437 research outputs found

    Influence of temperature and time on the Eu3+ reaction with synthetic Na-Mica-n (n = 2 and 4)

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    Bentonite is accepted as the best clay material for the engineered barrier of Deep Geological Repositories (DGRs). The performance of clay as the main component of the engineered barrier in the DGR has been intensively studied and the structure of the selected clay mineral play a crucial role. In this sense, a new family of synthetic swelling silicates, Na-Mica-n, with tuned layer charge (n) values between 2.0 and 4.0 per unit cell has recently been synthesized and a general synthetic method has been reported. These swelling high-charge micas could be highly valuable for the decontamination of harmful cations. The ability of these micas to immobilize Eu3+ under subcritical conditions has been probed. The adsorption was in both non-specific sites (cation exchange mechanism) and specific sites (chemical reaction or surface defects adsorption). Moreover, its adsorption capacity, under the same conditions is higher than in saponite and far superior to the bentonites.Junta de Andalucía P12-FQM-567European Union 29178

    A Monte Carlo comparison of three consistent bootstrap procedures

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    Since bootstrap samples are simple random samples with replacement from the original sample, the information content of some bootstrap samples can be very low. To avoid this fact, some authors have proposed several variants of the classical bootstrap. In this paper we consider two of them: the sequential or Poisson bootstrap and the reduced bootstrap. Both of them, like ordinary bootstrap, can yield second order accurate distribution estimators, that is, the three bootstrap procedures are asymptotically equivalent. The question that naturally arises is which of them should be used in a practical situation, in other words, which of them should be used for finite sample sizes. To try to answer this question, we have carried out a simulation study. Although no method was found to exhibit best performance in all the considered situations, some recommendations are given.Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    Otra educación en los museos es posible. Propuesta de un modelo colaborativo desde la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales

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    Carmen Serrano Moral (2018). Otra educación en los museos es posible. Propuesta de un modelo colaborativo desde la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Málaga: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga. 362 pp

    El estrés laboral en mujeres con trabajo nocturno: el caso de una industria maquiladora de Zapopan, Jalisco, México

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    Objective: To know the presence of work stress related to night work and its possible effect on health in a group of women workers in a manufacturing industry in the industrial zone of Zapopan, Jalisco.Methods: Through a qualitative-exploratory approach, using the technique of free listings for the collection of information, the presence of stress, and its possible relationship with night work is investigated.Results: Of the participants 18 they expressed feeling stress, and they attribute it to the lack of rest, not sleeping well, and being unveiled, in addition to pointing out that it has caused them diseases and diseases such as tic and tremoring, migraine, insomnia, the pain of head and neck, pressure problems, overweight, and colitis. In correlation to the most frequently mentioned words and related to the word “stress”, headache and despair stand out.Conclusions: Knowing a part of the reality lived by night shift workers, which according to literature working at night, impacts men and women in a similar way, we consider that in some ways the impact is stronger in women Because there is not a level of family responsibilities since they are the ones that accumulate this burden the most, it is urgent to consider and apply differentiated health and prevention programs to workers who take turns, but especially those who work at night.Objetivo: Conocer la presencia del estrés laboral relacionado con el trabajo nocturno y su posible efecto a la salud en un grupo de trabajadoras de una industria manufacturera de la zona industrial de Zapopan, Jalisco.Métodos: A través de un acercamiento cualitativo-exploratorio, utilizando la técnica de listados libres para la recolección de la información, se indagó sobre la presencia de estrés y su posible relación con el trabajo nocturno.Resultados: De las participantes, 18 manifestaron sentir estrés, y lo atribuyen a la falta de descanso, al no dormir bien y al estar desveladas, además de señalar que éste les ha provocado padecimientos y enfermedades como tic y temblorina, migraña, insomnio, dolor de cabeza y cuello, problemas de presión, sobrepeso y colitis. En correlación a las palabras más frecuentemente mencionadas y relacionadas con la palabra “estrés” se destaca el dolor de cabeza y la desesperación.Conclusiones: El conocer una parte de la realidad vivida por los trabajadoras del turno nocturno, que según la literatura el trabajar de noche, impacta de manera similar tanto a hombres como a mujeres, nosotros consideramos que en cierta manera el impacto es más fuerte en mujeres por no haber un nivel de las responsabilidades familiares, siendo ellas las que acumulan más esta carga, es urgente considerar y aplicar programas de salud y prevención diferenciados a trabajadores y trabajadoras que rolan turnos, pero sobre todo de aquellos que trabajan de noche

