62 research outputs found

    Steampunk-henkinen goottivaatemallisto isokokoisille naisille : My Sire

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    Opinnäytetyön lähtökohtana oli selvittää, miten naisten XL-pukeutumista voisi kehittää ja parantaa. Haluttiin löytää XL-vaatetuksen epäkohtia ja käyttää tietoa hyväksi tulevan yrityksen, Sanna Von Steamin toiminnassa. Tavoitteena oli myös valmistaa Sanna Von Steamin ensimmäinen mallisto, joka toimi samalla opinnäytetyön toiminnallisena osuutena. Toiminnallisessa osuudessa suunniteltiin ja valmistettiin dark vampire steampunk-henkinen vaatemallisto isoja vaatekokoja käyttäville naisille. Suunnitteluosuus tehtiin ennen kuin internet-kyselyn tulokset olivat selvillä, joten suunnittelu oli ennakoivaa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin pääosin strukturoitua internet-kyselytutkimusta, jolle rajattiin selkeä kohderyhmä. Kvantitatiivisten tulosten syventämiseksi tutkimukseen sisällytettiin myös kvalitatiivisia ominaisuuksia. Opinnäytetyön kohderyhmäksi määriteltiin nuori nainen, joka on gootti ja vaatekooltaan vähintään 42. Vastausmahdollisuus annettiin myös erikoisempaa ja rohkeampaa XL-vaatetusta toivoville isokokoisille nuorille naisille. Opinnäytetyöllä on myös empiirisen tutkimuksen piirteitä, sillä osa tiedosta perustuu tutkijan omiin havaintoihin. Kyselystä kävi ilmi, että lähes 100 prosenttia vastaajista oli tyytymättömiä suomalaiseen XL-vaatetarjontaan. Suurimmat epäkohdat löytyivät XL-vaatteiden esteettisestä ulkonäöstä ja goottivaatteiden liian pienestä mitoituksesta. Vastaajat toivoivat myös sekä XL- että goottivaatteiden ulkonäön uudistamista. Toiminnallisen osuuden tuloksena syntyi My Sire -mallisto, joka oli suunniteltu synkkään steampunk-henkeen isoja kokoja käyttäville naisille. Opinnäytetyössä saatiin selville, mitä suunnittelijan tulee ottaa huomioon tehdessään vaatemallistoa opinnäytetyössä mainitulle kohderyhmälle. Kyselytutkimus osoittautui hyväksi tutkimusmenetelmäksi, sillä suljetuilla kysymyksillä saatiin yleistäviä vastauksia tutkimusongelmasta. Avoimet kysymykset taas toivat vastauksiin syvyyttä, joista saatiin selville tarkkojakin kehitysalueita.The starting point of the thesis was to find out how women's plus size clothing could be developed and improved. The aim was to find out specific inadequates in plus size clothing and to use this knowledge for the benefit of an unofficial small-scale business, Sanna Von Steam. The aim was also to create Sanna Von Steams first clothing collection. This objective worked as the functional part of the thesis. Sanna Von Steams first collection was inspired by dark vampire steampunk and it was aimed for plus size women. The designing process itself was proactive, carried out prior to the Internet survey. The research method was a structured Internet survey that was aimed at a predefined target group. The research contained mainly quantitative questions. Qualitative questions were concluded in the survey to specify respondents' thoughts. The target group was formed from young gothic women and who wear at least size EU42. Women who were interested in dressing up more exceptionally and boldly in plus size clothes were also given the opportunity to reply. The thesis also had characteristics of an empiric study due to the fact that some of the knowledge was based on the Author's own observations. The results showed that nearly 100 percent of the respondents are unhappy of the current situation in the Finnish plus size market area. The biggest inadequates were found in the appearance of plus size clothes and in the sizing of gothic clothes. The respondents also hoped that reformation in the appearance of clothes would be conducted in both areas. A dark steampunk collection called My Sire was a result in the functional part of the thesis. The factors that designers must consider when designing a collection for a specific subculture in the plus size market area were pointed out. The Internet survey proved to be a right choice for this research. Quantitative questions gave generic results to the question at hand. Qualitative questions gave depth in to the answers and through those results some accurate development areas were discovered

