430 research outputs found

    Single photon absorption and dynamic control of a coupled quantum dot-cavity system

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    We theoretically investigate the dynamic interaction of a quantum dot in a nanocavity with timesymmetric single photon pulses. The simulations, based on a wavefunction approach, reveal that almost perfect single photon absorption occurs for quantum dot-cavity systems operating on the edge between strong and weak coupling regime. The computed maximum absorptions probability is close to unity for pulses with a typical length comparable to the half of the Rabi period. Furthermore, the dynamic control of the quantum dot energy via electric fields allows the freezing of the light-matter interaction leaving the quantum dot in its excited state. Shaping of single photon wavepackets by the electric field control is limited by the occurrence of chirping of the single photon pulse. This understanding of the interaction of single photon pulses with the quantum dot-cavity system provides the basis for the development of advanced protocols for quantum information processing in the solid state.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    The Molecular Switch of Telomere Phages: High Binding Specificity of the PY54 Cro Lytic Repressor to a Single Operator Site

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    Temperate bacteriophages possess a molecular switch, which regulates the lytic and lysogenic growth. The genomes of the temperate telomere phages N15, PY54 and ɸKO2 harbor a primary immunity region (immB) comprising genes for the prophage repressor, the lytic repressor and a putative antiterminator. The roles of these products are thought to be similar to those of the lambda proteins CI, Cro and Q, respectively. Moreover, the gene order and the location of several operator sites in the prototype telomere phage N15 and in ɸKO2 are also reminiscent of lambda-like phages. By contrast, in silico analyses revealed the presence of only one operator (OR_{\rm{R}}3) in PY54. The purified PY54 Cro protein was used for EMSA studies demonstrating that it exclusively binds to a 16-bp palindromic site (OR_{\rm{R}}3) upstream of the prophage repressor gene. The OR_{\rm{R}}3 operator sequences of PY54 and ɸKO2/N15 only differ by their peripheral base pairs, which are responsible for Cro specificity. PY54 cI and cro transcription is regulated by highly active promoters initiating the synthesis of a homogenious species of leaderless mRNA. The location of the PY54 Cro binding site and of the identified promoters suggests that the lytic repressor suppresses cI transcription but not its own synthesis. The results indicate an unexpected diversity of the growth regulation mechanisms in lambda-related phages

    Control of the electromagnetic environment of a quantum emitter by shaping the vacuum field in a coupled-cavity system

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    We propose a scheme for the ultrafast control of the emitter-field coupling rate in cavity quantum electrodynamics. This is achieved by the control of the vacuum field seen by the emitter through a modulation of the optical modes in a coupled-cavity structure. The scheme allows the on-off switching of the coupling rate without perturbing the emitter and without introducing frequency chirps on the emitted photons. It can be used to control the shape of single-photon pulses for high-fidelity quantum state transfer, to control Rabi oscillations, and as a gain-modulation method in lasers. We discuss two possible experimental implementations based on photonic crystal cavities and on microwave circuits

    Entangled photon pairs produced by a quantum dot strongly coupled to a microcavity

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    We show theoretically that entangled photon pairs can be produced on demand through the biexciton decay of a quantum dot strongly coupled to the modes of a photonic crystal. The strong coupling allows to tune the energy of the mixed exciton-photon (polariton) eigenmodes, and to overcome the natural splitting existing between the exciton states coupled with different linear polarizations of light. Polariton states are moreover well protected against dephasing due to their lifetime ten to hundred times shorter than that of a bare exciton. Our analysis shows that the scheme proposed can be achievable with the present technology

    La comunicazione politica nei manifesti della campagna elettorale 2008

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    Il presente lavoro si propone di prendere in esame i criteri comunicativi adottati dai principali partiti nei manifesti elettorali prodotti in occasione delle elezioni politiche del 2008. Dopo una breve parte propedeutica sulla comunicazione politica ed un excursus sulla storia del manifesto politico si procede ad analizzare dettagliatamente i manifesti elettorali dei principali partiti: Il Popolo della Libertà, Alleanza Nazionale, Lega Nord, La Destra, Partito Democratico, Italia dei Valori, Unione di Centro, Partito Socialista, La Sinistra, l’Arcobaleno. L’analisi si basa sui manifesti che è stato possibile rintracciare sui siti internet dei partiti e nella Rete in generale. I principali campi di indagine sono: il tipo di immagini scelte dai partiti a suffragio delle loro proposte politiche, la grafica, i colori e il lessico adottato per attirare l’attenzione dell’elettore e convincerlo ad orientare il suo voto in una determinata direzion

    Ultrafast nonlocal control of spontaneous emission

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    Solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamics systems will form scalable nodes of future quantum networks, allowing the storage, processing and retrieval of quantum bits, where a real-time control of the radiative interaction in the cavity is required to achieve high efficiency. We demonstrate here the dynamic molding of the vacuum field in a coupled-cavity system to achieve the ultrafast nonlocal modulation of spontaneous emission of quantum dots in photonic crystal cavities, on a timescale of ~200 ps, much faster than their natural radiative lifetimes. This opens the way to the ultrafast control of semiconductor-based cavity quantum electrodynamics systems for application in quantum interfaces and to a new class of ultrafast lasers based on nano-photonic cavities.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Hepatitis E virus antibody prevalence in hunters from a district in Central Germany, 2013: a cross-sectional study providing evidence for the benefit of protective gloves during disembowelling of wild boars

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    Background: In Germany, 17 % of the general human population have antibodies to hepatitis E virus (HEV) (recomLine HEV-IgG/IgM immunoassay [Mikrogen GmbH]). Wild boars represent an animal reservoir for HEV genotype 3, which is the common genotype in Germany. We estimated the seroprevalence among hunters with contact to wild boars to identify factors that may be associated with past or present HEV infection. Methods: In 2013, the local veterinarian authority in a district in Central Germany attended meetings of hunters who provided blood specimens and completed a questionnaire collecting information on age, sex, hunting-related activities and consumption of wild boar meat. Specimens of wild boars were taken during drive hunts in this district during the season 2012/2013. All specimens were tested for HEV RNA and anti-HEV IgM and IgG antibodies. Log-binomial regression was used to estimate prevalence ratios (PR) for the hunters. Results: Of 126 hunters (median age 55; 94 % male) 21 % tested positive for anti-HEV IgG antibodies (95 % confidence interval [CI] 13–28 %) (recomWell HEV IgG assay [Mikrogen GmbH]). Anti-HEV prevalence was highest in the age group of the 70–79-year-olds (67 %; 95 % CI 39–95 %). Wild boars showed an average anti-HEV prevalence of 41 %. HEV RNA was detected in 4/22 (18 %) liver specimens and in 1/22 (4.5 %) muscle specimens. Most wild boars were tested positive for HEV RNA (3/10; 30 %) and HEV-specific antibodies (7/15; 47 %) in the southwestern part of the district. Hunters preferring this hunting ground had a lower anti-HEV prevalence when gloves were frequently used during disembowelling of wild boars compared to hunters using gloves never or infrequently (age-adjusted PR 0.12; 95 % CI 0.02–0.86). Conclusions: Hunters may benefit from wearing gloves when in contact with blood or body fluids of HEV animal reservoirs. Anti-HEV prevalence among the hunters of this study did not significantly differ from that of the general population suggesting that other factors play a major role in the epidemiology of HEV in Germany
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