59 research outputs found


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    Objective of the work is to study enalapril effect, a blocker of renin-angiotensin system, on glutathione chain of the antioxidant system of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus of rats with experimental neurodegeneration. The experiments were conducted on nonlinear laboratory albino male rats with their body weight of 0,18-0,20 kg. The model of neurodegeneration was created by means of intraperitoneally administration of scopolamine hydrochloride (Sigma, USA) during 27 days in the dose of 1 mg/kg. Since the 28th day of the experiment enalapril (Zdorovye, Ukraine) was introduced intraperitoneally in the dose of 1 mg/kg in 1 ml of physiological solution once a day during 14 days. The content of reduced glutathione in male rats with scopolamine-induced neurodegeneration after introduction of enalapril increased in the cerebral cortex 1,8 times as much, and in the hippocampus – 1,2 times. Under enalapril effect the content of sulfhydryl groups increased in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus 1,3 and 1,1 times respectively. A positive effect of enalapril was characterized by an increased activity of glutathione reductase in the cerebral cortex 1,7 times as much, and 1,6 times – in the hippocampus. Thus, enalapril improves the indices of glutathione chain of the antioxidant system of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, which is indicative of its neuroprotective ability under conditions of scopolamine-induced damage and development of neurodegenerative processes in rats.Цель исследования - изучить влияние блокатора ренинангиотензиновой системы эналаприла на глутатионовою цепь антиоксидантной системы коры головного мозга и гиппокампа крыс с экспериментальной нейродегенерацией. Эксперименты проводили на нелинейных лабораторных белых крысах самцах массой 0,18-0,20 кг. Модель нейродегенерации создавали внутрибрюшинным введением в течение 27 дней скополамина гидрохлорида (Sigma, США) в дозе 1 мг/кг. Начиная с 28 суток эксперимента, эналаприл вводили внутрибрюшинно в дозе 1 мг/кг в 1 мл физиологического раствора - один раз в день в течение 14 дней. У крыс самцов со скополамин-индуцированной нейродегенерацией после введения эналаприла в коре головного мозга увеличивалось содержание глутатиона восстановленного в 1,8 раза и в гиппокампе - в 1,2 раза. Под влиянием эналаприла содержание сульфгидрильных групп повышалось в коре головного мозга и гиппокампе в 1,3 и 1,1 раза, соответственно. Положительное влияние эналаприла характеризовалось повышением активности глутатион-редуктазы в коре в 1,7 раза и в гиппокампе - в 1,6 раза. Таким образом, эналаприл улучшает показатели глутатионовой цепи антиоксидантной системы коры головного мозга и гиппокампа, что указывает на его нейропротекторную способность в условиях скополамин-индуцированного повреждения и развития нейродегенеративных процессов у крыс

    Study of risks in confectionary industry of Ukraine

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    Enforced transformational processes caused by crisis situations, such as battle against consequences of the spread of COVID-19 pandemic and the formation of a socio-economic and security mechanism for counter fighting Russian war in Ukraine, are significantly reflected in the specifics of Ukraine’s confectionery market operations today. It is determined that danger, instability, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity accompany the development of various socio-economic systems, including confectionery market. The purpose of the article is to reveal the potential of the Ukrainian confectionery market in view of the intensification of competition in crisis situations, to identify the dominant influencing factors in the developmental environment of confectionery enterprises in order to design alternative competitive strategies to support their sales. The main goal is to present the results of the analysis of determinants of confectionery market development in Ukraine in the period of the spread of crisis situations in terms of identifying risks in the sector. Research methods are the method of economic analysis and comparison for researching the specifics of the confectionery market; abstract-logical method for theoretical generalisation and conclusions; calculation of confectionery market capacity and market shares of Ukrainian confectionery enterprises; index method for assessing the concentration levels in the confectionery market. Conclusions and added value of work: the specifics of Ukrainian confectionery market development are revealed. Analysis of the dynamics of the confectionery production volume in Ukraine has been carried out; the number of business entities in the segments characterised by types of economic activity and in terms of large, medium, small and micro enterprises has been identified. Analysis of export-import operations volumes has been carried out based on the commodity structure of foreign trade in confectionery products. The list of risks of the developmental environment of confectionery enterprises and intra-industry risks has been identified using the probabilistic method of risk assessment; analysis of factors affecting the dynamics of confectionery market development has been established in accordance with M. Porter's method of five forces of competition, an assessment of market concentration has been carried out using the index method (in particular, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index and the Lind index). According to the results of the evaluation of concentration levels of confectionery market in Ukraine and the factors affecting the conjuncture of this market, it has been identified that three enterprises are involved in the core of the confectionery market, namely SE "KK ROSHEN", PrJSC "HBF" and PrJSC "AVK". Forms of their interaction are secret conspiracies, the policy of dictating prices in order to maintain the market power of influence on industry counterparties and other stakeholders of the confectionery market, and other forms of interaction characteristic of an oligopolistic market structur


