49 research outputs found

    Different patterns of Agriculture development in China. A spatial-dynamic development trajectories in cross-provincial comparison

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    Recently the question of agriculture development has been emphasised as an important part of balanced sustainable growth in China. My paper accounts for different growth trajectories and development pace between coastal regions and inland provinces. My interest is more convergence-divergence between agriculture development in different regions than convergence-divergence between rural and urban areas. Nowadays a harmonious society is strongly pronounced by the government authorities and is new strategic aim on policy agenda. My attempt is to assess the efficiency of government actions toward harmonious society that is based on equal living standards and well-off society. Moreover through quantified research over last 20 year I will try to depict the agriculture development pattern. My attempt is to determine factors that have the biggest impact on agriculture growth. Moreover I would like to highlight the inequality in agriculture development in crossprovincial comparison and identify various contributing factors to the total inequality. This approach may indicate specific factors that are likely to improve agricultural performance. The purpose of this paper is to identify available solutions for convergence in the agricultural development that is major policy aim in China. Some important conclusions are drawn. First of the provincial development gap is highly pronounced with coastal provinces pulling ahead and lagging inland provinces. Moreover with the lapse of time and advancing growth of coastal provinces the catch-up process and convergence of inland provinces does not occur. Major determinants of agriculture development have been empirically identified: Labour ratio in favour of non-agriculture sector with special role of TVEs and their labour-absorptive capacity, increasing cultivated area per household, infrastructure: length of roads and railways, investment in irrigation, regional industrial structure and geographical locations. Net subsidies turned out to be inefficient tools for agricultural growth

    Great Minds Think Alike? Spatial Search Processes Can Be More Idiosyncratic When Guided by More Accurate Information

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    Existing research demonstrates that pre-decisional information sampling strategies are often stablewithin a given person while varying greatly across people. However, it remains largely unknown whatdrives these individual differences, that is, why in some circumstances we collect information moreidiosyncratically. In this brief report, we present a pre-registered online study of spatial search. Usinga novel technique that combines machine-learning dimension reduction and sequence alignment algo-rithms, we quantify the extent to which the shape and temporal properties of a search trajectory areidiosyncratic. We show that this metric increases (trajectories become more idiosyncratic) when a per-son is better informed about the likely location of the search target, while poorly informed individualsseem more likely to resort to default search routines determined bottom-up by the properties of thesearch field. This shows that when many people independently attempt to solve a task in a similar way,they are not necessarily “onto something.”publishedVersionPaid open acces

