201 research outputs found

    Treatment of an amniotic band syndrome with fetoscopic surgery: A case report

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    Objective: This study aimed to present an amniotic band syndrome case who underwent intrauterine fetoscopic surgery. Case: On ultrasound examination, edema was detected at the distal of the right upper extremity. The constrictive amniotic band tangling around the extremity at the upper part of the right elbow and around the umbilical cord was detected during the fetoscopic examination. The amniotic band was released by using endoscopic scissors and grasper. It was observed that the right hand was at the flexion position and was able to return to the neutral position on neonatal examination. Conclusion: Releasing amniotic band with fetoscopic surgery in amniotic band syndrome cases is an efficient method to prevent progressive destruction in the extremities and the procedure-related complications seem to be acceptable

    Biyotelemetri Uygulamaları için Kompakt Implant Anten Tasarımı

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    Günümüzde özellikle ülkemizin öncelikli alanları arasında bulunan sağlık sektöründeki gelişmeler hızlı bir şekilde artmaktadır. Hastaların rahatsızlıklarının bulunduğu vücut bölgelerindeki biyolojik verilerin izlenebilmesi, ilgili farmakolojik ve elektriksel tedavilerin yapılıp hasta bilgi sistemi içerisinde kayıtlanabilmeleri medikal implant cihazlar ile mümkün kılınmıştır. Hastada yapılması gereken vücut içi testlerin implant cihazlarda bulunan sensörler vasıtasıyla yapılarak dışarıda bulunan cihazlara kablosuz olarak verilerin aktarılması hastaların hareketlerinin kısıtlanmadan tedavi süreçlerinin sürekli olarak izlenebilmesi açısından önemlidir. Bu sebeple, küçük boyutlu, biyouyumlu malzemelerle tasarlanan medikal standartlarla belirlenmiş çıkış gücünde bulunan ve yerleştirildiği yakın dokularda istenmeyen ısıl etkiler oluşturmayan anten tasarımları medikal cihaz sistemlerinde gerekmektedir. Antenlerin çalışabilecekleri frekans değerleri ise FCC (Federal Communications Commission) tarafından MICS (Medical Implant Communication Service, 402 MHz-405 MHz) ve ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical, 2.4-2.48 GHz) bantları olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu bildiride, her iki bantta da çalışabilen implant anten olarak kullanılabilecek küçük boyutlu bir anten tasarımı üzerine çalışmalar açıklanacaktır. Antene ait ışıma örüntüleri ve yansıma katsayısı değerleri sayısal hesaplamalar sunularak açıklanacaktır

    Giant biventricular thrombi presenting with acute myocardial infarction

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    AbstractBiventricular thrombi secondary to anterior myocardial infarction is very rare. We present a patient with giant biventricular thrombi subsequent to an old anterior wall myocardial infarction, and devastating consequences, including acute pulmonary artery and femoral artery embolism. We introduce a unique case report with demonstrative and illustrative images

