224 research outputs found

    TehdÀ maalaus maailmaksi

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    Jotta löytÀisin sanat kertoa, mitÀ on tehdÀ maalaus maailmaksi, tÀytyisi minun sijoittaa maalaustapahtuma kuvitteelliseen avaruuteen, jossa ei tapahtuisi mitÀÀn, minkÀ tietÀisin varmasti olevan. Mutta koska siellÀ ei voisi siitÀ syystÀ olla edes kehittynyttÀ ihmiskuntaa, niin ei siellÀ voisi olla kieltÀkÀÀn, ja sen vuoksi kuvaileminen olisi mahdotonta. Kun maalaan, luomisvoima pyyhkii tieltÀÀn arkiset ajatukset, ja minÀ olen omassa avaruudessani. SiellÀ ei pÀde kieli. TÀssÀ avaruudessa minun ei tarvitse ajatella laittavani maalaukseen sinistÀ. MinÀ nÀen ettÀ siihen tÀytyy laittaa sinistÀ. Jos sitÀ ei olisi valmiina tuubissa pöydÀllÀni, kÀvelisin vaikka metsÀÀn, ja etsisin niin kauan ettÀ löytÀisin sinisen. Ja tÀssÀ omassa avaruudessani tiedÀn juuri mihin kohtaan sininen kuuluu, ilman ettÀ kukaan tulee sitÀ minulle kertomaan, tai ilman ettÀ siihen tulisi edes löytymÀÀn ohjeita. Vasta maalaustapahtuman jÀlkeen minun on mahdollista yrittÀÀ kertoa sellaista, minkÀ koen liittyvÀn maalaamiseen. Kertominen tapahtuu maalaustapahtumasta jÀÀneen tunteen vallassa, mutta kuvitteellisen avaruuden tilalle on silloin jo tullut todellisuus. Kirjoittaminen on sopiva tapa kertoa ajatuksistaan, ja jonkinlainen kirjoitusvÀline on aina kÀden ulottuvilla.För att hitta orden till att berÀtta vad det Àr att göra en mÄlning till en vÀrld, borde jag placera mÄlningshÀndelsen i en fiktiv rymd, dÀr det inte skulle hÀnda nÄgonting som jag skulle veta att kan hÀnda. Men eftersom det inte skulle kunna finnas ens en utvecklad mÀnniskoslÀkt dÀr, skulle dÀr inte heller kunna finnas ett sprÄk, och dÀrför skulle det vara omöjligt att beskriva det hela. NÀr jag mÄlar, sopar skapandets krafter ivÀg med vardagliga funderingar och jag befinner mig i min egen rymd. DÀr finns inte sprÄk. I denna rymd behöver jag inte tÀnka pÄ att sÀtta blÄtt i min mÄlning, utan jag ser att man mÄste sÀtta blÄtt i den. Om det inte fanns fÀrdigt av den i en tub pÄ mitt bord, skulle jag gÄ fast ut i skogen och söka tills jag hittade blÄtt. Och i denna egna rymd vet jag just var i mÄlningen blÄtt hör, utan att nÄgon kommer och berÀttar det för mig, eller utan att man ens skulle hitta instruktioner till det. Först efter mÄlningsprocessen Àr det möjligt för mig att försöka berÀtta nÄgonting sÄdant som jag upplever att hör ihop med mÄlandet. BerÀttandet sker under kÀnslan som lÀmnat kvar efter mÄlningshÀndelsen, men istÀllet för den fiktiva rymden finns dÀr redan en verklighet dÄ. Skrivandet Àr ett lÀmpligt sÀtt att berÀtta om sina tankar, och det finns alltid ett skrivverktyg av nÄgot slag nÀra till hands.To be able to tell what it is to make a painting to a world, I would have to place the painting process in an imaginary space, where nothing will happen, which existence I am sure of. But because of that there would not be a developed humanity either, there could not be a language, and therefore it would be impossible to describe anything that happens there. When I paint, the power of creating wipes the everyday thoughts out of its way, and I am in my own space. There is no language. In this space I do not have to think that I will put blue colour in a painting. I see that I have to put blue on it. If there was not any blue in a tube on my desk I would go, say, to the woods and search until I would find it. And in this own space of mine I know exactly where the blue colour belongs in the painting, without no one telling me where to put it, or without finding any instructions to how to do it. Not until the painting process is finished, I am able to try to tell about things that I think are related to painting. While telling about them under the feeling that the painting process leaves, has the imaginary space already been replaced with reality. Writing is a proper way to tell about your thoughts, and you always have some kind of writing tool within reach

    Exploring the Possibilities for Mobile Insurance Services

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    Due to the complex nature of insurance, customers often require the assistance of insurance officers when upgrading their insurance cover or managing other insurance related tasks. The current electronic services provided by the insurance companies are more or less product-oriented and therefore difficult to manage, or even understand by ordinary customers. As modern technology enables the development of graphical game-like approach on services and taking more benefit out of mobile device characteristics, it is more likely to persuade the customers to operate in the electronic environment in order to get themselves familiar with insurance related issues. In this article, we are the taking the future perspective on the topic by considering what kinds of electronic insurance services could be offered in mobile service environment. More precisely, we discuss how Web-based (already existing) insurance services could be applied in mobile service context, and what kinds of new features (e.g. location information and mobile identification) could be utilized in context of mobile services to enhance the overall service