    Adaptive Development of a Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure Facing Local Prospects and Socio-Technological Trends

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    The regional Lounaispaikka-SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) in south-west Finland is being developed by a dynamic assembly of the region’s geospatial expertise and its networking, spatial data and geoportal services. Emerging as a data-centric constellation that supported the region’s geographical information professionals, this assembly has developed into a geospatial service with more broadly-focused public information on the region. This development has had five adaptive phases, each as a response to changing local needs and fast-evolving trends in information and communication technologies. Alongside these processes, the Lounaispaikka-SDI has also reinforced the region’s geospatial competencies with benefits offered to academia, public sector institutions, and companies

    DNA based detection of blackleg and soft rot disease causing Erwinia strains in seed potatoes

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    Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica (Eca), Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora (Ecc) and Erwinia chrysanthemi (Ech) are the different sub species of Erwinia that cause the diseases commonly known as blackleg, aerial stem rot and soft rot on potato. Blackleg and aerial stem rot affect vines during the growing season, whereas soft rot affects tubers in the field and during transit and storage. The three species can cause soft rot under cool and moist conditions. E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica is the major cause of blackleg, a blackening of the stem base of potato plants, which originates from the mother tuber (Pérombelon and Kelman, 1987). Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora mainly causes aerial stem rot (aerial blackleg), but under high temperatures it has been reported to cause blackleg like symptoms. E. chrysanthemi also induces blackleg-like symptoms. Until recently E. chrysanthemi had been mainly confined to warmer climates of Europe, Australia and the tropics. To date the species has been known to occur in cool temperate regions including Finland. In Finland E. chrysanthemi the strain has been reported for the first time in 2004 and it appears to spread fast in certain parts of country (Degefu, unpublished, Pirhonen, personal communication). Although infested crop residues and rotting tubers are among the important sources of inoculum, latent infections in seed tuber provide the major source of infection in potato production (Hannukkala and Segertedt, 2004). At the seed potato laboratory MTT, Ruukki we are carrying out research and services on PCR (DNA) based detection of latent infection of blackleg and soft rot Erwinia strains. The enrichment of the bacteria in semi selective liquid medium prior to PCR ( BIO-PCR) is an important initial step for the success in PCR detection extremely low number of the target bacteria from tubers. The different strains appear to differ in their ability to compete with other saprophytes and reach the target detection limit of bacterial population during the enrichment culture of the potato peel extract. Results of prior PCR enrichment of the bacteria, detection limits of the different strains and preliminary data, from the analysis of some seed lots from the high grade area of north Ostrobothnia and Åland regions, on the occurrence of the strains and the new trends of introduction and spread of E. chrysanthemi in Finland are presented and discussed. Evaluation of the current status of Erwinia diagnostics and areas of future research are highlighte

    Poor respiratory health outcomes associated with high illness worry and alexithymia : Eleven-year prospective cohort study among the working-age population

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    Objective: Poor respiratory health outcomes have been associated with poorer physical health and higher psychological distress. The aim of this study was to investigate whether illness worry, alexithymia or low sense of coherence predict i) the onset of new respiratory disease, ii) respiratory symptoms or iii) lung function among the working-age population, independently of comorbidity mood-, anxiety, or alcohol abuse disorders.& nbsp;Methods: The study was conducted among a nationally representative sample of the Finnish population (BRIF8901) aged 30-54 years (N = 2310) in 2000-2001 and was followed up in 2011. Individuals with a diagnosed respiratory disease or a severe psychiatric disorder at baseline were excluded. Lung function was measured by a spirometry test and psychiatric disorders were diagnosed using a structured clinical interview. Structured questionnaires were used to measure self-reported respiratory symptoms and diseases, illness worry, alexithymia, and sense of coherence.& nbsp;Results: High illness worry predicted an 11-year incidence of asthma (OR 1.47, 95% CI 1.09-1.99, p = 0.01). Alexithymia predicted shortness of breath (OR 1.32, 95% CI 1.13-1.53, p < 0.01) and 11-year incidence of COPD (OR 2.84, 95% CI 1.37-5.88, p < 0.01), even after several adjustments for physical and mental health. Psychological dispositions did not associate with lung function in 2011.& nbsp;Conclusions: In the general population, psychological factors that modify health behaviour predicted adverse respiratory health outcomes independently of lung function after 11 years of follow-up. This indicates that considering them part of personalized treatment planning is important for promoting health-related behaviour among the working-age population.Peer reviewe

