33 research outputs found

    Standard Formalization

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    A \emph{standard formalization} of a scientific theory is a system of axioms for that theory in a first-order language (possibly many-sorted; possibly with the membership primitive āˆˆ\in). Patrick Suppes (\cite{sup92}) expressed skepticism about whether there is a ``simple or elegant method'' for presenting mathematicized scientific theories in such a standard formalization, because they ``assume a great deal of mathematics as part of their substructure''. The major difficulties amount to these. First, as the theories of interest are \emph{mathematicized}, one must specify the underlying \emph{applied mathematics base theory}, which the physical axioms live on top of. Second, such theories are typically \emph{geometric}, concerning quantities or trajectories in space/time: so, one must specify the underlying \emph{physical geometry}. Third, the differential equations involved generally refer to \emph{coordinate representations} of these physical quantities with respect to some implicit coordinate chart, not to the original quantities. These issues may be resolved. Once this is done, constructing standard formalizations is not so difficult---at least for the theories where the mathematics has been worked out rigorously. Here we give what may be claimed to be a simple and elegant means of doing that. This is for mathematicized scientific theories comprising differential equations for R\R-valued quantities QQ (that is, scalar fields), defined on nn (``spatial'' or ``temporal'') dimensions, taken to be isomorphic to the usual Euclidean space Rn\R^n. For illustration, I give standard (in a sense, ``text-book'') formalizations: for the simple harmonic oscillator equation in one-dimension and for the Laplace equation in two dimensions

    Computation and Indispensability

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    This article provides a computational example of a mathematical explanation within science, concerning computational equivalence of programs. In addition, it outlines the logical structure of the reasoning involved in explanations in applied mathematics. It concludes with a challenge that the nominalist provide a nominalistic explanation for the computational equivalence of certain programs

    Bases for Structures and Theories II

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    In Part I of this paper, I assumed we begin with a (relational) signature P={Pi}P = \{P_i\} and the corresponding language LPL_P, and introduced the following notions: a \emph{definition system} dĪ¦d_{\Phi} for a set of new predicate symbols QiQ_i, given by a set Ī¦={Ļ•i}\Phi = \{\phi_i\} of defining LPL_P-formulas (these definitions have the form: āˆ€xā€¾(Qi(x)ā€…ā€ŠāŸŗā€…ā€ŠĻ•i)\forall \overline{x}(Q_i(x) \iff \phi_i)); a corresponding \emph{translation function} Ļ„Ī¦:LQā†’LP\tau_{\Phi}: L_Q \to L_P; the corresponding \emph{definitional image operator} DĪ¦D_{\Phi}, applicable to LPL_P-structures and LPL_P-theories; and the notion of \emph{definitional equivalence} itself: for structures A+dĪ¦ā‰”B+dĪ˜A + d_{\Phi} \equiv B + d_{\Theta}; for theories, T1+dĪ¦ā‰”T2+dĪ˜T_1 + d_{\Phi} \equiv T_2 + d_{\Theta}. Some results relating these notions were given, ending with two characterizations for definitional equivalence. In this second part, we explain the notion of a \emph{representation basis}. Suppose a set Ī¦={Ļ•i}\Phi = \{\phi_i\} of LPL_P-formulas is given, and Ī˜={Īøi}\Theta = \{\theta_i\} is a set of LQL_Q-formulas. Then the original set Ī¦\Phi is called a \emph{representation basis} for an LPL_P-structure AA with inverse Ī˜\Theta iff an inverse explicit definition \forall \x(P_i(\overline{x}) \iff \theta_i) is true in A+dĪ¦A + d_{\Phi}, for each PiP_i. Similarly, the set Ī¦\Phi is called a \emph{representation basis} for a LPL_P-theory TT with inverse Ī˜\Theta iff each explicit definition āˆ€xā€¾(Pi(xā€¾)ā€…ā€ŠāŸŗā€…ā€ŠĪøi)\forall \overline{x}(P_i(\overline{x}) \iff \theta_i) is provable in T+dĪ¦T + d_{\Phi}. Some results about representation bases, the mappings they induce and their relationship with the notion of definitional equivalence are given. In particular, we show that T1T_1 (in LPL_P) is definitionally equivalent to T2T_2 (in LQL_Q), with respect to Ī¦\Phi and Ī˜\Theta, if and only if Ī¦\Phi is a \emph{representation basis} for T1T_1 with inverse Ī˜\Theta and T2ā‰”DĪ¦T1T_2 \equiv D_{\Phi}T_1

    Foundations of Applied Mathematics I

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    This paper aims to study the foundations of applied mathematics, using a formalized base theory for applied mathematics: \ZFCA_{\sigma} (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (with Choice) with atoms, where the subscript used refers to a signature specific to the application. Examples are given, illustrating the following five features of applied mathematics: comprehension principles, application conditionals, representation hypotheses, transfer principles and abstract equivalents

