1,474 research outputs found

    On wings of circular design

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    Prandtl's method of sources and sinks for air foils is used to investigate the aerodynamics of circular wings in constant flow. Lift distribution, total lift, and pitching moment are investigated as well as the influence of changes in the angle of attack

    The Cream in My Polytope

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    This guided discovery project provides high school math students an opportunity to solve a real-world problem by applying tools they have learned in geometry and, optionally, calculus. The task is to determine the volume, surface area, and other properties of a certain form of folded paper container, such as those used by Wendy’s for sour cream. Students first construct the containers, and then are challenged to find a geometric way to determine the volume of these objects, which do not fit conventional volume formulas. They next find surface area and, optionally, angles of the container. In the process, 2- and 3-dimensional visualization skills are exercised. Calculus students are asked to find the volume by the method of slabs, and subsequently to determine the dimensions that optimize the surface-to-volume ratio. Several additional extensions are suggested, and core curriculum standards are listed. Diagrams and calculations are provided. While much support material is provided, it is hoped that the teacher will encourage students to explore, discover and invent as much as possible on their own


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    This paper describes an automated system for injecting advertisements into audiovisual content streams played on physical digital media, such as DVDs and Blu-Ray Discs. The system can include a display, audio/visual receiver, and a playback device. By controlling the playback device, the system can (i) replace existing advertisements with new advertisements; (ii) add new advertisement content to the content stream by pausing the content stream; (ii) add new advertisements to the content stream by buffering the content stream; and (iv) remove the existing advertisements by automatically skipping through the existing advertisements

    A Comparison of Perceived Nurse Practitioner Practice Barriers

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    Novice nurse practitioners (NP) face unique obstacles to practice. Few studies examine factors influencing early NP clinical performance. Therefore, this research project analyzed data obtained from 243 members of an NP professional organization, who were asked to identify barriers encountered within the first 3 years of practice. Responses were received from beginning and more experienced NPs. The top 3 barriers named were lack of public knowledge, lack of positions for NPs, and a lower salary than anticipated. The promotion of NP assets through expanded media coverage and individual educational efforts, the national standardization of the role, and the elimination of restrictive practice legislation can help reduce current barriers. Through the efforts of individuals, NP professional groups, and legislators, existing practice constraints can be mitigated, potential barriers anticipated, and solutions generated to ensure the continued success of this essential advanced practice role

    Passports to advantage:Health and capacity building as a basis for social integration

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    Released prisoners are characterised by chronic social disadvantage, poor physical and mental health, and high rates of substance misuse – a continuation of problems experienced prior to imprisonment. High rates of recidivism and fatal drug overdose post-release indicate that integration of ex-prisoners is often unsuccessful. Despite this, remarkably little is known about recently released prisoners and it is thus difficult to formulate evidence-based policies for this group. The stated policy of most correctional services in Australia is one of ‘throughcare’, which implies continuity of needs- and evidence-based service provision from the moment of reception, through to return to the community and beyond. At present, however, there is a dearth of evidence-based services and support for ex-prisoners. This presentation will review the evidence regarding the experiences of released prisoners and consider models of post-release service provision. One promising model, which aims to proactively improve health and capacity and thereby promote integration, will be described. A randomised controlled trial of this model has recently been funded by the NHMRC; the rationale, aims and key features of this model will be discussed

    International barriers to renewable energy development, The

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    Department Head: Robert J. Duffy.2010 Spring.Includes bibliographical references (pages 1-3).Renewable energy is increasingly seen as a possible solution to problems such as climate change, population growth, economic development, and the limitations of traditional energy sources. Existing research on the international barriers to Renewable Energy Development (RED) is relatively dispersed and has not been subjected to empirical testing. This paper argues that the largest barrier to RED is a lack of enabling policies and regulatory frameworks. Using the degree of state interventionism as a proxy for enabling policies and regulatory frameworks, this paper expects a curvilinear relationship between government ownership of enterprise and RED. A cross national statistical analysis for the 1990-2006 period finds empirical support for many of the proposed barriers to RED. This paper provides researchers and policy makers alike with a better understanding of the international barriers to RED

    Stream Tables and Watershed Geomorphology Education

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    Watersheds are basic landscape units that are fundamental to understanding resource and environmental issues. Stream tables may be an effective way to learn about watersheds and the dynamic processes, factors, and landforms within. We review the copious stream table literature, present new ideas for assembling stream tables, and provide a watershed approach to stream table exercises. Our stream table\u27s compact size and low cost permits the purchase and use of multiple units to maximize active learning. The included stream table modules allow introductory students to experiment and observe the effects of factors-i.e., climate (Module A-Precipitation, Overland Flow, and Channel Initiation and Module B-Stream Discharge and Channel Formation), topography (Module C-Watershed Topography and Channel Formation), land cover (Module D-Watershed Cover Types and Channel Formation), and base level (Module E-Local Base Level Changes via Dams and Reservoirs) -on fluvial processes and landforms in a watershed. Course evaluations and exams show that students enjoy the stream table exercise more, and learn the concepts of fluvial geomorphology better, than via traditional topographic map and aerial photograph interpretation exercises
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