14 research outputs found

    Latent Emission-Augmented Perspective-Taking (LEAPT) for Human-Robot Interaction

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    Perspective-taking is the ability to perceive or understand a situation or concept from another individual's point of view, and is crucial in daily human interactions. Enabling robots to perform perspective-taking remains an unsolved problem; existing approaches that use deterministic or handcrafted methods are unable to accurately account for uncertainty in partially-observable settings. This work proposes to address this limitation via a deep world model that enables a robot to perform both perception and conceptual perspective taking, i.e., the robot is able to infer what a human sees and believes. The key innovation is a decomposed multi-modal latent state space model able to generate and augment fictitious observations/emissions. Optimizing the ELBO that arises from this probabilistic graphical model enables the learning of uncertainty in latent space, which facilitates uncertainty estimation from high-dimensional observations. We tasked our model to predict human observations and beliefs on three partially-observable HRI tasks. Experiments show that our method significantly outperforms existing baselines and is able to infer visual observations available to other agent and their internal beliefs

    Object detection meets knowledge graphs

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    Object detection in images is a crucial task in computer vision, with important applications ranging from security surveillance to autonomous vehicles. Existing state-of-the-art algorithms, including deep neural networks, only focus on utilizing features within an image itself, largely neglecting the vast amount of background knowledge about the real world. In this paper, we propose a novel framework of knowledge-aware object detection, which enables the integration of external knowledge such as knowledge graphs into any object detection algorithm. The framework employs the notion of semantic consistency to quantify and generalize knowledge, which improves object detection through a re-optimization process to achieve better consistency with background knowledge. Finally, empirical evaluation on two benchmark datasets show that our approach can significantly increase recall by up to 6.3 points without compromising mean average precision, when compared to the state-of-the-art baseline.</jats:p