6 research outputs found


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    Spatial segregation can trigger the presence of social problems such as marginalization of vulnerable economies, criminality, and the loss of social sensitivity. Spatial segregation is characterized by the formation of space barriers derived from the manifestation of the diversity of socio-economic conditions. This research is a simple research with qualitative approach which is done in GunungAnyar Jaya Utara housinginSurabaya based on protest that is sent by societybecause of limitation of space accessibility by developer. This study also identified the formation of Neighborhood from the housing of GunungAnyar Jaya Utara. The result of the research shows that there is an insulation that causes the movement of activity of the local residentsto be limited

    Faktor - Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian sebagai Upaya Prediksi Perkembangan Lahan Pertanian di Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Kabupaten Lamongan sebagai Lumbung Pangan Jawa Timur mengalami penurunan luas lahan pertanian akibat alih fungsi lahan pada periode 2009-2012. Disisi lain sebagai kawasan yang termasuk dalam Gerbangkertasusila Plus, Kabupaten Lamongan dituntut untuk terus membenahi pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui sektor non pertanian. Sehingga penelitian ini membahas mengenai prediksi perkembangan lahan pertanian sebagai upaya mempertahankan lahan pertanian di Kabupaten Lamongan seiring dengan perkembangan wilayah. Artikel ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian mengenai prediksi perkembangan lahan pertanian berdasarkan kecenderungan alih fungsi lahan pertanian (sawah) di Kabupaten Lamongan. Melalui teknik analisis GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression), dapat diketahui faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap alih fungsi lahan pertanian, kemudian ditransformasi kedalam analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap alih fungsi lahan pertanian adalah rasio harga lahan dan rasio aksesibilitas wilayah. Dimana dihasilkan kelompok-kelompok kecamatan sesuai dengan faktor alih fungsi yang mempengaruhinya

    Faktor - Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian Sebagai Upaya Prediksi Perkembangan Lahan Pertanian di Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Kabupaten Lamongan sebagai Lumbung Pangan Jawa Timur mengalami penurunan luas lahan pertanian akibat alih fungsi lahan pada periode 2009-2012. Disisi lain sebagai kawasan yang termasuk dalam Gerbangkertasusila Plus, Kabupaten Lamongan dituntut untuk terus membenahi pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui sektor non pertanian. Sehingga penelitian ini membahas mengenai prediksi perkembangan lahan pertanian sebagai upaya mempertahankan lahan pertanian di Kabupaten Lamongan seiring dengan perkembangan wilayah. Artikel ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian mengenai prediksi perkembangan lahan pertanian berdasarkan kecenderungan alih fungsi lahan pertanian (sawah) di Kabupaten Lamongan. Melalui teknik analisis GWR (Geographically Weighted Regression), dapat diketahui faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap alih fungsi lahan pertanian, kemudian ditransformasi kedalam analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap alih fungsi lahan pertanian adalah rasio harga lahan dan rasio aksesibilitas wilayah. Dimana dihasilkan kelompok-kelompok kecamatan sesuai dengan faktor alih fungsi yang mempengaruhinya


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    The era of democratization demands city leaders to change the development paradigm to be inclusive. Inclusive development is a concept advocated by the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, and also the United Nations as an effort to equalize development so that it is not only owned by exclusive groups but can be equally felt by all elements of society. Marginalized groups as one of the focuses of handling inclusive development take shelter in a settlement. This study takes a marginal settlement in the watershed area, namely kampung Jodipan in Malang City, which used to be a slum village and will be evicted but has now succeeded in turning its face into a village with tourist attraction and has succeeded in attracting both domestic and foreign tourists. So that the purpose of this research is to learn from the experience of kampung Jodipan as a marginal settlement in fixing the village, by looking at it from an inclusiveness point of view. The output of this research is an inclusive development model in marginalized settlements that has not been done in many other studies. This study is using a phenomenological approach because the existing problem is a social experience in the form of a slum settlement phenomenon. This study uses a post-positivist paradigm with a mixed method strategy that combines quantitative and qualitative research with the dominance of quantitative research (correlation). Correlation research aims to analyze the relationship between inclusiveness factors and kampung Jodipan using questionnaire distribution tactics and analyzed using factor analysis and analyzing demographic factors using cross tabulation analysis. While the use of qualitative research aims to validate data with triangulation analysis using in-depth interview tactics. From observations and interviews, the results obtained in this study are that residents are responsive to kampung Jodipan development starting from planning, implementation and maintenance, which means that the participation of people in Jodipan is good. From the analysis, it was found that the dimensions of inclusiveness that prevailed in the kampung Jodipan were social inclusion and physical inclusion. Meanwhile, demographic factors that influence, with the results of the factors age, gender, length of stay, employment, education, and income are demographic factors that affect inclusivity in kampung Jodipan. Keywords: Marginalized, Inclusive Development, Inclusive Citie


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    Microfinance institutions are one of the efforts of the government to give the right to low-income communities in the fulfillment of the need for housing. The program of special microfinance institutions for housing discussed in this study is microcredit housing. This research is a descriptive-qualitative research that compiles between microfinance institutions in Indonesia and in other developing countries in relation to housing microcredit program. It is found that from some aspects of comparability, other developing countries are better prepared in terms of micro housing microcredit program management than Indonesia