523 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Guling Belakang dengan Menggunakan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Animasi di SD Negeri 3 Sungapan Kulon Progo

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    The research is aimed at improving the teaching of back rolling by using animation basedteaching media in grade four of SD Negeri sungapan 3 Kulon Progo.This research was a classroom action research. It was conducted in three meetings andeach meeting showed the stages of the development process of back rolling in the physicaleducation. The subjects of the research were the grade four students of SD Negeri Sungapan3 in the second semester of the 2011/2012 academic year. The instruments used to collectdata were observation sheets, questionnaires, and tests. The data were analiyseddescriptively.The reserach result showed that the animation based teaching media in the teachingand learning process of back rolling could improve the students\u27 spirit, enthusiasm, funatmosphere, and their marks


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    Hiperkolesterolemia adalah peningkatan kadar satu atau lebih lipoprotein (VLDL, LDL) serta penurunan HDLyang terjadi akibat tingginya kadar kolesterol dalam masing-masing lipoprotein atau gabungan keduanya.. Data yang dihimpun WHO dalam Global status report on non-communicable diseases tahun 2008 memperlihatkan bahwa faktor resiko kolesterol pada wanita di Indonesia lebih tinggi yaitu 37,2% dibandingkan dengan pria yang hanya 32,8%. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung sorgum dan tepung kacang merah terhadap nilai gizi dan daya terima cookies. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian eksperimen  yang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 taraf perlakuan yaitu T0, T1, T2, dan T3. Perlakuan T0 menggunakan resep standar cookies sedangkan T1 sampai T3 menggunakan substitusi tepung sorgum dan tepung kacang merah dengan perbandingan T1: 10%:10%, T2: 20%:7,5%, dan T3: 30%:5%. Formula tersebut kemudian diuji daya terima dan nilai gizi makronya.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknologi Pangan Prodi Gizi Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupangpada Bulan Juni Tahun 2022. Daya terima cookies diuji dengan menggunakan analisis statistik Oneway Anova sedangkan untuk mengetahui nilai gizi makro digunakan perhitungan menggunakan Tabel Komposisi Pangan Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penilaian yang diberikan oleh panelis terhadap cookies T0 sampai T3 (aspek warna, aroma, tekstur, rasa) masuk dalam kategori suka dengan rentang nilai 3,60 – 4,20. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan daya terima antara cookies yang menggunakan resep standar dan kombinasi tepung.Cookies yang menjadi rekomendasi adalah T1 karena paling disukaidan memiliki nilai gizi makro paling tinggi diantara cookies yang lain


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    Conservation revitalization for health endurance can be achieved by establishing a conservation village such as Kampung Konservasi TOGA Gunung Leutik. The purposes of this research are to identify the benefit of Kampung Konservasi TOGA Gunung Leutik in the form medicinal plants utilization, and the impacts of its existence to local people’s health and economy. Methods used in this research was open-ended interview, and observation. The result shows that there are 152 medicinal plant species from 57 families that are utilized by the local people and most of them are from Zingiberaceae families. There are 40 recipe can be used for treat various desease. Benefits of these medicinal plants are for spices and daily disease treatment. The existence of Kampung Konservasi Gunung Leutik gives positive impacts for local people health and economy. Keyword: medicinal plant, TOGA conservation kampoong, utilizatio

    Waktu Produksi Yolk Immunoglobulin (IGY) Kuning Telur Ayam Yang Diimunisasi Streptococcus Mutans

