Peculiaritiesof moral behaviour of 4-6 year old children


Straipsnyje nagrinėjami ir aptariami 4-6 metų vaikų doro elgesio ypatumai. Teorinėje problemos analizėje aptariama edukologų, psichologų požiūrio į doro elgesio ugdymą svarba, pateikiama doro elgesio samprata. Remiantis tėvų ir pedagogų anketinės apklausos tyrimo duomenimis, atskleidžiamas respondentų požiūris į vaikų dorą elgesį su tėvais, pedagogais, bendraamžiais, gyvūnais, daiktais. Kriterinio vaikų doro elgesio stebėjimo tyrimo duomenys leidžia pateikti vaikų doro elgesio jiems žaidžiant ypatumus, nustatyti doro elgesio nepastovumo priežastis. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikai; Tėvai; Pedagogai; Dorinis ugdymas; Vaikų doras elgesys; Pre-school childrens; Parents; Educators; Moral education; Children's moral behaviourThe article analyses and discusses the problems related to moral behaviour of 4-6 year old children. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of the problem, the conception of moral behaviour is revealed and the importance of attitude of education scientists' to moral behaviour is reviewed. The aim of the article is to identify the peculiarities of moral behaviour of four-six year old children. Criteria-based observation of children's moral behaviour and questionnaire survey of parents and educators allowed for identification of children's moral behaviour with parents, educators, peers, animals and objects. The research methodology by R. Bakutytė was applied, adapting it to 4-6 year old children. The sample included 420 four-six year old children, attending pre-school education institutions in different Lithuanian towns and districts, 420 parents and 176 educators. The research results established that children's moral behaviour is manifested in their relations with parents, educators, peers, animals and objects. The main factor for 4-6 year old child's moral behaviour evaluation is its consistency. The questionnaire survey of parents and educators showed that only one third of 4-6 year old children establish very consistent behaviour patterns with their parents, educators, peers, animals and objects, whereas the other two thirds demonstrate consistent, not very consistent or non-consistent behaviour patterns. The inconsistence of children's moral behaviour is determined by children's psycho-physical peculiarities, lack of behaviour skills, ego-centrism, strong emotional experiences and so on

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