2,351 research outputs found

    Ein Vorgehensmodell für die Entwicklung multimedialer Lernsysteme

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    Für den Entwicklungsprozeß von Softwaresystemen ist die Verwendung softwaretechnischer Methoden erforderlich. In der Softwareentwicklung haben sich verschiedene Vorgehensmodelle etabliert. Multimediaanwendungen sind auch komplexe Softwaresysteme, die ebenfalls mit Hilfe von softwaretechnischen Methoden entwickelt werden können. Deshalb und aufgrund neuer Rollen im Multimediaentwicklungsprozeß stellt sich die Frage nach einem Vorgehensmodell für Multimediaanwendungen, der die Vorgehensmodelle aller an dem Prozeß beteiligten Rollen beachtet. Ein Ansatz zur Entwicklung multimedialer Lerneinheiten, der auf Erfahrungen im Projekt Altenberger Dom beruht, wird hier vorgestellt

    Moralność ratunkiem czy przeszkodą dla współczesnego człowieka? Opis stanu i analiza przemian

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    W artykule omówione zostały przemiany moralności wraz z przejściem od społeczeństwa nowoczesnego do ponowoczesnego oraz pierwotne i wtórne przyczyny tych przemian. Opis ich uwarunkowań został sprowadzony do charakterystyki aporii: globalizacji, wolności, indywidualizmu, mediatyzacji i technicyzacji oraz procesów postępującej pragmatyzacji życia społecznego, sprzyjającej rozwojowi technicznemu i przekształcającej mentalność ludzi i samą moralność. Podstawowa teza została sprowadzona do stwierdzenia wpływu rozwoju technik informatycznych na obszar wolności jednostki, grożący ograniczeniem tej wolności i indywidualności ludzi, a więc de facto – likwidacją samej moralności jako będącej emanacją wolnych podmiotów moralnych. W artykule zostały przedstawione możliwe scenariusze dalszych przemian moralności, a także szansa na jej odnowę, tkwiąca we wzroście znaczenia autonomii moralnej osób i odwołania się do dyspozycji etycznej ludzi

    Populizm lewicowy w Europie na przykładzie partii „Die Linke” w Republice Federalnej Niemiec

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    One of the main challenges European democracy has faced recently is growing political radicalism, and primarily the increasing importance of populist parties originating from both left and right sides of the political arena. This paper refers to the theoretical assumptions concerning this phenomenon to analyze the operations of the ‘Die Linke’ party in the German party system. This party is an excellent example of taking skillful advantage of the circumstances favoring the development of the populist tendencies that have emerged following the recent, radical, social, and political changes in the Federal Republic of Germany. Against the background of European extremist left-wing parties, the paper presents the influence this Left-Wing Party exerts on the changing balance of power on the German political arena on a regional and national level, the ideological profile and party platform, and the changing structure of both its members and voters

    Nate\u27s Mom Wasn\u27t Home

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    Cultural Hauntings: Narrating Trauma in Contemporary Films about the Iraq War

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    Societies come to terms with the “unfinished business” of past wars through obsessive retellings of their traumatic histories (Bronfen 2012). Combat films therefore are a powerful cultural arena wherein collective memories are negotiated. While movies about twentieth-century wars have received much public attention as meaning-making cultural artefacts, Western academia has to date largely neglected films about a defining conflict of the twenty-first century: the Iraq War (2003-2011). This paper addresses how American and Iraqi films contribute to debates on war memory by depicting ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ as a harrowing and inconclusive conflict. Specifically, the article examines how Kathryn Bigelow’s The Hurt Locker (2008) and Mohamed Al-Daradji’s Son of Babylon (Syn Babilonu, 2009) incorporate the rhythms of traumatic memory into their narrative fabric. Drawing on Derrida’s concept of hauntology, I argue that the central structuring device of repetition compulsion creates complex trauma palimpsests which present war as a never-ending and ever-returning experience. Ultimately, this study’s examination of the interdependencies between film narrative, trauma, human precariousness and empathy sheds a new light on Iraq’s and America’s intricately intertwined histories of violence

    Zombie Double Feature

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    Mental health nursing education