    Computing “Small” 1–Homological Models for Commutative Differential Graded Algebras

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    We use homological perturbation machinery specific for the algebra category [13] to give an algorithm for computing the differential structure of a small 1– homological model for commutative differential graded algebras (briefly, CDGAs). The complexity of the procedure is studied and a computer package in Mathematica is described for determining such models.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia PB98–1621–C02–02Junta de Andalucía FQM–014

    Phosphorus binders: preferences of patients on hemodialysis and its impact on treatment compliance and phosphorus control

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    Introducción: En la actualidad disponemos de un amplio abanico de captores del fósforo (CF), pero sabemos poco acerca de las preferencias de los pacientes y de su repercusión sobre el cumplimiento del tratamiento y el control de los niveles de fósforo. Objetivo: Estudiar las preferencias y creencias de los pacientes respecto a los CF, y su influencia sobre el cumplimiento del tratamiento y el control de los niveles de fósforo. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio observacional transversal. Se incluyeron 121 pacientes que respondieron un cuestionario genérico de cumplimiento del tratamiento (SMAQ) y a un cuestionario específico sobre cumplimiento del tratamiento con CF, tipo de CF preferido y razones de dicha preferencia. Todos los pacientes entrevistados habían probado dos o tres CF. Las consecuencias de la falta de cumplimiento del tratamiento con CF se estimaron indirectamente analizando los valores promedio de fósforo sérico. Resultados: El 40% de los pacientes era incumplidor según el cuestionario SMAQ; se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la falta de cumplimiento en general y no alcanzar el objetivo de fósforo sérico promedio 5,5 mg/dl (OR = 4,7; IC 95%, 1,1-6,5; p = 0,03). Un 43,8% de los pacientes no refirió tener preferencias entre los diferentes tipos de CF; para el resto de pacientes, el CF preferido fue Royen®, seguido de Fosrenol®, Renagel® y Pepsamar®. Las razones expresadas para el desagrado con el Renagel® fueron las siguientes: incomodidad en la toma por su gran tamaño (28,8%), necesidad de tomar muchos comprimidos y gran consumo de agua (57,7%) e intolerancia gástrica (13,3%). En el caso del Fosrenol®: incómodo de tomar (72,7%) e intolerancia gástrica (27,2%); para el Pepsamar®: mal sabor (54,5%) e intolerancia gástrica (45,4%). Sólo al 9,4% no le gustaba el Royen®. Al analizar los conocimientos de los pacientes respecto a la utilidad de los CF, un 42% sabía que servían para controlar el fósforo; un 52% no lo sabía y un 6% tenía ideas equivocadas. En cuanto a su importancia: un 47% no conocía por qué son importantes; un 2% tenía ideas erróneas; un 9% creía que era beneficioso para la salud; un 11% creía que era bueno «porque lo dice el medico»; un 26% porque controla el fósforo y un 5% lo relacionaba con el hueso. Ningún paciente relacionó los CF con la enfermedad cardiovascular. Un 24,4% no se llevaba los CF cuando salía fuera de casa o estaba con los amigos; eran pacientes más jóvenes a quienes se les habían prescrito un mayor número de comprimidos de CF y que presentaban un mayor riesgo de no cumplir el objetivo de fósforo (OR = 10,5; IC 95%, —1,8 a —16,4; p 5,5 mg/dl (OR = 13.3; IC 95%, 1,1-1,5; p = 0,0001). Paradójicamente, los pacientes que no cumplían con el tratamiento demostraban un mejor conocimiento de su uso (OR = 17,3; IC 95%, 2,2-10,1; p 5.5 mg/dl (χ2: 4.7; 95% CI 1.07-6.5; p = 0.03). Paradoxically, non-adherent patients showed greater knowledge of the use (χ2: 17.3; 95% CI -2.2-10.1; p 5.5 mg/dl) (χ2: 13.3; 95% CI -1.1-1.5; p = 0.0001). Calcium acetate was the prefered PB in 47.1% of patients, lanthanum carbonate in 40%, sevelamer in 20.6% and aluminum hydroxide in 19.4%. The reasons claimed by patients for their negative ratings of PB were the type of dosage form, the taste, the number of tablets and gastric intolerance. Gastric intolerance and bad taste were more frequent in aluminum hydroxide patients (19.4% and 22.2%, respectively). Sevelamer received complaints about its dosage form because the tablets were too large and a large number of tablets were required (27.2%). 17.7% of patient who were taking lanthanum carbonate did not like the chewable tablets. Conclusion: patients who were taking binders that they did not like had worse serum P levels and were prescribed higher doses of binders. Knowing patients’ preferences about the drugs prescribed may be a key factor in achieving adequate adherence to treatment

