750 research outputs found

    Protein synthesis in the rat liver after fracture of the femur.

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    Moderate to severe trauma is accompanied by two characteristic responses in plasma protein concentration, namely an increase in levels of acute phase reactants and a fall in albumin (Cuthbertson & Tompsett, 1935; Oweb, 1967)

    An example of spectral phase transition phenomenon in a class of Jacobi matrices with periodically modulated weights

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    We consider self-adjoint unbounded Jacobi matrices with diagonal q_n=n and weights \lambda_n=c_n n, where c_n is a 2-periodical sequence of real numbers. The parameter space is decomposed into several separate regions, where the spectrum is either purely absolutely continuous or discrete. This constitutes an example of the spectral phase transition of the first order. We study the lines where the spectral phase transition occurs, obtaining the following main result: either the interval (-\infty;1/2) or the interval (1/2;+\infty) is covered by the absolutely continuous spectrum, the remainder of the spectrum being pure point. The proof is based on finding asymptotics of generalized eigenvectors via the Birkhoff-Adams Theorem. We also consider the degenerate case, which constitutes yet another example of the spectral phase transition

    Effects of transplanting time on the yield and quality of onion (Allium cepa L.)

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    A field experiment was conducted at Spices Research Sub-Centre (SRSC), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Faridpur, Bangladesh during the winter season of 2018-2019 to investigate the influences of transplanting times of seedlings and the varieties on the yield and quality of onion bulbs. There were six levels of transplanting time such as T1: November 15, T2: November 30, T3: December 15, T4: December 30, T5: January 14 and T6: January 29 under the trial. The varieties used in the study were: BARI Onion-1 and BARI Onion-4. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) of factorial concept with three replications. The results revealed that dates of transplanting, varieties and their combined effects had significant effect on the parameters studied with minor exception. The plant height, number of leaves/plant and incidence of bolting were decreased with the passage of transplanting time. The maximum values (54.51 cm, 8.53 and 71.28%) of the aforementioned traits were recorded at early transplanting on November 15, respectively. The reduced percent of bolting (2.22%) was observed at December 30. While no incidence of bolting was found under transplanting on 14-29 January. Bulb diameter, individual bulb weight, yield, total soluble solid content and dry matter content of bulb were increased up to transplanting on December 15. Afterwards the values of aforesaid parameters were gradually decreased. The highest yield (17.65 t/ha), total soluble solid content (17.02 0brix) and dry matter content of bulb (15.95%) were obtained from December 15 insignificantly followed by December 30 (16.30 t/ha). The delayed transplanting on 29 January markedly reduced the yield (6.72 t/ha), total soluble solid content (12.58 0brix) and dry matter content of bulb (11.61%) as well. The variety BARI Onion-4 performed better in respect of yield and yield attributes but it showed inferior quality. The combined effect of December 15 x BARI Onion-4 gave the highest yield attributes and yield of onion followed by the combination of November 30 x BARI Onion-4 and December 30 x BARI Onion-4 while the values among the three treatments were statistically similar

    A re-evaluation of geographical distribution of charcoal rot on sunflower crop in various agroecological zones of Pakistan

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    A countrywide survey was conducted to update the status of charcoal rot on sunflower crop in Pakistan. During survey, charcoal rot was observed as a serious threat to sunflower. The areas like Bahawalpur, Rahim Yar Khan and Sahiwal which were reported disease free in 1996, showed occurrence of the disease but Sahiwal showed high incidence and severity in 1999. Distribution of the disease in Sindh, Punjab and NWFP provinces was 85, 83 and 48% respectively. Among Provinces NWFP showed highest incidence57%, and Punjab exhibited highest severity 2.62 according to 0-5 severity rating scale. Continuous increasing trend of charcoal rot is alarming for farmers and authorities engaged in sunflower business

    Followership moderation between the relationship of transactional leadership style and employees reactions towards organizational change