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    The article discusses the peculiarities of the formation of the information base on marketing expenses of the enterprise and suggests to make internal reporting on these expenses by responsibility centers, which will facilitate the analysis of data from previous reporting periods, the development of planned indicators, and the accounting of actual results and control deviations.В статье рассмотрены особенности формирования информационной базы о расходах на маркетинг предприятия и предложено составлять внутреннюю отчетность об этих расходах по центрам ответственности, что будет способствовать анализу данных предыдущих отчетных периодов, разработки плановых показателей, учета фактических результатов и контроля отклонений.У статті розглянуто особливості формування інформаційної бази про витрати на маркетинг підприємства та запропоновано складати внутрішню звітність про ці витрати за центрами відповідальності, що сприятиме аналізу даних попередніх звітних періодів, розробки планових показників, обліку фактичних результатів та контролю відхилень

    The state of the nitrogen oxide system and some indicators of antioxidant protection of the cerebral cortex during the introduction of carbacetam to rats with experimental neurodegeneration

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    Однією з найважливіших медико-соціальних проблем сьогодення є пошук нових патогенетичних напрямів медикаментозної профілактики та лікування нейродегенеративних захворювань. Патогенез цих процесів остаточно не вивчено, водночас ряд наукових робіт засвідчує значущу роль дисбалансу прооксидантно-антиоксидантної системи, спровокованого гіперпродукуванням оксиду азоту. Недавні дослідження також продемонстрували вплив оксиду азоту на інгібуючу ГАМК-ергічну синаптичну передачу. Окрім того виявлено, що аномальна експресія нейрональної NO-синтази є раннім маркером хвороби Альцгеймера та когнітивних порушень, пов’язаних із нею. One of the most important medical and social problems of today is the search for new pathogenetic areas of drug prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system. The pathogenesis of these processes has not been definitively studied, at the same time a number of scientific works testify to the significant role of the imbalance of the prooxidant-antioxidant system provoked by the hyperproduction of nitric oxide. Recent studies have also demonstrated the effect of nitric oxide on inhibiting GABA-ergic synaptic transmission. In addition, abnormal expression of neuronal NO synthase has been found to be an early marker of Alzheimer’s disease and related cognitive impairment

    Face recognition and visual search strategies in autism spectrum disorders: Amending and extending a recent review by Weigelt et al.

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    The purpose of this review was to build upon a recent review by Weigelt et al. which examined visual search strategies and face identification between individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and typically developing peers. Seven databases, CINAHL Plus, EMBASE, ERIC, Medline, Proquest, PsychInfo and PubMed were used to locate published scientific studies matching our inclusion criteria. A total of 28 articles not included in Weigelt et al. met criteria for inclusion into this systematic review. Of these 28 studies, 16 were available and met criteria at the time of the previous review, but were mistakenly excluded; and twelve were recently published. Weigelt et al. found quantitative, but not qualitative, differences in face identification in individuals with ASD. In contrast, the current systematic review found both qualitative and quantitative differences in face identification between individuals with and without ASD. There is a large inconsistency in findings across the eye tracking and neurobiological studies reviewed. Recommendations for future research in face recognition in ASD were discussed

    To what extent do nurses use research in clinical practice? A systematic review

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    Background : In the past forty years, many gains have been made in our understanding of the concept of research utilization. While numerous studies exist on professional nurses\u27 use of research in practice, no attempt has been made to systematically evaluate and synthesize this body of literature with respect to the extent to which nurses use research in their clinical practice. The objective of this study was to systematically identify and analyze the available evidence related to the extent to which nurses use research findings in practice. Methods : This study was a systematic review of published and grey literature. The search strategy included 13 online bibliographic databases: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, HAPI, Web of Science, SCOPUS, OCLC Papers First, OCLC WorldCat, ABI Inform, Sociological Abstracts, and Dissertation Abstracts. The inclusion criteria consisted of primary research reports that assess professional nurses\u27 use of research in practice, written in the English or Scandinavian languages. Extent of research use was determined by assigning research use scores reported in each article to one of four quartiles: low, moderate-low, moderate-high, or high. Results : Following removal of duplicate citations, a total of 12,418 titles were identified through database searches, of which 133 articles were retrieved. Of the articles retrieved, 55 satisfied the inclusion criteria. The 55 final reports included cross-sectional/survey (n = 51) and quasi-experimental (n = 4) designs. A sensitivity analysis, comparing findings from all reports with those rated moderate (moderate-weak and moderate-strong) and strong quality, did not show significant differences. In a majority of the articles identified (n = 38, 69%), nurses reported moderate-high research use. Conclusions : According to this review, nurses\u27 reported use of research is moderate-high and has remained relatively consistent over time until the early 2000\u27s. This finding, however, may paint an overly optimistic picture of the extent to which nurses use research in their practice given the methodological problems inherent in the majority of studies. There is a clear need for the development of standard measures of research use and robust well-designed studies examining nurses\u27 use of research and its impact on patient outcomes. The relatively unchanged self-reports of moderate-high research use by nurses is troubling given that over 40 years have elapsed since the first studies in this review were conducted and the increasing emphasis in the past 15 years on evidence-based practice. More troubling is the absence of studies in which attempts are made to assess the effects of varying levels of research use on patient outcomes.<br /