2,778 research outputs found

    States’ Rights, Southern Hypocrisy, and the Crisis of the Union

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    This article explores the arguments used by southern secessionists to explain why they left the Union. The article demonstrates that support for states\u27 rights was not the main reason for secession, and that on the contrary, most of the slave states left the Union because the free states were exercising their states\u27 rights in opposing slavery. The main reason for secession, as this essay shows, was the desire to protect slavery and to create a new nation, self-consciously based on slavery and white supremacy. This article began as part of an AALS legal history section program in 2010 and is part of a symposium based on the papers given at that session

    What macroeconomic shocks affect the German banking system? Analysis in an integrated micro-macro model

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    We analyze what macroeconomic shocks affect the soundness of the German banking system and how this, in turn, feeds back into the macroeconomic environment. Recent turmoils on the international financial markets have shown very clearly that assessing the degree to which banks are vulnerable to macroeconomic shocks is of utmost importance to investors and policy makers. We propose to use a VAR framework that takes feedback effects between the financial sector and the macroeconomic environment into account. We identify responses of a distress indicator for the German banking system to a battery of different structural shocks. We find that monetary policy shocks, fiscal policy shocks, and real estate price shocks have a significant impact on the probability of distress in the banking system. We identify some differences across type of banks and different distress categories, though these differences are often small and do not show any systematic patterns. --VAR,banking sector stability,sign restriction approach

    Three-dimensional hydrodynamical CO5BOLD model atmospheres of red giant stars VI. First chromosphere model of a late-type giant

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    Although observational data unequivocally point out to the presence of chromospheres in red giant stars, no attempts have been made so far to model them using 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres. We therefore compute an exploratory 3D hydrodynamical model atmosphere for a cool red giant in order to study the dynamical and thermodynamic properties of its chromosphere, as well as the influence of the chromosphere on its observable properties. 3D radiation hydrodynamics simulations are carried out with the CO5BOLD model atmosphere code for a star with the atmospheric parameters (Teff=4010 K, log g=1.5, [M/H]=0.0), which are similar to those of the K-type giant star Aldebaran (alpha Tau). ... we compute the emergent continuum intensity maps at different wavelengths, spectral line profiles of Ca II K, the Ca II infrared triplet line at 854.2nm, and H alpha, as well as the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the emergent radiative flux. The initial model quickly develops a dynamical chromosphere characterised by propagating and interacting shock waves. The peak temperatures in the chromospheric shock fronts reach values on the order of up to 5000 K although the shock fronts remain quite narrow. Like for the Sun, the gas temperature distribution in the upper layers is composed of a cool component due to adiabatic cooling in the expanding post-shock regions and a hot component due to shock waves. For this red giant model, the hot component is a rather flat high-temperature tail, which nevertheless affects the resulting average temperatures significantly. The simulations show that the atmospheres of red giant stars are dynamic and intermittent. Consequently, many observable properties cannot be reproduced with one-dimensional static models but demand for advanced 3D HD modelling. Furthermore, including a chromosphere in the models might produce significant contributions to the emergent UV flux.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, A&A (2017, accepted

    Antibody-mediated rejection of arterialised venous allografts is inhibited by immunosuppression in rats: Antibody-mediated rejection of arterialised venousallografts is inhibited by immunosuppression in rats

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    We determined in a rat model (1) the presence and dynamics of alloantibodies recognizing MHC complexes on quiescent Brown-Norway (BN) splenic cells in the sera of Lewis (LEW) recipients of Brown-Norway iliolumbar vein grafts under tacrolimus immunosuppression; and (2) the presence of immunoglobulins in the wall of acute rejected vein allografts


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    In the last decade, eSupport (Internet-reliant therapy) has gained substantial attention, both in research and practice. Several studies in psychology show that structured eSupport (e.g. Computerized Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), is promising both with regard to therapeutic efficacy and cost-effectiveness. However, the transition from face-to-face therapy to eSupport creates new challenges for therapists, such as lack of (traditional) structure and access to secondary information (e.g. body language) about their patients. In this paper, a design science research approach has been employed in the context of eSupport. Drawing on the knowledge base of face-to-face conversations, face-to-face therapy, and pragmatic IS theory, a framework for patient indicators has been designed. The design has been justified through both (i) descriptive evaluations based on the selected knowledge base, and (ii) experiences collected in a stakeholder-centric design process, including experimental evaluation of an eSupport platform that implement the indicator framework. The framework was designed to allow new indicators to be ?plugged in? dynamically and inserted into tailorable lists. New indicators can be created either through specialization of an indicator base class, or by configuring metadata for generic indicators that tap into an action log. Indicator values are cached, both to boost performance and to support trend analysis of patient indicators. We conclude that the indicator framework serves to improve support for therapists: It offers structure and access to both primary and secondary information in new ways. In doing so, it meets some of the key challenges that therapists encounter in the transition to eSupport

    Unfolding spinor wavefunctions and expectation values of general operators: Introducing the unfolding-density operator

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    We show that the spectral weights WmK(k)W_{m\vec K}(\vec k) used for the unfolding of two-component spinor eigenstates ψmKSC>=α>ψmKSC,α>+β>ψmKSC,β>| {\psi_{m\vec K}^\mathrm{SC}} > = | \alpha > | {\psi_{m\vec{K}}^\mathrm{SC, \alpha}} > + | \beta > | {\psi_{m\vec{K}}^\mathrm{SC, \beta}} > can be decomposed as the sum of the partial spectral weights WmKμ(k)W_{m\vec{K}}^{\mu}(\vec k) calculated for each component μ=α,β\mu = \alpha, \beta independently, effortlessly turning a possibly complicated problem involving two coupled quantities into two independent problems of easy solution. Furthermore, we define the unfolding-density operator ρ^K(ki;ε)\hat{\rho}_{\vec{K}}(\vec{k}_{i}; \, \varepsilon), which unfolds the primitive cell expectation values φpc(k;ε)\varphi^{pc}(\vec{k}; \varepsilon) of any arbitrary operator φ^\mathbf{\hat\varphi} according to φpc(ki;ε)=Tr(ρ^K(ki;ε)φ^)\varphi^{pc}(\vec{k}_{i}; \varepsilon) = \mathit{Tr}(\hat{\rho}_{\vec{K}}(\vec{k}_{i}; \, \varepsilon)\,\,\hat{\varphi}). As a proof of concept, we apply the method to obtain the unfolded band structures, as well as the expectation values of the Pauli spin matrices, for prototypical physical systems described by two-component spinor eigenfunctions

    Betriebscharakterisierung zur Optimierung der Zuchtwertschätzung insbesondere in kleinen Populationen

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit war es basierend auf Betriebscharakterisierungen Betriebstypen zu identifizieren, welche in späteren Untersuchungen genutzt werden sollen, um den allgemeingültigen Betriebseffekt durch einen "Betriebstypeneffekt" im Zuchtwertschätzmodell zu ersetzen, mit dem Ziel die Sicherheit der Zuchtwerte zu erhöhen. Die Charakterisierung beinhaltete Merkmale zu Betrieb, Stall, Weide, Herdenmanagement, Fütterung, Nachzucht, Fruchtbarkeitsmanagement, den verfügbaren Arbeitskräften und dem Tagesablauf sowie detaillierte Informationen zum Herdenmanager (Bildungsstand, Weiterbildung, etc.). Insgesamt wurden 20 DSN- und 9 HF-Betriebe analysiert