14 research outputs found


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    The problem of human resources is still a concern within the company to remain competitive in this globalization world. This shows that the problem of human resources greatly affect the implementation and success of the company in achieving goals and objectives. The company demand to obtain the development process and get quality human resources more urgent. And the development of human resource competence is necessary. This study uses experimental testing with several parameters of validity and reliability testing. For testing analysis using Taguchi Method. Based on the Response Table for Signal to Noise Ratios Nominal is best obtained taguchi test results obtained values obtained from the effect plot for means with the approach of table of means, then the intellectual competence is needed for the improvement of HR performance

    Formulation predictive dissolution (fPD) testing to advance oral drug product development: an introduction to the US FDA funded ‘21st Century BA/BE’ project

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    Over the past decade, formulation predictive dissolution (fPD) testing has gained increasing attention. Another mindset is pushed forward where scientists in our field are more confident to explore the in vivo behavior of an oral drug product by performing predictive in vitro dissolution studies. Similarly, there is an increasing interest in the application of modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD) frameworks and high-performance computing platforms to study the local processes underlying absorption within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In that way, CFD and computing platforms both can inform future PBPK-based in silico frameworks and determine the GI-motility-driven hydrodynamic impacts that should be incorporated into in vitro dissolution methods for in vivo relevance. Current compendial dissolution methods are not always reliable to predict the in vivo behavior, especially not for biopharmaceutics classification system (BCS) class 2/4 compounds suffering from a low aqueous solubility. Developing a predictive dissolution test will be more reliable, cost-effective and less time-consuming as long as the predictive power of the test is sufficiently strong. There is a need to develop a biorelevant, predictive dissolution method that can be applied by pharmaceutical drug companies to facilitate marketing access for generic and novel drug products. In 2014, Prof. Gordon L. Amidon and his team initiated a far-ranging research program designed to integrate (1) in vivo studies in humans in order to further improve the understanding of the intraluminal processing of oral dosage forms and dissolved drug along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, (2) advancement of in vitro methodologies that incorporates higher levels of in vivo relevance and (3) computational experiments to study the local processes underlying dissolution, transport and absorption within the intestines performed with a new unique CFD based framework. Of particular importance is revealing the physiological variables determining the variability in in vivo dissolution and GI absorption from person to person in order to address (potential) in vivo BE failures. This paper provides an introduction to this multidisciplinary project, informs the reader about current achievements and outlines future directions

    Enteric Hard Capsules for Targeting the Small Intestine: Positive Correlation between In Vitro Disintegration and Dissolution Times

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    In this study, the potential for correlation between disintegration and dissolution performance of enteric-coated (EC) dosage forms was investigated. Different enteric hard shell capsule formulations containing caffeine as model drug were tested for disintegration (in a compendial disintegration tester) and for dissolution in both USP type I (basket) and type II (paddle) apparatuses using different media. Overall, good correlations were obtained. This was observed for both the basket and the paddle apparatus, indicating that the use of disintegration testing as a surrogate for dissolution testing (allowed by International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) for immediate release dosage forms in case, in addition to other conditions, a correlation between disintegration and dissolution is proven) could be extended to include delayed release dosage forms

    In Vitro Methodologies for Evaluating Colon-Targeted Pharmaceutical Products and Industry Perspectives for Their Applications

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    Several locally acting colon-targeted products to treat colonic diseases have been recently developed and marketed, taking advantage of gastrointestinal physiology to target delivery. Main mechanisms involve pH-dependent, time-controlled and/or enzymatic-triggered release. With site of action located before systemic circulation and troublesome colonic sampling, there is room for the introduction of meaningful in vitro methods for development, quality control (QC) and regulatory applications of these formulations. A one-size-fits-all method seems unrealistic, as the selection of experimental conditions should resemble the physiological features exploited to trigger the release. This article reviews the state of the art for bio-predictive dissolution testing of colon-targeted products. Compendial methods overlook physiological aspects, such as buffer molarity and fluid composition. These are critical for pH-dependent products and time-controlled systems containing ionizable drugs. Moreover, meaningful methods for enzymatic-triggered products including either bacteria or enzymes are completely ignored by pharmacopeias. Bio-predictive testing may accelerate the development of successful products, although this may require complex methodologies. However, for high-throughput routine testing (e.g., QC), simplified methods can be used where balance is struck between simplicity, robustness and transferability on one side and bio-predictivity on the other. Ultimately, bio-predictive methods can occupy a special niche in terms of supplementing plasma concentration data for regulatory approval

    Toward Mechanistic Design of Surrogate Buffers for Dissolution Testing of pH-Dependent Drug Delivery Systems

