17 research outputs found

    Scalable Virtual Exhibition Web Application – Redesign & Implementation

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    Στα πλαίσια του ευρωπαϊκού έργου EFG1914, δημιουργήθηκε μια εφαρμογή διαδικτύου, μια εικονική έκθεση η οποίο φιλοξενεί ιστορίες σχετικές με τον πρώτο παγκόσμιο πόλεμο βασισμένες σε εικόνες και βίντεο που παρήχθησαν κατά τη διάρκεια του πολέμου. Η εφαρμογή χτίζεται στη μεριά του διακομιστή (server), ο οποίος παράγει μία HTML σελίδα και τη σερβίρει. Η εφαρμογή σχεδιάστηκε να σερβίρει πληροφορία αποθηκευμένη σε XML μορφή, και χρησιμοποιεί XSLT κανόνες για να δημιουργήσει τις HTML σελίδες. Ο σκοπός αυτής της διπλωματικής είναι να αναλύσει την εφαρμογή, να αναδείξει τις αδυναμίες της και να την επανασχεδιάσει με τρόπο που να ξεπερνά τις υπάρχουσες αδυναμίες. Κατά τη διάρκεια της ανάλυσης της εφαρμογής, το μεγαλύτερο πρόβλημα που εντοπίστηκε ήταν ότι η εφαρμογή δεν είναι κλιμακώσιμη και η χρήση cache είναι υποχρεωτική ώστε να εμπειρία χρήσης της εφαρμογής να είναι ικανοποιητική για τον τελικό χρήστη. Η κυριότερη αιτία αυτού του προβλήματος είναι το μοντέλο που χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την αναπαράσταση του οντοτήτων και ο τρόπος που κτίζονται οι σελίδες. Στο πρώτο βήμα της επανασχεδίασης της εφαρμογής, ήταν σημαντικό να δημιουργηθεί ένα μοντέλο που ταιριάζει στις απαιτήσεις της εφαρμογής και θα σερβίρεται με τρόπο που θα επιτρέπει στην εφαρμογή να είναι γρήγορη, αποτελεσματική και κλιμακώσιμη. Σε δεύτερο βήμα, ήταν σημαντικό να αναλυθούν οι σύγχρονες τεχνολογίες και να αποφασιστεί ποιες θα χρησιμοποιηθούν ώστε να επιτευχθεί ο σκοπός της διπλωματικής. Κατά συνέπεια, η μορφή που αποθηκεύονται τα δεδομένα και η τεχνολογία της εφαρμογής άλλαξαν. Η μορφή των δεδομένων είναι JSON και η εφαρμογή κτίζεται με Angular που έχει σαν βάση την JavaScript. H Angular κτίζει τη σελίδα της εφαρμογής στη μεριά του χρήστη είναι πλούσια σε διαδράσεις με το χρήστη και του προσφέρει την ευελιξία να βλέπει και να κατεβάζει το περιεχόμενο της εφαρμογής σταδιακά. Όταν ο σχεδιασμός και η υλοποίηση της νέας εφαρμογής τελείωσε, η σύγκριση μεταξύ των δύο εφαρμογών έδειξε πολύ ικανοποιητικά αποτελέσματα. Η νέα εφαρμογή είναι γρηγορότερη, ακόμα και χωρίς τη χρήση cache και κλιμακώσιμη γιατί μπορεί να σερβίρει μεγάλες εκθέσεις, απλοποιημένη. Επιπλέον, είναι πιο ευέλικτη αφού έχει τη δυνατότητα να φιλοξενεί περισσότερες από μία εκθέσεις και για κάθε έκθεση μπορεί να διαμορφωθεί ο τρόπος παρουσίασης της.In the context of the EFG1914 European Project, a web application was created as a virtual exhibition which hosts stories about WWI and is based on media files produced on the same period. The web application is a server-side rendering application and is designed to serve information saved in XML format and uses XSLT rules to produce the HTML pages. The purpose of this project is to analyze the web application, identify its weaknesses and redesign it in a way that overcomes the identified weaknesses. During the analysis of the web application the major problem identified was that the Virtual Exhibition is not scalable, and a caching mechanism is mandatory in order to serve the exhibition properly to the end users. The main causes of this problem are the model used to represent the entities of the exhibition and the way the pages are rendered. In the first step of redesigning the application, it was important to create a model that fits the requirements of the exhibition and serves them in a fast, efficient and scalable way. As a second step, it was important to analyze the technologies used today, and choose those that can help to achieve the purpose of this project. Therefore, the format for the storage of exhibition entities and the technology for the web application had to change. The chosen format for saving the information is the JSON format and the web application is built on Angular, a JavaScript Framework. Angular renders the content on the client side, it is rich on user interactions and offers flexibility to users to view and download the content gradually. When the design and the implementation of the new virtual exhibition finished, comparisons between the two applications show very positive results for the new implementation. The new application is faster, even without the use of a caching mechanism, scalable as it can serve big exhibitions, lightweight, clear and responsive. In addition, the new web application can serve multiple exhibitions, that can be configured on how it will be presented