    Negation Scope Identification in Spanish Reviews

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    El análisis de opiniones es una tarea a la que le quedan muchos frentes abiertos aún para que se pueda considerar resuelta. Entre ellos destaca el tratamiento de la negación, dado que una opinión negativa puede ser expresada con términos positivos negados. La negación es una característica particular de cada idioma, por lo que su tratamiento debe ajustarse a las singularidades del idioma en cuestión. En este artículo se presenta una aproximación lingüística para la identificación del ámbito de la negación en español, que se ha aplicado en un sistema de clasificación de la polaridad de opiniones sobre películas de cine.Sentiment Analysis is a task that still has several opened challenges. One of those challenges is the treatment of the negation, because a negative opinion can be built using negated positive words. Negation is a particular feature of each language, thus it must be considered differently per each language. In this article is shown a linguistic approach for the negation scope identification with the aim of integrating it in a polarity classification system in the domain of movie reviews.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), el proyecto ATTOS (TIN2012-38536-C03-0) del Gobierno de España, el proyecto AORESCU (TIC-07684) del Gobierno regional de la Junta de Andalucía y el proyecto CEATIC-2013-01 de la Universidad de Jaén

    eSOLHotel: Building an Spanish opinion lexicon adapted to the tourism domain

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    Desde que la web 2.0 es el mayor contenedor de opiniones en todos los idiomas sobre distintos temas o asuntos, el estudio del Análisis de Sentimientos ha crecido exponencialmente. En este trabajo nos centramos en la clasificación de polaridad de opiniones en español y se presenta un nuevo recurso léxico adaptado al dominio turístico (eSOLHotel). Este nuevo lexicón usa el enfoque basado en corpus. Se han realizado varios experimentos usando una aproximación no supervisada para la clasificación de polaridad de las opiniones en la categoría de hoteles del corpus SFU. Los resultados obtenidos con el nuevo lexicón eSOLHotel superan los resultados obtenidos con otro lexicón de propósito general y nos animan a seguir trabajando en esta línea.Since Web 2.0 is the largest container for subjective expressions about different topics or issues expressed in all languages, the study of Sentiment Analysis has grown exponentially. In this work, we focus on Spanish polarity classification of hotel reviews and a new domain-dependent lexical resource (eSOLHotel) is presented. This new lexicon has been compiled following a corpus-based approach. We have carried out several experiments using an unsupervised approach for the polarity classification over the category of hotels from corpus SFU. The results obtained with the new lexicon eSOLHotel outperform the results with other general purpose lexicon.Esta investigación ha sido parcialmente financiada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), el proyecto ATTOS (TIN2012-38536-C03-0) del Gobierno de España y el proyecto AORESCU (P11-TIC-7684 MO) del gobierno autonómico de la Junta de Andalucía. Por último, el proyecto CEATIC (CEATIC-2013-01) de la Universidad de Jaén también ha financiado parcialmente este artículo