    Occupational class and the changing patterns of hospitalization for affective and neurotic disorders : a nationwide register-based study of the Finnish working-age population, 1976–2010

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    This study aimed to examine the long-term changes and socioeconomic disparities in hospitalization for affective and neurotic disorders among the Finnish working-age population from 1976 to 2010. Register-based study, consisting of a 5-year follow-up of 3,223,624 Finnish working-age (18-64-year old) individuals in seven consecutive cohorts. We calculated the hazard ratios of psychiatric hospitalization for different occupational classes using Cox regression models. The risk of hospitalization for affective and neurotic disorders increased in all occupational classes after the economic recession in the 1990s, and then decreased in the 2000s. Before the 2000s, the risk was the highest among manual workers. In the 2000s the disparities between upper-level non-manual employees and other occupational classes increased. Hospitalization rates remained high among female manual workers and non-manual lower-level employees. This study revealed important similarities and differences between occupational classes in terms of long-term changes in hospitalization for affective and neurotic disorders. The results suggest that the labor market changes and healthcare reforms during the 1990s and 2000s in Finland have been more beneficial for higher than for lower occupational classes.Peer reviewe

    Are Self-rated Health, Native Finnish Friends and Having Children under School Age Associated with Employment? : Kurdish and Somali migrants in Finland

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    In Western countries, entry into the labour market is difficult for humanitarian migrants, especially women. The aim of our study was to examine the association of health, native Finnish friends and having under school-age children with employment among humanitarian migrants. The data were drawn from the Finnish Migrant Health and Wellbeing Study. The sample comprised 479 migrants of Kurdish and Somali origin (men n=248; women n=231). We analysed the associations of self-rated health, having Finnish friends and under school age children with employment using multinomial regression modelling. After adjustment for several well-established determinants of employment, having Finnish friends and good health were robustly associated with employment among women. In the age-adjusted model, having 3–6 years old children was related to lower employment among women, but after all adjustments, the association became nonsignificant. All these associations were nonsignificant among male migrants. To conclude, good health and bridging social relations with natives play a role in strengthening employment opportunities among female humanitarian migrants

    Human service work and long-term sickness absence due to mental disorders : a prospective study of gender-specific patterns in 1,466,100 employees

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    Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate sickness absence due to mental disorders in human service occupations. Methods: Participants (n = 1,466,100) were randomly selected from two consecutive national 9-year cohorts from the Statistics Finland population database; each cohort represented a 33% sample of the Finnish population aged 25-54 years. These data were linked to diagnosis-specific records on receipt of sickness allowance, drawn from a national register maintained by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, using personal identification numbers. Results: Sociodemographic-adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) for sickness absence due to mental disorders in all human service occupations combined were 1.76 for men (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.70-1.84) and 1.36 for women (95% CI, 1.34-1.38) compared with men and women in all other occupations, respectively. Of the 15 specific human service occupations, compared with occupations from the same skill/education level without a significant human service component, medical doctors, psychologists, and service clerks were the only occupations with no increased hazard for either sex, and the HRs were highest for male social care workers (HR 3.02: 95% CI, 2.67-3.41). Conclusions: Most human service occupations had an increased risk of sickness absence due to mental disorders, and the increases in risks were especially high for men. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Human service work, gender and antidepressant use : a nationwide register-based 19-year follow-up of 752 683 women and men

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    Objectives To examine antidepressant use among male and female human service professionals. Methods A random sample of individuals between 25 years and 54 years of age (n=752 683; 49.2% women; mean age 39.5 years). Information about each individual’s filled antidepressant prescriptions from 1995 to 2014 was provided by the Social Insurance Institution. First, antidepressant use in five broad human service categories was compared with that in all other occupations grouped together, separately for men and women. Then, each of the 15 human service professions were compared with all other occupations from the same skill/education level (excluding other human services professions). Cox models were applied and the results are presented as HRs for antidepressant use with 95% CIs. Results The hazard of antidepressant use was higher among men working in human service versus all other occupations with the same skill/occupational level (1.22, 95% CI 1.18 to 1.27), but this was not the case for women (0.99, 95% CI 0.98 to 1.01). The risks differed between professions: male health and social care professionals (including medical doctors, nurses, practical nurses and home care assistants), social workers, childcare workers, teachers and psychologists had a higher risk of antidepressant use than men in non-human service occupations, whereas customer clerks had a lower risk. Conclusions Male human service professionals had a higher risk of antidepressant use than men working in non-human service occupations. Gendered sociocultural norms and values related to specific occupations as well as occupational selection may be the cause of the elevated risk.Peer reviewe