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    Prevalensi karies di Indonesia menunjukkan angka yang tinggi. Karies diketahui sebagai penyakit multifaktorial rongga mulut yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Salah satu metode terbaru pencegahan karies gigi, yaitu, melalui imunisasi pasif menggunakan antibodi kuning telur ayam (Yolk Immunoglobulin/IgY). Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan waktu produksi IgY bervariasi dengan perbedaan teknik pengujian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi IgY kuning telur ayam yang diimunisasi S. mutans. Metode penelitian menggunakan 4 ekor ayam Hysex Brown sebagai kelompok perlakuan dan 1 ekor ayam sebagai kontrol. Suspensi S. mutans diinjeksikan pada ayam saat minggu pertama hari ke-1,2,3, kemudian ditambahkan Freund Adjuvant pada minggu ke-2 hingga minggu ke-4. Koleksi kuning telur ayam dilakukan mulai minggu ke-2 setelah imunisasi. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas vaksinasi dan keberadaan S.mutans, kuning telur ayam selanjutnya diuji dengan AGPT (Agar Gel Precipitation Test) dan hasilnya dinyatakan positif apabila terbentuk presipitasi diantara sumuran antigen dan antibodi.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil positif pada kuning telur ayam minggu ke-5. Disimpulkan bahwa waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi IgY spesifik S. mutans pada kuning telur ayam mulai minggu ke-5 setelah imunisasi.Production Time of Yolk Immunoglobulin (Igy) Yellow Chicken Egg Immunized with Streptococcus mutans. Dental caries prevalence in Indonesia appears in high rate. Caries is known as a multifactorial disease in oral cavity caused by Streptococcus mutans bacteria. The latest method to prevent dental caries is through passive immunization using chicken yolk antibody (Yolk Immunoglobulin /IgY). Some researches showed the variation of IgY production time using different testing technique. The purpose of this research is to determine the time required to produce IgY chicken yolk immunized by S. mutans. For the method, this research uses 4 chickens of Hysex Brown as the treatment group and a chicken as the control. S. mutans suspension is injected to the chicken from 1st, 2nd, and 3rdday in the first week; Freund Adjuvant was added in the 2ndtill 4thweeks. Collection of chicken yolk was started at 2ndweek after immunization. The chicken yolk then was tested using Agar Gel Precipitation Test (AGPT) to know the effectiveness of vaccination and the existence of S.mutans. The result of the test can be positive if it forms precipitation between antigen and antibody wells. The result has shown a positive response in chicken yolk in the 5thweek. From the test, it can be concluded that the time required for the production of IgY specific against S. mutans in chicken yolk is in the beginning of 5thweek after immunization

    Does self-monitoring reduce blood pressure? Meta-analysis with meta-regression of randomized controlled trials

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    Introduction. Self-monitoring of blood pressure (BP) is an increasingly common part of hypertension management. The objectives of this systematic review were to evaluate the systolic and diastolic BP reduction, and achievement of target BP, associated with self-monitoring. Methods. MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane database of systematic reviews, database of abstracts of clinical effectiveness, the health technology assessment database, the NHS economic evaluation database, and the TRIP database were searched for studies where the intervention included self-monitoring of BP and the outcome was change in office/ambulatory BP or proportion with controlled BP. Two reviewers independently extracted data. Meta-analysis using a random effects model was combined with meta-regression to investigate heterogeneity in effect sizes. Results. A total of 25 eligible randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (27 comparisons) were identified. Office systolic BP (20 RCTs, 21 comparisons, 5,898 patients) and diastolic BP (23 RCTs, 25 comparisons, 6,038 patients) were significantly reduced in those who self-monitored compared to usual care (weighted mean difference (WMD) systolic −3.82 mmHg (95% confidence interval −5.61 to −2.03), diastolic −1.45 mmHg (−1.95 to −0.94)). Self-monitoring increased the chance of meeting office BP targets (12 RCTs, 13 comparisons, 2,260 patients, relative risk = 1.09 (1.02 to 1.16)). There was significant heterogeneity between studies for all three comparisons, which could be partially accounted for by the use of additional co-interventions. Conclusion. Self-monitoring reduces blood pressure by a small but significant amount. Meta-regression could only account for part of the observed heterogeneity

    The demise of the randomised controlled trial: bibliometric study of the German-language health care literature, 1948 to 2004

