147 research outputs found

    Complementary Sensory and Associative Microcircuitry in Primary Olfactory Cortex

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    The three-layered primary olfactory (piriform) cortex is the largest component of the olfactory cortex. Sensory and intracortical inputs converge on principal cells in the anterior piriform cortex (aPC).Wecharacterize organization principles of the sensory and intracortical microcircuitry of layer II and III principal cells in acute slices of rat aPC using laser-scanning photostimulation and fast two-photon population Ca²⁺ imaging. Layer II and III principal cells are set up on a superficial-to-deep vertical axis. We found that the position on this axis correlates with input resistance and bursting behavior. These parameters scale with distinct patterns of incorporation into sensory and associative microcircuits, resulting in a converse gradient of sensory and intracortical inputs. In layer II, sensory circuits dominate superficial cells, whereas incorporation in intracortical circuits increases with depth. Layer III pyramidal cells receive more intracortical inputs than layer II pyramidal cells, but with an asymmetric dorsal offset. This microcircuit organization results in a diverse hybrid feedforward/recurrent network of neurons integrating varying ratios of intracortical and sensory input depending on a cell’s position on the superficial-to-deep vertical axis. Since burstiness of spiking correlates with both the cell’s location on this axis and its incorporation in intracortical microcircuitry, the neuronal output mode may encode a given cell’s involvement in sensory versus associative processing

    Signaling Microdomains InsP3 Receptor Localization Takes on New Meaning

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    AbstractA fundamental question in cell biology is how different receptor-mediated signaling cascades, despite utilizing many of the same intracellular components, can generate specific cellular responses. Delmas and colleagues (in this issue of Neuron) address this question in relation to the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M1AchR) and the B2 bradykinin receptor (B2R). Using Trp channel isoforms as biosensors for PLC stimulation in response to agonist activation, they demonstrate a role for signaling microdomains in the induction of such selective responses

    Ryanodine Receptor Activation Induces Long-Term Plasticity of Spine Calcium Dynamics

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    A key feature of signalling in dendritic spines is the synapse-specific transduction of short electrical signals into biochemical responses. Ca2+ is a major upstream effector in this transduction cascade, serving both as a depolarising electrical charge carrier at the membrane and an intracellular second messenger. Upon action potential firing, the majority of spines are subject to global back-propagating action potential (bAP) Ca2+ transients. These transients translate neuronal suprathreshold activation into intracellular biochemical events. Using a combination of electrophysiology, two-photon Ca2+ imaging, and modelling, we demonstrate that bAPs are electrochemically coupled to Ca2+ release from intracellular stores via ryanodine receptors (RyRs). We describe a new function mediated by spine RyRs: the activity-dependent long-term enhancement of the bAP-Ca2+ transient. Spines regulate bAP Ca2+ influx independent of each other, as bAP-Ca2+ transient enhancement is compartmentalized and independent of the dendritic Ca2+ transient. Furthermore, this functional state change depends exclusively on bAPs travelling antidromically into dendrites and spines. Induction, but not expression, of bAP-Ca2+ transient enhancement is a spine-specific function of the RyR. We demonstrate that RyRs can form specific Ca2+ signalling nanodomains within single spines. Functionally, RyR mediated Ca2+ release in these nanodomains induces a new form of Ca2+ transient plasticity that constitutes a spine specific storage mechanism of neuronal suprathreshold activity patterns

    Dendritic compartment and neuronal output mode determine pathway-specific long-term potentiation in the piriform cortex

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    The apical dendrite of layer 2/3 pyramidal cells in the piriform cortex receives two spatially distinct inputs: one projecting onto the distal apical dendrite in sensory layer 1a, the other targeting the proximal apical dendrite in layer 1b. We observe an expression gradient of A-type K(+) channels that weakens the backpropagating action potential-mediated depolarization in layer 1a compared with layer 1b. We find that the pairing of presynaptic and postsynaptic firing leads to significantly smaller Ca(2+) signals in the distal dendritic spines in layer 1a compared with the proximal spines in layer 1b. The consequence is a selective failure to induce long-term potentiation (LTP) in layer 1a, which can be rescued by pharmacological enhancement of action potential backpropagation. In contrast, LTP induction by pairing presynaptic and postsynaptic firing is possible in layer 1b but requires bursting of the postsynaptic cell. This output mode strongly depends on the balance of excitation and inhibition in the piriform cortex. We show, on the single-spine level, how the plasticity of functionally distinct synapses is gated by the intrinsic electrical properties of piriform cortex layer 2 pyramidal cell dendrites and the cellular output mode

    Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition

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    The Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC) draws teams from various universities to compete in the annual autonomous vehicle challenge at the Oakland University campus. To compete, a vehicle must be fully autonomous and can navigate a course designated by various obstacles and painted white lines. Some design challenges are motor control, navigation, environment sensing and safety. A complex navigation system will utilize several tools including a high-precision differential GPS. The vehicle’s surroundings will be mapped using a combination of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and computer-vision enabled imaging. To comply with IGVC rules, the vehicle must also follow several safety requirements such as physical and wireless emergency stop, safety lighting, and the ability to assume manual control. By fulfilling these design challenges, the design team is seeking to compete in the 2017 Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition

    Modulation of Elementary Calcium Release Mediates a Transition from Puffs to Waves in an IP3R Cluster Model

