3,930 research outputs found

    End-to-end simulation of high-contrast imaging systems: methods and results for the PICTURE mission family

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    We describe a set of numerical approaches to modeling the performance of spaceflight high-contrast imaging payloads. Mission design for high-contrast imaging requires numerical wavefront error propagation to ensure accurate component specifications. For constructed instruments, wavelength and angle-dependent throughput and contrast models allow detailed simulations of science observations, allowing mission planners to select the most productive science targets. The PICTURE family of missions seek to quantify the optical brightness of scattered light from extrasolar debris disks via several high-contrast imaging techniques: sounding rocket (the Planet Imaging Concept Testbed Using a Rocket Experiment) and balloon flights of a visible nulling coronagraph, as well as a balloon flight of a vector vortex coronagraph (the Planetary Imaging Concept Testbed Using a Recoverable Experiment - Coronagraph, PICTURE-C). The rocket mission employs an on-axis 0.5m Gregorian telescope, while the balloon flights will share an unobstructed off-axis 0.6m Gregorian. This work details the flexible approach to polychromatic, end-to-end physical optics simulations used for both the balloon vector vortex coronagraph and rocket visible nulling coronagraph missions. We show the preliminary PICTURE-C telescope and vector vortex coronagraph design will achieve 10−8 contrast without post-processing as limited by realistic optics, but not considering polarization or low-order errors. Simulated science observations of the predicted warm ring around Epsilon Eridani illustrate the performance of both missions.NNG05WC17G, NNX11AD53G, and NNX15AG23

    A Multi-Epoch HST Study of the Herbig-Haro Flow from XZ Tauri

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    We present nine epochs of Hubble Space Telescope optical imaging of the bipolar outflow from the pre-main sequence binary XZ Tauri. Our data monitors the system from 1995-2005 and includes emission line images of the flow. The northern lobe appears to be a succession of bubbles, the outermost of which expanded ballistically from 1995-1999 but in 2000 began to deform and decelerate along its forward edge. It reached an extent of 6" from the binary in 2005. A larger and fainter southern counterbubble was detected for the first time in deep ACS images from 2004. Traces of shocked emission are seen as far as 20" south of the binary. The bubble emission nebulosity has a low excitation overall, as traced by the [S II]/H-alpha line ratio, requiring a nearly comoving surrounding medium that has been accelerated by previous ejections or stellar winds. Within the broad bubbles there are compact emission knots whose alignments and proper motions indicate that collimated jets are ejected from each binary component. The jet from the southern component, XZ Tau A, is aligned with the outflow axis of the bubbles and has tangential knot velocities of 70-200 km/s. Knots in the northern flow are seen to slow and brighten as they approach the forward edge of the outermost bubble. The knots in the jet from the other star, XZ Tau B, have lower velocities of ~100 km/s

    Analyzing User Behavior Patterns in Adaptive Exploratory Search Systems with LifeFlow

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    Adaptive exploratory search is a method that can provide user-centered personalized search results by incorporating interactive user interfaces. Analyzing the user behavior pat- terns of these systems can be complicated when they sup- port transparent and controllable open user models. This paper suggests to use a visualization tool to address the problem, as a complement to the typical statistical analy- sis. By adopting an event sequence visualization tool called LifeFlow, we were able to easily find out user interesting behavior patterns, especially regarding the open user model exploration

    Algorithm implementation on the Navier-Stokes computer

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    The Navier-Stokes Computer is a multi-purpose parallel-processing supercomputer which is currently under development at Princeton University. It consists of multiple local memory parallel processors, called Nodes, which are interconnected in a hypercube network. Details of the procedures involved in implementing an algorithm on the Navier-Stokes computer are presented. The particular finite difference algorithm considered in this analysis was developed for simulation of laminar-turbulent transition in wall bounded shear flows. Projected timing results for implementing this algorithm indicate that operation rates in excess of 42 GFLOPS are feasible on a 128 Node machine

    Numerical simulation of channel flow transition, resolution requirements and structure of the hairpin vortex

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    Three-dimensional, nonlinear numerical simulations are presented for the K-type and H-type transitions for channel flow. There are two objectives. The first is to establish firmly the resolution requirements for the various stages in the transition process. Comparisons between calculations on various grids suggest a set of guidelines for maintaining a physically meaningful calculation. The second objective is to map out the structure of the hairpin vortices which arise in K-type and H-type transitions in channel flow, to the latest stage currently feasible. Flow field details are presented for both a subcritical Reynolds number of 1500 and a supercritical Reynolds number of 8000. The diagnostics include illustrations of the vertical shear, streamwise and spanwise vorticity, helicity, vortex stretching, and vortex diffusion fields

    The surface composition of large Kuiper belt object 2007 OR10

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    We present photometry and spectra of the large Kuiper belt object 2007 OR10. The data show significant near-infrared absorption features due to water ice. While most objects in the Kuiper belt with water ice absorption this prominent have the optically neutral colors of water ice, 2007 OR10 is among the reddest Kuiper belt objects known. One other large Kuiper belt object -- Quaoar -- has similar red coloring and water ice absorption, and it is hypothesized that the red coloration of this object is due to irradiation of the small amounts of methane able to be retained on Quaoar. 2007 OR10, though warmer than Quaoar, is in a similar volatile retention because it is sufficiently larger that its stronger gravity can still retain methane. We propose, therefore, that the red coloration on 2007 OR10 is also caused by the retention of small amounts of methane. Positive detection will require spectra of methane on 2007 OR10 will require spectra with higher signal-to-noise. Models for volatile retention on Kuiper belt objects appear to continue to do an excellent job reproducing all of the available observations

    タイの金融政策の分析 : ニューケインジアン確率的動学一般均衡モデルのベイジアン推定

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    政策分析プログラム / Policy Analysis Program政策研究大学院大学 / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies論文審査委員: Roberto Leon-Gonzalez (主査), Minchung Hsu, Ponpoje Porapakkarm, Tetsushi Sonobe, Ippei Fujiwara (Keio University