396 research outputs found

    Effects Of Pedagogical Agents' Instructional Roles On Learners With Different Cognitive Styles In Terms Of Achievement And Motivation

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kesan peranan instruksi agen pedagogi dalam suasana pembelajaran multimedia berasaskan agen pedagogi terhadap pelajar dari pelbagai gaya kognitif dari segi pencapaian dan motivasi. This study investigated the effects of pedagogical agents' instructional roles m an interactive agent-based multimedia learning environment on learners with different cognitive styles in terms of achievement and motivation.ion

    Education service experience : from the aspects of students' satisfaction and loyalty

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    Penyelidikan ini mengkaji tentang pcrhubungan di antara kepuasan par:1 penuntut dan rasa taat setia mereka terhadap khidmat yang diberikan di dalam hidang pendidikan (tinggi). Secara khususnya kajian ini meneliti tentang aspek kognitif dan afektif penuntut dalam rasa puas hati mereka, di samping menentukan sama ada ia boleh menjurus ke arah membentuk kesetiaan terhadap institusi pendidikan tersebut (secara perkhabaran lisan yang positif, perilaku membuat rungutan, perilaku membuat pertukaran dan kesanggupan untuk membayar jumlah wang yang lebih). Dari 329 maklumbalas pelajar kampus utama Universiti Sains Malaysia yang diterima, didapati bahawa hubungan sebagaimana yang disebutkan di atas hanyalah diterima sebahagiannya sahaja. This research studies the relationship between student satisfaction and student loyalty within the higher education service. ~1ore specifically, it examines the cognitive and affective aspects of students· satisfaction, to see whether the satisfaction will lead to loyalty (in terms of positive word of mouth, complaining behaviour, switching behaviour, and the willingness to pay more). From the 329 responses obtained from students in the main campus of University Sains Malaysia, the study finds that the relationship between student satisfaction and student loyalty was only partially supported. For cognitive dimensions, "feedback and assessment" and "perceived benefits" of each course showed positive and significant relations to "positive word of mouth". But, "feedback and assessment" showed negative relations to "complaining behaviour". '·Physical environment", and "feedback and assessment" were found significant and having positive relations to the "willingness to pay more"

    Feed Spacer Of Spiral Wound Membrane Module For Nanofiltration And Reverse Osmosis : Modeling, Simulation And Design [TP248.25.M46 L366 2008 f rb].

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    Sejak 1970an, permintaan untuk modul membran “spiral wound” (SWM) meningkat dengan mendadak di kedua-dua pasaran tempatan dan antarabangsa. Since 1970s, the demand for spiral wound membrane (SWM) has been rapidly increasing in both local and worldwide market. Current market available SWM possess lifespan between one to three years depends on the applications

    Cation Service Experience: From The Aspects Of Students’ Satisfaction And Loyalty.

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    Penyelidikan ini mengkaji tentang perhubungan di antara kepuasan para penuntut dan rasa taat setia mereka terhadap khidmat yang diberikan di dalam bidang pendidikan (tinggi). This research studies the relationship between student satisfaction and student loyalty within the higher education service

    Identification Of Potential Neuraminidase Inhibitors Using Ensemble-Based Virtual Screening

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    To date, influenza A virus cause a serious impact in human health. It has emerged as a worldwide pandemic threat in the 21st century where large human populations were affected annually. At present, Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and Zanamivir (Relenza) have become important treatments for influenza infectious disease. Unfortunately, the resistance of influenza viruses to these drugs has been reported recently. So, it is important to discover new anti-influenza inhibitors to overcome the on-going and potential influenza outbreak. This project is about the discovery of the potential inhibitor for influenza infectious disease via ensemble-based virtual screening. As a receptor destroying enzyme, neuraminidase has been widely used as a drug target for drug discovery. Thus, this study was focused on Neuraminidase subtype-1. Variation of neuraminidase conformations from Protein Data Bank (PDB) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation structures were used in this study. With the aid of computational resource, ensemble-based virtual screening was performed. Neuraminidase was screened against the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Database and the Natural Product Discovery System (NADI) Database to discover the potential compounds as the neuraminidase inhibitors. From docking results, 20 compounds from NCI Database were selected. For NADI Database, there were 40 compounds have been selected and they were clustered into 7 plants. All these compounds (NCI and NADI) were able to bind to all 13 ensemble structures. This has exhibited the probable anti-neuraminidase activity. These compounds were then subjected to inhibitory activity evaluation via MUNANA assay

    Education Service Experience: From The Aspects Of Students’ Satisfaction And Loyalty.

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    Penyelidikan ini mengkaji tentang perhubungan di antara kepuasan para penuntut dan rasa taat setia mereka terhadap khidmat yang diberikan di dalam bidang pendidikan (tinggi). This research studies the relationship between student satisfaction and student loyalty within the higher education service

    Protective coating for gabion wires against weathering elements and site conditions

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    Gabions are one of the most essential elements in the geotechnical field for their versatility and strength in slope stabilization. According to BS 8002:2015, gabions are rectangular large cages or baskets made of either steel wire or square welded mesh, and are usually filled with stones. Besides slope stabilization, gabions have been widely used for various purposes, including closing of river banks, road construction, landslide consolidation and hilly terrain reclamation [1]

    Generalized variational inequalities and generalized quasi-variational inequalities

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    AbstractA very general minimax inequality is first established. Three generalized variational inequalities are then derived, which improve those obtained by Tan and Browder. By applying a fixed point theorem of Himmelberg, two generalized quasi-variational inequalities are also proved, one of which generalizes those of Shih-Tan to the non-compact case with much weaker hypotheses and in a more general setting

    Generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities

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    AbstractLet E, F be Hausdorff topological vector spaces over the field Φ (which is either the real field or the complex field), let 〈 , 〉: F × E → Φ be a bilinear functional, and let X be a non-empty subset of E. Given a multi-valued map S: X → 2x and two multi-valued maps M, T: X → 2F, the generalized bi-quasi-variational inequality (GBQVI) problem is to find a point ŷ ϵ X such that ŷ ϵ S(ŷ) and infw ϵ T(ȳ)Re〈ƒ − w, ŷ − x〉 ⩽ 0 for all x ϵ S(ŷ) and for all ƒ ϵ M(ŷ). In this paper two general existence theorems on solutions of GBQVIs are obtained which simultaneously unify, sharpen, and extend existence theorems for multi-valued versions of Hartman-Stampacchia variational inequalities proved by Browder and by Shih and Tan, variational inequalities due to Browder, existence theorems for generalized quasi-variational inequalities achieved by Shih and Tan, theorems for monotone operators obtained by Debrunner and Flor, Fan, and Browder, and the Fan-Glicksberg fixed-point theorem