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    The oscillating concentration of intracellular calcium is one of the most important examples for collective dynamics in cell biology. Localized releases of calcium through clusters of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor channels constitute elementary signals called calcium puffs. Coupling by diffusing calcium leads to global releases and waves, but the exact mechanism of inter- cluster coupling and triggering of waves is unknown. To elucidate the relation of puffs and waves, we here model a cluster of IP3R channels using a gating scheme with variable non-equilibrium IP3 binding. Hybrid stochastic and deterministic simulations show that puffs are not stereotyped events of constant duration but are sensitive to stimulation strength and residual calcium. For increasing IP3 concentration, the release events become modulated at a timescale of minutes, with repetitive wave-like releases interspersed with several puffs. This modulation is consistent with experimental observations we present, including refractoriness and increase of puff frequency during the inter-wave interval. Our results suggest that waves are established by a random but time-modulated appearance of sustained release events, which have a high potential to trigger and synchronize activity throughout the cell

    SamuROI, a Python-Based Software Tool for Visualization and Analysis of Dynamic Time Series Imaging at Multiple Spatial Scales

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    The measurement of activity in vivo and in vitro has shifted from electrical to optical methods. While the indicators for imaging activity have improved significantly over the last decade, tools for analysing optical data have not kept pace. Most available analysis tools are limited in their flexibility and applicability to datasets obtained at different spatial scales. Here, we present SamuROI (Structured analysis of multiple user-defined ROIs), an open source Python-based analysis environment for imaging data. SamuROI simplifies exploratory analysis and visualization of image series of fluorescence changes in complex structures over time and is readily applicable at different spatial scales. In this paper, we show the utility of SamuROI in Ca2+-imaging based applications at three spatial scales: the micro-scale (i.e., sub-cellular compartments including cell bodies, dendrites and spines); the meso-scale, (i.e., whole cell and population imaging with single-cell resolution); and the macro-scale (i.e., imaging of changes in bulk fluorescence in large brain areas, without cellular resolution). The software described here provides a graphical user interface for intuitive data exploration and region of interest (ROI) management that can be used interactively within Jupyter Notebook: a publicly available interactive Python platform that allows simple integration of our software with existing tools for automated ROI generation and post-processing, as well as custom analysis pipelines. SamuROI software, source code and installation instructions are publicly available on GitHub and documentation is available online. SamuROI reduces the energy barrier for manual exploration and semi-automated analysis of spatially complex Ca2+ imaging datasets, particularly when these have been acquired at different spatial scales.Peer Reviewe

    Layer 3 Pyramidal Cells in the Medial Entorhinal Cortex Orchestrate Up-Down States and Entrain the Deep Layers Differentially

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    Up-down states (UDS) are synchronous cortical events of neuronal activity during non-REM sleep. The medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) exhibits robust UDS during natural sleep and under anesthesia. However, little is known about the generation and propagation of UDS-related activity in the MEC. Here, we dissect the circuitry underlying UDS generation and propagation across layers in the MEC using both in vivo and in vitro approaches. We provide evidence that layer 3 (L3) MEC is crucial in the generation and maintenance of UDS in the MEC. Furthermore, we find that the two sublayers of the L5 MEC participate differentially during UDS. Our findings show that L5b, which receives hippocampal output, is strongly innervated by UDS activity originating in L3 MEC. Our data suggest that L5b acts as a coincidence detector during information transfer between the hippocampus and the cortex and thereby plays an important role in memory encoding and consolidation

    A cellular mechanism underlying enhanced capability for complex olfactory discrimination learning

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    The biological mechanisms underlying complex forms of learning requiring the understanding of rules based on previous experience are not yet known. Previous studies have raised the intriguing possibility that improvement in complex learning tasks requires the long-term modulation of intrinsic neuronal excitability, induced by reducing the conductance of the slow calcium-dependent potassium current (sI(AHP)) simultaneously in most neurons in the relevant neuronal networks in several key brain areas. Such sIAHP reduction is expressed in attenuation of the postburst afterhyperpolarization (AHP) potential, and thus in enhanced repetitive action potential firing. Using complex olfactory discrimination (OD) learning as a model for complex learning, we show that brief activation of the GluK2 subtype glutamate receptor results in long-lasting enhancement of neuronal excitability in neurons from controls, but not from trained rats. Such an effect can be obtained by a brief tetanic synaptic stimulation or by direct application of kainate, both of which reduce the postburst AHP in pyramidal neurons. Induction of long-lasting enhancement of neuronal excitability is mediated via a metabotropic process that requires PKC and ERK activation. Intrinsic neuronal excitability cannot be modulated by synaptic activation in neurons from GluK2 knock-out mice. Accordingly, these mice are incapable of learning the complex OD task. Moreover, viral-induced overexpression of Gluk2 in piriform cortex pyramidal neurons results in remarkable enhancement of complex OD learning. Thus, signaling via kainate receptors has a central functional role in higher cognitive abilities

    Circuit-specific dendritic development in the piriform cortex

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    Dendritic geometry is largely determined during postnatal development and has a substantial impact on neural function. In sensory processing, postnatal development of the dendritic tree is affected by two dominant circuit motifs, ascending sensory feedforward inputs and descending and local recurrent connections. Two subtypes of layer 2 neurons in the three-layered anterior piriform cortex, layer 2a and layer 2b neurons, display a clear vertical segregation of these two circuit motifs. Here, we combined electrophysiology, detailed morphometry and Ca(2+) imaging-both of neuronal networks as well as of subcellular structures-in acute mouse brain slices and modeling. This allowed us to compare the functional implications of distinct circuit-specific postnatal dendritic growth patterns in these two neuronal subtypes. We observed that determination of branching complexity, dendritic length increases and pruning occurred in distinct growth phases. Layer 2a and layer 2b neurons displayed growth phase specific developmental differences between their apical and basal dendritic trees. This was reflected by compartment-specific differences in Ca(2+) signaling. The morphological and functional developmental pattern differences between layer 2a and layer 2b neurons dendrites provide further evidence that they constitute two functionally distinct streams of olfactory information processing