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    The in vivo dissolution of enteric-coated (EC) products is often overestimated by compendial in vitro dissolution experiments. It is of great interest to mimic the in vivo conditions as closely as possible in vitro in order to predict the in vivo behavior of EC dosage forms. The reason behind this is the overly high buffering capacity of the common compendial buffers compared to the intestinal bicarbonate buffer. However, a bicarbonate-based buffer is technically difficult to handle due to the need for continuous sparging of the media with CO2 to maintain the desired buffer pH. Therefore, bicarbonate buffers are not commonly used in routine practice and a non-volatile alternative is of interest. A mathematical mass transport modelling approach was previously found to enable accurate calculation of surrogate buffer molarities for small molecule compounds; however, the additional complexity of polymeric materials makes this difficult to achieve for an enteric coat. In this work, an approach was developed allowing relatively rapid screening of potential surrogate buffers for enteric coating. It was found that the effective buffering pKa of bicarbonate at the surface of a dissolving enteric polymer tended to be around 5.5, becoming higher when the dissolving enteric polymer formed a gel of greater firmness/viscosity and vice versa. Using succinate (pKa 5.2 under physiological ionic strength) and/or citrate (pKa 5.7 under physiological ionic strength) at conjugate base molarities corresponding to bicarbonate molarities in the intestinal segments of interest as an initial “guess” can minimize the number of experimental iterations necessary to design an appropriate surrogate

    Comparative Evaluation of Dissolution Performance in a USP 2 Setup and Alternative Stirrers and Vessel Designs: A Systematic Computational Investigation

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    The dissolution testing method described in the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Chapter ⟨711⟩ is widely used for assessing the release of active pharmaceutical ingredients from solid dosage forms. However, extensive use over the years has revealed certain issues, including high experimental intervariability observed in specific formulations and the settling of particles in the dead zone of the vessel. To address these concerns and gain a comprehensive understanding of the hydrodynamic conditions within the USP 2 apparatus, computational fluid dynamic simulations have been employed in this study. The base design employed in this study is the 900 mL USP 2 vessel along with a paddle stirrer at a 50 rpm rotational speed. Additionally, alternative stirrer designs, including the hydrofoil, pitched blade, and Rushton impeller, are investigated. A comparison is also made between a flat-bottom tank and the USP round-bottom vessel of the same volume and diameter. Furthermore, this work examines the impact of various parameters, such as clearance distance (distance between the bottom of the impeller and bottom of the vessel), number of impeller blades, impeller diameter, and impeller attachment angle. The volume-average shear rate (Stv), fluid velocity (Utv), and energy dissipation rates (ϵtv) represent the key properties evaluated in this study. Comparing the USP2 design and systems with the same stirrer but flat-bottom vessel reveals more homogeneous mixing compared to the USP2 design. Analyzing fluid flow streamlines in different designs demonstrates that hydrofoil stirrers generate more suspension or upward movement of fluid compared to paddle stirrers. Therefore, when impellers are of a similar size, hydrofoil designs generate higher fluid velocities in the coning area. Furthermore, the angle of blade attachment to the hub influences the fluid velocity in the coning area in a way that the 60° angle design generates more suspension than the 45° angle design. The findings indicate that the paddle stirrer design leads to a heterogeneous shear rate and velocity distributions within the vessel compared with the other designs, suggesting suboptimal performance. These insights provide valuable guidance for the development of improved in vitro dissolution testing devices, emphasizing the importance of optimized design considerations to minimize hydrodynamic variability, enhance dissolution characterization, and reduce variability in dissolution test results. Ultimately, such advancements hold potential for improving in vitro–in vivo correlations in drug development

    Mass Transport Analysis of the Enhanced Buffer Capacity of the Bicarbonate-CO2 Buffer in a Phase-Heterogenous System: Physiological and Pharmaceutical Significance

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    The bicarbonate buffer capacity is usually considered in a phase-homogeneous system, at equilibrium, with no CO2 transfer between the liquid buffer phase and another phase. However, typically, an in vitro bicarbonate buffer-based system is a phase-heterogeneous system, as it entails continuously sparging (bubbling) the dissolution medium with CO2 in a gas mixture, at constant ratio, to maintain a constant partial pressure of CO2 (g) and CO2(aq) molarity at a prescribed value, with CO2 diffusing freely between the gas and the aqueous phases. The human gastrointestinal tract is also a phase-heterogeneous system, with CO2 diffusing across the mucosal membrane into the mesenteric arterial blood, which serves as a sink for CO2 from the intestinal lumen. In this report, a mass transport analysis of the apparent buffer capacity of a phase-heterogeneous bicarbonate-CO2 system is developed. It is shown that, most significantly, a phase-heterogeneous bicarbonate-CO2 system can have a much higher buffer capacity than a phase-homogeneous system such that the buffer capacity is dependent on the bicarbonate concentration. It is double that of a phase-homogeneous system at the pH = p Ka for a monoprotic buffer at the same concentration. This buffer capacity enhancement increases hyperbolically with pH above the p Ka, thus providing a much stronger buffering to keep the pH in the physiologically neutral range. The buffer capacity will be dependent on the bicarbonate molarity (which in vivo will depend on the bicarbonate secretion rate) and not the pH of the luminal fluid. Further, there is no conjugate acid accumulation as a result of bicarbonate neutralization, since the resulting carbonic acid (H2CO3) rapidly dehydrates producing CO2 and H2O. The mass transport analysis developed in this report is further supported by in vitro experimental results. This enhanced bicarbonate buffer capacity in a phase-heterogeneous system is of physiological significance as well as significant for the dissolution and absorption of ionizable drugs.status: publishe