253 research outputs found

    "Entwicklung heisst Befreiung": Strategien und Protestformen der schweizerischen Dritte-Welt-Bewegung am Symposium der SolidaritÀt 1981

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    The paper’s aim is to illustrate and analyse in depth the different ways development aid policy was debated and protested against in Switzerland at the beginning of the 1980s, taking the 1981 "Symposium of Solidarity" as its example. On the occasion of this event, which took place on the last weekend of May 1981, 3,000 people and 80 different organisations belonging to the Swiss Third World Movement gathered in the Swiss capital of Berne under the heading „Development Means Liberation”, the motto of an event that defined itself as a „Swiss symposium of solidarity”. For three days, the participants gave papers, listened to talks, engaged in lively discussions, even staged plays – and ultimately issued a manifesto that harshly criticised Switzerland’s development aid policy of the time and the business activities of major Swiss banks and companies, formulating a number of specific demands aimed at the country’s political leaders. The purpose of the Symposium was to define a unique set of new political goals for a dawning decade, as much a critique of old approaches as an expression of the hope for a new beginning. For the Swiss Third World Movement, the event represented the peak of its impact, mobilising more people than ever before and launching many of the topics that were to define the debates to come. It was the raising of these issues – consciously formulated in a way as to ensure impact on the greatest number of people as well as on adherents of other movements – that ultimately transformed the Third World Movement into an important counterforce within Switzerland’s political landscape

    Sklavenhandel als Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit –: Geschichtskultur, Gedenken und Geschichtswissenschaft in Europa

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    This essay focuses on the consequences that new perspectives on slavery and slave trade as well as the political functionalising of the past are having on historical sciences, addressing the recent forms of public commemoration of slavery and slave trade in European countries. This debate is especially fostered by the global discourse on coming to terms with the past and the UN-declaration of slavery as a crime against humanity. The differing narratives on slavery from governments, museums, victims, historians and NGOs are shaping the historical awareness within European societies. The breaking of silence on slave trade is resulting in various commemoration activities, exhibitions, slavery monuments and new research institutions. Thus the need for specific attention and research in the field of politicized public history and the upholding of their scientific standards against a normative history narrative is emerging within historical sciences. Only in this way can history produce insight in the mechanisms of guilt, responsibility and historical injustice

    ‘Folk Culture’ as Resource: Conjunctures of a Concept between Science and the Public in Switzerland

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    ‘Folk culture’ was framed and established by folklore studies/Volkskunde, mainly in the 1930s. Its research activities, especially with extensive individual eldwork or collaborative collecting pro- jects, shaped the image of Swiss alpine ‘folk culture’ in a highly lasting way. Even today, the then constructed knowledge formats exert their power not only in public debate, but in the wake of Switzerland’s attempts to cope with UNESCO’s list of ‘intangible heritage’. e article argues for intense research on historical contexts of the longstanding knowledge formats to broaden the concept of ‘popular culture’ for the future.‘Folk culture’ was framed and established by folklore studies/Volkskunde, mainly in the 1930s. Its research activities, especially with extensive individual eldwork or collaborative collecting pro- jects, shaped the image of Swiss alpine ‘folk culture’ in a highly lasting way. Even today, the then constructed knowledge formats exert their power not only in public debate, but in the wake of Switzerland’s attempts to cope with UNESCO’s list of ‘intangible heritage’. e article argues for intense research on historical contexts of the longstanding knowledge formats to broaden the concept of ‘popular culture’ for the future

    Ein PlĂ€doyer fĂŒr volkskundliche Wissensforschung: Überlegungen in bilanzierender Absicht

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    Da kein Abstract des Artikels vorhanden ist, finden Sie hier den Beginn des Artikels: Fachgeschichte hat Konjunktur in unserem Fach mit den vielen Namen: In der sogenannten Post-Volkskunde – der empirischen Kulturwissenschaft, der EuropĂ€ische Ethnologie, der Kulturanthropologie – den NachfolgeFĂ€cher der ehemaligen Volkskunde also manifestiert sich nach Jahren, in denen kaum mehr vertieft ĂŒber die Geschichte der Disziplin geforscht worden war, seit etwas mehr als fĂŒnfzehn Jahren ein eigentlicher Boom der reflexiven BeschĂ€ftigung mit der Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Volkskunde. Diese Konjunktur zeigt sich in spezialisierten Tagungen, in Lehrveranstaltungen und Lehrforschungsprojekten, in grösseren VerbundForschungsprojekten, in JubilĂ€en und Geburtstagen, aber auch in einzelnen Publikationen, Qualifikations- und Abschlussarbeiten. Nun stehen allerdings nicht mehr so sehr die Biografien von Forscherpersönlichkeiten oder die Institutionengeschichten im Zentrum des Interesses. Und auch die ehemalige (und wĂ€hrend Jahrzehnten auch wichtige und richtige) Dominanz der Aufarbeitung der nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit unserer Disziplin ist abgelöst von neuen Perspektiven: Nun interessieren vielmehr wissensanthropologische Fragen nach den Situationen und Dynamiken der Wissensproduktion, nach der Zirkulation ebendieses Wissens in verschiedenen Kontexten und nach den unterschiedlichen Formaten von kulturwissenschaftlichem Wissen. In diese Konjunktur reihen sich auch die hier vorgelegten Texte ein – dass sie diese Wissensgeschichte aus der Perspektive eines studentischen ForscherInnen-Blicks schreiben, macht sie besonders wertvoll. Den hier prĂ€sentierten Arbeiten kommt dabei in vielerlei Hinsicht Pioniercharakter zu, dies einerseits generell, andererseits aber auch speziell fĂŒr die Wissens- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte der «ZĂŒrcher Volkskunde» – in einem ersten Schritt möchte ich ausfĂŒhren, worin die Innovation der hier vorliegenden Texte besteht. Dazu ist es wichtig, zu klĂ€ren, wie sich das existierende und gegenwĂ€rtig aktuelle Narrativ zur Geschichte der Volkskunde/PopulĂ€ren Kulturen in ZĂŒrich prĂ€sentiert. Was wissen wir eigentlich ĂŒber die Geschichte dieser Disziplin an der UniversitĂ€t ZĂŒrich? Was also ist neu nach der LektĂŒre dieser Texte hier? Was wissen wir nun mehr oder genauer