    Kaupunkien rooli kestävyysmurroksessa : Planetaarisen kaupungistumisen ja kaupunkien aineenvaihdunnan näkökulmat

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    Cities are increasingly profiling themselves as active agents within the transition towards sustainability. Despite many apparent efforts, discussion on “sustainable cities” has often focused on narrowly defined problems and ignored the interconnectedness of ecological, social, and economic issues that extend beyond the boundaries of formal city regions. Hence, this paper highlights the need for more systemic approaches, taking into account the multifaceted nature of urban sustainability. We use planetary urbanism, urban metabolism, and inclusiveness as conceptual lenses to demonstrate the embeddedness of cities in planetary ecological systems and social structures. We present four examples of urban initiatives that extend from strategic tools to practical urban planning in order to elucidate more holistic ways of thinking about and moving towards, urban sustainability. Our examination calls for rethinking prevailing ideas of cities as forerunners of sustainable development and highlights the need for collaboration for curbing potentially harmful socio-spatial divisions

    Comprehensive transcriptomic analysis shows disturbed calcium homeostasis and deregulation of T lymphocyte apoptosis in inclusion body myositis

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    Objective Inclusion body myositis (IBM) has an unclear molecular etiology exhibiting both characteristic inflammatory T-cell activity and rimmed-vacuolar degeneration of muscle fibers. Using in-depth gene expression and splicing studies, we aimed at understanding the different components of the molecular pathomechanisms in IBM. Methods We performed RNA-seq on RNA extracted from skeletal muscle biopsies of clinically and histopathologically defined IBM (n = 24), tibial muscular dystrophy (n = 6), and histopathologically normal group (n = 9). In a comprehensive transcriptomics analysis, we analyzed the differential gene expression, differential splicing and exon usage, downstream pathway analysis, and the interplay between coding and non-coding RNAs (micro RNAs and long non-coding RNAs). Results We observe dysregulation of genes involved in calcium homeostasis, particularly affecting the T-cell activity and regulation, causing disturbed Ca2+-induced apoptotic pathways of T cells in IBM muscles. Additionally, LCK/p56, which is an essential gene in regulating the fate of T-cell apoptosis, shows increased expression and altered splicing usage in IBM muscles. Interpretation Our analysis provides a novel understanding of the molecular mechanisms in IBM by showing a detailed dysregulation of genes involved in calcium homeostasis and its effect on T-cell functioning in IBM muscles. Loss of T-cell regulation is hypothesized to be involved in the consistent observation of no response to immune therapies in IBM patients. Our results show that loss of apoptotic control of cytotoxic T cells could indeed be one component of their abnormal cytolytic activity in IBM muscles.Peer reviewe

    The association of psychological factors and healthcare use with the discrepancy between subjective and objective respiratory-health complaints in the general population

