10 research outputs found

    Paper Review: Flutter Phenomenon in Aero-Elasticity

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    Flutter is aero-elasticity phenomenon concerning the analysis of the relationship among aerodynamic and elastic forces, aerodynamic forces (static-aeroelasticity). Inertia, elastic and aerodynamic forces (dynamic-aeroelasticity). Elastic forces and laws of control (aero-servo-elasticity). Modern airplane designs can be very versatile and this versatility of the airframe allows aero-elastic analysis an essential part of airplane construction and Procedures for validation. Torsional and wing flutter are the two major aero-elastic phenomena considering in airplane architecture. Hopf bifurcation is a instability case that happens when the torsional stiffness of the system is counteracted by static aerodynamic impact. Flutter is a fluctuating motion due to instability in aero-elastic influences defined by a continuous fluctuation of the system resulting from the interaction among the inertial, elastic and aerodynamic forces operating on the entire body. This article provides a better understanding for flutter phenomena and aero-elasticity issues that seek to offer readers an understanding of the topic

    Optimized image processing and clustering to mitigate security threats in mobile ad hoc network

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    Since there are provisions of many attributes that are not possible or difficult to follow by networks conventionally, mobile ad-hoc networks are extensively deployed. This application starts through the defense sectors, the sensory node presents in the hostile territories down to the gadgets for congestion communication in traffic by general transportation when travelling for adequate provision of infrastructure during disaster recovery. As a lot of importance related to (mobile ad hoc network) MANET application, one important factor in ad-hoc networks is security. Using image processing for securing MANET is the area of focus of this research. Therefore, in this article, the security threats are assessed and representative proposals are summarized in ad-hoc network’s context. The study reviewed the current situation of the art for original to security provision called mobile ad hoc network for wireless networking. The threats to security are recognized while the present solution is observed. The study additionally summarized education erudite, talks on general issues and future instructions are recognized. Also, in this study, the forecast weighted clustering algorithm (FWCA) is employed as a cluster head over weighted clustering algorithm (WCA) is examined as quality in cluster-based routing, service is highly significant with MANET

    Ulcerative Colitis Diagnosis Based on Artificial Intelligence System

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    مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي هو تهيج في القولون الذي يرتبط في كثير من الأحيان مع العدوى ونقص المناعة. يكون جدار القولون للشخص مصاب بالالتهاب دائمًا أكثر سماكة من المعتاد. قد يكون مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي مهدد للحياة ويؤدي إلى الموت إذا لم يتم اكتشافه مبكرًا. الاكتشاف المبكر لهذا المرض مهم للغاية لبدء العلاج المناسب. في هذا البحث، تم تقديم شبكة العصبية الاصطناعية للكشف عن مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي وفقًا لمجموعة البيانات النظرية التي تم إنشاؤها بواسطة المعايير. تم تدريب الشبكة باستخدام خوارزمية Levenberg-Marquardt. أفضل اداء للشبكة كان حيث نسبة الخطأ تساوي 1.9947×10-24   للنظام الذي عدد خلاياه العصبية = 4.Ulcerative colitis (UC) disease is irritation of the colon that is frequently related to infection and immune compromise. The wall of the colon with inflammation is always thicker than normal. UC may be life-threatening and lead to death if not detected early. Early detection of this disease is very important to initiate appropriate treatment. In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) applied to detect the UC according to a theoretical dataset generated by the criteria of UC. The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm has trained the single hidden layer ANN. The best behaviour is equal to 1.9947×10-24for the system which the number of neurons =4

    Design and optimization of microstrip filtering antenna with modified shaped slots and SIR filter to improve the impedance bandwidth

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    This paper presents a new compact microstrip filtering antenna with modified shaped slots to improve the impedance bandwidth. The proposed microstrip filtering antenna consists of three parts; the monopole radiating patch antenna, the SIR filter, and the feeding microstrip line. The design structure is achieved on one sided glass epoxy FR-4 substrate with dielectric constant ε_r = 4.4 and thickness of h = 1.6 mm. The design procedures of the proposed filtering antenna starts from the second order Chebyshev low pass filter prototype. The simulation results throughout this article are done by a computer simulation technology (CST) software. The simulated results have been achieved show good performance of S11-parameter and broad side antenna gain on +z-direction. This design has two transmission zeros at 5.4 GHz and 7.7 GHz, and bandwidth (B.W) of about 1.66 GHz so; it is suitable for high speed data communication. This design has good skirt selectivity