    Routin in wireless sensor networks

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    Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm envisages to expand the current Internet witha huge number of intelligent communicating devices. Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) deploy the devices running on meagre energy supplies and measuring environmental phenomena (like temperature, radioactivity, or CO 2 ). WSN popularapplications include monitoring, telemetry, and natural disaster prevention. Major WSN challenges are energy efficiency, overcome impairments of wireless medium, and operate in the self-organisation. The WSN integrating IoT will rely on a set of the open standards striving to offer scalability and reliability in a variety of the operating scenarios and conditions. Nevertheless, the current state of the standards have interoperability issues and can benefit from further improvements. The contributions of the thesis work are:We performed an extensive study of Bloom Filters and their use in storing nodetext-based elements in IP address. Different techniques of compression andvariants of filters allowed us to develop an efficient system closing the gapbetween feature-routing and classic approach compatible with IPv6 networks.We propose Featurecast, a routing protocol/naming service for WSN. It allowsto query sensor networks using a set of characteristics while fitting in anIPv6 packet header. We integrate our protocol in RPL and introduce a newmetric, which increase the routing efficiency. We check its performance inboth extensive simulations and experimentations on real sensors in a large-scale Senslab testbed. Large-scale simulations demonstrate the advantagesof our protocol in terms of memory usage, control overhead, packet deliveryrate and energy consumption.We introduce WEAVE - a routing protocol for networks with geolocation. Our so-lution does not use any control message and learn its paths only by observingthe traffic. Several mechanisms are introduce to keep a fixed-size header andbypass both small as well as large obstacles and provide an efficient communication between nodes. We performed simulations on large scale involvingmore than 19000 nodes and real-sensor experimentations on IoT-lab testbed. Our results show that we achieve much better performance especially in large and dynamic networks without introducing any control overhead.Le paradigme d’Internet des objets (IoT) envisage d’élargir Internet actuelle avec un grand nombre de dispositifs intelligents. RĂ©seaux de Capteurs sans Fil (WSN) dĂ©ploie les dispositifs fonctionnant sur des approvisionnements Ă©nergĂ©tiques maigres et mesurant de phĂ©nomĂšnes environnementaux (comme la tempĂ©rature, la radioactivitĂ©, ou CO 2). Des applications populaires de WSN comprennent la surveillance, le tĂ©lĂ©mĂ©trie, et la prĂ©vention des catastrophes naturelles. Des dĂ©fis majeurs de WSN sont comment permettre Ă  l’efficacitĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique, surmonter les dĂ©ficiences de support sans fil, et d’opĂ©rer dans Ă  la maniĂšre auto-organisĂ©e. L’intĂ©gration de WSN dans IoT se posera sur des standards ouvertes efforçant d’offrir Ă©volutivitĂ© et de fiabilitĂ© dans une variĂ©tĂ© de scĂ©narios et conditions de fonctionnement. NĂ©anmoins, l’état actuel des standards a les problĂšmes d’interopĂ©rabilitĂ© et peuvent bĂ©nĂ©ficier de certaines amĂ©liorations. Les contributions de la thĂšse sont :Nous avons effectuĂ© une Ă©tude approfondie des filtres de Bloom et de leur utilisation dans le stockage de caractĂ©ristiques de nƓud dans l’adresse IP. DiffĂ©rentes techniques de compression et de variantes de filtres nous ont permisde dĂ©velopper un systĂšme efficace qui comble l’écart entre le routage de caractĂ©ristiques et l’approche classique compatible avec les rĂ©seaux IPv6.Nous proposons Featurecast, un protocole de routage / service de nommage pourWSN. Il permet d’interroger les rĂ©seaux de capteurs en utilisant un ensemble de caractĂ©ristiques tout raccord en entĂȘte de paquet IPv6. Nous intĂ©grons notre protocole dans RPL et introduisons une nouvelle mesure, qui augmentent l’efficacitĂ© de routage. Nous vĂ©rifions sa performance contre dans des simulations approfondies et des test sur des capteurs rĂ©els dans un bancd’essai Ă  grande Ă©chelle. Simulations approfondies dĂ©montrent les avantagesde notre protocole en termes d’utilisation de la mĂ©moire, le surcharge de con-trĂŽle, le taux de livraison de paquets et la consommation d’énergie.Nous introduisons WEAVE - un protocole de routage pour les rĂ©seaux avec gĂ©olo-calisation. Notre solution n’utilise pas de message de contrĂŽle et apprend sesvoies seulement en observant le trafic. Plusieurs mĂ©canismes sont introduitspour garder un en-tĂȘte de taille fixe, contourner Ă  la fois les petits commeles grands obstacles et fournir une communication efficace entre les nƓuds.Nous avons effectuĂ© des simulations Ă  grande Ă©chelle impliquant plus de 19000noeuds et des expĂ©riences avec des capteurs rĂ©els sur banc d’essai IoT-lab.Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que nous atteignons bien meilleures performances enparticulier dans les rĂ©seaux grands et dynamiques sans introduire de surcharg

