216 research outputs found

    Police Dyads Within an Operational Simulation: an Empirical Test of the Research Propositions Made in the “Big Five” Teamwork Approach

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    Based on the impact of the theoretical big five of teamwork model proposed by Salas et al. (2005), the present study aimed at investigating the model within an operational police simulation. One hundred and sixty-seven frontline police officers participated in the study. Based on path analyses, a reduced model excluding trust and leadership obtained a good fit with the data. The results provided some support for the model by confirming six out of 10 proposed direct effects and four out of seven indirect pathways. Shared mental models directly affected team adaptability, and backup behavior affects adaptability and team effectiveness. Team orientation affects mutual performance monitoring and backup behavior, and finally, reciprocal monitoring affects backup behavior. Monitoring influenced both team effectiveness and adaptability through backup behavior. Two paths from team orientation towards effectiveness were found. One flowing through monitoring and another through back-up behavior. Our study expands former knowledge of the big five theory by empirically testing the totality of the model and identifying important pathways.publishedVersio

    The influence of an intermediate care hospital on health care utilization among elderly patients - a retrospective comparative cohort study

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    Background: An intermediate care hospital (ICH) was established in a municipality in Central Norway in 2007 to improve the coordination of services and follow-up among elderly and chronically ill patients after hospital discharge. The aim of this study was to compare health care utilization by elderly patients in a municipality with an ICH to that of elderly patients in a municipality without an ICH. Methods: This study was a retrospective comparative cohort study of all hospitalized patients aged 60 years or older in two municipalities. The data were collected from the national register of hospital use from 2005 to 2012, and from the local general hospital and two primary health care service providers from 2008 to 2012 (approx. 1,250 patients per follow-up year). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results: The length of hospital stay decreased from the time the ICH was introduced and remained between 10% and 22% lower than the length of hospital stay in the comparative municipality for the next five years. No differences in the number of readmissions or admissions during one year follow-up after the index stay at the local general hospital or changes in primary health care utilization were observed. In the year after hospital discharge, the municipality with an ICH offered more hour-based care to elderly patients living at home (estimated mean = 234 [95% CI 215-252] versus 175 [95% CI 154-196] hours per person and year), while the comparative municipality had a higher utilization of long-term stays in nursing homes (estimated mean = 33.3 [95% CI 29.0-37.7] versus 21.9 [95% CI 18.0-25.7] days per person and year). Conclusions: This study indicates that the introduction of an ICH rapidly reduces the length of hospital stay without exposing patients to an increased health risk. The ICH appears to operate as an extension of the general hospital, with only a minor impact on the pattern of primary health care utilization

    Implementering av teamevaluering i operativ avdeling: En case studie av «Bottom-Up» organisasjonsutvikling

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    Operative avdelinger er avhengig av gode teamferdigheter. Slike ferdigheter omfatter mer en taktikk og prosedyrer og gode avdelinger har også et fokus på samhandling (også kalt nontechnical skills) da dette bidrar til bedret oppdragsløsning. Til tross for den uttalte betydningen av samhandling i team har få avdelinger et redskap for å vurdere og utvikle slik atferd. Denne artikkelen har derfor til hensikt å beskrive implementering av en tilnærming til evaluering og utvikling av teamatferd i politiets spesialstyrke (Beredskapstroppen), basert på teorien om felles mentale modeller. Prosessen med implementering, fra seleksjon av operatører til tilnærmingen ble integrert i daglig virksomhet, representert ved trening og øving, er redegjort for. Basert på erfaringen med implementering av evalueringsmetoden er det utledet en «Bottom-up» modell som forklaring på hvorfor en slik tilnærming til organisasjonsutviklingsprosesser (OU-prosesser) kan virke i operative avdelinger. Kunnskap om virksomme måter å evaluere og utvikle teamatferd samt hvordan OUprosessene kan virke i avdelinger med svært dedikert personell, er viktig innen alle operative virksomheter

    The indirect effect of experience between personality hardiness and situational awareness

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    Studies on the relation between personality and Situation Awareness (SA) have been inconclusive. The present study investigates the relation between personality hardiness and SA during a simulated police scenario using a mediation approach. One hundred and sixty-seven police officers completed the test in a scenario with the arrest of a suspected perpetrator. The results showed a direct relationship neither between hardiness and SA, nor a total effect of the model tested. However, an indirect relationship between hardiness and SA, through the amount of annual operational training, beyond mandatory training, occurred. This indirect effect of training occurred for the total hardiness score, and for the control dimension on the facet level of the Dispositional Resilience Scale (15 items). The findings were interpreted as police officers high on hardiness being more motivated and engaged in voluntary operational training. By being more involved in training, they were gaining more experience in perceiving and interpreting critical stimuli in operational scenarios. Thus, the findings of an indirect effect was seen as a result of the relationship between experience and SA

    Hva betyr en gjennomføring av Kyotoprotokollen for det norske og nordiske kraftmarkedet?

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    Økonomiske analyser er tilgjengelige via www.ssb.noI denne artikkelen skal vi se nærmere på noen mulige virkninger for kraftproduksjon, -handel, -priser og -etterspørsel i Norden i 2010 som kan følge hvis Kyotoprotokollen iverksettes. Vi bruker en nordisk kraftmarkedsmodell i samspill med den makroøkonomiske modellen MSG-6 til å studere dette. Dersom gjennomføringen av Kyotoprotokollen resulterer i en internasjonal kvotepris på CO2-utslippsrettigheter på 200 kr/tonn CO2, viser beregningene at produsentprisene på elektrisk kraft i Norden kan øke med 10-30 prosent i forhold til en situasjon med videreføring av dagens avgiftsregime og -nivåer. CO2-utslippene fra kraftproduksjon i Norden i 2010 mer enn halveres. Verk med store CO2- utslipp erstattes av ny vannkraft, biobasert kraftproduksjon og nye effektive gasskraftverk. Kraftprisveksten fører til lavere forbruk og dermed lavere kraftproduksjon samlet sett. Klimapolitikken øker omfanget av krafthandel til tross for at samlet forbruk og produksjon reduseres