    Alcohol use and sickness absence due to all causes and mental- or musculoskeletal disorders : a nationally representative study

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    Background: Previous studies have not distinguished between different alcohol-use histories, which could have contributed to the current inconsistent evidence regarding the relationship between alcohol use and subsequent sickness absence. We thus examined alcohol use and subsequent diagnosis-specific sickness absence in groups with different levels of alcohol use, as well as in lifelong abstainers, former drinkers, and people with clinical alcohol use disorders. Methods: The data of the population-based Health 2000 Survey (BRIF8901) of 3666 Finns aged 30-55 were linked with national registers on medically certified sickness absences lasting for > 10 working days (long-term) for all causes (2000 -2010) and for mental or musculoskeletal disorders (2004-2010), as well as with registers on pensions and death (2000-2010). Alcohol use was assessed by questionnaire. Chronic somatic diseases were evaluated at baseline in a clinical examination, and common mental and alcohol use disorders using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). Cox regression analyses were conducted with censoring for death and retirement from work. Results: During an average 10-year follow-up, 56.0% of the participants had at least one long-term sickness absence period. Compared with light drinkers, those having an alcohol use disorder had increased risk of all-cause sickness absence (HR = 1.27; 95% CI = 1.04 - 1.54) and sickness absence due to mental disorders (HR = 2.16; 95% CI = 1.39 - 3.35), when somatic and mental disorders as well as demographic, lifestyle-related and occupational factors at baseline were accounted for. Lifelong abstainers did not differ from light drinkers. Also high-volume drinking (HR = 1.52; 95% CI 1.03 - 2.25) and former drinking (HR = 1.57; 95% CI = 1.15 - 2.15) were associated with long-term sickness absence due to mental disorders. Alcohol use was not predictive of sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders. Conclusions: These results highlight the need to distinguish between former drinking and lifelong abstinence, as only former drinking was associated with sickness absence. Alcohol use disorder and high-volume drinking were strongly predictive of sickness absence due to mental disorders. Identifying people with excessive alcohol use e.g. in occupational health care, and mapping and supporting their mental health may help in preventing sickness absences.Peer reviewe

    Mental health by gender-specific occupational groups : Profiles, risks and dominance of predictors

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    Background: We defined gender-specific profiles of mental ill-health for the main occupational groups using three outcomes; antidepressant use, sickness absence (SA) due to depression, and suicides. We also examined which occupational groups had the highest risk of the outcomes, and compared the importance of their predictors. Methods: From a random register cohort of Finnish working age population, individuals in the six largest occupational groups in 2004 for men and women were included (N = 414 357). We used register data to define the first antidepressant purchase (i.e. use), the first long-term SA spell for depression, and suicide between Jan 1st 2005 and Dec 31st 2014. We assessed the risk of each outcome by occupational group with logistic regression models, and used dominance analysis to compare the relative importance of predictors. Results: In all six occupational groups for women, the prevalence of antidepressant use and SA for depression was higher than in the men's occupational groups. The opposite was observed for suicides. The risk of antidepressant use was lower, but the risk of suicide was 2-times higher among men in low vs. high-skilled occupations. Among women, a lower skill-level was associated with a higher risk of SA due to depression. Gender was the most important predictor of all outcomes. Limitations: We lacked information on history of medication use or health problems prior to follow-up. Conclusions: Gendered occupational status was an underlying factor explaining distinctive mental health profiles in the working population. Occupational class-dependent behavioural patterns related to mental health existed among men.Peer reviewe

    Are changes in objective working hour characteristics associated with changes in work-life conflict among hospital employees working shifts? A 7-year follow-up

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    ObjectiveTo investigate whether changes in objective working hour characteristics are associated with parallel changes in work-life conflict (WLC) among hospital employees.MethodsSurvey responses from three waves of the Finnish Public Sector study (2008, 2012 and 2015) were combined with payroll data from 91 days preceding the surveys (n=2 482, 93% women). Time-dependent fixed effects regression models adjusted for marital status, number of children and stressfulness of the life situation were used to investigate whether changes in working hour characteristics were associated with parallel change in WLC. The working hour characteristics were dichotomised with cut-points in less than or greater than 10%or less than or greater than25%occurrence) and WLC to frequent versus seldom/none.ResultsChange in proportion of evening and night shifts and weekend work was significantly associated with parallel change in WLC (adjusted OR 2.19, 95%CI 1.62 to 2.96; OR 1.71, 95%CI 1.21 to 2.44; OR 1.63, 95%CI 1.194 to 2.22, respectively). Similarly, increase or decrease in proportion of quick returns (adjusted OR 1.45, 95%CI 1.10 to 1.89) and long work weeks (adjusted OR 1.26, 95%CI 1.04 to 1.52) was associated with parallel increase or decrease in WLC. Single days off and very long work weeks showed no association with WLC.ConclusionsChanges in unsocial working hour characteristics, especially in connection with evening shifts, are consistently associated with parallel changes in WLC.Peer reviewe
