502 research outputs found

    Demo 93. Globos conectados y ley de Laplace

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    Objetivo: Observar la mayor presión existente en un globo de menor radio en comparación con la menor presión que existe en un globo de mayor radio

    Demo 92. Balanza hidrostática con dinamómetro. Densidad de sólidos

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    Objetivo: Estimar la densidad de un objeto a partir de la diferencia entre su peso en aire (peso real) y su peso en un determinado fluido (peso aparente)

    A way of preserving Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Aquaculture is a "breeding" of recent implantation that needs many improvement processes. One of the problems that arise is the feeding of fish larvae, which need live food. It has been proven that these fish larvae can be fed from the Caenorhabiditis elegans nematode, which is easy to grow. In order to carry out the industrial application it is necessary to develop a method in which the nematodes are kept as long as possible, thus ensuring their survival. All this to be able to transport them efficiently. (Brüggemann, 2012).One of these methods can be dehydration from salts. In C. elegans the larval stage known as dauer survive desiccation after preconditioning, which consist in a reduction of humidity for several hours (Erkut et al. 2011, Erkut et al. 2013, Honnens et al.2013). It has also been shown that C. elegans can uptake trehalose from the medium  increasing resistance to stress. In addition to the trehalose another method to improve the adaptation to stress is that C.elegans is in the larval Dauer state. Another method of preservation that is used is the freezing of these nematodes (WormBook.org).The keys to a successful freeze are using animals at the correct stage of development, the addition of glycerol to the freezing media, and a gradual cooling to -80°C. Freshly starved young larvae (L1-L2 stage) survive freezing best. A 15% final volume of glycerol in the freezing solution is used. Finally the C.elegans are defrosted at room temperature.To observe the results of the dehydration method, we must hydrate the nematodes with M9 solution and see what their survival rate is. For now with this method the results are not totally satisfactory since the nematodes hold very little time in dry state. If you want to observe the results of the survival rate of thawed worms, you have to transfer them to a nutritious medium at a temperature of 20ºC and after 24 hours you count the survival rate of these worms. The results of the thawing is around 10% after a 4 month period.Although the performance of both experiments are not totally satisfactory at the moment, we will try to improve the methodology used to obtain higher survival rates in a longer time in a preserved state. The objective of this work is to find the method and the most effective way to develop the preservation method that obtains the best survival rate and for the longest time

    Estimación de la temperatura y la emisividad de la superficie terrestre a partir de datos suministrados por sensores de alta resolución

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    RESUMEN La necesidad del conocimiento de la temperatura de la superficie terrestre para estudios medioambientales y para la administración de los recursos de la Tierra ha convertido la estimación de la temperatura desde satélite en uno de los temas de investigación más importantes en el campo de la Teledetección en el infrarrojo térmico durante las últimas dos décadas. Excepto para los componentes de la irradiancia solar, los flujos que intervienen en el balance de energía en la interfase superficie/atmósfera únicamente pueden parametrizarse a partir del uso de la temperatura de la superficie terrestre. Por lo tanto, el conocimiento de la temperatura resulta de gran interés para muchas aplicaciones, como la estimación de los balances de agua y energía, evapotranspiración, modelos de circulación general (GCM), efecto invernadero, estudios de desertificación, etc. Para obtener valores de temperatura a partir de datos de sensores a bordo de satélites lo suficientemente precisos es necesario corregir los efectos atmosféricos y angulares, así como corregir el efecto de la emisividad. Esta magnitud, que mide la eficiencia inherente de la superficie para convertir la energía calorífica en energía radiante fuera de la misma, también aporta una valiosa información, sobre todo en estudios de geología. La emisividad proporciona información acerca de la composición de las superficies, siendo por lo tanto útil para estudios de desarrollo y erosión de suelos, para detectar cambios en coberturas vegetales dispersas y para la exploración de recursos. En este trabajo se estudia en profundidad el tema de la estimación de la temperatura y la emisividad de la superficie terrestre a partir de los datos proporcionados por los sensores de alta resolución, sobre todo en la región espectral del infrarrojo térmico comprendida entre los 8 y los 13 mm. Los algoritmos y métodos desarrollados en el trabajo se aplican a imágenes DAIS y ASTER para su posterior validación. Actualmente, los resultados muestran que en general y desde satélite, la temperatura de la superficie terrestre puede obtenerse con una precisión inferior a 2 K y la emisividad con una precisión inferior al 2%. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________Except for solar irradiance components, most of the fluxes at the surface/atmosphere interface can only be parameterized through the use of surface temperature. Land surface temperature (LST) can play either a direct role, such as when estimating long waves fluxes, or indirectly as when estimating latent and sensible heat fluxes. Moreover, many other applications rely on the knowledge of LST (geology, hydrology, vegetation monitoring, global circulation models, evapotranspiration, etc.). However, thermal infrared data provided by satellites requires mainly three corrections in order to obtain accurate values of LST, namely, i) atmospheric correction, ii) emissivity correction and iii) directional effects. Atmospheric correction is needed in order to remove the atmospheric perturbation from the electromagnetic signal measured by the sensor, whereas the emissivity correction is needed due to natural surfaces are not black or even grey bodies (i. e. the emissivity is not unity and may also be wavelength dependent). In addition, all these corrections depend on the observation angle (directional effects). This work focuses on the land surface temperature and emissivity retrieval from multispectral thermal data provided by high resolution sensors, overall in the thermal infrared region between 8 and 13 mm. The algorithms and methods developed in this memory have been validated and applied to DAIS and ASTER images. The results show that land surface temperature and emissivity can be obtained with an accuracy lower than 2 and lower than 2%, respectively