    The importance of green places in decreasing the urban temperature in Batman

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    Günümüz büyük kentlerinde yeşil alanların ve buharlaşma yüzeylerinin azalması; beton ve asfaltla kaplanmış yüzeylerin, yapısal alanların artması ve bu alanlarda kullanılan yapı malzemelerinin sıcaklığı daha iyi iletme ve yüksek sıcaklık depolama özelliklerine sahip olmaları gibi nedenlerle meteorolojik parametreler değişerek yerel ve bölgesel ölçekte iklim değişimine neden olmakta; büyük kentler kendilerine özgü iklimleri olan ve bu kentlerde yaşayanlar için sağlıksız termal koşullar sunan mekânlar haline gelmektedirler. Kentteki döşemeyle kaplı yüzeyler, yollar ve binalar nedeniyle geçirimsiz alanların giderek artması toprak yüzeyinden oluşan buharlaşmayı önemli ölçüde azaltmaktadır ve sonuç olarak yüzeylerin altında ısı depolanmasını artırmaktadır. Bu yeraltı ısı deposu yüzey sıcaklığının bitki örtüsüyle kaplı yüzeylerden daha yüksek olmasına ve dolayısıyla yüzey ve atmosfer arasındaki hassas ısı değişiminin ve yukarıya doğru olan uzun dalga boylu radyasyonun artmasına neden olmaktadır. Diğer taraftan yüzeyde ve duvarlarda gölge oluşturma etkisine sahip yüksek binalar geceleri hava sıcaklığının düşmesine neden olabilir. Bununla birlikte gölge etkisine rağmen birçok durumda sıcak yüzeylerden bırakılan ısı endüstri tesisleri ve diğer insan aktiviteleri sonucu oluşan antropojenik ısıyla birlikte kentsel alanlardaki hava sıcaklığının çevredeki kırsal alanlara oranla çok daha yüksek olmasına neden olur. Kentsel mekânların hızla büyümesiyle birlikte kentlerin mikro iklimsel yapısında da değişimler meydana gelmekte ve kentsel ısı adaları oluşmaktadır. Kentsel yapılaşmanın artmasıyla birlikte kent sıcaklıklarının arttığı, buna karşın kentlerin havalandırma ve yeşil alanların artmasıyla da yüzey sıcaklıklarının azaldığı görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada Batman kentinde yeşil alanların sıcaklık üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Batman yerleşim alanı için yapılan analizde bitki örtüsünün en az olduğu yerler ile en yoğun olduğu yerlerin arasındaki sıcaklık değeri hesaplanmıştır. Çalışmada http://glovis.usgs.gov/ sitesinden 30 metre mekânsal çözünürlükte 1985 ve 2015 tarihlerine ait Landsat TM ETM+ ve OLI/TIRS uydu görüntüleri kullanılmıştır. Erdas 2014 programıyla Landsat TM uydu görüntüleri katman birleştirmesi yapılarak tek görüntü haline getirilmiştir. Kentsel alanların daha iyi belirlenmesi için 3‐2‐1 bant kombinasyonu yapılmıştır. En Çok Benzerlik (Maximum Likelihood) sınıflandırma yöntemi uygulanarak kontrollü sınıflandırma yapılmıştır. Kontrollü sınıflama ile belirlenen arazi örtüsü alanları hektar olarak tespit edilmiştir. Erdas 2014 programı kullanılarak Landsat TM uydu görüntüleriyle ortaya çıkarılan kentsel alanların sınırları daha sonra ArcGIS 10.3 programı kullanılarak çizilmiştir. 1985 yılına ait Landsat MSS uydu görüntüsü diğer Landsat TM uydu görüntüleriyle çakıştırılmıştır. 1985 ve 2015 uydu görüntülerinden hareketle kent ve çevresinde arazi kullanım şeklinde nasıl bir gelişme olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunlara ek olarak 1985‐2015 yılları arasındaki süreçte kentsel gelişim alanı içerisinde arazi kullanım kabiliyet sınıflamasına göre kentin hangi alanlar üzerinde ne kadar genişlediği ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca çalışmada yüzey sıcaklıklarını belirlemek için Landsat TM, ETM+ ve OLI/TIRS uydu görüntülerinin termal bantlarından faydalanılmıştır. Bu yöntem, 1980’li yıllardan sonra hızla büyüyen Batman kentine uygulanmıştır. Buna bağlı olarak yeşil alanlar ve kentsel ısı adasındaki ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Yeşil alanların fazla olduğu yerlerde yüzey sıcaklık değerlerinin daha az olduğu, yapılaşmanın daha çok olduğu yerlerde ise, yüzey sıcaklıklarının daha çok olduğu belirlenmiştir. Yüzey sıcaklığının ve Kentsel Isı Adaları’nın azaltılması için kentin belli noktalarına park alanlarının ve yeşil alanların artırılması ve ayrıca yeni kent planı yapılırken hava koridorlarının yapımına dikkat edilmesi gerekmektedir