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    BACKGROUND: In order to reduce systematic errors (such as language bias) and increase the precision of the summary treatment effect estimate, a comprehensive identification of randomised controlled trials (RCT), irrespective of publication language, is crucial in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. We identified trials in the German general health care literature. METHODS: Eight German language general health care journals were searched for randomised controlled trials and analysed with respect to the number of published RCTs each year and the size of trials. RESULTS: A total of 1618 trials were identified with a median total number of 43 patients per trial. Between 1970 and 2004 a small but constant rise in sample size from a median number of 30 to 60 patients per trial can be observed. The number of published trials was very low between 1948 and 1970, but increased between 1970 and 1986 to a maximum of 11.2 RCTs per journal and year. In the following time period a striking decline of the number of RCTs was observed. Between 1999 and 2001 only 0.8 RCTs per journal and year were published, in the next three years, the number of published trials increased to 1.7 RCTs per journal and year. CONCLUSION: German language general health care journals no longer have a role in the dissemination of trial results. The slight rise in the number of published RCTs in the last three years can be explained by a change of publication language from German to English of three of the analysed journals

    Inequalities in primary care management of knee pain and disability in older adults: an observational cohort study

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    Objectives. To describe primary care management of knee pain, in relation to National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) OA guidelines, and examine variation in management by patient characteristics

    No role for quality scores in systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy studies

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    BACKGROUND: There is a lack of consensus regarding the use of quality scores in diagnostic systematic reviews. The objective of this study was to use different methods of weighting items included in a quality assessment tool for diagnostic accuracy studies (QUADAS) to produce an overall quality score, and to examine the effects of incorporating these into a systematic review. METHODS: We developed five schemes for weighting QUADAS to produce quality scores. We used three methods to investigate the effects of quality scores on test performance. We used a set of 28 studies that assessed the accuracy of ultrasound for the diagnosis of vesico-ureteral reflux in children. RESULTS: The different methods of weighting individual items from the same quality assessment tool produced different quality scores. The different scoring schemes ranked different studies in different orders; this was especially evident for the intermediate quality studies. Comparing the results of studies stratified as "high" and "low" quality based on quality scores resulted in different conclusions regarding the effects of quality on estimates of diagnostic accuracy depending on the method used to produce the quality score. A similar effect was observed when quality scores were included in meta-regression analysis as continuous variables, although the differences were less apparent. CONCLUSION: Quality scores should not be incorporated into diagnostic systematic reviews. Incorporation of the results of the quality assessment into the systematic review should involve investigation of the association of individual quality items with estimates of diagnostic accuracy, rather than using a combined quality score

    Methods for the thematic synthesis of qualitative research in systematic reviews

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a growing recognition of the value of synthesising qualitative research in the evidence base in order to facilitate effective and appropriate health care. In response to this, methods for undertaking these syntheses are currently being developed. Thematic analysis is a method that is often used to analyse data in primary qualitative research. This paper reports on the use of this type of analysis in systematic reviews to bring together and integrate the findings of multiple qualitative studies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We describe thematic synthesis, outline several steps for its conduct and illustrate the process and outcome of this approach using a completed review of health promotion research. Thematic synthesis has three stages: the coding of text 'line-by-line'; the development of 'descriptive themes'; and the generation of 'analytical themes'. While the development of descriptive themes remains 'close' to the primary studies, the analytical themes represent a stage of interpretation whereby the reviewers 'go beyond' the primary studies and generate new interpretive constructs, explanations or hypotheses. The use of computer software can facilitate this method of synthesis; detailed guidance is given on how this can be achieved.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We used thematic synthesis to combine the studies of children's views and identified key themes to explore in the intervention studies. Most interventions were based in school and often combined learning about health benefits with 'hands-on' experience. The studies of children's views suggested that fruit and vegetables should be treated in different ways, and that messages should not focus on health warnings. Interventions that were in line with these suggestions tended to be more effective. Thematic synthesis enabled us to stay 'close' to the results of the primary studies, synthesising them in a transparent way, and facilitating the explicit production of new concepts and hypotheses.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We compare thematic synthesis to other methods for the synthesis of qualitative research, discussing issues of context and rigour. Thematic synthesis is presented as a tried and tested method that preserves an explicit and transparent link between conclusions and the text of primary studies; as such it preserves principles that have traditionally been important to systematic reviewing.</p
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