108 research outputs found

    Analisis Energi dan Eksergi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas-Uap Blok 1 Unit Pembangkitan Gresik

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    Penelitian ini tentang menganalisis efisiensi energi dan efisiensi eksergi pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas Uap. Salah satu metode analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui energi yang berada dalam suatu sistem pembangkit ada dua, yaitu metode analisis energi dan analisis eksergi. Dalam analisis energi dapat diketahui efisiensi termal dari suatu pembangkit tetapi tidak dapat mengetahui besar kerugian sistem tersebut. Pada PLTGU Gresik, sudah ada yang melakukan penelitian tentang efisiensi termal dari PLTGU Gresik tetapi belum ada yang melakukan perhitungan eksergi untuk konfigurasi 3-3-1 pembangkit sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian ini. Perhitungan yang dilakukan penulis menggunakan hasil data performance test agar mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Dalam perhitungan didapat bahwa PLTGU Gresik blok 1 memiliki efisiensi termal 59,37% dan efisiensi eksergi 52,82%

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Promosi Penjualan, dan Citra Merek terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Chatime di Pakuwon Mall Surabaya

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of Product Quality, Sales Promotion, and Brand Image towards Repurchase Intention of Chatime at Pakuwon Mall Surabaya. This research uses descriptive quantitative research method. Sampling in this research uses non probability sampling technique. Data collection in this research uses google form questionnaires with measurement scale using Likert Scale. The questionnaires are distributed to 235 consumers of Chatime Pakuwon Mall Surabaya. Analysis method in this research uses multiple linear regression analysis and is processed using SPSS 25. The result of this researchindicates that product quality, sales promotion, and brand image variables partially affect significant on repurchase intention. In this research, it is also obtained the result that product quality, sales promotion, and brand image variables simultaneously affectsignificant on repurchase intention. Keywords: product quality, sales promotion, brand image, repurchase intentio


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    In a hospitality world, consumer expected an optimal service followed with hospitality as an added value to gaining maximum satisfication. Purpose of this research are to study about how much influence of price and service for intention to re-booking a service. Primary data is used by spreading a questioner to all of hotel‟s visitor as a respondent. This research was using a whole population from a customer that visited and used a meeting room in Imperial hotel in January, February and march on 2016. Sampling technique by Stratified random sampling where the sample collected at random and proportionally stratified1, this method is used if the population is heterogenous. There were 98 respondent that used in this research. Data analysis were using descriptive analysis , classical assumption test and two variable linear regression that processed by SPSS 16.0. Regression coefficient obtained in this research had a positife value, which meant that intention for reusing hotel imperial‟s service in kendari will increase as Price and service increasing. Probability of F value shown a significant result, i.e 54,019 where this value is compared with f table value ,i.e 2.839 which meant that all of the independent variable in this research had a significant role to dependent variable. It‟s known from the hypothesis result that price and service have a significant influence for re-booking intention in Impreial hotel, kendari South East Sulawesi. Keywords: Price, Service, Re-booking Intentio

    Computer Science Laboratory Environment Using Docker

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    Docker is an application that is based on open source technology that allows developers or anyone to create, run, do experiments and launch application in a container. Docker make the process of packaging application components together quickly in an insolated container, so it can run in local infrastructure without changing configuration on the container. Docker is also very light and fast when compared to hypervisor-based virtual machine. A university has a considerable number of students, while the number of computers in the department is not as many as the students. It makes the students not comfortable working on one computer, because configuring a computer on every lesson is different. Therefore, implementation of Docker application carried out in the laboratory. Docker and RAID storage system were implemented, testing was done by measuring the speed of Docker image transfer, and its effectiveness for laboratory programs


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    Abstract The program of applying science and technology to the community (PPIM) was carried out for 9 months, located in the Kampung Bumi Baru Blambangan Umpu Way Kanan, the partners in this program were women of Alhidayah recitation. This program is increasing public knowledge through Budikdamber education with Aquaponics in narrow areas. Budikdamber stands for fish and vegetable cultivation in buckets, namely raising livestock and farming with limited land, budikdamber can be a very appropriate choice in overcoming food problems. The lack of public knowledge about aquaponics culture has resulted in the need to carry out this program. The purpose of this PPIM is to increase the knowledge, capabilities and skills of partners, optimize yard land and business capital used for cultivating fish and plants and increase income and save on partner expenses. The implementation of this PPIM first coordinated with village officials, then continued with education on budikdamber with lecture and discussion methods, accompanied by training on budikdamber which included making, caring for fish, planting kale, and water changing techniques (penyiponan). The output of this activity is: the birth of a group of people who have knowledge of Budikdamber application and the open opportunity of the business.  Abstrak Kegiatan program penerapan iptek kepada masyarakat (PPIM) ini dilaksanakan selama 9 bulan, bertempat di kampung Bumi Baru Blambangan Umpu Way Kanan, mitra dalam program ini  adalah ibuibu pengajian Alhidayah. Program ini adalah peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat melalui pendidikan Budikdamber dengan Aquaponik dilahan sempit. Budikdamber singkatan dari budidaya ikan dan sayuran dalam ember, yaitu berternak dan bertani dengan lahan terbatas, budikdamber dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan yang sangat tepat dalam mengatasi permasalahan pangan. Kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang budikdamber dengan aquaponik ini mengakibatkan perlunya dilakukan program ini. Tujuan dari PPIM ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan, kemampuan dan keterampilan mitra, mengoptimalkan lahan pekarangan dan  modal usaha yang digunakan untuk melakukan budidaya ikan dan tanaman serta  meningkatkan pendapatan dan menghemat pengeluaran mitra. Pelaksanaan PPIM ini terlebih dahulu berkoordinasi dengan perangkat desa, kemudian dilanjutkan penyuluhan budikdamber dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi, disertai pelatihan budikdamber yang meliputi cara pembuatan, perawatan ikan, menanam kangkung, dan teknik pergantian air (penyiponan). Output kegiatan ini adalah: lahirnya kelompok masyarakat yang memiliki pengetahuan dengan mengerti dan paham akan penerapan Budikdamber serta dapat membuka peluang usaha