    The OpenAIRE Research Community Dashboard: On blending scientific workflows and scientific publishing

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    First Online 30 August 2019Despite the hype, the effective implementation of Open Science is hindered by several cultural and technical barriers. Researchers embraced digital science, use “digital laboratories” (e.g. research infrastructures, thematic services) to conduct their research and publish research data, but practices and tools are still far from achieving the expectations of transparency and reproducibility of Open Science. The places where science is performed and the places where science is published are still regarded as different realms. Publishing is still a post-experimental, tedious, manual process, too often limited to articles, in some contexts semantically linked to datasets, rarely to software, generally disregarding digital representations of experiments. In this work we present the OpenAIRE Research Community Dashboard (RCD), designed to overcome some of these barriers for a given research community, minimizing the technical efforts and without renouncing any of the community services or practices. The RCD flanks digital laboratories of research communities with scholarly communication tools for discovering and publishing interlinked scientific products such as literature, datasets, and software. The benefits of the RCD are show-cased by means of two real-case scenarios: the European Marine Science community and the European Plate Observing System (EPOS) research infrastructure.This work is partly funded by the OpenAIRE-Advance H2020 project (grant number: 777541; call: H2020-EINFRA-2017) and the OpenAIREConnect H2020 project (grant number: 731011; call: H2020-EINFRA-2016-1). Moreover, we would like to thank our colleagues Michele Manunta, Francesco Casu, and Claudio De Luca (Institute for the Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment, CNR, Italy) for their work on the EPOS infrastructure RCD; and Stephane Pesant (University of Bremen, Germany) his work on the European Marine Science RCD

    Open research: linking the bits and pieces with OpenAIRE-connect

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    International audienceOpen research is growing in neuroimaging. The community — supported by funders who want best use of public funding but also by the general public who wants more transparent and participatory research practices — is constantly expanding online resources including: data (e.g. [1–3]), code (e.g. [4]), materials (e.g. [5]), tutorials, etc. This trend will likely amplify in the future and is also observed in other areas of experimental sciences. Open resources are typically deposited in dedicated repositories that are tailored to a particular type of artefact (e.g. [6,7]). While this is best practice, it makes it difficult to get the big picture: artefacts are scattered across the web in a multitude of databases. Although one could claim that the publication is here to link all related artefacts together, it’s not machine-readable and does not allow searching for artefacts using filters (e.g. all datasets created in relation with a given funder). Here, we present OpenAIRE-connect, an overlay platform that links together research resources stored on the web: https://beta.ni.openaire.eu/

    OpenAIRE Research Graph: Dumps for research communities and initiatives

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    Manghi P, Atzori C, Bardi A, et al. OpenAIRE Research Graph: Dumps for research communities and initiatives. Bielefeld University; 2022.This dataset contains dumps of the OpenAIRE Research Graph containing metadata records relevant for the research communities and initiatives collaborating with OpenAIRE and&nbsp;with a public Open Research Gateway on OpenAIRE CONNECT&nbsp;&nbsp;as of May 2022. Each dump is a tar file containing gzip files with one json per line. Each json is compliant to the schema available at&nbsp;https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6372977</p

