1,189 research outputs found

    Inclusive education or integration in life

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    The article deals with the continuous inclusive education of people with disabilities on the example of the city of YekaterinburgВ статье рассматривается непрерывное инклюзивное образование людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья на примере города Екатеринбург

    Occupational Health and Safety Management System

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    В статье рассмотрены основные факторы, влияющие на создание эффективной системы управления охраной труда на предприятии. Сделаны соответствующие выводы.The article discusses the main factors affecting the creation of an effective labor protection management system at the enterprise. Directconclusionsaremade

    Aspecto sociolinguístico do ensino das línguas turcas como segunda língua

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    The article is devoted to the problem of teaching one of the Turkish languages – Tatar language as a non-native language in the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation. It emphasizes the importance of taking into account the sociolinguistic aspect, as an effective means of teaching.In the educational organizations of Tatarstan, after the adoption of the "Law about peoples languages of the Republic of Tatarstan", multilingualism successfully functions. Students study Tatar, Russian and one foreign language. In addition, national schools are required to learn their native language (for example, Chuvash, Udmurt, Bashkir, Mari etc.).Conducting balanced language policy in the field of education serves mutual understanding, respect for the spiritual values of peoples, the development of their language and culture. The state status of the Tatar and Russian languages should be ensured by their parity use in all government bodies, enterprises and organizations, in the media, in the spheres of science, culture, service etc.Since Tatar and Russian languages are state-owned in the republic, national-Russian and Russian-national parity bilingualism is the basis for the harmonization of interpersonal relations in a multinational state. In addition, Tatar language knowledge provides an opportunity to communicate with many representatives of the Turkish-speaking countries.  The results presented in the article will help to solve the problems of creating comfortable conditions to master communicative, linguistic and ethnocultural competencies, and effective methods for solving learning issues and other Turkic languages.El artículo está dedicado al problema de la enseñanza de una de las lenguas turcas: la lengua tártara como lengua no nativa en las condiciones de la República de Tatarstán de la Federación de Rusia. Enfatiza la importancia de tomar en cuenta el aspecto sociolingüístico, como un medio efectivo de enseñanza.En las organizaciones educativas de Tatarstán, después de la adopción de la "Ley sobre los idiomas de los pueblos de la República de Tatarstán", el multilingüismo funciona con éxito. Los estudiantes estudian tártaro, ruso y un idioma extranjero. Además, las escuelas nacionales deben aprender su lengua materna (por ejemplo, Chuvash, Udmurt, Bashkir, Mari, etc.).Llevar a cabo una política lingüística equilibrada en el campo de la educación sirve para el entendimiento mutuo, el respeto por los valores espirituales de los pueblos, el desarrollo de su idioma y cultura. El estado de las lenguas tártara y rusa debe garantizarse mediante el uso de paridad en todos los organismos gubernamentales, empresas y organizaciones, en los medios de comunicación, en las esferas de la ciencia, la cultura, el servicio, etc.Dado que las lenguas tártara y rusa son de propiedad estatal en la república, el bilingüismo de paridad nacional-ruso y ruso-nacional es la base para la armonización de las relaciones interpersonales en un estado multinacional. Además, el conocimiento del idioma tártaro brinda la oportunidad de comunicarse con muchos representantes de los países de habla turca.Los resultados presentados en el artículo ayudarán a resolver los problemas de la creación de condiciones cómodas para dominar las competencias comunicativas, lingüísticas y etnoculturales, y los métodos efectivos para resolver problemas de aprendizaje y otras lenguas túrquicas.O artigo é dedicado ao problema de ensinar uma das línguas turcas: a língua tártara como língua não nativa nas condições da República do Tartaristão da Federação Russa. Enfatiza a importância de levar em conta o aspecto sociolinguístico, como um meio efetivo de ensino.Nas organizações educacionais do Tartaristão, após a adoção da "Lei sobre as línguas dos povos da República do Tartaristão", o multilinguismo funciona com sucesso. Os alunos estudam tártaro, russo e uma língua estrangeira. Além disso, as escolas nacionais devem aprender a sua língua materna (por exemplo, Chuvash, Udmurt, Bashkir, Mari, etc.).A execução de uma política linguística equilibrada no campo da educação serve para a compreensão mútua, o respeito pelos valores espirituais das pessoas, o desenvolvimento da sua língua e cultura. O estado do Tatar e Russo deve ser assegurada pela utilização de paridade em todas as agências estatais, empresas e organizações na mídia, nas áreas de ciência, cultura, serviços, etc.Desde as línguas tártaros e russos são propriedade do Estado na República, a paridade nacional-russo e russo-nacional bilinguismo é a base para a harmonização das relações interpessoais em um estado multinacional. Além disso, o conhecimento da língua tártara oferece a oportunidade de se comunicar com muitos representantes de países de língua turca.Os resultados apresentados no artigo vai ajudar a resolver os problemas de criar condições confortáveis para dominar habilidades comunicativas, lingüísticas e etno-culturais e métodos eficazes para resolver problemas de aprendizagem e outras línguas turcas


