299 research outputs found

    Sinimailasen kavuunlähtö ja kehitys kylvövuonna

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    Ympäristöherkkyyden hoidon ja kuntoutuksen järjestäminen Suomessa

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    Ympäristöherkkyys voi aiheuttaa merkittävää kärsimystä ja haittaa. Useat suomalaiset ja eurooppalaiset tahot, mukaan lukien Euroopan parlamentti, ovat esittäneet, että ympäristöherkkyyteen tulisi kiinnittää aiempaa enemmän huomiota. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön ympäristöherkkyysverkosto on todennut, että ympäristöherkkyyden tunnistusta terveydenhuollossa tulee parantaa ja hoitomalleja kehittää. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön toimeksiannosta Työterveyslaitoksella on laadittu ehdotus (2016) ympäristöherkkyyden hoidon ja kuntoutuksen järjestämisestä Suomessa

    Lisää kasvipeitteisyyttä heinästä, siemennurmista ja kuminasta

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    Saaristomeren valuma-alueella viljely on kevätviljapainotteista. Nurmikasvien ja kuminan viljely lisäisivät talviaikaista kasvipeitteisyyttä ja vähentäisivät eroosion riskiä. Nurmen ja kuminan lisääminen kasvintuotantotilojen viljelykiertoon parantaa lisäksi peltomaan rakennetta ja ylläpitää peltojen kasvukuntoa. Ravinteiden kierrätystä karjatiloilta kasvinviljelytiloille tarvitaan lisää. Ympäristöministeriön rahoittamassaa ”Kuntoa, kiertoa ja kasvipeitteisyyttä rantalohkoille” (Sieppari pellossa) - hankkeessa demonstroitiin lannan ja biokaasulaitoksen kuivajakeen ja rejektiveden käyttämistä kuminan ja nurmikasvien siemenviljelyssä. Kuminalla selvitettiin lisäksi kemikaalitonta rikkakasvien torjuntaa käyttämällä suojaviljaa rikkakasvien kasvun hillitsemiseen perustamisvaiheessa. Esittelykasvustot olivat Ammattiopisto Livian Tuorlan toimipaikassa Kaarinassa ja Luken Ylistaron toimipisteessä. Taloustarkastelussa käytettiin satotilastojen tietoja ja Tuottopehtorin katetuottolaskelmamalleja. Hanke kesti perustamisvuoden 2015 sekä satovuodet 2016 ja 2017. Esittelykasvustojen ’Varte’ puna-apilasta saatiin Tuorlassa suuri siemensato (650 kg/ha) ensimmäisenä nurmivuonna. ´Varte´ -lajike oli aikaisempi kuin ’Betty’ ja ’Saija’ lajikkeet. Tuorlassa saatiin myös Englanninraiheinälajikkeista ’Riikka’ ja ’Gator’ ensimmäisenä nurmivuonna 800-900 kg/ha. Ruokonadan ensimmäisen vuoden siemensato oli ennakoidusti pieni, mutta toisena vuonna siitä saatiin Tuorlassa 650-770 kg/ha. Ylistarossa nurmikasvien siemensadot olivat vaatimattomia (alle 200 kg/ha). Tosin vuonna 2016 nurminadasta saatiin tavanomainen 400 kg/ha ja viileänä vuonna 2017 timoteista 500-600 kg/ha. Orgaanisilla lannoitteilla lannoitettujen sadot olivat vastaavat kuin väkilannoitteilla lannoitettujen. Orgaanisten lannoitteiden käytölle olisi sijaa sekä perustamisvuonna että satovuosina. Natasiemennurmien odelman määrä on syksyllä suuri, koska kasvustot puidaan jo heinäkuussa. Kuivaheinänurmen odelman määrä oli pieni. Kaikki maata peittävät kasvustot suojaavat maata erodoitumista vastaan talvella. Kokeista tehtiin seuraavat johtopäätelmät: Perustamalla kumina vihantana korjattavaan suojaviljaan voidaan perustamisvuoden kemiallista rikkakasvitorjuntaa vähentää. Orgaanisia lannoitteita käyttämällä päästään vastaaviin satoihin kuin väkilannoitteilla. Menetelmä, jossa kumina kylvetään orgaanista lannoitetta käyttäen suojakasviin, soveltuu myös luomukuminan tuotantoon. Nurmen tuotanto sopii hyvin rantapeltojen tuotantomuodoksi. ’Varte’ -puna-apilalajike oli aikainen siementuotannossa. Aikaisuus pienentää apilan sadonkorjuuriskiä. Englanninraiheinän siementuotanto sopisi hyvin Saaristomeren valuma-alueen viljelyyn. Se perustetaan aluskasvimaisesti suojaviljaan ja siitä otetaan yksi siemensato. Saaristomeren alueella on yhteensä 66 000 ha kuminan, nurmikasvien siemenviljelyn ja heinäntuotannon alaa. Kuminan-, heinän- ja nurmisiemenentuotanto luo mahdollisuuksia lisätä kasvipeitteisyyttä myös epäsuorasti. Koska puinti on aikaisin, syysviljan kylvö on lopetusvuonna mahdollista. Syysviljaa voitaisiin kylvää noin 22 000 hehtaarin alalle. Perustamisvuonna ne toimivat aluskasvien tapaan, jonka vaikutus on 1/3 koko viljelyalasta. Yhteensä maata suojeleva vaikutus kattaa noin 110 000 hehtaaria. Viljan hinta vaikuttaa tuotannon kilpailukykyyn viljelijän näkökulmasta. Heinän ja englanninraiheinän siemenen vientituotannon kehittyminen mahdollistaisi huomattavan viljelyalan lisäämisen. Myös luomukuminan viennissä olisi lisäämismahdollisuuksia. Kotimaisilla markkinoilla olisi tilaa natojen ja puna-apilan siementuotannon lisäämiselle. Kasvipeitteisyyden suurin merkitys vesistöjen kuormituksen kannalta on pellon eroosioalttiuden pienentäminen.201

