2,317 research outputs found

    ̈Ökosystemleistungen im Praxistest: Risiken und Nebenwirkungen bei der Anwendung

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    Die Anwendung des Ökosystemleistungsansatzes wird in Wissenschaft und Politik international intensiv erforscht und bearbeitet. Wie sieht die Situation in der Schweiz aus? Welches sind Herausforderungen und Chancen bei der Anwendung dieses Ansatzes für verschiedene Bereiche aus Politik und Praxis? Basierend auf Zwischenergebnissen eines Forschungsprojekts werden in diesem Artikel erste Antworten auf diese Fragen präsentiert

    Karl Barth\u27s Treatment of the Old Testament as Expectation

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    The Aluminum Concentration in Human Postmortem Lung Tissue from Smokers and Nonsmokers as Determined by Neutron Activation Analysis

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    Author Institution: Department of Biology, University of AkronANTHONY, ROBERT E. AND KELLER, ROGER F. The Aluminum Concentration in Human Postmortem Lung Tissue from Smokers and Nonsmokers as Determined by Neurton Activation Analysis. Ohio J. Sci. 75: 56, 1975

    Efeito limiar de renda na periodontite e interações com raça/etnia e educação

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    Objectives: The aims of this study were to explore the shape of the relationship of income and education with periodontal health, and to assess the interactions between them and race/ethnicity. Method: Individual level data from the Brazilian National Oral Health Survey in 2010 (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal—SB Brasil 2010) were obtained for 9,779 subjects. Relations between per capita income and education with periodontal health were smoothed using Locally Weighted Scatter-plot Smoother (Lowess) technique. Multivariable logistic regression was used to assess independent effects of income, education, race/ethnicity adjusted for age, sex and time since last dental appointment. Results: Prevalence of adults with moderate to severe and severe periodontitis was 17.6 and 6.5%, respectively. The relationship between periodontal health and income was curvilinear, showing a threshold of no relationship for income levels higher than US600/month.Inmultivariableanalysis,aftercontrollingforcovariates,onlyincomewassignificantlyassociatedwithperiodontalhealth.Therewasnosignificantinteractionofincomewithraceoreducation,neitherbetweenraceandeducation.Conclusion:Therelationbetweenperiodontalhealthandincomewascurvilinearandindicatedthepresenceofathreshold,supportingincometransferprograms.Beyondthethreshold,onlyeducationpresentedanegativelinearrelationshipwithmoderatetosevereperiodontitis.Objetivo:Osobjetivosdesteestudoforamexplorararelac\ca~oentrerendaeeducac\ca~ocomdoenc\caperiodontaleavaliarainterac\ca~oentreeleserac\ca/etnia.Meˊtodo:DadosindividuaisdoinqueˊritoepidemioloˊgicodesauˊdebucaldaPesquisaNacionaldeSauˊdeBucal(SBBrasil2010)foramobtidospara9.779indivıˊduos.Arelac\ca~oentrerendapercapitaeeducac\ca~ocomsauˊdeperiodontalfoisuavizadausandoteˊcnicadeLocallyWeightedScatterplotSmoother(LOWESS).Utilizouseregressa~ologıˊsticamultivariaˊvelparaavaliarosefeitosindependentesdesexo,idade,renda,educac\ca~o,rac\ca/etnia,possedebens,uˊltimavisitaaodentistaenuˊmerodepessoaspordormitoˊrio.Resultados:Aprevale^nciadeadultoscomdoenc\caperiodontalmoderadaegravefoide17,6e6,5 600/ month. In multivariable analysis, after controlling for covariates, only income was significantly associated with periodontal health. There was no significant interaction of income with race or education, neither between race and education. Conclusion: The relation between periodontal health and income was curvilinear and indicated the presence of a threshold, supporting income transfer programs. Beyond the threshold, only education presented a negative linear relationship with moderate to severe periodontitis.Objetivo: Os objetivos deste estudo foram explorar a relação entre renda e educação com doença periodontal e avaliar a interação entre eles e raça/etnia. Método: Dados individuais do inquérito epidemiológico de saúde bucal da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal (SB Brasil 2010) foram obtidos para 9.779 indivíduos. A relação entre renda per capita e educação com saúde periodontal foi suavizada usando técnica de Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoother (LOWESS). Utilizou-se regressão logística multivariável para avaliar os efeitos independentes de sexo, idade, renda, educação, raça/etnia, posse de bens, última visita ao dentista e número de pessoas por dormitório. Resultados: A prevalência de adultos com doença periodontal moderada e grave foi de 17,6 e 6,5%, respectivamente. A relação entre saúde periodontal e renda foi curvilínea, com limiar de R 1.050/mensais, a partir do qual não havia relação entre as variáveis. Na análise multivariavel, após ajuste por covariadas, apenas renda estava associada significativamente com saúde periodontal. Não foram encontradas interações significantes entre renda e educação ou raça/etnia, nem entre educação com raça/etnia. Conclusões: A relação entre saúde periodontal e renda foi curvilínea com a presença de efeito de limar, dando suporte para programas de transferência de renda. Além do limiar, apenas educação mostrou associação linear negativa com periodontite moderada a severa