    Ditto: Towards Decentralised Similarity Search for Web3 Services

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    The Web has become an integral part of life, and over the past decade, it has become increasingly centralised, leading to a number of challenges such as censorship and control, particularly in search engines. Recently, the paradigm of the decentralised Web (DWeb), or Web3, has emerged, which aims to provide decentralised alternatives to current systems with decentralised control, transparency, and openness. In this paper we introduce Ditto, a decentralised search mechanism for DWeb content, based on similarity search. Ditto uses locality sensitive hashing (LSH) to extract similarity signatures and records from content, which are stored on a decentralised index on top of a distributed hash table (DHT). Ditto uniquely supports numerous underlying content networks and types, and supports various use-cases, including keyword-search. Our evaluation shows that our system is feasible and that our search quality, delay, and overhead are comparable to those currently accepted by users of DWeb and search systems

    A Toolkit For Storage Qos Provisioning For Data-Intensive Applications

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    This paper describes a programming toolkit developed in the PL-Grid project, named QStorMan, which supports storage QoS provisioning for data-intensive applications in distributed environments. QStorMan exploits knowledge-oriented methods for matching storage resources to non-functional requirements, which are defined for a data-intensive application. In order to support various usage scenarios, QStorMan provides two interfaces, such as programming libraries or a web portal. The interfaces allow to define the requirements either directly in an application source code or by using an intuitive graphical interface. The first way provides finer granularity, e.g., each portion of data processed by an application can define a different set of requirements. The second method is aimed at legacy applications support, which source code can not be modified. The toolkit has been evaluated using synthetic benchmarks and the production infrastructure of PL-Grid, in particular its storage infrastructure, which utilizes the Lustre file system

    Demand Response for Reducing Coincident Peak Loads in Data Centers

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    Demand response is a key aspect of managing uncertainty and reducing peak loads in electric grids. This paper considers the capability of a datacenter to provide responsiveness to grid signals through cooling system control. The strategy is based on pre-cooling the center for provision of load reduction during demand response events, and is evaluated using a numerical model of a cooling system, validated against experimental data obtained from a small telecommunication data center. The pre-cooling strategy is applicable to a wide-range of demand response programs, but is illustrated on the example of an established critical peak pricing program; specifically the 4 coincident peak (4CP) program in the ERCOT ISO. Precooling reduced the annual cost of electricity used by the cooling system by 7.8% to 8.6%, while increasing the total energy use only by 0.05%. This translated into 2% to 2.6% reduction in the electric bill of the whole data center. The developed demand response strategy is suitable for data centers with power densities below 500 W/m2 which do not use server air containment systems

    Ribosomal DNA status inferred from DNA cloud assays and mass spectrometry identification of agarose-squeezed proteins interacting with chromatin (ASPIC-MS)

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    Ribosomal RNA-encoding genes (rDNA) are the most abundant genes in eukaryotic genomes. To meet the high demand for rRNA, rDNA genes are present in multiple tandem repeats clustered on a single or several chromosomes and are vastly transcribed. To facilitate intensive transcription and prevent rDNA destabilization, the rDNA-encoding portion of the chromosome is confined in the nucleolus. However, the rDNA region is susceptible to recombination and DNA damage, accumulating mutations, rearrangements and atypical DNA structures. Various sophisticated techniques have been applied to detect these abnormalities. Here, we present a simple method for the evaluation of the activity and integrity of an rDNA region called a “DNA cloud assay”. We verified the efficacy of this method using yeast mutants lacking genes important for nucleolus function and maintenance (RAD52, SGS1, RRM3, PIF1, FOB1 and RPA12). The DNA cloud assay permits the evaluation of nucleolus status and is compatible with downstream analyses, such as the chromosome comet assay to identify DNA structures present in the cloud and mass spectrometry of agarose squeezed proteins (ASPIC-MS) to detect nucleolar DNA-bound proteins, including Las17, the homolog of human Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein (WASP

    Lipid peroxidation and glutathione peroxidase activity relationship in breast cancer depends on functional polymorphism of GPX1

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    Functional SNPs selected for the study. Table S2. Restriction fragment analysis for BRCA1 mutations. Table S3. Oxidative stress parameters in breast cancer cases according to treatment. (DOCX 31 kb