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    Although the most preferred treatment methods in cancer treatment are still surgery and chemotherapy, microwave ablation, one of the minimally invasive thermal ablation techniques, is increasingly used in the clinic for patients who cannot afford the risks of these treatment methods. In this study, microwave ablation with a new NiTi ring antenna was performed on a freshly slaughtered beef liver as an Ex Vivo application. Design and optimization was carried out in the CST Microwave studio. Ex Vivo MWA application was carried out at 2.45 GHz, using 50 W microwave power for 5 minutes. The lowest width of the ablation zone formed along the x-axis was 14.58 mm, the highest width was 28.61 mm, the length of the ablation area along the y-axis was 58.032 mm, and the area of the ablation zone was approximately 5.44 cm2. These results show that the proposed NiTi ring antenna has the ability to achieve a sufficient thermal lesion in terms of ablation zone dimensions

    The Evaluation of the Effects of Different Patient Information Strategy on Self-Performed Oral Hygiene in a Group of Turkish Population

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different patient information strategy on self-performed oral hygiene in a short and intermediate time period in a group of Turkish population. The study population consisted of 105 patient at the same socio-economical level and divided into three groups: Group I, who were not attended any program, group II, who attended only one explanatory session about oral hygiene, and group III, who attended a comprehensive education and motivation session. In order to evaluate the methodology applied, the Quigley-IIcin's plaque index (PI, according to Quigley-1 Icin, 1962) and gingival bleeding index (GI, according to Loc and Silness, 1963) were calculated. All these patients' teeth were scaled at the start of the study. These parameters were determined at die initial and after 1st week, 1st and 3rd and 6th months. The results demonstrated a significant improvement in the PI and GI scores following die use of motivation and education program in the 1st week and 1st month (p<0.01). The level of oral hygiene and gingival health achieved at the fist month was not observed in all 3 groups in the 3rd and 6th months. We found that the comprehensive session used here has also been effective in improving the oral hygiene and reducing the gingival inflammation in the 6" month (p<0.01). In conclusion, the data presented in this paper indicated that the education and motivation program with visual and demonstrated may be suitable alternative program improving the oral hygiene and reducing the gingival inflammation.The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different patient information strategy on self-performed oral hygiene in a short and intermediate time period in a group of Turkish population. The study population consisted of 105 patient at the same socio-economical level and divided into three groups: Group I, who were not attended any program, group II, who attended only one explanatory session about oral hygiene, and group III, who attended a comprehensive education and motivation session. In order to evaluate the methodology applied, the Quigley-IIcin's plaque index (PI, according to Quigley-1 Icin, 1962) and gingival bleeding index (GI, according to Loc and Silness, 1963) were calculated. All these patients' teeth were scaled at the start of the study. These parameters were determined at die initial and after 1st week, 1st and 3rd and 6th months. The results demonstrated a significant improvement in the PI and GI scores following die use of motivation and education program in the 1st week and 1st month (p<0.01). The level of oral hygiene and gingival health achieved at the fist month was not observed in all 3 groups in the 3rd and 6th months. We found that the comprehensive session used here has also been effective in improving the oral hygiene and reducing the gingival inflammation in the 6" month (p<0.01). In conclusion, the data presented in this paper indicated that the education and motivation program with visual and demonstrated may be suitable alternative program improving the oral hygiene and reducing the gingival inflammation

    Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin serum level: A potential noninvasive biomarker of endometriosis?