    Prevalence and significance of anaemia in childhood bacterial meningitis : a secondary analysis of prospectively collected data from clinical trials in Finland, Latin America and Angola

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    Objectives To describe the prevalence and severity of anaemia and to examine its associations with outcome in children with bacterial meningitis (BM). Design Secondary analysis of descriptive data from five randomised BM treatment trials. Setting Hospitals in Finland, Latin America and Angola. Participants Consecutive children from 2 months to 15 years of age admitted with BM and who had haemoglobin (Hb) measured on admission. Outcome measures Prevalence and degree of anaemia using the WHO criteria, and their associations with recovery with sequelae or death. Results The median Hb was 11.8 g/dL in Finland (N=341), 9.2 g/dL in Latin America (N=597) and 7.6 g/dL in Angola (N=1085). Of the children, 79% had anaemia, which was severe in 29%, moderate in 58% and mild in 13% of cases. Besides study area, having anaemia was independently associated with age 3 days, weight-for-age z-score Conclusion Anaemia, mostly moderate, was common in children with BM, especially in Angola, in underweight children, among those with treatment delay, and in pneumococcal meningitis. Poor outcome was associated with anaemia in all three continents.Peer reviewe

    Environmental Intolerance, Symptoms and Disability Among Fertile-Aged Women

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    The purpose was to study the prevalence of environmental intolerance (EI) and its different manifestations, including behavioral changes and disability. Fertile-aged women (n = 680) of the Kuopio Birth Cohort Study were asked about annoyance to 12 environmental factors, symptoms and behavioral changes. We asked how much the intolerance had disrupted their work, household responsibilities or social life. We chose intolerance attributed to chemicals, indoor molds, and electromagnetic fields to represent typical intolerance entities. Of the respondents, 46% reported annoyance to chemicals, molds, or electromagnetic fields. Thirty-three percent reported symptoms relating to at least one of these three EIs, 18% reported symptoms that included central nervous system symptoms, and 15% reported behavioral changes. Indicating disability, 8.4% reported their experience relating to any of the three EIs as at least "somewhat difficult", 2.2% "very difficult" or "extremely difficult", and 0.9% "extremely difficult". Of the latter 2.2%, all attributed their intolerance to indoor molds, and two thirds also to chemicals. As the number of difficulties increased, the number of organ systems, behavioral changes and overlaps of the three EIs also grew. EI is a heterogeneous phenomenon and its prevalence depends on its definition. The manifestations of EI form a continuum, ranging from annoyance to severe disability.Peer reviewe

    Building lean thinking in a telecom software development organization: strengths and challenges.