    Towards AER VITE: building spike gate signal

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    Neuromorphic engineers aim to mimic the precise and efficient mechanisms of the nervous system to process information using spikes from sensors to actuators. There are many available works that sense and process information in a spike-based way. But there are still several gaps in the actuation and motor control field in a spike-based way. Spike-based Proportional-Integrative-Derivative controllers (PID) are present in the literature. On the other hand, neuro-inspired control models as VITE (Vector Integration To End point) and FLETE (Factorization of muscle Length and muscle Tension) are also present in the literature. This paper presents another step toward the spike implementation of those neuro-inspired models. We present a spike-based ramp multiplier. VITE algorithm generates the way to achieve a final position targeted by a mobile robotic arm. The block presented is used as a gate for the way involved and it also puts the incoming movement on speed with a variable slope profile. Only spikes for information representation were used and the process is in real time. The software simulation based on Simulink and Xilinx System Generator shows the accurate adjust to the traditional processing for short time periods and the hardware tests confirm and extend the previous simulated results for any time. We have implemented the spikes generator, the ramp multiplier and the low pass filter into the Virtex-5 FPGA and connected this with an USB-AER (Address Event Representation) board to monitor the spikes.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    Quality Control of the Thermal Properties of Superstructures in Accommodation Spaces in Naval Constructions

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    The application of passive design strategies in ships, such as the use of superstructures with high thermal insulation, allows the energy demand of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to be reduced. There is a knowledge gap in the scientific literature on the possibilities to thermally characterize superstructures. Knowing such possibilities would make a methodology available for the quality control of naval constructions and for the inspection of the appropriate state of insulations in existing ships. For this purpose, a total of three different typologies of ship superstructures were monitored, and the data obtained were analyzed by using various existing approaches for the thermal characterization of facades: the heat flow meter method and temperature measurement methods. The results showed that the heat flow meter method constitutes a valid methodology to obtain representative results. In addition, guaranteeing a thermal gradient dependent of the wall typology and placing probes in zones not influenced by thermal bridges ensure that representative results are achieved