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    Background. We examined the prevalence of self-perceived respiratory symptoms (SRS) in the absence of any objective findings of respiratory pathology, and the association of such prevalence with psychological factors and healthcare use in the general population. Methods. The study was conducted among a nationally representative sample of Finnish adults (BRIF8901). Respiratory functioning was measured by a spirometry test. Structured questionnaires were used to measure SRS, physician visits and psychological factors of alexithymia, sense of coherence, illness worry and common mental disorders. Individuals with a diagnosed respiratory disease or a severe psychiatric disorder, determined in a diagnostic interview, were excluded, giving a sample comprising 4544 participants. Results. Twenty-six per cent of the general population and 36% of those with no diagnosed severe psychiatric disorder or respiratory disease experienced SRS despite a normal spirometry result. Psychological factors were associated with SRS (0.0001 <p <0.032), and on the number of physician visit explaining 42.7% of the difference in visits between individuals with and without SRS, respectively. Illness worry was associated most strongly with SRS [odds ratio (OR) 1.29, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.19-1.41, p <0.0001] and higher numbers of physician visits (OR 1.35, CI 1.32-1.38, p <0.00001), even after several adjustments. Conclusions. Respiratory symptoms without objective findings are common in the general population. The study results underline the role of psychological factors in the reporting of respiratory symptoms and the associated medical burden, thereby indicating the functional nature of the symptomatology.Peer reviewe

    Poor respiratory health outcomes associated with high illness worry and alexithymia : Eleven-year prospective cohort study among the working-age population

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    Objective: Poor respiratory health outcomes have been associated with poorer physical health and higher psychological distress. The aim of this study was to investigate whether illness worry, alexithymia or low sense of coherence predict i) the onset of new respiratory disease, ii) respiratory symptoms or iii) lung function among the working-age population, independently of comorbidity mood-, anxiety, or alcohol abuse disorders. Methods: The study was conducted among a nationally representative sample of the Finnish population (BRIF8901) aged 30–54 years (N = 2310) in 2000–2001 and was followed up in 2011. Individuals with a diagnosed respiratory disease or a severe psychiatric disorder at baseline were excluded. Lung function was measured by a spirometry test and psychiatric disorders were diagnosed using a structured clinical interview. Structured questionnaires were used to measure self-reported respiratory symptoms and diseases, illness worry, alexithymia, and sense of coherence. Results: High illness worry predicted an 11-year incidence of asthma (OR 1.47, 95% CI 1.09–1.99, p = 0.01). Alexithymia predicted shortness of breath (OR 1.32, 95% CI 1.13–1.53, p < 0.01) and 11-year incidence of COPD (OR 2.84, 95% CI 1.37–5.88, p < 0.01), even after several adjustments for physical and mental health. Psychological dispositions did not associate with lung function in 2011. Conclusions: In the general population, psychological factors that modify health behaviour predicted adverse respiratory health outcomes independently of lung function after 11 years of follow-up. This indicates that considering them part of personalized treatment planning is important for promoting health-related behaviour among the working-age population.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Poor respiratory health outcomes associated with high illness worry and alexithymia: Eleven-year prospective cohort study among the working-age population

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    ObjectivePoor respiratory health outcomes have been associated with poorer physical health and higher psychological distress. The aim of this study was to investigate whether illness worry, alexithymia or low sense of coherence predict i) the onset of new respiratory disease, ii) respiratory symptoms or iii) lung function among the working-age population, independently of comorbidity mood-, anxiety, or alcohol abuse disorders.MethodsThe study was conducted among a nationally representative sample of the Finnish population (BRIF8901) aged 30–54 years (N = 2310) in 2000–2001 and was followed up in 2011. Individuals with a diagnosed respiratory disease or a severe psychiatric disorder at baseline were excluded. Lung function was measured by a spirometry test and psychiatric disorders were diagnosed using a structured clinical interview. Structured questionnaires were used to measure self-reported respiratory symptoms and diseases, illness worry, alexithymia, and sense of coherence.ResultsHigh illness worry predicted an 11-year incidence of asthma (OR 1.47, 95% CI 1.09–1.99, p = 0.01). Alexithymia predicted shortness of breath (OR 1.32, 95% CI 1.13–1.53, p ConclusionsIn the general population, psychological factors that modify health behaviour predicted adverse respiratory health outcomes independently of lung function after 11 years of follow-up. This indicates that considering them part of personalized treatment planning is important for promoting health-related behaviour among the working-age population.</p