    Cultures in Mountain Areas / Culture in aree di montagna / Kulturen in Gebirgsregionen

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    Comparative studies of mountain areas have long been at the core of the discussion about the relations between nature and culture as well as on environmental and social change. This volume searches for ways to develop further critical comparative perspectives in the study of cultures in mountain areas by drawing inter- and transdisciplinary links amongst anthropology, geography, folklore studies, montology, and global history. Drawing on examples mostly from the Alps and the Andes, but also extending to the global mountains, the authors explore socioecological environments, historical and political processes, borderscapes, demographic dynamics, forms of domestic organization, rituals, religiosities, and human-non-humanrelations.Gli studi comparativi sulle aree montane sono da tempo al centro del dibattito sul rapporto tra natura e cultura e sui cambiamenti ecologici e sociali. Questo volume Ăš alla ricerca di nuovi percorsi per sviluppare ulteriormente prospettive comparative critiche per lo studio delle culture delle aree montane, tracciando collegamenti inter- e transdisciplinari tra antropologia, geografia, studi di folklore, montologia e storia globale. Basandosi su esempi provenienti soprattutto dalle Alpi e dalle Ande, ma estendendo l’orizzonte anche ad altre regioni montane a livello globale, le autrici e gli autori esplorano ambienti socio-ecologici, processi storici e politici, paesaggi di confine, dinamiche demografiche, forme di organizzazione domestica, rituali, religiositĂ  e relazioni tra umani e non-umani.Vergleichende Studien ĂŒber Bergregionen stehen seit langem im Zentrum der Debatte ĂŒber das VerhĂ€ltnis zwischen Natur und Kultur sowie ĂŒber den ökologischen und sozialen Wandel. Dieser Band sucht nach Wegen, kritische vergleichende Perspektiven in der Erforschung von Kulturen in Bergregionen weiterzuentwickeln, indem er inter- und transdisziplinĂ€re Verbindungen zwischen Anthropologie, Geographie, Volkskunde, Montologie und (Welt-)Geschichte herstellt. Anhand von Beispielen vor allem aus den Alpen und den Anden, aber auch aus anderen Gebirgsregionen der Welt, untersuchen die Autor:innen sozioökologische Umwelten, historische und politische Prozesse, Grenzlandschaften, demografische Dynamiken, Formen der hĂ€uslichen Organisation, Rituale, ReligiositĂ€t und Mensch-/Nicht-Mensch-Beziehungen

    To respond or not to respond - a personal perspective of intestinal tolerance

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    For many years, the intestine was one of the poor relations of the immunology world, being a realm inhabited mostly by specialists and those interested in unusual phenomena. However, this has changed dramatically in recent years with the realization of how important the microbiota is in shaping immune function throughout the body, and almost every major immunology institution now includes the intestine as an area of interest. One of the most important aspects of the intestinal immune system is how it discriminates carefully between harmless and harmful antigens, in particular, its ability to generate active tolerance to materials such as commensal bacteria and food proteins. This phenomenon has been recognized for more than 100 years, and it is essential for preventing inflammatory disease in the intestine, but its basis remains enigmatic. Here, I discuss the progress that has been made in understanding oral tolerance during my 40 years in the field and highlight the topics that will be the focus of future research

    Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Exploits Inflammation to Compete with the Intestinal Microbiota

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    Most mucosal surfaces of the mammalian body are colonized by microbial communities (“microbiota”). A high density of commensal microbiota inhabits the intestine and shields from infection (“colonization resistance”). The virulence strategies allowing enteropathogenic bacteria to successfully compete with the microbiota and overcome colonization resistance are poorly understood. Here, we investigated manipulation of the intestinal microbiota by the enteropathogenic bacterium Salmonella enterica subspecies 1 serovar Typhimurium (S. Tm) in a mouse colitis model: we found that inflammatory host responses induced by S. Tm changed microbiota composition and suppressed its growth. In contrast to wild-type S. Tm, an avirulent invGsseD mutant failing to trigger colitis was outcompeted by the microbiota. This competitive defect was reverted if inflammation was provided concomitantly by mixed infection with wild-type S. Tm or in mice (IL10−/−, VILLIN-HACL4-CD8) with inflammatory bowel disease. Thus, inflammation is necessary and sufficient for overcoming colonization resistance. This reveals a new concept in infectious disease: in contrast to current thinking, inflammation is not always detrimental for the pathogen. Triggering the host's immune defence can shift the balance between the protective microbiota and the pathogen in favour of the pathogen