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    The potential shown by Lean in different domains has aroused interest in the software industry. However, it remains unclear how Lean can be effectively applied in a domain such as software development that is fundamentally different from manufacturing. This study explores how Lean principles are implemented in software development companies and the challenges that arise when applying Lean Software Development. For that, a case study was conducted at Ericsson R&D Finland, which successfully adopted Scrum in 2009 and subsequently started a comprehensible transition to Lean in 2010. Focus groups were conducted with company representatives to help devise a questionnaire supporting the creation of a Lean mindset in the company (Team Amplifier). Afterwards, the questionnaire was used in 16 teams based in Finland, Hungary and China to evaluate the status of the transformation. By using Lean thinking, Ericsson R&D Finland has made important improvements to the quality of its products, customer satisfaction and transparency within the organization. Moreover, build times have been reduced over ten times and the number of commits per day has increased roughly five times.The study makes two main contributions to research. First, the main factors that have enabled Ericsson R&D?s achievements are analysed. Elements such as ?network of product owners?, ?continuous integration?, ?work in progress limits? and ?communities of practice? have been identified as being of fundamental importance. Second, three categories of challenges in using Lean Software Development were identified: ?achieving flow?, ?transparency? and ?creating a learning culture

    Cholesterol lowering efficacy of plant stanol ester in a new type of product matrix, a chewable dietary supplement

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    Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol lowering efficacy of a new type of chewable plant stanol ester food supplement was evaluated in a randomized, double-blind, controlled four-week intervention. The participants (LDL cholesterol > 3 mmol/L) consumed four supplements daily with meals either with (n = 50) or without (n = 53) plant stanol esters. Plant stanol ester supplement (2 g/d plant stanols) lowered LDL cholesterol by 7.6%, serum cholesterol by 4.9%, and non-high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol by 6.6% compared with controls (P <0.003). HDL cholesterol or serum triacylglycerol concentrations were unchanged. The taste of the supplement was considered good/very good by 68% of the responders, and convenience to consume it was considered easy/very easy by 78% of the responders. No side effects were reported. In conclusion, this new type of small-volume chewable plant stanol ester supplement lowered LDL cholesterol concentration in hypercholesterolemic subjects providing a convenient dietary tool to regulate circulating cholesterol levels. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Mechanisms of early glucose regulation disturbance after out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation : An explorative prospective study

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    Background Hyperglycemia is common and associated with increased mortality after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) and return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Mechanisms behind ultra-acute hyperglycemia are not well known. We performed an explorative study to describe the changes in glucose metabolism mediators during the prehospital postresuscitation phase. Methods We included patients who were successfully resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in two physician-staffed units. Insulin, glucagon, and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) were measured in prehospital and hospital admission samples. Additionally, interleukin-6 (IL-6), cortisol, and HbA1c were measured at hospital admission. Results Thirty patients participated in the study. Of those, 28 cases (71% without diabetes) had sufficient data for analysis. The median time interval between prehospital samples and hospital admission samples was 96 minutes (IQR 85-119). At the time of ROSC, the patients were hyperglycemic (11.2 mmol/l, IQR 8.8-15.7), with insulin and glucagon concentrations varying considerably, although mostly corresponding to fasting levels (10.1 mU/l, IQR 4.2-25.2 and 141 ng/l, IQR 105-240, respectively). GLP-1 increased 2- to 8-fold with elevation of IL-6. The median glucose change from prehospital to hospital admission was -2.2 mmol/l (IQR -3.6 to -0.2). No significant correlations between the change in plasma glucose levels and the changes in insulin (r = 0.30, p = 0.13), glucagon (r = 0.29, p = 0.17), or GLP-1 levels (r = 0.32, p = 0.15) or with IL-6 (r = (-0.07), p = 0.75), cortisol (r = 0.13, p = 0.52) or HbA1c levels (r = 0.34, p = 0.08) were observed. However, in patients who did not receive exogenous epinephrine during resuscitation, changes in blood glucose correlated with changes in insulin (r = 0.59, p = 0.04) and glucagon (r = 0.65, p = 0.05) levels, demonstrating that lowering glucose values was associated with a simultaneous lowering of insulin and glucagon levels. Conclusions Hyperglycemia is common immediately after OHCA and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. No clear hormonal mechanisms were observed to be linked to changes in glucose levels during the postresuscitation phase in the whole cohort. However, in patients without exogenous epinephrine treatment, the correlations between glycemic and hormonal changes were more obvious. These results call for future studies examining the mechanisms of postresuscitation hyperglycemia and the metabolic effects of the global ischemic insult and medical treatment.Peer reviewe
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