13 research outputs found

    Effect of marketing in relation to rational decision-making of retail investors

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    Předmětem práce je ověřit, zda televizní reklamní kampaně, zejména ty humorně zpracované, mají vliv na racionální rozhodování retailových investorů. Zohledňuji své praktické zkušenosti a poznatky získané během pětileté praxe na pozicích finančního poradce a osobního bankéře u předních českých finančních korporací. Uvádím do kontextu podílových fondů na českém trhu, analyzuji investiční produkty nabízené českými bankami, provádím jejich srovnání na základě několika kritérií a následně stanovuji tři hypotézy, které ověřuji pomocí dotazníkového šetření.Za účelem získání dat bylo osloveno 108 respondentů bez praktických investičních zkušeností. Odpovídali celkem na 8 otázek, které měly za cíl je nejprve rozčlenit do jednotlivých skupin a poté zjistit jejich preference.Výsledky dotazníkového šetření byly nejednoznačné, nicméně slibné. Některé dílčí hypotézy se dokázat podařilo, některé nikoli. Tento celkový výsledek mne vede k přesvědčení, že základní myšlenka práce se ubírá správným směrem, nicméně svou roli v rozhodovacím procesu retailových investorů pravděpodobně hrají i další faktory.The subject of this bachelor's thesis is to verify if TV marketing campaigns, especially the funny ones, have effect on rational decision-making of retail investors. I use my practical knowledge obtained over five years of working as financial advisor and personal banker for prominent czech financial corporations.I present context of investment funds on czech financial market, I analyze financial products distributed by czech banking corporations, I compare them to each other based on several criteria and then I establish 3 hypothesis that I verify using a questionnaire investigation.To get the necessary data I collected 108 responds from retail investors withou practical investment experience. They answered a total of 8 questions which were first supposed to divide them into several subgroups and figure their preferences afterwards.The results of questionnaire investigation were ambiguous but promising. I was able to prove some of the sub-hypothesis however some of them I was not. The results of this investigation suggest that the basic idea of the thesis is correct however there are probably more factors included in decision-making of retail investors which I did not take into account

    Epidemiology of scapular fractures

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    The aim of the study has been to acquire basic epidemiological data based on a representative group of patients with scapular fractures treated in one centre.The study analyses group of 250 patients. Diagnostics was based on CT examinations, in 227 cases with 3D reconstructions, in 97 cases compared with operative findings.The most common fracture in the group was that of the scapular body (52%), followed by fractures of the glenoid fossa (29%), fractures of the processes (11%) and fractures of the scapular neck (8%). 61% patients were treated non-operatively and 39 % patients were operated on. The most frequent associated injuries to the ipsilateral shoulder girdle were clavicular fractures (19%).Scapular fractures occur primarily in men, predominantly in 4th – 6th decades. After 60 years of age, there is an apparent increase in the share of women. The exact diagnostics should be based on 3D CT reconstructions

    Sodium-cadmium and sodium-zinc exchangeability in montmorillonite

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    A sodium montmorillonite from Ivančice (Czech Republic) was treated with solutions containing various molar concentrations of Zn and Cd for the purpose of determining ion exchange equilibria. The sorption isotherms for Zn and Cd exhibit a rather similar shape, which depends on pH; the maxima for Zn and Cd sorbed on Na-montmorillonite are very close to each other (e.g., 0.419 mmol/1 g and 0.440 mmol/1 g, respectively, for pH=5). It is a characteristic of both elements that a high level of sorption is reached at low concentration in solution. The leachability of Zn and Cd in deionized water from fully saturated montmorillonites is very similar, but a different results were observed for Na leached from fully saturated Na-montmorillonite. The total amount of leached Na was 21.7% (after four consecutive leaching runs). However, only 2.1% and 1.6% were found for Cd and Zn, respectively. Different quantities of Cd and Zn exchanged in Na-montmorillonite influence significantly the shape and position of maximum of the 001 XRD profile. Experimental XRD profiles of montmorillonites, fully saturated with Na, Cd and Zn, corrected for instrumental and physical factors exhibit maxima at 12.59, 14.86, and 14.77 Å, respectively. When the d001 spacing is determined from a corrected profile, it varies systematically with the percentage of exchanged Zn and Cd and the relationships seem to be linear for both elements. For montmorillonites, not fully saturated with one element, the peak shift and peak broadening, characteristic for mixed layered structures with random layer sequences, has been observed

    Structure analysis of intercalated clays using combination of molecular simulations, powder diffraction and IR spectroscopy

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    Combination of molecular simulations with x-ray powder diffraction and TR spectroscopy has been used to study the structure of montmorillonites, intercalated with aluminium complex cations. Two different intercalating species have been investigated: (1) Keggin cation - ideal and hydrolysed and (2) gibbsite-like polymers, arranged in two layers in the interlayer of montmorillonites. The results of molecular simulations showed, that for Keggin cations, the crystal packing depends on the degree of hydrolysis, exhibiting the basal spacings within the range 19.38 - 20.27 (10(-10)m). I, case of gibbite-like polymers, arranged in two layers in the interlayer, basal spacings within the range 19.58 - 20.06 (10(-10)m) have been found, in dependence on the mutual position of Al-OH polymers. Results of molecular simulations showed, that no two-dimensional ordering of complex cations and no reggular stacking of layers can occure in the interlayer of montmorillonites. All the conclusions of modelling were in agreement with the results of XRD analysis

    Perioperative Management of Chronic Antithrombotic Agents in Elective Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

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    Total hip and knee arthroplasty are common major orthopedic operations being performed on an increasing number of patients. Many patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty (TJA) are on chronic antithrombotic agents due to other medical conditions, such as atrial fibrillation or acute coronary syndrome. Given the risk of bleeding associated with TJAs, as well as the risk of thromboembolic events in the post-operative period, the management of chronic antithrombotic agents perioperatively is critical to achieving successful outcomes in arthroplasty. In this review, we provide a concise overview of society guidelines regarding the perioperative management of chronic antithrombotic agents in the setting of elective TJAs and summarize the recent literature that may inform future guidelines. Ultimately, antithrombotic regimen management should be patient-specific, in consultation with cardiology, internal medicine, hematology, and other physicians who play an essential role in perioperative care