    Equivalent Axiomatizations of Euclidean Geometry

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    I give six different first-order mathematicized axiomatic systems, expressing that physical space is Euclidean, and prove their equivalence

    Standard Formalization

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    A \emph{standard formalization} of a scientific theory is a system of axioms for that theory in a first-order language (possibly many-sorted; possibly with the membership primitive āˆˆ\in). Patrick Suppes (\cite{sup92}) expressed skepticism about whether there is a ``simple or elegant method'' for presenting mathematicized scientific theories in such a standard formalization, because they ``assume a great deal of mathematics as part of their substructure''. The major difficulties amount to these. First, as the theories of interest are \emph{mathematicized}, one must specify the underlying \emph{applied mathematics base theory}, which the physical axioms live on top of. Second, such theories are typically \emph{geometric}, concerning quantities or trajectories in space/time: so, one must specify the underlying \emph{physical geometry}. Third, the differential equations involved generally refer to \emph{coordinate representations} of these physical quantities with respect to some implicit coordinate chart, not to the original quantities. These issues may be resolved. Once this is done, constructing standard formalizations is not so difficult---at least for the theories where the mathematics has been worked out rigorously. Here we give what may be claimed to be a simple and elegant means of doing that. This is for mathematicized scientific theories comprising differential equations for R\R-valued quantities QQ (that is, scalar fields), defined on nn (``spatial'' or ``temporal'') dimensions, taken to be isomorphic to the usual Euclidean space Rn\R^n. For illustration, I give standard (in a sense, ``text-book'') formalizations: for the simple harmonic oscillator equation in one-dimension and for the Laplace equation in two dimensions

    Truth and provability again

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    Lucas and Redhead ([2007]) announce that they will defend the views of Redhead ([2004]) against the argument by Panu Raatikainen ([2005]). They certainly re-state the main claims of Redhead ([2004]), but they do not give any real arguments in their favour, and do not provide anything that would save Redheadā€™s argument from the serious problems pointed out in (Raatikainen [2005]). Instead, Lucas and Redhead make a number of seemingly irrelevant points, perhaps indicating a failure to understand the logico-mathematical points at issu

    Second-Order Logic

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    Second-order logic is the extension of first-order logic obtaining by introducing quantification of predicate and function variables

    Conservativeness and translation-dependent T-schemes

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    Certain translational T-schemes of the form True(ā€œfā€) Ā« f(f), where f(f) can be almost any translation you like of f, will be a conservative extension of Peano arithmetic. I have an inkling that this means something philosophically, but I donā€™t understand my own inkling

    Some More Curious Inferences

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    The following inference is valid: There are exactly 101 dalmatians, There are exactly 100 food bowls, Each dalmatian uses exactly one food bowl Hence, at least two dalmatians use the same food bowl. Here, ā€œthere are at least 101 dalmatiansā€ is nominalized as, "x1"x2ā€¦."x100y(Dy & y Ā¹ x1 & y Ā¹ x2 & ā€¦ & y Ā¹ x100) and ā€œthere are exactly 101 dalmatiansā€ is nominalized as, "x1"x2ā€¦."x100y(Dy & y Ā¹ x1 & y Ā¹ x2 & ā€¦ & y Ā¹ x100) & Ƙ"x1"x2ā€¦."x101y(Dy & y Ā¹ x1 & y Ā¹ x2 & ā€¦ & y Ā¹ x101). This is abbreviated 101xDx. The validity of the above inference corresponds to the valid formula, PHP(100): [101xDx & 100xFx & "x(Dx Ā® Ff(x))] Ā® x1x1x2(Dx1 & Dx2 & x1 Ā¹ x2 & f(x1) = f(x2)). More generally, for variable n, the formula PHP(n) is PHP(n): [n+1xDx & nxFx & "x(Dx Ā® Ff(x))] Ā® x1x1x2(Dx1 & Dx2 & x1 Ā¹ x2 & f(x1) = f(x2)). A mathematical proof that PHP(n) is valid, for all n > 0, is quite short (less than a page), but refers to numbers, functions and sets. It uses the Pigeonhole Principle. This explains why PHP(n) is valid, for all n>0. However, I estimate that a predicate calculus derivation of PHP(100), using natural deduction, say, would require around 107 symbols. Unfeasibility Problem: nominalism is the radical anti-realist view that there are no numbers, functions or sets. So, how could a nominalist know that PHP(100) is valid, without directly performing the rather long derivation? Can the nominalist ā€œride piggybackā€ on the standard mathematical proof? If so, how is this justified