    OpenAIRE Graph Beginner's Kit

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    Baglioni M, Atzori C, Bardi A, et al. OpenAIRE Graph Beginner's Kit. OpenAIRE Nexus; 2022.The OpenAIRE Graph is an Open Access dataset containing metadata about research products (literature, datasets, software, etc.) linked to other entities of the research ecosystem like organisations, project grants, and data sources.&nbsp; The large size of the OpenAIRE Graph is a major impediment for beginners to familiarise with the underlying data model and explore its contents. Working with the Graph in its full size typically requires access to a huge distributed computing infrastructure which cannot be easily accessible to everyone.&nbsp;&nbsp; The OpenAIRE Beginner&rsquo;s Kit aims to address this issue. It consists of two components: A subset of the OpenAIRE Graph composed of the research products published between 2022-06-29 and 2022-12-29, all the entities connected to them and the respective relationships. The subset is composed of the following parts: publication.tar: metadata records about research literature (includes types of publications listed here) dataset.tar: metadata records about research data (includes the subtypes listed here) software.tar: metadata records about research software (includes the subtypes listed here) otherresearchproduct.tar: metadata records about research products that cannot be classified as research literature, data or software (includes types of products listed here) organization.tar: metadata records about organizations involved in the research life-cycle, such as universities, research organizations, funders. datasource.tar: metadata records about data sources&nbsp;whose content is available in the OpenAIRE Graph. They include&nbsp;institutional and thematic repositories, journals, aggregators, funders&#39; databases. project.tar: metadata records about project grants. relation.tar: metadata records about relations between entities in the graph. communities_infrastructures.tar: metadata records about research communities and research infrastructures Each file is a tar archive containing gz files, each with one json per line. Each json is compliant to the schema available at http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7492151. A Zeppelin notebook that demonstrates how you can use PySpark to analyse the Graph and get answers to some interesting research questions:&nbsp;beginners_kit_zeppelin_notebook.json. Here&nbsp;a guide to Apache Zeppelin. </ul

    OpenAIRE Research Graph Dump

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    Manghi P, Atzori C, Bardi A, et al. OpenAIRE Research Graph Dump. Bielefeld University; 2022.The OpenAIRE Research Graph is exported as several dumps, so you can download the parts you are interested into. publication_[part].tar: metadata records about research literature (includes types of publications listed here) dataset.tar: metadata records about research data (includes the subtypes listed here)&nbsp; software.tar: metadata records about research software (includes the subtypes listed here) otherresearchproduct.tar: metadata records about research products that cannot be classified as research literature, data or software (includes types of products listed here) organization.tar: metadata records about organizations involved in the research life-cycle, such as universities, research organizations, funders., datasource.tar: metadata records about providers whose content is available in the OpenAIRE Research Graph. They includes institutional and thematic repositories, journals, aggregators, funders&#39; databases. project.tar: metadata records about projects funded by a given funder. relation_[part].tar: metadata records about relations between entities in the graph. communities_infrastructures.tar: metadata records about research communities and research infrastructures Each file is a tar archive containing gz files, each with one json per line. Each json is compliant to the schema available at http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5799514. Learn more about the OpenAIRE Research Graph at https://graph.openaire.eu. Discover the content of the graph on OpenAIRE EXPLORE&nbsp;and our API for developers.</p

    OpenAIRE Graph Dataset

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    &lt;p&gt;The OpenAIRE Graph is exported as several dataseta, so you can download the parts you are interested into.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;publication_[part].tar&lt;/strong&gt;: metadata records about research literature (includes types of publications listed &lt;a href="http://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:result_typologies/publication"&gt;here&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;br&gt; &lt;strong&gt;dataset_[part].tar&lt;/strong&gt;: metadata records about research data (includes the subtypes listed &lt;a href="http://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:result_typologies/dataset"&gt;here&lt;/a&gt;)&nbsp;&lt;br&gt; &lt;strong&gt;software.tar&lt;/strong&gt;: metadata records about research software (includes the subtypes listed &lt;a href="http://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:result_typologies/software"&gt;here&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;br&gt; &lt;strong&gt;otherresearchproduct_[part].tar&lt;/strong&gt;: metadata records about research products that cannot be classified as research literature, data or software (includes types of products listed &lt;a href="http://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:result_typologies/other"&gt;here&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;br&gt; &lt;strong&gt;organization.tar&lt;/strong&gt;: metadata records about organizations involved in the research life-cycle, such as universities, research organizations, funders.&lt;br&gt; &lt;strong&gt;datasource.tar&lt;/strong&gt;: metadata records about data sources whose content is available in the OpenAIRE Graph. They include&nbsp;institutional and thematic repositories, journals, aggregators, funders&#39; databases.&lt;br&gt; &lt;strong&gt;project.tar&lt;/strong&gt;: metadata records about project grants.&lt;br&gt; &lt;strong&gt;relation_[part].tar&lt;/strong&gt;: metadata records about relations between entities in the graph.&lt;br&gt; &lt;strong&gt;communities_infrastructures.tar&lt;/strong&gt;: metadata records about research communities and research infrastructures&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Each file is a tar archive containing gz files, each with one json per line. Each json is compliant to the schema available at &lt;a href="http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8238874"&gt;http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8238874&lt;/a&gt;. The documentation for the model is available at&nbsp;&lt;a href="https://graph.openaire.eu/docs/data-model/"&gt;https://graph.openaire.eu/docs/data-model/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Learn more about the OpenAIRE Graph at &lt;a href="https://graph.openaire.eu"&gt;https://graph.openaire.eu&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Discover the graph&#39;s content on &lt;a href="https://explore.openaire.eu"&gt;OpenAIRE EXPLORE&lt;/a&gt;&nbsp;and our &lt;a href="https://develop.openaire.eu"&gt;API for developers&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Note: This is a new update to fix some issues found in the relation file names. The content is the same as the deposition of August.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The schema of the result and relation is changed. Have a look at https://graph.openaire.eu/docs/. The three-char prefix has been removed from the OpenAIRE identifiers. A new version of this dataset is published every 6 months. The content available on the OpenAIRE EXPLORE and CONNECT portals might be more up-to-date with respect to the data you find here.&lt;/p&gt