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    The article substantiates the urgency of studying the fundamentals of Islamic culture in educational organizations of the Russian Federation, it presents methodological  and methodical positions of the author.В статье обоснована актуальность изучения основ мусульманской культуры в образовательных организациях Российской Федерации и представлены методологические и методические позиции автора

    The formation of the Corporate structures Development strategy based on the quality management methods

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    © 2015 Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The purpose of this article is to improve the management efficiency of the large industrial associations with high concentration of the capitals (corporations) under conditions of the highly turbulent Russian economy. The article submitted defines the content of the corporate structures development strategy on the basis of the quality management methods. The fundamental of the submitted work is the methodological approach considering the agent conflict and the dynamics of the agent expenses in corporate structures. The article provides practical recommendations for developing an effective corporate management system within the enterprises of the Russian economy real sector. The article is intended for the chiefs of the enterprises, top managers, the researchers dealing with the issues of corporate structures strategic planning

    The Degree of Educational Competence of Russian Political Bloggers

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    В связи с глобальным развитием интернет-ресурса и появлением все больших медиаплатформ, отвечающих за предоставление информации, вполне естественно освоение данной ниши политическим контентом. Блоги находятся в промежуточном положении повестки дня, которая начинается с того, что СМИ переходят к ним, «отфильтрованными» или «очищенными», и снова возвращаются к общественности. Однако возникает и вопрос о роли блогеров — не всегда ясно, в каком качестве кто‑то выступает, будь то активист, журналист или профессиональный политолог. В исследовании было проанализированы образование и впоследствии подача контента выбранных российских видеоблогеров.Due to the global development of the Internet resource and the emergence of ever-larger media platforms responsible for providing information, it is quite natural to develop this niche with political content. Blogs are in an intermediate position of the agenda, which begins with the media moving to them, «filtered» or «cleaned up», and then returning to the public. However, there is also a question about the role of bloggers — it is not always clear in what capacity someone acts, whether it is an activist, a journalist or a professional political scientist. The study analyzed the education and subsequently the presentation of content selected by Russian video bloggers

    Improving strategic management of the business entities

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The purpose of this article is aimed at improving the conditions for the development of the business entities strategic management in respect to the agency conflicts. The submitted article specifies a method to protect the principal’s interests in decision-making under current management. The basis of the submitted work serves the application of the quality management tools in the system of strategic management, as it allows to keep a long-term orientation and considers the formation of the customer value as the basic object of management that conforms the management paradigm from the point of the principal. The article presents possible scenarios of large business entities development using the methods and mechanisms of the strategic management of a business entity with the use of the quality management tools. This article is intended for managers, executives, researchers engaged in strategic planning and development of the enterprise structures

    The role of the quality production process of the business entitles in volatile environment

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    © 2015, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The purpose of the article is to develop the conditions to improve innovation activity of the business entities and find the source of the macroeconomic dynamics. The presented article determines coordination between the positions of general and strategic management in the field of total quality management of a business entity to achieve continuous improvement in all areas of business. The foundation of the submitted work serves the idea of total quality management spread over the strategic planning inside a business structure in terms of institutional transformation of the national economy. This article describes the effects of the company’s financial improvement resulting from implementation of the quality tools into the strategic planning system of the industrial business structures. The article is intended for chief managers, executives, researchers dealing with quality management and strategic planning of the business structures

    Systematization of progressive indicators of industrial enterprises' sustainable development

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    The relevance of the study is conditioned by the modern trends of economic development which suggest that the sustainability of production is possible to provide, while maintaining and enhancing the natural and ecological environment, by looking qualitatively new, revolutionary opportunities, associated with the use of resource-saving and energy-saving technologies, as well as alternative, reproducible sources of industrial activity, the creation of favorable ecological, economic and social conditions for the accumulation and realization of human capital. The purpose of the paper is to systematize progressive indicators of the sustainability of the development of industrial enterprises aimed at increasing the competitiveness of products, the use of innovative energy and resource-saving technologies, minimizing waste generation. The leading method to the study of this problem is the index method, which allows us to consider this problem as a purposeful and organized process to increase the sustainability of the development of industrial enterprises. The paper gives an assessment of the current state of energy consumption of industrial enterprises; a set of progressive indicators of the sustainability of industrial enterprises is suggested. The practical value is that the results of the research make it possible to regulate the sustainable development of industrial enterprises in a better and more targeted way by applying innovative forms of energy and resource saving and can be used in the framework of sector programs, they are of interest to state statistics bodies, as well as ministries and agencies which are responsible for strategic analysis and planning

    The Discourse Analysis Practices of Developing the City Identity: Dynamic Aspect

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    Статья представляет результаты исследования территориальной идентичности Златоуста в медиатекстах. Выполнен анализ практик конструирования идентичности в динамическом аспекте: как СМИ формируют идентичность жителей города через описание событий 2018-2019 гг., отражающих борьбу за сохранение городской экологии.The article presents the observations on regional identity of Zlatoust in media texts. The analysis of identity developing practices was made in terms of a dynamic aspect i.e. how mass media builds resident’s city identity by means of describing the city ecology conservation campaigns of 2018-2019