    Mediterranean diet and risk of breast cancer: An umbrella review

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    Background The Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) is a healthy dietary pattern which has been related to a lower risk of certain chronic diseases, such as some cancers. However, its role in breast cancer development remains unclear. This umbrella review aims to summarize the highest available evidence on MedDiet and breast cancer risk. Methods Pubmed, Web of Science, and Scopus electronic platforms were searched for relevant systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The selection criteria included systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis including women aged 18 years or older which evaluated the adherence to a MedDiet as the exposure and incidence of breast cancer as the outcome variable. Overlapping and quality of the reviews using AMSTAR-2 tool were independently assessed by two authors. Results Five systematic reviews and six systematic reviews with meta-analysis were included. Overall, 4 systematic reviews – two with and two without meta-analysis – were rated as of high quality. An inverse association was found in 5 of the 9 reviews which evaluated the role of MedDiet on the risk of total breast cancer. The meta-analyses showed moderate-high heterogeneity. The risk reduction seemed to be more consistent among postmenopausal women. No association was found for MedDiet among premenopausal women. Conclusions The results of this umbrella review suggest that adherence to a MedDiet pattern had a protective effect on the risk of breast cancer, especially for postmenopausal breast cancer. The stratification of breast cancer cases and conducting high-quality reviews are aspects needed to overcome the current results’ heterogeneity and to improve knowledge in this field.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Serum copper levels and risk of major adverse cardiovascular events: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Despite the fact that several studies have investigated the association between serum copper levels (S-Cu) and the risk of cardiovascular diseases, this relationship remains unclear. The aims of this study were to investigate the association between S-Cu and risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), including total stroke, ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, myocardial infarction and cardiovascular mortality, and identify potential sources of results heterogeneity. Methods: We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis. The selection criteria were: (1) Observational studies (cohort studies, case-control studies and hybrid studies); (2) Studies containing quantitative data about the relationship between S-Cu and risk of MACE; (3) Estimating association measures; and (4) Studies written in English, French or Spanish. Overall pooled Odds ratio (pOR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) of MACE for the highest vs. lowest S-Cu category were calculated using random-effects models. Results: Sixteen studies with a total of 41,322 participants were included in the meta-analysis: 10 prospective cohort studies, 5 nested case-control studies and 1 case-control study. Comparing highest vs. lowest category, high S-Cu levels were associated with total stroke (pOR: 1.49, 95% CI 1.22–1.82; I2=0%, p=0.54), myocardial infarction (pOR: 1.31, 95% CI 1.17–1.46; I2=0.0%, p=0.92) and cardiovascular mortality (pOR: 1.60, 95% CI 1.39–1.86; I2=0.0%, p=0.54). Subgroup analysis showed that studies with a hybrid design had higher risks for cardiovascular mortality (pOR: 3.42, 95% CI 1.98–5.92) and ischemic stroke (pOR: 1.54, 95% CI 1.30–1.83). Conclusion: High S-Cu levels were associated with an increased risk of total stroke, myocardial infarction and cardiovascular mortality. Hybrid studies seems to modify the strength of the association between S-Cu and the risk of cardiovascular mortality and ischemic strok

    Global monitoring of soil multifunctionality in drylands using satellite imagery and field data

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    Models derived from satellite image data are needed to monitor the status of terrestrial ecosystems across large spatial scales. However, a remote sensing-based approach to quantify soil multifunctionality at the global scale is missing despite significant research efforts on this topic. A major constraint for doing so is the availability of suitable global-scale field data to calibrate remote sensing indicators (RSI) and, to a lesser extent, the sensitivity of spectral data of available satellite sensors to soil background and atmospheric conditions. Here, we aimed to develop a soil multifunctionality model to monitor global drylands coupling ground data on 14 soil functions of 222 dryland areas from six continents to 18 RSI derived from a time series (2006–2013) Landsat dataset. Among the RSI evaluated, the chlorophyll absorption ratio index was the best predictor of soil multifunctionality in single-variable-based models (r = 0.66, P < 0.01, NMRSE = 0.17). However, a multi-variable RSI model combining the chlorophyll absorption ratio index, the global environment monitoring index and the canopy-air temperature difference improved the accuracy of quantifying soil multifunctionality (r = 0.73, P < 0.01, NMRSE = 0.15). Furthermore, the correlation between RSI and soil variables shows a wide range of accuracy with upper and lower values obtained for AMI (r = 0.889, NMRSE = 0.05) and BGL (r = 0.685, NMRSE = 0.18) respectively. Our results provide new insights on assessing soil multifunctionality using RSI that may help to monitor temporal changes in the functioning of global drylands effectively.Field data were obtained with the support of the European Research Council (ERC) grant agreement 242658 (BIOCOM). Hernández-Clemente R was supported by the Ramón y Cajal program (RYC2020-029187-I) and the State Plan for Scientific and Subprogram for Knowledge Generation (PID2021-124058OA-I00) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2020-029187-I). Maestre FT acknowledges support from Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (EUR2022-134048)