    OpenAIRE Graph Beginner's Kit Dataset

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    Baglioni M, Atzori C, Bardi A, et al. OpenAIRE Graph Beginner's Kit Dataset. OpenAIRE; 2023.The OpenAIRE Graph is an Open Access dataset containing metadata about research products (literature, datasets, software, etc.) linked to other entities of the research ecosystem like organisations, project grants, and data sources.&nbsp; The large size of the OpenAIRE Graph is a major impediment for beginners to familiarise with the underlying data model and explore its contents. Working with the Graph in its full size typically requires access to a huge distributed computing infrastructure which cannot be easily accessible to everyone.&nbsp;&nbsp; The OpenAIRE Beginner&rsquo;s Kit aims to address this issue. It consists of two components: A subset of the OpenAIRE Graph composed of the research products published between 2022-12-28&nbsp;and 2023-07-31, all the entities connected to them and the respective relationships. The subset is composed of the following parts: publication.tar: metadata records about research literature (includes types of publications listed here) dataset.tar: metadata records about research data (includes the subtypes listed here)&nbsp; software.tar: metadata records about research software (includes the subtypes listed here) otherresearchproduct.tar: metadata records about research products that cannot be classified as research literature, data or software (includes types of products listed here) organization.tar: metadata records about organizations involved in the research life-cycle, such as universities, research organizations, funders. datasource.tar: metadata records about data sources&nbsp;whose content is available in the OpenAIRE Graph. They include&nbsp;institutional and thematic repositories, journals, aggregators, funders&#39; databases. project.tar: metadata records about project grants. relation.tar: metadata records about relations between entities in the graph. communities_infrastructures.tar: metadata records about research communities and research infrastructures Each file is a tar archive containing gz files, each with one json per line. Each json is compliant to the schema available at http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8238874. The code to analyse the data. It is available on GitHub. Just download the archive, unzip/untar it and follow the instruction on the README file (no need to clone the GitHub repository) &nbsp; &nbsp;</p

    OpenAIRE Research Graph: Dumps for research communities and initiatives

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    Manghi P, Atzori C, Bardi A, et al. OpenAIRE Research Graph: Dumps for research communities and initiatives. OpenAIRE; 2020.This dataset contains dumps of the OpenAIRE Research Graph containing metadata records relevant for the research communities and initiatives collaborating with OpenAIRE. Each dataset is a gzip containing a file with one JSON per line. Each JSON is compliant to the schema available at DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.397422

    OpenAIRE Research Graph Dump

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    Manghi P, Atzori C, Bardi A, et al. OpenAIRE Research Graph Dump. Bielefeld University; 2019.The OpenAIRE Research Graph is exported as several dumps, so you can download the parts you are interested in. publication.gz: metadata records about research literature (includes types of publications listed here) dataset.gz:: metadata records about research data (includes the subtypes listed here) software.gz:: metadata records about research software (includes the subtypes listed here) orp.gz: metadata records about research products that cannot be classified as research literature, data or software (includes types of products listed here) organization.gz: metadata records about organizations involved in the research life-cycle, such as universities, research organizations, funders. datasource.gz: metadata records about providers whose content is available in the OpenAIRE Research Graph. They includes institutional and thematic repositories, journals, aggregators, funders&#39; databases. project.gz: metadata records about projects funded by a given funder. &lt;funder&gt;_result.gz: metadata records about research results (publications, datasets, software, and other research products) funded by a given funder. Version 1.0.0-bet