    Proposal of a methodology for the sustainability assessment of cryptocurrencies

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    As cryptocurrencies are becoming more and more widespread and their power consumption has caught the attention of the public, it seems worthwhile to investigate their effects on the environment, economy and society. In the scientific literature, a clear focus on the high power consumption of the market-dominating Bitcoin can be seen in the sustainability assessment of cryptocurrencies. In order to build a comprehensive understanding of cryptocurrencies’ sustainability other aspects should be considered as well instead of narrowing down the scope of analysis to power consumption. Therefore, a holistic definition of sustainability in the context of cryptocurrencies is proposed. Building upon this definition a methodology for assessing a cryptocurrencies’ sustainability is derived in this paper and subsequently applied to ten cryptocurrencies

    Relationship between professional training of dentists and outpatient clinical production

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    The aim was to evaluate the association between the professional training of dentists and their outpatient production (OP) of clinical and collective/preventive procedures and the total number of procedures registered in a health information system. Methods. It included all 19,947 primary dental care units participating in the Program for Improvement of Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ-AB 2nd cycle) and the number of clinical procedures (CP), collective/preventive procedures (PP), and total procedures (TP) registered in the ambulatory information system between November 2013 and July 2014 for each participant oral health team. The outcome was being above the national median of procedures. The main variables related to training were the dentists specialising in family health, the level of training, and participation in permanent education. Effect estimates were calculated by multiple logistic regression. Results. In the final model, controlled by contextual factor work process, family health specialists had higher chances (odds ratio ðORÞ = 1:13, 95% CI: 1.00; 1.27) of producing above the national median of CP than nonspecialists, OR = 1:06 (0.96; 1.18) for PP and OR = 1:17 (1.08; 1.27) for TP. Dentists taking permanent education had higher chances than those not taking it of producing above the national median for CP, PP, and TT, respectively, with OR = 1:40 (1.20; 1.62), OR = 1:24 (1.09; 1.40), and OR = 1:28 (1.18; 1.39). Conclusion. Training in family health performs more procedures in primary care settings than those without training. However, this OP is influenced by variables related to the municipality and the work process, especially for PP. If the highest production observed is a consequence of training, then public health managers can not only encourage training policies such as permanent education policies to expand the use of services

    Mid-point for open-ended income category and the effect of equivalence scales on the income-health relationship

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    El objetivo fue estimar el punto medio de categoría abierta de renta y el efecto de escalas de equivalencia en las asociaciones entre renta-salud. Los datos fueron obtenidos de la Pesquisa Nacional de Salud Bucal 2010 (SBBrasil). La renta fue convertida de la variable categórica a la continua (per capita y equiparada) para cada punto medio. La mediana de la categoría abierta de renta fue R14.523,50,ylamedia,R14.523,50, y la media, R24.507,10. El porcentaje de la población por debajo de la línea de pobreza fue de 53% con renta per capita, y 15% con renta equiparada. La magnitud de las asociaciones fue similar en la escala continua, pero, al ser categorizada, la renta equiparada redujo su fuerza.To estimate the mid-point of an open-ended income category and to assess the impact of two equivalence scales on income-health associations. Data were obtained from the 2010 Brazilian Oral Health Survey ( Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal – SBBrasil 2010). Income was converted from categorical to two continuous variables ( per capita and equivalized) for each mid-point. The median mid-point was R14,523.50andthemean,R 14,523.50 and the mean, R 24,507.10. When per capita income was applied, 53% of the population were below the poverty line, compared with 15% with equivalized income. The magnitude of income-health associations was similar for continuous income, but categorized equivalized income tended to decrease the strength of association.Objetivou-se estimar o ponto médio de categoria aberta de renda e o efeito de escalas de equivalência nas associações renda-saúde. Dados foram obtidos da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal 2010 (SBBrasil). A renda foi convertida da variável categórica para contínua ( per capita e equivalizada) para cada ponto médio. A mediana da categoria aberta de renda foi R14.523,50eameˊdia,R 14.523,50 e a média, R 24.507,10. O percentual da população abaixo da linha de pobreza foi de 53% com renda per capita e 15% com renda equivalizada. A magnitude das associações foi similar na escala contínua, mas, quando categorizada, a renda equivalizada reduziu sua força