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    The purpose of this research was to show open-ended questions about surface area and beam volume which valid and practice, have potential effect. This research is research development which consists of two main phases: preliminary phase (preparation phase and problem design) and formative evaluation phase (evaluation and revision phases). The objective of the study is the students of VIII.2 class of Junior High School 55 Palembang. The result of the study got 9 questions open-ended of surface area and beam volume materials which valid and practical. In addition, there was the potential effect of students' mathematical ability on the open-ended questions that have been given. The result of open-ended problem in the concept potential effect was 77,53%, reasoning ability was 59,79%, the communication ability was 57,02%, and problem solving ability was 67,01 %.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22342/jme.9.1.4640.157-16

    Body Mass Index And Age With Ankle Injury In Basketball Player

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    Introduction: Ankle injuries occur when foot do some movements, such as twist or stretch the ankle. At certain point, this movement can cause ligament tears or dislocation. About 90 percent of all ankle injuries are sprain. Only 15 percent are ankle fracture. Ankle sprain is one type of ankle injury. Aim: The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Age with Ankle Injury in Basketball Player. Methods: This research used cross sectional study method. The analysis used Spearman correlation test to evaluate the relationship of each variable. This observational analytic study started from 2017 August 1st until 2017 August 31st. The population of this study is 250 people. 145 of the 250 respondents are respondents who comply the criteria. Result: Showed weak relationship (r= 0.227) and significant (p=0.006) for BMI and ankle injury. While, for age and ankle injury the result was weak relationship (r=0.310) and significant (p=0,000). Conclusion: The conclusion of this research was the increasing of BMI and age results in high potential suffer from ankle injury


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    Penditian ini bertujuan untuk mengctahui· pcngaruh pemberian termentasi ampas tahu dengan ragi tempe sebagai substitusi pakan komersial terhadap konsumsi dan konvcrsi pakan burung puytinTT"(,lurnix columix .lll{JoniclI). Penelitian ini menggunakan 40 hewan coba yaitu burung puyuh betina yang telah bcrproduksi berumur 10 minggu


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    Provinsi Kalimantan Barat adalah salah satu provinsi yang memiliki kekayaan alam yang dapat dijadikan tempat wisata, namun kurangnya infrastruktur dan promosi tentang kawasan wisata menyebabkan sepinya kunjungan wisatawan. Salah satu kawasan desa yang berpotensi untuk menjadi tempat wisata adalah desa Asam Besar, namun status desa tersebut masih berupa desa tertinggal. Desa Asam Besar adalah desa yang menjadi tempat tinggal berbagai suku seperti suku Dayak, Melayu, Jawa dan Maluku-Papua. Desa Asam Besar sendiri belum memiliki rencana pembangunan desa yang terstruktur, lebih cenderung pembangunan untuk pemenuhan mikro. Desa Asam Besar memiliki potensi alam yang besar karena Luas desa Asam Besar sendiri mencapai 16.000 Ha. Potensi tersebut adalah potensi alam di desa Asam Besar, dan budaya masyarakat dayak yang masih bertahan. Namun dibalik potensi terdapat permasalahan kebiasaan masyarakat yang kurang baik karena kurang partisipatif dalam pembangunan desa dan membuang sampah dan limbah rumah tangga secara sembarangan menyebabkan lingkungan desa menjadi tidak terawat. Permasalahan terkait alam juga terjadi akibat meluasnya perkebunan sawit yang semakin mendekati permukiman masyarakat desa Asam Besar dan memangkas bentang alam dan merusak ekosistem. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada di desa Asam Besar, diperlukan pendekatan yang sesuai supaya dapat menjadi solusi yang menguntungkan banyak pihak serta diharapkan dapat mensejahterakan masyarakat desa Asam Besar. Dengan melakukan studi lapangan, literatur dan komparasi, maka pendekatan yang sesuai untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dan potensi di desa Asam Besar adalah pendekatan dengan arsitektur partisipatif dan ekologis. 2 Pendekatan ini dapat diterapkan dengan kondisi desa Asam Besar saat ini yang membutuhkan ruang untuk sharing dan ruang yang ramah lingkungan. Terciptanya ruang sharing untuk pertukaran informasi dapat mempererat persaudaraan dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat desa untuk membangun desa. Selain ruang sharing, ruang yang ramah lingkungan juga diharapkan dapat menyadarkan masyarakat bahwa pentingnya menjaga kelestarian alam agar dapat menjadi daya tari
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