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    The purpose of this inquiry was to gain information on how mental health nursing is being taught in Wisconsin. Research has suggested that nursing students who are exposed to mental health clients demonstrate less bias, stereotyping and fear, and an increased knowledge and comfort level with mental health clients. The trend toward an integrated nursing curriculum reduced or eliminated the opportunity for nursing students to work with persons with a psychiatric diagnosis. This lack of contact may influence the number of nurses choosing mental health as a career, potentially decreasing the quality of care for this population. The literature also proposed that since psychiatric inpatient stays are getting shorter, nurses are exposed to clients with mental health disorders in a variety of settings; thus it is important for all nurses to have psychiatric nursing knowledge. A two-part mixed design survey was developed addressing mental health theory and clinical hours, clinical locations and application of mental health concepts in a separate or integrated nursing curriculum. Respondents were asked to share rationale for program type and concerns for teaching mental health nursing today. Surveys were addressed to Deans/designees of all 30 Collegiate Commission on Nursing Education and National League for Nursing accredited nursing schools in the state of Wisconsin. The response rate was 76%. Results indicated that the majority of students (integrated curriculum 100% and separate curriculum 64%) worked with a client with a psychiatric disorder whose primary reason for entering the healthcare system was not for mental health treatment. This exposure occurred in a variety of nonpsychiatric settings including hospital, outpatient and community clinical sites. The majority of respondents (73%) reported a separate mental health curriculum. Despite the diversity of opinion around how mental health nursing should be taught, the consensus of respondents indicated that mental health nursing is deemed of value in the nursing curriculum

    The expression of heat shock protein 70, heat shock protein 90 and heat shock factor 1 within the bovine midcycle corpus luteum after stimulation with temperature in vitro and PGF2alpha in vitro and in vivo

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    Environmental and biological stressors affect cellular function. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are molecular chaperones that safeguard cells against these stressors by protecting endogenous proteins from degradation. Heat shock factors (HSF) are their transcriptional regulators. In the present study, we evaluated whether heat (Experiment 1) or prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha; Experiments 2 and 3) induces the expression of HSP 70, HSP 90 and HSF1 in the bovine corpus luteum (CL). In summary, in vitro heat treatment elicited a later response in luteal cells by increasing HSP 70 expression at 24 hrs, while in vivo PGF2alpha treatment leads to an earlier response by increasing HSP 90 expression at 30 min. This was not due to differential HSF 1 expression. Thus, we conclude that heat shock and PGF2alpha appear to induce the expression of specific HSPs in the bovine corpus luteum in a time-dependent manner. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Analysis of SAP log data based on network community decomposition

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    Information systems support and ensure the practical running of the most critical business processes. There exists (or can be reconstructed) a record (log) of the process running in the information system. Computer methods of data mining can be used for analysis of process data utilizing support techniques of machine learning and a complex network analysis. The analysis is usually provided based on quantitative parameters of the running process of the information system. It is not so usual to analyze behavior of the participants of the running process from the process log. Here, we show how data and process mining methods can be used for analyzing the running process and how participants behavior can be analyzed from the process log using network (community or cluster) analyses in the constructed complex network from the SAP business process log. This approach constructs a complex network from the process log in a given context and then finds communities or patterns in this network. Found communities or patterns are analyzed using knowledge of the business process and the environment in which the process operates. The results demonstrate the possibility to cover up not only the quantitative but also the qualitative relations (e.g., hidden behavior of participants) using the process log and specific knowledge of the business case.Web of Science103art. no. 9

    Metrological properties of the test setup for determination shielding effectiveness of the industrial cable connectors

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    The paper presents results related to assessment of the repeatability and reproducibility of the measurement test setup for determination the relative value of the shielding effectiveness coefficient of the industrial connectors. The constructio of the proposed test setup, the measurement method and the procedure for the analysis of measurement results were described. To determine the value of the repeatability and reproducibility coefficient, the two–way analysis of variance was used, which additionally allows for an assessment of the influence of individual sources of variance. The measurements and their analysis were conducted for several frequencies in the range up to 1 GHz. Additionally, the expanded measurement uncertainty, including the test setup and instruments uncertainty was estimated