62 research outputs found


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    The article analyzes a currently topical problem – moral education of children. Scientists and educationalists, having explored the issues of children’s moral education, acknowledge that the development of a person open to moral values as well as his/her moral consciousness, and the formation of moral behaviour necessitate both rational and intuitive fundamentals of a personality invoked by ethno-music. Theoretical analysis discloses the relevance and impact of ethno-music on the moral education of pre-school children.  Children’s moral education is based on children’s experience and closely related to their personal problems and the ones of the surrounding environment, which ensures the formation of a moral personality. It is maintained that special attention should be paid to the development of emotions and feelings, which is significant in education children’s moral behaviour. KEY WORDS: pre-school children, development of moral behaviour, values of ethno-music, parents, teachers

    Vaiko dvasinių galių aktyvinimas etnomuzika

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    In this article it is analysed the possibilities of making child's spirit power more active using ethno-music. Ethno-music is an art of sounds and can have a deep influence on the emotions of a human being. The primitive means of expressions and simple forms as well the near and understandable heroes of the poetic text suits not only for the elementary abilities, knowledge and skill training but as well has a great influence on the total education of the personality. Small children are very emotional so the influence of ethno-music on them is very great. Musical activity grounded by ethno-music, induces child's power of spirit to be active. It is manifested in child's communication, moral behaviour with adults, other children, animals, nature, toys, things and so on. The article also reveals, that very important role educating child's moral behaviour belongs to ethno-music. ln poetical songs, games texts, in simple melodies of children songs we can find a lot of good and moral behaviour elements. The data of completed upbringing experiment confirms that ethno-music has very big importance making child's spiritual power more active.Straipsnyje aptariamos vaiko dvasinių galių aktyvinimo etnomuzika galimybės. Šalia to analizuojamos kai kurios, tyrimų duomenimis pagrįstos ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų dorovinio elgesio kaitos apraiškos


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    This article focuses on the analysis of the issue of children and play-based learning. The theoretical position that play and learning are frequently integrated processes for a child and that there are methods of teacher-child interaction which make play-based learning more efficient, is followed. The pedagogical strategies that enable a child to learn through play without disrupting the authenticity of the play itself are theoretically substantiated: the strategy for promotion of children’s learning “en passant”, the strategy for initiation and promotion of joint attention, the strategy for promotion of children’s learning from peers, the strategy for promotion of communicative teacher-children encounters in play and the strategy for promotion of children’s reflection on play-based learning. On the basis of the qualitative research, the specific methods of practical implementation of each strategy have been described

    Ways to promote activity in the family and kindergarten by development of pre-school age children's musical expression

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    Bibliogr. str. galeThe article is an overview of musical expression of a personality reflected in works by education researches and psychologists. The work discloses ways to promote activity in the family and kindergarten through development of pre-school age children's musical expression. Besides, the article includes a representation of research results indicating that there exists a great diversity of ways used for promoting children's activities and stimulating children's musical expression as well as the ability to acquire spiritual values from parents and educatorsVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Ankstyvojo amžiaus vaikų tikslios muzikinės intonacijos lavinimas

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    Pre-school children feel a strong need for engaging in musical activity. The aim of the survey was to discuss the possibilities of children aged 3–4 for developing correct musical intonation. Methods applied in the survey: analysis of scientific literature, training experiment, individual laboratory test, observation of the educational process and shareholders whereof and statistical methods. The survey included groups of 15 children aged 3-4. It was established that inborn musical abilities of children aged 3–4 are of the average level but they change and appropriately develop only due to musical activity. Correct intonation at the time of singing depends on children’s vocal abilities. Children’s voices are very individual, they differ not only in sonority but also in volume and height of vocal range, and therefore, education should be differentiated. The survey revealed the relation between voice and quality of ear for music. Developing of correct musical intonation is substantially subject to the appropriate and systematic developing of the child’s inborn musical abilities and vocal potential from early childhood. Developing of correct musical intonation is a multifold regular performing of the same exercises, singing of songs and opportunity to sing everyday in different activity. Movements of the child’s vocal apparatus must be prepared to automatically pronounce sounds and coordinate them with the ear. Individual work with the child produces especially good results. It was extremely important integrate songs, exercises and games into various activities

    Moral education of 4-6 year old children

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Peculiaritiesof moral behaviour of 4-6 year old children

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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjami ir aptariami 4-6 metų vaikų doro elgesio ypatumai. Teorinėje problemos analizėje aptariama edukologų, psichologų požiūrio į doro elgesio ugdymą svarba, pateikiama doro elgesio samprata. Remiantis tėvų ir pedagogų anketinės apklausos tyrimo duomenimis, atskleidžiamas respondentų požiūris į vaikų dorą elgesį su tėvais, pedagogais, bendraamžiais, gyvūnais, daiktais. Kriterinio vaikų doro elgesio stebėjimo tyrimo duomenys leidžia pateikti vaikų doro elgesio jiems žaidžiant ypatumus, nustatyti doro elgesio nepastovumo priežastis. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikai; Tėvai; Pedagogai; Dorinis ugdymas; Vaikų doras elgesys; Pre-school childrens; Parents; Educators; Moral education; Children's moral behaviourThe article analyses and discusses the problems related to moral behaviour of 4-6 year old children. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of the problem, the conception of moral behaviour is revealed and the importance of attitude of education scientists' to moral behaviour is reviewed. The aim of the article is to identify the peculiarities of moral behaviour of four-six year old children. Criteria-based observation of children's moral behaviour and questionnaire survey of parents and educators allowed for identification of children's moral behaviour with parents, educators, peers, animals and objects. The research methodology by R. Bakutytė was applied, adapting it to 4-6 year old children. The sample included 420 four-six year old children, attending pre-school education institutions in different Lithuanian towns and districts, 420 parents and 176 educators. The research results established that children's moral behaviour is manifested in their relations with parents, educators, peers, animals and objects. The main factor for 4-6 year old child's moral behaviour evaluation is its consistency. The questionnaire survey of parents and educators showed that only one third of 4-6 year old children establish very consistent behaviour patterns with their parents, educators, peers, animals and objects, whereas the other two thirds demonstrate consistent, not very consistent or non-consistent behaviour patterns. The inconsistence of children's moral behaviour is determined by children's psycho-physical peculiarities, lack of behaviour skills, ego-centrism, strong emotional experiences and so on

    Aktyvumo skatinimo būdai šeimoje ir darželyje, plėtojant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų muzikinę raišką

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    The article discusses personal musical expression analysed in works of educologists and psychologists. It establishes ways to promote activeness in family and kindergarten by developing musical expression of pre-school children. At the same time it presents research data showing that ways to promote activeness in family and kindergarten which help to develop children’s musical expression and the ability of taking over spiritual values of their parents and teachers are very different but some of them are more efficient in the family while others – at kindergarten