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    The purpose of the present study is to analyze the relationship between transactional leadership style and factors of employees’ reactions towards organizational change in the telecommunication companies of Pakistan. Furthermore, to understand the importance of followership this study has also incorporated followership as a moderating variable. Quantitative methodology is applied to investigate the underline relationships. The Pearson correlation results have identified that transactional leadership is positively related to all three factors (frequency of change, trust in management, and employees’ participation) of employees’ reactions towards change. The moderation results further clarify that followership significantly moderates the relationship between transactional leadership style, frequency of change and employees participation. However, there is no moderation effect found between transactional leadership style and trust in management.Celem niniejszego badania jest analiza związku między stylem przywództwa transakcyjnego a czynnikami reakcji pracowników na zmiany organizacyjne w przedsiębiorstwach telekomunikacyjnych w Pakistanie. Ponadto, aby zrozumieć znaczenie podążania za przywódcą, zostało ono włączone jako zmienna moderująca. W celu zbadania istniejących zależności, zastosowana została metodologia ilościowa. Wyniki korelacji Pearsona wykazały, że przywództwo transakcyjne jest pozytywnie powiązane ze wszystkimi trzema czynnikami (częstością zmian, zaufaniem do zarządzania i udziałem pracowników) reakcji pracowników na zmiany. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły stwierdzić, że wyniki moderacji dodatkowo wyjaśniły, że podążanie za przywódcą znacząco moderowało związek pomiędzy stylem przywództwa transakcyjnego, częstotliwością zmian a udziałem pracowników. Jednak nie znaleziono efektu powiązania pomiędzy stylem przywództwa transakcyjnego a zaufaniem do zarządzania

    Acute Post-operative Pain Management

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    Despite major advances in the field of anesthesia and medicine, postoperative pain continues to be undermanaged in a significant proportion of patients. The consequences of undermanaged pain are deleterious for both patients and the healthcare system. This review aims to give the readers a practical and updated approach to acute postoperative pain management. This chapter deals with the definition of pain, the physiology and pathophysiology of pain, and various approaches to the management of acute pain. A review of the literature was done to understand the methods of pain management with a major focus on the literature of the last decade (2010–2022). A literature search was done on PubMed and Google Scholar using keywords “acute postoperative pain” and “pain physiology.” The research papers on the basics of pain physiology, the prevalence of acute post-operative pain and methods of acute postoperative pain management were reviewed. A brief practical approach for acute postoperative pain using pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches and a brief discussion have been done on the approach for special group of patients. The management of acute postoperative pain can be done using various pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. The approach for each patient has to be tailored depending on the individual patient’s needs

    Nucleon Structure from Lattice QCD Using a Nearly Physical Pion Mass

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    We report the first Lattice QCD calculation using the almost physical pion mass mpi=149 MeV that agrees with experiment for four fundamental isovector observables characterizing the gross structure of the nucleon: the Dirac and Pauli radii, the magnetic moment, and the quark momentum fraction. The key to this success is the combination of using a nearly physical pion mass and excluding the contributions of excited states. An analogous calculation of the nucleon axial charge governing beta decay has inconsistencies indicating a source of bias at low pion masses not present for the other observables and yields a result that disagrees with experiment.Comment: journal version; 15 pages, 6 figure

    UV-LIGA fabrication process for realization of metal based MEMS gyroscope

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    This paper reports the complete fabrication process flow based on UV-LIGA technology for realization of metal based MEMS gyroscope. In this process, nickel is used as the structural layer and copper as the sacrificial layer. The economical three mask process has been optimized and the detailed step by step procedure for carrying out the fabrication is presented. The fabrication results after each process step have been presented and discussed. Scanning electron micrograph images of the released prototype gyroscope devices have been presented to demonstrate the successful fabrication of the prototypes

    Development of a Floating Dosage Form of Ranitidine Hydrochloride by Statistical Optimization Technique

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of formulation variables on the release properties, floating lag time, and hardness, when developing floating tablets of Ranitidine hydrochloride, by the statistical optimization technique. The formulations were prepared based on 32 factorial design, with polymer ratio (HPMC 100 KM: Xanthan gum) and the amount of aerosil, as two independent formulation variables. The four dependent (response) variables considered were: percentage of drug release at the first hour, T50% (time taken to release 50% of the drug), floating lag time, and hardness of the tablet. The release profile data was subjected to a curve fitting analysis, to describe the release mechanism of the drug from the floating tablet. An increase in drug release was observed with an increase in the polymer ratio, and as the amount of aerosil increased, the hardness of the tablet also increased, without causing any change in the floating lag time. The desirability function was used to optimize the response variables, each having a different target, and the observed responses were in accordance with the experimental values. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the model in the development of floating tablets containing Ranitidine hydrochloride