622 research outputs found

    Accelerated fast spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging of the heart using a self-calibrated split-echo approach

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    PURPOSE: Design, validation and application of an accelerated fast spin-echo (FSE) variant that uses a split-echo approach for self-calibrated parallel imaging. METHODS: For self-calibrated, split-echo FSE (SCSE-FSE), extra displacement gradients were incorporated into FSE to decompose odd and even echo groups which were independently phase encoded to derive coil sensitivity maps, and to generate undersampled data (reduction factor up to R = 3). Reference and undersampled data were acquired simultaneously. SENSE reconstruction was employed. RESULTS: The feasibility of SCSE-FSE was demonstrated in phantom studies. Point spread function performance of SCSE-FSE was found to be competitive with traditional FSE variants. The immunity of SCSE-FSE for motion induced mis-registration between reference and undersampled data was shown using a dynamic left ventricular model and cardiac imaging. The applicability of black blood prepared SCSE-FSE for cardiac imaging was demonstrated in healthy volunteers including accelerated multi-slice per breath-hold imaging and accelerated high spatial resolution imaging. CONCLUSION: SCSE-FSE obviates the need of external reference scans for SENSE reconstructed parallel imaging with FSE. SCSE-FSE reduces the risk for mis-registration between reference scans and accelerated acquisitions. SCSE-FSE is feasible for imaging of the heart and of large cardiac vessels but also meets the needs of brain, abdominal and liver imaging

    Copper benchmark experiment for the testing of JEFF-3.2 nuclear data for fusion applications

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    A neutronics benchmark experiment on a pure Copper block (dimensions 60 × 70 × 70 cm3) aimed at testing and validating the recent nuclear data libraries for fusion applications was performed in the frame of the European Fusion Program at the 14 MeV ENEA Frascati Neutron Generator (FNG). Reaction rates, neutron flux spectra and doses were measured using different experimental techniques (e.g. activation foils techniques, NE213 scintillator and thermoluminescent detectors). This paper first summarizes the analyses of the experiment carried-out using the MCNP5 Monte Carlo code and the European JEFF-3.2 library. Large discrepancies between calculation (C) and experiment (E) were found for the reaction rates both in the high and low neutron energy range. The analysis was complemented by sensitivity/uncertainty analyses (S/U) using the deterministic and Monte Carlo SUSD3D and MCSEN codes, respectively. The S/U analyses enabled to identify the cross sections and energy ranges which are mostly affecting the calculated responses. The largest discrepancy among the C/E values was observed for the thermal (capture) reactions indicating severe deficiencies in the 63,65Cu capture and elastic cross sections at lower rather than at high energy. Deterministic and MC codes produced similar results. The 14 MeV copper experiment and its analysis thus calls for a revision of the JEFF-3.2 copper cross section and covariance data evaluation. A new analysis of the experiment was performed with the MCNP5 code using the revised JEFF-3.3-T2 library released by NEA and a new, not yet distributed, revised JEFF-3.2 Cu evaluation produced by KIT. A noticeable improvement of the C/E results was obtained with both new libraries

    Radiological characterisation in view of nuclear reactor decommissioning: On-site benchmarking exercise of a biological shield

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    Nearly all decommissioning and dismantling (D&D) projects are steered by the characterisation of the plant being dismantled. This radiological characterisation is a complex process that is updated and modified during the course of the D&D. One of the tools for carrying out this characterisation is the performance of in-situ measurements. There is a wide variety of equipment and methodologies used to carry out on-site measurements, depending on the environment in which they are to be carried out and also on the specific objectives of the measurements and the financial and personnel resources available. The extent to which measurements carried out with different types of equipment or methodologies providing comparable results can be crucial in view of the D&D strategy development and the decision-making process. This paper concerns an on-site benchmarking exercise carried out at the activated biological shield of Belgian Reactor 3 (BR3). This activity allows comparison and validation of characterisation methodologies and different equipment used as well as future interpretation of final results in terms of uncertainties and sensitivities. This paper describes the measurements and results from the analysis of this exercise. Other aspects of this exercise will be reported in separate papers. This paper provides an overview of the on-site benchmarking exercise, outlines the participating organisations and the measurement equipment used for total gamma, dose rate and gamma spectrometry measurements and finally, results obtained and their interpretations are discussed for each type of measurement as a function of detector type. Regarding the dose measurements, results obtained by using a large variety of equipment are very consistent. In view of mapping the inner surface of the biological shield the most appropriate equipment tested might be the organic scintillator, the BGO or even the ionisation chamber. In addition, for mapping this surface, the most appropriate total gamma equipment tested might be the LaBr3_{3}(Ce), the thick organic scintillator or the BGO. These measurements can only be used as a secondary parameter in a relative way. Results for the gamma spectrometry are very consistent for all the equipment used and the main parameters to be determined