    Design of a Wide-Band Microstrip Filtering Antenna with Modified Shaped Slots and SIR Structure

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    This paper presents a new compact microstrip filtering antenna with modified shaped slots to improve the impedance bandwidth. The proposed microstrip filtering antenna consists of three parts: the monopole radiating patch antenna; the Stepped Impedance Resonator (SIR) filter; and the feeding microstrip line. The designed structure is achieved on one-sided glass epoxy FR-4 substrate with dielectric constant εr = 4.4 and thickness h = 1.6 mm. The design procedure of the proposed filtering antenna starts from the second-order Chebyshev low pass filter (LPF) prototype. The achieved results show an excellent performance of S11-parameter with broadside antenna gain on +z-direction. Having two transmission zeros at 5.4 GHz and 7.7 GHz, good skirt selectivity and a wide-band impedance bandwidth of about 1.66 GHz makes the designed filtering antenna suitable for high-speed data communications. Both the simulation results generated by using the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) software package and the measurement achieved by using a vector network analyzer (HP 8510C) and the anechoic chamber show good agreement

    Evaluation of the knowledge toward communicable diseases prevention among health workers at In Al-Sadr Medical City in Najaf Governorate\ Iraq

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    Communicable diseases represent a severe burden on human life, so control and prevention are essential to maintaining the sustainability of life. Health workers are the first line of defense against these diseases. Poor knowledge and wrong attitudes of health workers can negatively affect efforts to combat infection.The study aims to evaluate the knowledge levels among health workers toward communicable diseases. Also, determine the relationship between dependent and independent variables with participants' levels of knowledge. A cross-sectional analytical study in Al-Sadr Medical City, Najaf Governorate, from mid-November 2021 to the end of June 2022. On 384 health workers who were using a randomly collected self-questionnaire, the data was collected and analyzed using a statistical program. The main results indicate that (66.1%) of the participants are females, the majority of the age group (20-26) years, half of them are married and hold a bachelor's degree, (66.4%) have less than five years of experience, and (35.9%) receive a training course, In terms of profession, (27.3)% were nurses. The results show that (57.2%) had good overall knowledge. it was found that there is a significant relationship between knowledge and training sessions, as for other socio-demographic characteristics, there is no significant association with both knowledge.&nbsp

    Hydrogeochemical processes and evaluation of groundwater in Al-Salman area – Iraqi Southern Desert

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    A field survey has been conducted for the study area using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and geological and geomorphological maps of the area. The study area is one of the important areas in Iraq characterized by scarce water resources. The purpose of the study is to determine the hydro-chemical processes and their relationship to groundwater quality carried out in the southwestern desert region of Iraq, where the region lacks extensive studies of water resources. Twenty-eight groundwater samples were collected from wells distributed between the eastern borders of Saudi Arabia and the West Bank of the Euphrates River. For the purpose of hydrogeochemical analyses, the Fetter method was used to collect and examine samples. A large part of the recharge area is located in Saudi Arabia, where the groundwater bearing aquifer represented by the Dammam formation extends to Iraq and Saudi Arabian International borders. The analysis determined the order of cations (Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+) and anions (Cl– > SO42– > HCO3–). High values of the variation coefficient (CV) correspond to the concentration of potassium, sodium and chloride ions (CV: 68.7, 64.7 and 64 respectively). To identify the hydrochemical water facies, the Piper diagram was used. It was found that 53% of the water samples belong to the Na-Cl type and 40% are of the Ca-Mg-Cl type, while the rest of the samples are the Ca-Cl type. To identify geochemical processes, it was found that ion exchange processes via chloroalkaline indices 1 and 2 are prevalent between Ca2+, Mg2+ in the groundwater and Na+, K+ in water bearing rocks. To learn more about the processes that led to the concentration of certain ions, such as sodium, it was found that they tend to be of silicate minerals related to surface runoff of water in recharge areas and carbonic rocks. It was also found that rock / soil-groundwater interaction and evaporation processes were the formal processes in the saturated zone and evaporation in the unsaturated zone are prevalent processes of groundwater ion concentration