    PlA2 Polymorphism of Platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa and C677T Polymorphism of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR), but Not Factor V Leiden and Prothrombin G20210A Polymorphisms, Are Associated with More Severe Forms of Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease

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    The possible association of common polymorphic variants related to thrombophilia (the rs6025(A) allele encoding the Leiden mutation, rs1799963(A), i.e., the G20210A mutation of the prothrombin F2 gene, the rs1801133(T) variant of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene that encodes an enzyme involved in folate metabolism, and rs5918(C), i.e., the "A2" allele of the platelet-specific alloantigen system that increases platelet aggregation induced by agonists), with the risk of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (LCPD) and the degree of hip involvement (Catterall stages I to IV) was analyzed in a cohort study, including 41 children of ages 2 to 10.9 (mean 5.4, SD 2.2), on the basis of clinical and radiological criteria of LCPD. In 10 of the cases, hip involvement was bilateral; thus, a total of 51 hips were followed-up for a mean of 75.5 months. The distribution of genotypes among patients and 118 controls showed no significant differences, with a slightly increased risk for LCPD in rs6025(A) carriers (OR: 2.9, CI: 0.2-47.8). Regarding the severity of LCPD based on Catterall classification, the rs1801133(T) variant of the MTHFR gene and the rs5918(C) variant of the platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa were associated with more severe forms of Perthes disease (Catterall III-IV) (p < 0.05). The four children homozygous for mutated MTHFR had a severe form of the disease (Stage IV of Catterall) and a higher risk of non-favorable outcome (Stulberg IV-V).This research was funded by a grant from the Spanish government, 2002–2005, grant number FIS (00/0015) and University of Cantabria code 06.3842.64001 and The APC was funded by University of Cantabria-IDIVAL

    Features Associated With Depressive Predominant Polarity and Early Illness Onset in Patients With Bipolar Disorder

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of three possible diagnostic specifiers, namely predominant polarity (PP) throughout illness, polarity of the first episode and early age at onset, in a sample of bipolar disorder (BD) patients and their association with important socio-demographic, clinical and course-of-illness variables. Methods: A retrospective and naturalistic study on 108 BD outpatients, who were classified according to the PP, polarity of the first episode and early age at onset ( 20 years) [vs. late (>20 years)] and were characterized by their demographics, clinical data, functionality and social support, among others features. After bivariate analyses, those variables showing certain association (P value < 0.25) with the three dependent variables were entered in logistic regression backward selection procedures to identify the variables independently associated with the PP, polarity of the first episode and early age at onset. Results: The sample consisted of 75 women ad 33 men, 74% with type I BD and 26% with type II. Around 70% had depressive PP, onset with a depressive episode and onset after age 20. Depressive PP was independently associated with depressive onset, higher score on the CGI severity scale and work disability. Onset with depressive episode was associated with type II BD, longer diagnostic delay and higher score on family disability. Early age at onset ( 20 years) was associate with younger age, longer diagnostic delay, presence of ever psychotic symptoms, current use of antipsychotic drugs and higher social support score. Conclusions: The results of this study show that BD patients with depressive PP, onset with depression and early age at onset may represent greater severity, because they are frequently associated with variables that worsen the prognosis. Our findings match up with the conclusions of two systematic reviews and we also include a disability factor (at family and work) that has not been previously reported. This work contributes to the use of polarity and age at onset in BD patients, as it can become a useful instrument in the prognostic and therapeutic applications