    Dynamics of systems with isotropic competing interactions in an external field: a Langevin approach

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    We study the Langevin dynamics of a ferromagnetic Ginzburg-Landau Hamiltonian with a competing long-range repulsive term in the presence of an external magnetic field. The model is analytically solved within the self consistent Hartree approximation for two different initial conditions: disordered or zero field cooled (ZFC), and fully magnetized or field cooled (FC). To test the predictions of the approximation we develop a suitable numerical scheme to ensure the isotropic nature of the interactions. Both the analytical approach and the numerical simulations of two-dimensional finite systems confirm a simple aging scenario at zero temperature and zero field. At zero temperature a critical field hch_c is found below which the initial conditions are relevant for the long time dynamics of the system. For h<hch < h_c a logarithmic growth of modulated domains is found in the numerical simulations but this behavior is not captured by the analytical approach which predicts a t1/2t^1/2 growth law at T=0T = 0

    Nuclear data from AMS & nuclear data for AMS - some examples

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    We summarize some recent cross-section measurements using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). AMS represents an ultra-sensitive technique for measuring a limited, but steadily increasing number of longer-lived radionuclides. This method implies a two-step procedure with sample activation and subsequent AMS measurement. Applications include nuclear astrophysics, nuclear technology (nuclear fusion, nuclear fission and advanced reactor concepts and radiation dose estimations). A series of additional applications involves cosmogenic radionuclides in environmental, geological and extraterrestrial studies. Lack of information exists for a list of nuclides as pointed out by nuclear data requests. An overview of some recent measurements is given and the method is exemplified for some specific neutron-induced reactions.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Nuclear Data from AMS & Nuclear Data for AMS -some examples

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    We summarize some recent cross-section measurements using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). AMS represents an ultra-sensitive technique for measuring a limited, but steadily increasing number of longer-lived radionuclides. This method implies a two-st

    W(h)ither human cardiac and body magnetic resonance at ultrahigh fields? Technical advances, practical considerations, applications, and clinical opportunities.

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    The objective of this study was to document and review advances and groundbreaking progress in cardiac and body MR at ultrahigh fields (UHF, B0 ≥ 7.0 T) with the goal to attract talent, clinical adopters, collaborations and resources to the biomedical and diagnostic imaging communities. This review surveys traits, advantages and challenges of cardiac and body MR at 7.0 T. The considerations run the gamut from technical advances to clinical opportunities. Key concepts, emerging technologies, practical considerations, frontier applications and future directions of UHF body and cardiac MR are provided. Examples of UHF cardiac and body imaging strategies are demonstrated. Their added value over the kindred counterparts at lower fields is explored along with an outline of research promises. The achievements of cardiac and body UHF-MR are powerful motivators and enablers, since extra speed, signal and imaging capabilities may be invested to overcome the fundamental constraints that continue to hamper traditional cardiac and body MR applications. If practical obstacles, concomitant physics effects and technical impediments can be overcome in equal measure, sophisticated cardiac and body UHF-MR will help to open the door to new MRI and MRS approaches for basic research and clinical science, with the lessons learned at 7.0 T being transferred into broad clinical use including diagnostics and therapy guiding at lower field

    Geometric frustration in small colloidal clusters

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    We study the structure of clusters in a model colloidal system with competing interactions using Brownian dynamics simulations. A short-ranged attraction drives clustering, while a weak, long-ranged repulsion is used to model electrostatic charging in experimental systems. The former is treated with a short-ranged Morse attractive interaction, the latter with a repulsive Yukawa interaction. We consider the yield of clusters of specific structure as a function of the strength of the interactions, for clusters with m=3,4,5,6,7,10 and 13 colloids. At sufficient strengths of the attractive interaction (around 10 kT), the average bond lifetime approaches the simulation timescale and the system becomes nonergodic. For small clusters m<=5 where geometric frustration is not relevant, despite nonergodicity, for sufficient strengths of the attractive interaction the yield of clusters which maximise the number of bonds approaches 100%. However for m=7m=7 and higher, in the nonergodic regime we find a lower yield of these structures where we argue geometric frustration plays a significant role. m=6m=6 is a special case, where two structures, of octahedral and C2v symmetry compete, with the latter being favoured by entropic contributions in the ergodic regime and by kinetic trapping in the nonergodic regime. We believe that our results should be valid as far as the one-component description of the interaction potential is valid. A system with competing electrostatic repulsions and van der Waals attractions may be such an example. However, in some cases, the one-component description of the interaction potential may not be appropriate.Comment: 21 pages, accepted for publication by J. Phys. Condens. Matte
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