBATS tanpa memasukkan pola musiman tahunan hijriah jika dilihat dari kriteria AIC, RMSE, dan MAPE. Sehingga dilakukan substitusi hasil ramalan regresi dummy hari raya idul fitri untuk hari-hari di sekitar hari raya idul fitri ke dalam ramalan pemodelan TBATS dengan pola musiman tahunan hijriah. Hasil substitusi tersebut lebih dapat menangkap efek hari raya idul fitri dan dapat menghasilkan nilai ramalan yang lebih baik yang ditunjukkan dari nilai RMSE dan MAPE yang lebih kecil. ============================================================================================== Electrical energy usage in Indonesia has reached 55% of total final energy with total nation generating capacity in 2011 was approximately 38,9GW and about 76% located in Java-Bali region. This show that Java-Bali power plant require special attention in electricity demand planning to avoid power crisis in the future. One way to do for this plan is forecasting electricity demand. Electricity demand data series exhibit multiple seasonal patterns. It has daily seasonal pattern, weekly seasonal pattern, and annual seasonal pattern in Hijri calendar. Thus, in this study used flexible forecasting seasonality method, called Trigonometric, Box-Cox transform, ARMA errors, Trend, and Seasonal components (TBATS), which is the development of exponential smoothing model. This model can accommodate complex seasonal patterns, trends, non-linearity, and ARMA errors model. Furthermore, in the research process, the electrical system load is modeled by including the annual Hijri seasonal pattern in TBATS models, which can capture the pattern of annual fluctuations in the data. But it produces greater residual than TBATS models without including the annual Hijri seasonal pattern that shown by AIC, RMSE and MAPE criteria. So substitution of dummy regression forecast results of Eid is apply on the days around Eid into forecast of TBATS model with annual seasonal pattern Hijra. The forecast result of substitution is able to capture the effects of Eid and can produce better forecast value that can be seen from smaller RMSE and MAPE