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    Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL, also known as lipocalin-2) is an acute-phase protein expressed in many tissues and plays a role in cell proliferation, regulation, and epithelial-mesenchymal transformation. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate serum NGAL levels and endometrioma tissue expression in women with endometriosis. This cross-sectional study was conducted at a university hospital. The endometrioma group included 36 women who underwent ovarian cystectomy for endometrioma, which was compared with a control group (n = 36) of women who underwent ovarian cystectomy due to benign persistent cysts (follicle cyst, theca lutein cyst, and serous cystadenoma). NGAL levels were analyzed using both serum enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay analysis and immunohistochemical tissue staining. Serum C-reactive protein and CA-125 levels were also evaluated. NGAL serum levels were significantly higher in the endometrioma group than in the control group (P < .05). C-reactive protein and CA-125 levels were also significantly higher in the endometrioma group (P < .05) and were correlated with NGAL levels. Immunohistochemical staining for NGAL was also higher in the endometrioma group (P < .001). NGAL may be considered a potential noninvasive biomarker of endometriosis

    The protective effect of astaxanthin on cisplatin-induced ototoxicity

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    Background. Promising studies have been conducted with many substances to reduce the ototoxic effects of cisplatin, but there is no treatment that completely eliminates the ototoxic effect. Objectives. To determine the effectiveness of astaxanthin (ASX) as a protective agent against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity. Materials and methods. Thirty-six rats were randomly divided into 6 groups. Group 1 received no drug injections except for anesthetics; group 2 received intraperitoneal (IP) olive oil only for 8 days; group 3 received only IP ASX 75 mg/kg dissolved in olive oil for 8 days; group 4 received a single dose of only IP 16 mg/kg cisplatin on the 5th day; group 5 received 25 mg/kg ASX IP daily for 8 days and a single 16 mg/kg dose of cisplatin on the 5th day; group 6 received 75 mg/kg ASX IP daily for 8 days and a single 16 mg/kg dose of cisplatin on the 5th day. The animals were tested for distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) before and 3 days after cisplatin treatment. The animals in all groups were sacrificed under anesthesia on the 10th day. Before sacrifice, inferior vena cava blood samples were drawn into commercial tubes for biochemical analysis and their cochlea were prepared for histological analysis. Results. The ASX+cisplatin groups demonstrated significantly higher DPOAE thresholds when compared to the cisplatin-only group (p < 0.05). The ASX 25 mg/kg/day+cisplatin group showed a significant increase in total antioxidant capacity compared to the cisplatin-only group, whereas the ASX 75 mg/kg/day+cisplatin group had significantly lower total oxidative stress and oxidative stress index. Histologic results showed that the cortical organ was better preserved in the ASX+cisplatin groups compared to the cisplatin-only group, and the degeneration in the spiral ganglion and inner and outer hair cells was less visible in the ASX groups. Conclusions. Astaxanthin can protect hearing from cisplatin-induced ototoxicity, prevent cellular degeneration and significantly reduce oxidative stress

    Sick euthyroid syndrome is associated with poor prognosis in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous intervention

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    Background: Concomitant thyroid and heart disease are frequently encountered in clinical practice. There are many studies evaluating thyroid function in acute and critical conditions. Information on thyroid dysfunction in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is limited; its correlation with short and long-term outcome is not fully known.Methods: Four hundred and fifty seven patients diagnosed with STEMI in our emergency department were included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups: patients with normal thyroid function (euthyroid) and patients with thyroid dysfunction. STEMI was diagnosed with 12 derivation surface electrocardiogram. Thyroid hormone levels (TSH, free T3 and free T4) were measured. Patients with other acute coronary syndromes and endocrine pathologies except diabetes mellitus were excluded. Two patient groups were compared in terms of in-hospital and long-term outcome.Results: Out of 457, 72 (15%) patients with thyroid dysfunction were detected. The other patients were euthyroid and constituted the control group. In-hospital cardiogenic shock (15% vs. 3% in the control group; p &lt; 0.01) and death (7% vs. 1% in the control group; p &lt; 0.01) were more frequently observed in the thyroid dysfunction group. In the subgroup analysis, it was observed that patients with sick euthyroid syndrome have the poorest outcome. Other markers for poor outcome were anemia and renal failure.Conclusions: Thyroid dysfunction, particularly sick euthyroid syndrome, was found to be related to in-hospital and long term mortality in patients with STEMI undergoing primary percutaneous intervention